
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/30/20 Curt Stallion vs Ariya Daivari

Cult Stallion takes on Ariya Daivari tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Curt Stallion vs Ariya Daivari

Ariya drops Curt repeatedly before Curt comes back with a spinning back fist for two before Ariya rolls out of the ring. Curt goes after Ariya before getting distracted by Tony Nese at the announce table before Ariya attacks him from behind and rolls him back into the ring. Ariya locks in a rear chin lock before following up with a neck breaker and sending Curt out of the ring. Ariya smashes the face of Curt into the announce table before rolling him back into the ring before Curt comes back with a knee to the midsection. Curt hits a Helluva Kick into a running dropkick in the corner into a DDT for two before Ariya crotches him on the top turnbuckle.

Ariya hits a diving splash off of the top for a near fall before Curt hits a reverse neckbreaker into a stomp for two. Ariya snaps the neck of Curt before Curt hits a suicide dive that tosses Ariya back inside before he’s distracted by Tony at ringside. Tony then gets onto the apron and gets headbutted for his troubles before ducking a wrist lock lariat and rolling Ariya up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Curt Stallion defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

Mansoor & The Brian Kendrick vs Ever-Rise

Mansoor and Matt start things off for their respective teams by locking up and exchange arm wringers. Matt hits a drop toe hold before dragging Mansoor to the corner to tag Chase in. They run the ropes before Mansoor hits a deep arm drag into a straight arm bar and drags him to the corner as Brian comes in. Brian takes Chase down and knees the joint of his elbow before Mansoor comes back in and focuses on the arm of Chase. Matt gets the blind tag and clotheslines Mansoor before hitting an elbow drop and chops in the corner.

Matt whips Mansoor into the corner before Brian comes in and tosses Matt before hitting a leg drop and a running elbow drop for two. Mansoor and Brian hit a double suplex for two before Matt Dave’s chase from a running splash in the corner. ER take control and cut the ring in half, isolating Brian before he nearly tags Mansoor in, but Chase rips Mansoor off of the apron before he can do so. Brian finally gets the hot tag to Mansoor who drops both members of ER with strikes and rocks Matt with a dropkick. Mansoor hits a back drop to Chase before hitting running clotheslines in opposite corners into an inverted atomic drop and a spine buster.

Chase counters a Shiranui and drops Brian off of the apron before ER hit a double snake eyes for a near fall that Brian breaks up. Mansoor then takes out Matt before Chase dispatches of Brian and Mansoor hits a Shiranui in the corner to Chase for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor and The Brian Kendrick defeat Ever-Rise via pinfall.

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