
WWE NXT UK Results for 10/29/20 WALTER Retains his NXT United Kingdom Championship

The NXT United Kingdom Championship is on the line today at 4pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today’s edition of WWE NXT UK!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package for the NXT United Kingdom championship in tonight’s main event.

Aoife Valkyrie vs Dani Luna

They lock up before Dani locks in a cravat before hitting a deep arm drag and Aoife counters into a head scissors hold. Aoife headbutts the midsection of Dani before dropkicking her and sending Luna out of the ring. Dani sends Aoife face first into the edge of the apron before rolling her back inside for two. Dani locks in a straight arm bar with a chin bar before Aoife gets to her feet and Dani scoop slams her for two. Dani reapplies the chin and arm bar before Aoife hits a springboard cross body for two.

Aoife hits a Pele kick for two before Dani suplexes her for a near fall before Aoife drops Dani with a spin kick. Aoife then hits a diving split leg drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Aoife Valkyrie defeats Dani Luna via pinfall.

– We get a video package recapping the Heritage Cup Tournament so far as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for Rampage Brown who will soon be debuting in NXT UK. 

– We go back to the ring to South Wales Subculture who are out in the ring to confront Eddie Dennis. Eddie interrupts Mark as soon as he starts talking before saying to keep your friends close and your enemies closer as Pretty Deadly join him. The Hunt then join SWS and even the odds momentarily before turning on SWS and attacking them before joining Dennis on the stage.

– Earlier today we get a backstage interview with Piper Niven before we go to commercial.

– We come back to a backstage interview with Pretty Deadly before Gallus talk to Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala.

Jordan Devlin vs Levi Muir

Jordan wrings the arm of Levi before beating him down and dropping him with a back elbow. Jordan hits a scoop slam into a standing moonsault before countering a pin attempt by Levi. Levi then hits a military press before Jordan hits a crucifix for a near fall into Devlinside into a cloverleaf for the tap and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin defeats Levi Muir via submission.

– Jordan cuts a promo after the match and says that the real Cruiserweight champion is back and challenges anyone to come after the real Cruiserweight title.

– We get a graphic for A-Kid and Noam Dar on next week’s show as we go to commercial.

NXT UK Championship Match

WALTER (c) vs Ilja Dragunov

Ilja immediately hits WALTER with a running boot before WALTER drops him and Ilja hits a jumping knee in the corner. WALTER catches Ilja up top before Ilja knocks him down and hits a diving senton. WALTER counters an early attempt at Torpedo Moscow into a sleeper before Ilja counters a sleeper hold. WALTER throws Ilja into the ropes and sends him throat first into the middle rope before falling out of the ring. WALTER hits several knee drops to the neck of Ilja before chopping him across the throat and driving his boot into his throat.

WALTER wrenches the head and neck of Ilja before Ilja counters a sleeper before WALTER drives Ilja into the mat. Ilja stomps the chest of Ilja before hitting a release German suplex into a PK to the spine for two. WALTER chops Ilja across the chest before stomping on him from the apron and trapping him in the ropes and hitting him with clubbing blows. Ilja comes back with a series of German suplexes before rocking WALTER with a jumping knee into an enzuigiri and a dead lift German suplex. Ilja gets a near fall off of the German suplex before countering a sleeper into a pin attempt.

Ilja hits the Constantine for a near fall before WALTER drops Ilja with a chop before stomping the head and neck of Ilja. WALTER chops Ilja across the throat before hitting a lariat into a powerbomb for a near fall. WALTER locks in a sleeper with a body scissors applied before transitioning into a dragon sleeper. Ilja gets to the ropes for the break before they exchange strikes until Ilja drops WALTER with headbutts and chops. Ilja nearly knocks WALTER out with a knee before chopping the back of his neck and hitting a coast to coast missile dropkick for a near fall.

Ilja hits a northern lights suplex before finishing WALTER with Torpedo Moscow to the back of the neck of WALTER. Ilja hits a running blockbuster for a near fall before elbowing WALTER in the side of the head and WALTER hits a sleeper suplex onto the floor. WALTER boots Ilja into the steps before powerbombing him onto the edge of the apron. Back in the ring WALTER hits a second powerbomb before going up top and hitting a diving splash for a very close near fall. WALTER then locks in a sleeper and chokes Ilja unconscious for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: WALTER retains his NXT UK Championship by defeating Ilja Dragunov via referee stoppage.

– Referees and medical personnel check on the two competitors after the match before WALTER leaves with his title as Ilja is helped to his feet as we go off the air.

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