
WWE Hell In A Cell: Jeff Hardy vs. Elias Result

Jeff Hardy vs. Elias

The match begins with Elias backing Hardy into the corner before letting him go free, Hardy gets Elias into the ropes before backing away. Elias gains control while nailing Hardy with a few strikes, Hardy fights back to hit Elias with an atomic drop and rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Hardy gets Elias up while landing strikes on his arm, Elias gets free to drop Hardy and he gets him in a chin lock. Hardy gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Elias, Elias gets free by sending Hardy out of the ring. Elias and Hardy take turns sending each other into the barricade, Elias recovers and he sends a leaping Hardy into the barricade. Elias waits for Hardy to get back in the ring and he nails him with more strikes, Elias follows up by nailing Hardy with a clothesline for a near fall. Elias keeps Hardy down while applying a chin lock to him, Hardy gets free and he nails Elias with a mule kick. Hardy gets up and he cracks Elias with a few strikes followed by a clothesline, Hardy then hits Elias with an atomic drop and a leg drop for a near fall. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Elias avoids it before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Hardy fights back and he nails Elias with a Whisper In The Wind for a near fall.

Hardy follows up by nailing Elias with a Twist Of Fate, Hardy goes to the top rope and Elias gets himself under the bottom rope before falling to the arena floor. Hardy goes after Elias and Elias grabs his guitar, Hardy steals the guitar from Elias and he hits him with it to cause DQ.

Winner: Elias, by DQ

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