
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 10/27/20 Bound for Glory Fallout

Witness the fallout from Bound for Glory from this past Saturday night at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV featuring the wedding of John E. Bravo and Rosemary!

-We open tonight’s show with a recap of Bound for Glory before we see Eric Young attacking Rich Swann backstage before they make their way out to the ring. EY sends Rich into the steps before choking him with his own shirt and Rich comes back with a superkick once they’re in the ring. EY beats Rich down before he’s separated by security and Scott D’Amore before EY demands his rematch right now. Rich then agrees to the match before Scott reluctantly males the match.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Rich Swann (c) vs Eric Young

Rich goes right after EY before EY knocks him off of the top and misses a dive before Rich hits a sling blade and several back spin kicks. Rich hits a twisting neckbreaker for two before superkicking EY and hitting a head scissors. EY powerbombs Rich halfway across the ring for two before Rich comes back with a superkick and climbs up top before flipping off of it when EY rushes him. Rich then hits a Lethal Injection into a Phoenix splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann retains his IMPACT World Championship by defeating Eric Young via pinfall.

– We get a run-down of tonight’s show before we go backstage to Havok and Nevaeh ahead of the wedding later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the women’s division backstage where they’re informed that the tournament to crown the Knockouts Tag Team champions will begin in three weeks time.

Halloween Weapons Match

Tommy Dreamer vs Brian Myers

They lock up before Tommy tosses Brian over the top rope and down onto the floor and sends him into the railing. Tommy suplexes Brian onto the ramp before choking Brian with a baseball jersey. Brian comes back and sends Tommy face first into the steps before Tommy hits him with a walker and puts a garbage can into the ring. Back in the ring Tommy hits Brian with the ring bell before Brian hits him with an aluminum trash can for two. Tommy then dropkicks the trash can into the face of Brian before Brian hits him when he goes for a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We come back to Brian in control, choking Tommy in the ropes before hitting a back suplex for two. Tommy comes back only to get sent face first into a chair set up in the center of the ring before Brian chokes him with it. Brian grounds Tommy with a side headlock before Tommy fights back to his feet and comes back with punches and a clothesline. Tommy hits a cutter for a near fall before hitting Brian with a handicapped parking sign and dumping thumb tacks and candy corn onto the mat. Tommy shoves Brian off of the top and onto the tacks and candy corn for a near fall before Tommy brings a table into the ring.

Tommy sets the table up in the corner before Brian hits him with a broom and Swoggle comes out of nowhere. Swoggle then attacks Brian before Tommy hits a DVD through the table for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer defeats Brian Myers via pinfall.

– Rhino and Heath are interviewed backstage where Rhino talks about winning the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match at BFG.

– Backstage Hernandez and Reno Scum run up on Fallah Bahh and look for their money before they leave and he takes the money out of his pants. 

The Rascalz vs XXXL

The Rascalz clear the ring before Larry and Acey double up on Wentz and cut the ring in half. Dez gets the hot tag and hits Larry with a flurry in the corner for two before everyone hits a move until Larry turns Dez inside out for a near fall that Wentz breaks up. Larry goes up top and gets caught by Wentz before Acey knocks Wentz out of the ring.  Larry then hits a diving splash onto Dez for the pin and the win.

Winner: XXXL defeat The Rascalz via pinfall.

– Backstage Scott D’Amore meets with Deonna Purrazzo and her lawyer alongside Kimber Lee. The lawyer tells Scott he can avoid an injunction by telling Scott that he needs to strip Su Yung of the Knockouts title. Scott then mocks the lawyer who has no leverage before saying that he can solve it all right now before leaving to go to the ring as we go to commercial.

– Backstage MCMG are interviewed where they say that Alex has six weeks to heal before they’re interrupted by XXXL who mock them. The four then exchange words before XXXL leave only to come back and attack Alex.

– Scott D’Amore is in the ring before Deonna and company join him, Deonna’s lawyer criticizing Scott for giving Su a title shot after Su was the most obvious culprit for attacking Kylie Rae. The lawyer tells Scott to do the right thing and stripping Su of the belt and recognizing Deonna as the champion. Scott tells Deonna that she’s supposed to be a competitor and that Deonna can get her rematch next week. Su then comes out to the ring and grabs the lawyer and Kimber before misting Scott in the face and Deonna kicks her before Su applies the mandible claw to Deonna.

– Backstage Rich meets with The Rascalz and Willie Mack before they’re interrupted by Moose. Moose tells Rich that he’s second best and that he has the TNA World Championship which makes him number one. Moose brings up Rich’s upbringing before he’s dragged off by The Rascalz before Moose challenges Willie to a title match. Rich then leaves before he runs into Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock, Sami congratulating Rich before the two leave and Ken shares Rich down as we go to commercial.

– Backstage The North brawl with the Good Brothers before we get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring an X-Division Championship match between the champion Rohit Raju and Willie Mack as we go to commercial.

– We come back to John meeting with Bahh ahead of the wedding before Johnny Bravo shows up and mocks Bahh before leaving.

Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs Alisha Edwards & Jordynne Grace

Jordynne and Tasha start the match off with a test of strength before Jordynne drops Tasha with several shoulder tackles. Jordynne teases a tope before Alisha tosses Tasha back into the ring and Kiera gets the tag before Alisha comes in. Alisha hits a Thesz press before sending her down onto the mat and hitting a senton. Kiera kicks Alisha in the midsection before Alisha drags Kiera to the corner to tag in Jordynne. Jordynne then slams Kiera before slamming Alisha on top of Kiera and Alisha gets the tag before Kiera superkicks her as we go to commercial. 

We come back to Kiera in control of Alisha before Alisha is isolated in the corner until Alisha hits a bulldog and the hot tag to Jordynne. Jordynne runs over both Kiera and Tasha before slamming Kiera onto Tasha for two. Jordynne hits a running meteora into a sliding back elbow in the corner into a Vader bomb that Kiera breaks up. Jordynne then dumps Kiera out of the ring before Alisha accidentally runs into Jordynne and Tasha rolls Alisha up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan defeat Alisha Edwards and Jordynne Grace via pinfall.

– Alisha and Jordynne argue after the match before we go outside to the parking lot where Moose attacks Willie Mack from behind as we go to commercial.

– We go backstage to Taya and Rosemary talking ahead of the wedding up next before Chris Bey versus Trey Miguel, the Knockouts Championship rematch and more is announced for next week.

– We go to the ring for the wedding ceremony where the bridal party show up before the groom walks out. Father James Mitchell comes out next to officiate the proceedings before the bride Rosemary makes her way out with Crazzy Steve giving her away to John. The ceremony goes as planned, the two reciting their vows and exchanging rings before they go to kiss and the lights go out. There is then the sound of a bang before  lights go back on and it’s revealed that John has been shot as we go off the air.

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