
WWE Raw 11/2/20 Results: Guitar On A Pole Match, Women’s Tag Title Bout & Nia Jax Pulls Double Duty!

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– WWE Champion Randy Orton makes his way to the ring to start the show, Orton talks about becoming a 14 time world champion. Orton says that he proved that he is the best in the WWE and better than everybody else, Orton says he is in the position he is in is because he is the best. Orton says he is no longer the Legend Killer, but is now to be known simply as a legend. Orton dares anybody in the locker room to come and take the title from him, Alexa Bliss interrupts and she makes her way to the ring. Bliss stands in the middle of the ring and she smiles while Orton wants to know where The Fiend is, Bliss says he is here and the lights go red. The lights go back to normal and Drew McIntyre hits Orton with a Claymore Kick from out of nowhere, McIntyre dares Orton to give him his rematch. The Miz and John Morrison hit the ring and a referee hits the ring, McIntyre hits the ring to take out Miz and Morrison to prevent a cash in.

– Charly Caruso interviews The Miz & John Morrison, Miz is angry that he couldn’t cash in his MITB briefcase, Miz calls Drew McIntyre a petty child. Miz says McIntyre should get over his title loss and somebody new should be the face of Raw, Morrison says he and Miz are challenging McIntyre to a handicap match tonight.

– Elias is in the ring and he talks about Jeff Hardy running him over because his career has been surpassed by Elias, Elias talks about his album becoming #1 on the charts. Elias promises to smash his guitar on Hardy’s back tonight, Elias starts playing a song and Hardy interrupts.

Guitar On A Pole Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Elias

The match begins with Hardy and Elias taking turns going after the guitar, Elias escapes a Hardy headlock before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Elias nails Hardy with a slam and Hardy drags him out of the ring, Hardy sends Elias into the barricade and ring steps. Hardy leaps off the ring steps and he takes out Elias with a dive, Hardy goes after the guitar and Elias throws a stool at him as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Elias working over a cornered Hardy, Elias then drops Hardy with a back elbow strike. Hardy escapes a suplex attempt before nailing Elias with a mule kick, Elias keeps Hardy cornered afterwards while landing more strikes. Elias also decides to choke Hardy along the top rope, Hardy fights back and Elias nails him with a knee strike. Elias goes after the guitar and Hardy attacks him, Hardy then hits Elias with a bunch of strikes before landing a clotheslines. Hardy also hits Elias with a double leg drop and basement drop kick, Hardy goes after the guitar and Elias attacks him before eating a Twist Of Fate, Hardy goes for the guitar and he gets it. Hardy hits Elias with a top rope guitar shot for a three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke are shown warming up backstage.

– Lana makes her way to the ring before the next match begins.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler (c) vs. Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke

The match begins with Jax attacking Brooke until Brooke jumps on her back, Brooke nails Jax with a few strikes until Rose tags in. Rose gets Jax in the octopus stretch and she releases the hold to land a few strikes, Brooke makes a blind tag and she nails Jax with a chop block. Rose and Brooke double team Jax for a near fall, Baszler tags in and she gets hit with a double suplex after Rose tags back in. Baszler quickly drops Rose before confronting Lana, Brooke tags in and she drops Baszler with a few clotheslines. Brooke corners Baszler before landing a few strikes and a handspring elbow strike, Brooke then hits Baszler with a bulldog for a near fall. Jax lays out Rose while Brooke rolls up Baszler, Baszler goes after Lana and Brooke attacks her. Baszler catches Brooke in a rear naked choke and Lana distracts her, Baszler gets Brooke in the choke after knocking her into Lana and a tap out follows.

Winners: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, still the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

– Charly Caruso interviews Randy Orton, who says people forget how easy it is for the hunters to become the hunted. Orton says that he needs to remind Drew McIntyre of that.

– Sarah Schreiber conducts an in-ring interview with Bobby Lashley, R-Truth confuses Lashley for The Waterboy.

Bobby Lashley vs. R-Truth

The match begins with R-Truth offers to let Lashley pin him and its a trick as he nails Lashley with some strikes, Lashley quickly recovers to hit R-Truth with a spear. Lashley gets R-Truth in The Hurt Lock and a tap out follows.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

After the match, Bobby Lashley reapplies The Hurt Lock to R-Truth. Drew Gulak comes to the ring and Lashley attacks him by landing the Dominator, Lashley then gets Gulak in The Hurt Lock. Lashley then puts Gulak on top of R-Truth so he can get a three count and win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

– The Lucha House Party is backstage and they bump into AJ Styles and his bodyguard.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Nia Jax, who is angry with Lana for interfering in the match earlier tonight, Jax challenges Lana to a match tonight.

– AJ Styles and Jordan Omogbehin make their way to the ring, Styles talks about Jey Uso and Kevin Owens being on the men’s Survivor Series team for Smackdown. Styles says Smackdown has no leader like Team Raw does with him, Styles talks about why he is a great team captain. Styles the brings teammates Sheamus and Keith Lee to the ring, Styles calls Lee and Sheamus the best of the best and their successes are interlinked. Lee says neither he or Sheamus ever declared Styles the captain, Sheamus says that he agrees with Lee and will never take orders from Styles. Braun Strowman interrupts and he makes his way out, Strowman says he should be a part of Team Raw and Lee says he needs to qualify. Strowman talks about his qualifications and how he already beat Lee in a singles match, Strowman then says he should be team captain. Adam Pearce interrupts and he says he is having a hard time finding opponents for Strowman to fight, Lee interrupts and Sheamus also does a few moments later as they argue over who should face Strowman.

Styles proposes a triple threat match between Strowman, Sheamus and Lee for Strowman’s shot to be on Team Raw.

Braun Strowman Must Win To Be On Team Raw
Braun Strowman vs. Keith Lee vs. Sheamus

The match begins with Sheamus attacking Lee and a brawl breaks out between the two, Strowman clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring. Strowman goes to power slam Lee and Lee avoids it before tackling Strowman out of the ring, Sheamus returns and he attacks Lee with strikes. Sheamus nails Lee with a kick before Strowman drags him out of the ring, Lee takes everybody out with a suicide dive. Lee goes after Strowman and Sheamus attacks him from behind, Lee fights back and Strowman drops them both with a double shoulder tackle. Strowman clears the announce table and he looks for a double choke slam afterwards, Sheamus and Lee then send Strowman into the ring steps. Lee and Sheamus then hit Strowman with the ring steps, Sheamus turns on Lee and he shoves him into the ring post before getting him to the ring apron. Sheamus then attacks Lee with the 10 Beats Of The Bowry, Lee recovers and he drags Sheamus out of the ring before tossing him into the barricade. Sheamus gets Lee in a sleeper hold and Strowman tackles them through the barricade as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Sheamus working over Lee in the ring.

Lee fights back and Strowman knocks him out of the ring, Strowman then hits Sheamus with a shoulder tackle and multiple avalanches. Strowman misses a charge in the corner and Sheamus nails him with White Noise for a near fall, Sheamus goes to the top rope and Lee goes after him. Sheamus knocks Lee to the arena floor before Strowman climbs the ropes, Lee returns and a towaer of doom takes place between the three. Strowman goes for a low blow and Lee nails him with some strikes, Lee drops Strowman with a cross body block for a near fall. Lee goes for a power slam and Strowman escapes before getting knocked out of the ring, Sheamus nails Lee with a shoulder block before eating a belly to belly suplex. Sheamus recovers and he nails Lee with a knee strike for a near fall, Sheamus sets up for a Brogue Kick and Strowman knocks him out of the ring. Lee then hits Strowman with a clothesline for a near fall, Sheamus returns and he nails Lee with a Brogue Kick. Strowman then hits Sheamus with a power slam for a three count.

Winner: Braun Strowman

After the match, AJ Styles tries rallying his teammates as Braun Strowman and Keith Lee agree to put their differences aside. Sheamus argues with Strowman and they hug a short time later, Sheamus then knocks Strowman out of the ring with a Brogue Kick. Lee knocks Sheamus out of the ring and then Styles knocks him out of the ring.

– Angel Garza is backstage and he addresses that “special someone” in the WWE Universe.

– Charly Caruso interviews Drew McIntyre, who says Randy Orton will be fine from other superstars as long as he is around. McIntyre says he’ll have to force Orton’s hand to get a rematch, McIntyre promises Claymore Kicks for The Miz and John Morrison.

– The Firefly Fun House is up next with Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss, they says tonight’s episode is dedicated to the letters “RKO.” Abby curses and Bliss wants her to put money in the swear jar, Wyatt talks about how Randy Orton burned down the Wyatt Family House. Wyatt says he created a brand new world with the ashes from the burned down house, Wyatt reminisces about the house being burned down before saying The Fiend never forgets. Bliss performs a magic trick and it makes Wyatt curse.

Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler vs. Lana

The match begins with Jax cornering Lana while landing shoulder thrusts, Lana gets free and she nails Jax with a few strikes. Jax shoves Lana down before tossing her across the ring, Jax then hits Lana with an avalanche before Lana tries fighting back. Jax misses a second avalanche attempt as Lana gets out of the corner, Lana fights back again and she hits Jax with a few strikes followed by head kicks. Jax then drops a charging Lana with a shoulder block for a near fall, Jax follows up with a headbutt on Lana for a near fall. Jax also nails Lana with a slam before stomping away on her, Jax then hits Lana with a Samoan drop for a three count.

Winner: Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler

After the match, Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax grab Lana and they bring her out of the ring, Lana tries fighting back and Jax sends her into the barricade. Jax again puts Lana through an announce table.

– R-Truth is backstage and he bumps into The Hurt Business, R-Truth runs away from them.

– The Hurt Business make their way to the ring for an edition of The VIP Lounge, MVP says only the best of the best get invited the The VIP Lounge. MVP talks about Bobby Lashley’s victory over R-Truth earlier tonight, while Cedric Alexander says Lashley will destroy Sami Zayn at WWE Survivor Series ‘20. Lashley then tells Zayn that he’ll put him to sleep when they meet, MVP says The Hurt Business has lived up to their deal with the WWE to deal with Retribution. MVP says the WWE’s payments come in the form of a shot at Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day, The New Day interrupt and make their way on stage. The New Day talk about how everybody but Alexander have done well for themselves, The New Day talk about their success as tag team and singles competitors. MVP mocks Kingston for losing the WWE Championship to Brock Lesnar in just a few seconds, Kingston then mocks Lashley’s sex drive. MVP says The New Day is about jokes while The Hurt Business is about combat, Xavier Woods says The Hurt Business is a failure in 2020.

The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. The Hurt Business (Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander)

The match begins with Woods getting Alexander in a headlock, Alexander gets free and Woods drop him with a head scissors takedown. Woods then hits Alexander with a suplex for a near fall, Kingston tags in and he double teams Alexander alongside Woods for a near fall. Benjamin tags in and he nails Kingston with an elbow strike followed by a shoulder tackle, Benjamin then drops Kingston with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Kingston fights back and Benjamin kicks him in the face for a near fall, Alexander tags in and he nails Kingston with more strikes. Alexander goes for a monkey flip and Kingston lands on his feet, Kingston then drops Alexander with a monkey flip. Alexander recovers and he drops Kingston with a forearm strike, Alexander corners Kingston while landing more strikes. Kingston fights back and he nails Alexander with a drop kick, Benjamin and Woods are tagged in by their respective partners. Woods quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Woods goes to the top rope and Benjamin knocks him to the arena floor with a knee strike. Benjamin follows up by sending Woods into the barricade, Benjamin also gets Woods back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt.

Alexander tags in and he immediately drops Woods as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Woods nail Benjamin with an enziguri. Kingston and Alexander are tagged in by their respective partners, Kingston quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Kingston goes for Trouble In Paradise and Alexander avoids it, Kingston then hits Alexander with a top rope huracanrana and a stomp for a near fall. Alexander avoids the SOS to hit Kingston with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Benjamin tags in and Woods makes a blind tag afterwards. Woods nails Benjamin with a DDT for a near fall, Benjamin recovers and he nails Woods with a spine buster for a near fall. Benjamin gets Woods to the top rope and Woods manages to nail him with a leaping DDT for another near fall, Kingston knocks Alexander out of the ring before getting dropped by Benjamin. Alexander makes a blind tag and he nails Woods with a Neuralizer before Benjamin lands Pay Dirt for a three count.

Winners: The Hurt Business (Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander)

– Nikki Cross is backstage and she finds Alexa Bliss, Cross wants to know what is going on with her and she blames The Fiend for the rift between them. Cross goes to face Bliss and Bliss scares her away.

– Mustafa Ali comes out before the next match begins.

Ricochet vs. Tucker

The match begins with Ricochet attacking Tucker with some strikes, Tucker recovers and he quickly drops Ricochet with a shoulder tackle. Ricochet recovers and he nails Tucker with a few super kicks, Ricochet then hits Tucker with Recoil for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

After the match, Retribution hits the ring and they attack Ricochet and Tucker, Ricochet fights back against Retribution and is quickly overwhelmed.

– Drew McIntyre bumps into Sheamus backstage, Sheamus wants McIntyre to join Team Raw for WWE Survivor Series ‘20 and McIntyre turns him down.

Handicap Match
Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz & John Morrison

The match begins with Morrison attacking McIntyre with a few strikes before leaving the ring, Miz distracts McIntyre and Morrison drops him neck first on the top rope. McIntyre recovers and he drops Morrison with a right, McIntyre corners Morrison before landing some chops. Miz makes a tag and he attacks McIntyre from behind, Miz corners McIntyre before landing a few strikes. McIntyre corners Miz next while landing shots of his own, McIntyre then tosses Miz across the ring. Morrison tags in and McIntyre gets him back into the ring, Miz nails McIntyre from behind with a chop block before Morrison lands a knee strike for a near fall. Miz tags in and he double teams McIntyre with Morrison, McIntyre fights back and Miz sends him out of the ring. Morrison tags in and McIntyre drops them both on the arena floor before dropping Morrison onto Miz as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see McIntyre nailing Morrison with some strikes. McIntyre follows up by propelling Morrison across the ring, Miz tags in and he distracts the ref so Morrison can attack McIntyre.

Morrison tags in and he works with Miz to send McIntyre into the ring post, Miz tags in and he works with Morrison to send McIntyre into the barricade. Miz gets McIntyre back into the ring before landing strikes and clotheslines, Morrison tags in and he nails McIntyre with a slingshot splash for a near fall. Morrison also nails McIntyre with some strikes before dropping him for a near fall, Morrison holds McIntyre down while applying a chin lock to him. Morrison releases the hold and McIntyre crotches him during a Starship Pain attempt, McIntyre climbs the ropes and he attacks Morrison with some strikes. Morrison fights back and he crotches McIntyre on the top rope, McIntyre recovers and he launches Morrison off the top rope. Miz tags in and McIntyre quickly goes to work on him, Miz goes for a Skull Crushing Finale and McIntyre counters with a spine buster for a near fall. Morrison tags in and he nails McIntyre with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall, Miz makes a blind tag and he nails McIntyre with a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. Miz follows up by attacking McIntyre with It Kicks, McIntyre fights back to shove Miz into Morrison before landing a Future Shock DDT.

McIntyre sets up for a Claymore Kick and Morrison drags Miz out of the ring, McIntyre then takes them both out with a suicide dive. McIntyre gets Miz back in the ring and he nails him with a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Randy Orton hits Drew McIntyre with an RKO, The Fiends laugh echoes throughout the arena as the show ends.

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