
AEW Dynamite 10/28/20 Results: Eliminator Tourney Finals Are Set, NWA Women’s Title Match & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Dasha Gonzalez interviews Wardlow & MJF, MJF says he is proud for everything he has accomplished, MJF says he becomes the AEW World Champion because he’s under contract to him. Sammy Guevara interrupts and says he’ll make sure MJF doesn’t join The Inner Circle, MJF insults Guevara and Guevara gets angry with him.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament Semi-Finals
Wardlow vs. Hangman Page

The match begins with Page attacking Wardlow with a shotgun drop kick followed by some strikes, Wardlow recovers and he drops page with a right. Wardlow traps Page in the corner while landing some strikes, Wardlow looks for an F-10 and Page fights back before eating a corner clothesline. Wardlow corners Page some more while landing more strikes, Wardlow misses a charge into the corner before Page sends him to the ring apron. Page uses a springboard clothesline to knock Wardlow to the arena floor, Wardlow catches a diving Page and Page still manages to shove him into the ring post. Wardlow recovers and he spears Page through the safety rail, Page makes it back in the ring and Wardlow nails him with a power slam for a near fall. Wardlow mounts a downed Page and he nails him with a few strikes, Wardlow looks for a suplex and Page defends before getting tossed across the ring. Page tries fighting back again and Wardlow nails him with shoulder thrusts in the corner, Wardlow then hits Page with a gut wrench power bomb for a near fall. Wardlow goes for the falling knee strike and Page counters with a rope assisted arm bar, Page stays on the ring apron and Wardlow throws him back into the ring.

Wardlow goes to the top rope and he misses a swanton bomb attempt, Page gets up and he attacks Wardlow with clotheslines and a discus forearm strike. Wardlow goes for a release German suplex and Page lands on his feet before clotheslining him out of the ring, Page then hits Wardlow with a moonsault from the top rope. Page gets Wardlow back in the ring and he nails him with a standing shooting star press for a one count, Wardlow avoids the Buckshot Lariat to nail Page with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Wardlow goes for the F-10 and he lads it before Page rolls out of the ring, Wardlow goes to the ring apron and he drags Page to the ring apron. Wardlow then drags Page to the top rope and Page attacks him with some strikes, Page then hits Wardlow with a super fall away slam. Page then hits Wardlow with multiple Buckshot Lariats for a three count.

Winner: Hangman Page

– A Jon Moxley video package airs while Moxley talks about how he helped make the AEW World Championship the number one prize in pro wrestling, Moxley says the match against Eddie Kingston at AEW Full Gear is personal. Moxley says the new version of Kingston doesn’t belong in AEW, Moxley says he’ll crush Kingston’s ego when they meet.

– Eddie Kingston comes to the ring with his family, Kingston questions why Jon Moxley isn’t here tonight before calling him a coward. Kingston says he’ll go after the man who stole his thunder in the Casino Battle Royale in Matt Sydal.

Eddie Kingston w/ The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny vs. Matt Sydal

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Kingston and Sydal, Kingston eventually shoves Sydal down. Kingston backs Sydal into the corner and Sydal nails him with a chop a short time later, Kingston gets Sydal in a headlock and Sydal gets free before landing a few arm drags. Sydal holds Kingston down while wrenching away on his arm, Kingston gets free and Sydal rolls him up before landing a spinning jump head kick. Kingston falls in the corner and Sydal nails him with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Sydal goes for a cobra clutch and Kingston gets free before eating some leg kicks, Kingston catches a leaping Sydal before landing a slam and elbow drop. Kingston traps Sydal near the ropes while grinding away on his face, Kingston drops Sydal before stomping away on him. Kingston gets Sydal in a seated position while kicking him in the face, Sydal tries fights back and Kingston drops him with a back elbow strike. Kingston holds Sydal down while applying a chin lock to him, Sydal gets free and he rolls Kingston up before getting dropped again. Sydal eats a few more strikes before dropping Kingston and landing a standing sky twister splash, Kingston gets up and he nails Sydal with some chops.

Sydal then hits Kingston with a knee strike and head kick for a near fall, Kingston goes to the top rope and Sydal follows him up there. Kingston gets Sydal down and Sydal hits him with a huracanrana, Sydal then hits Kingston with a top rope double knee strike for a near fall. Sydal catches Kingston in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Kingston recovers and he drops a charging Sydal with a knee strike. Kingston follows up by nailing Sydal with a spinning back fist, Kingston locks Sydal in a bulldog choke and Sydal taps out.

Winner: Eddie Kingston w/ The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny

After the match, Eddie Kingston continues holding Matt Sydal in the bulldog choke until he says “I Quit.”

– Excalibur interviews The Young Bucks and FTR, Matt Jackson says his ankle is fine and he’ll be at AEW Full Gear. Dax Harwood says the match between FTR and The Young Bucks is a dream match, but being tag team champions is more important. Matt says sometimes good people do bad things, Matt says they are not proud of what they have done lately. Matt says something changed with him and Nick Jackson once FTR arrived on the scene, FTR are angry Excalibur isn’t asking them questions and they leave the interview. Nick says they have more to lose than the championships, The Bucks announce that they will never challenge for the AEW World Tag Team Titles if they lose at AEW Full Gear.

– The Town Hall Meeting between The Inner Circle and MJF is up next, Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez are the hosts. The Inner Circle and MJF make their way to the ring, Luchasaurus asks the first question and he wants to know how MJF can contribute to the finances of The Inner Circle. MJF has a chart on the big screen showing how he’ll help The Inner Circle financially, Dr. Britt Baker asks the next question and she asks Chris Jericho about MJF’s problems with friendship in AEW. Jericho says he knows about his past and he warns MJF if he turns on The Inner Circle, Peter Avalon asks the next question and he wants to join The Inner Circle. The Inner Circle laugh at him and MJF joins in before Jericho says no, Eric Bischoff as the next question and he has a three pronged question for the panel. Bischoff wants to know what MJF can do for The Inner Circle, MJF says he can offer his friendship to The Inner Circle. Bischoff then asks MJF what The Inner Circle can do for him, MJF says that he can learn how to be a team player by joining The Inner Circle. Jericho gets mad at Bischoff for calling him a primadonna, Bischoff asks MJF if he and Jericho will wind up fighting each other if he joins The Inner Circle.

MJF gets mad and he feels that everybody is taking aim at him with the questions, MJF talks about everything he has done to prove that he wants to be in The Inner Circle in the last few weeks. MJF asks what he hasn’t done and Jericho says he hasn’t beaten him, Jericho challenges MJF to a match at AEW Full Gear and MJF gets to join The Inner Circle if he wins. MJF says he’ll do anything necessary to win the match, Ortiz gets the microphone and he says that nobody really wants him in The Inner Circle. Ortiz says he and Sammy Guevara challenge MJF and Wardlow to a match next week.

– Highlights are shown of what went down last night on AEW Dark between Will Hobbs and Team Taz, Team Taz appears on the video and they want to know if Hobbs is joining them.

AEW TNT Championship
Lumberjack Match
Cody (c) vs. Orange Cassidy

The match begins with Cassidy going for the Orange Punch and Cody going for the Cross Rhodes, Cassidy takes Cody down with a headlock. Cody gets up and Cassidy drops him with another headlock, Cody gets free and he works over the arm of Cassidy. Cody follows up by arm dragging Cassidy into the corner, Dark Order tries to interfere and that allows Cassidy to roll up Cody for a near fall. Cody recovers and he nails Cassidy with a front suplex, Cody follows up by damaging the arm of Cassidy. Cassidy fights back and he nails Cody with a suplex, Cody leaves the ring and he gets back in as Cassidy leaves the ring. Cody nails Cassidy with a rope assisted dragon screw leg whip as he tried getting back in the ring, Cassidy gets back in the ring and he sends Cody out of it. Best Friends catch Cody as he falls and they drop him on the arena floor, Cody gets back in the ring and Cassidy drops kicks him into the ropes. Trent pucnhes Cody behind the ref’s back, Cassidy then hits Cody with a top rope high cross body. Cassidy eventually nails Cody with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cassidy goes to the top rope and Cody gets his knees up when Cassidy leaps off.

Cody clotheslines himself and Cassidy out of the ring, the lumberjacks quickly get them both back in the ring. Cody goes back to attacking the injured leg of Cassidy before tossing him across the ring, Cody then hits Cassidy with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Cody keeps Cassidy down while applying a single leg crab to him, Cassidy eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Cody then attacks Cassidy with a middle rope axe handle smash to the back for a near fall, Cody keeps Cassidy down while getting him in an inverted bear hug. Cassidy gets free and he gets Cody out of the ring, Dark Order attacks Cody and Cassidy saves him before getting attacked himself. A Massive brawl eventually breaks out between all of the lumberjack, Cody and Cassidy battle on the ropes before Cody superplexes him onto all the lumberjacks. Cody gets Cassidy back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Cody then nails Cassidy with the Cody Cutter for another near fall. Cassidy fights back to land a super kick on Cody before eating a clothesline, Cody goes for a suplex and Cassidy counters with a stunner followed by a diving DDT.

Cassidy then hits Cody with an Orange Crush for another near fall, Dark Order members hit the ring and they attack Cassidy. Arn Anderson attacks Cassidy as well before Cody lands a Cross Rhodes for a three count.

Winner: Cody, still the AEW TNT Champion

After the match, all the lumberjacks continue brawling until the ring is cleared.

– Kip Sabian & Miro confront and apologize to Best Friends backstage, they say they forgive them for breaking their arcade cabinet. Miro and Sabian attack Best Friends while Miro says he’ll never forgive them.

NWA Women’s World Championship
Serena Deeb (c) vs. Leyla Hirsch

The match begins with neither gaining control during the lock up, Deeb looks to ground Hirsch and Hirsch gets free while applying a front face lock. Deeb gets free and she nails Hirsch with a few arm drags, Deeb catches Hirsch in a roll up for a near fall. Deeb then gets Hirsch down while applying a headlock to her, Hirsch gets free and Deeb drops her with a shoulder tackle. Hirsch recovers and she cracks a charging Deeb with a clothesline, Hirsch drops Deeb in the corner before landing a double knee strike and drop kick for a near fall. Hirsch misses a charge in the corner and Deeb nails her with a rope assisted neck breaker, Deeb catches Hirsch in a roll up for a near fall. Deeb looks for a submission and Hirsch attacks her with some kicks, Hirsch looks for an arm bar and Deeb rolls her up for a near fall. Hirsch then hits Deeb with a knee strike to her arm before sending her shoulder first into the corner a few times, Hirsch then gets Deeb in a rope assisted arm bar. Deeb gets away from the ropes and Hirsch gets her in another arm bar, Deeb gets free and Hirsch continues working over her arm.

Deeb recovers and she nails Hirsch with a cross arm neck breaker as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Hirsch dropping Deeb with strikes. Hirsch then hits Deen with a release German suplex, Hirsch goes to the top rope and she misses the moonsault attempt. Deeb then hits Hirsch with a series of neck breakers, Deeb then gets Hirsch in a modified single leg crab and a tap out follows.

Winner: Serena Deeb, still the NWA World Women’s Champion

– Alex Marvez interviews Hikaru Shida, who challenges Nyla Rose to a match at AEW Full Gear.

Shawn Spears w/ Tully Blanchard vs. VSK

The match begins with Spears immediately nailing VSK with a C4 for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/ Tully Blanchard

After the match, a person in a Halloween costume is throwing candy at Shawn Spears and Spears gets that person in the ring. The person is revealed to be Scorpio Sky, Sky immediately hits Spears with a TKO.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament Semi-Finals
Kenny Omega vs. Penta El Zero Miedo w/ Rey Fenix

The match begins with Omega getting El Zero Miedo in a headlock, El Zero Miedo gets free and Omega walks on his back. Omega the reveals that he is wearing the AAA Mega Championship under his shirt, Omega lays the belt in the middle of the ring before a striking exchange breaks out. Omega takes El Zero Miedo’s glove and he slaps him with it, Omega then drops El Zero Miedo before stomping away on him. Omega avoids a charging El Zero Miedo before eating a chop, El Zero Miedo starts attacking Omega with some leg kicks. El Zero Miedo follows up by nailing Omega with a back stabber, Omega leaves the ring and El Zero Miedo nails him with a suicide dive. El Zero Miedo attacks Omega with more leg kicks as they battle outside of the ring, El Zero Miedo also sends Omega right into the ring post. Omega fights back and he nails El Zero Miedo with strikes before being dropped by a leg kick, El Zero Miedo gets Omega in the ring before pulling back on his arms. El Zero Miedo also traps Omega in the ropes while briefly holding him in a camel clutch, El Zero Miedo gets Omega out of the ring before clotheslining him over the barricade.

Omega attacks El Zero Miedo with a cooler before landing strikes on him, Omega gets El Zero Miedo over the barricade before following him into the ring. El Zero Miedo and Omega exchange more strikes before Omega knocks El Zero Miedo out of the ring with a huracanrana, Omega follows up by nailing El Zero Miedo with a suicide dive. Omega gets El Zero Miedo in the ring and El Zero Miedo knocks him to the arena floor after landing a head kick, El Zero Miedo then hits Omega with a dive from the top rope. El Zero Miedo gets Omega back in the ring before going to the top rope, El Zero Miedo misses a top rope double stomp before kicking Omega in the face. El Zero Miedo then hits Omega with a springboard sling blade for a near fall, El Zero Miedo goes to the middle rope and Omega meets him up there. El Zero Miedo gets free before trapping Omega in the corner and landing a top rope double stomp for a near fall, Omega fights back and he nails El Zero Miedo with a few snap dragon suplexes. El Zero Miedo fights back and he cracks Omega with a series of strikes, Omega then drops El Zero Miedo with a knee strike followed by a power bomb and a V Trigger for a near fall.

Omega follows up by crushing El Zero Miedo with another V Trigger, El Zero Miedo escapes a One Winged Angel and Omega nails him with an enziguri. Omega then hits a cornered El Zero Miedo with another V Trigger, Omega places El Zero Miedo on the top rope and he follows him up there. El Zero Miedo gets Omega off the ropes and Omega nails him with some strikes, Omega climbs the ropes again and El Zero Miedo gets him down before nailing Omega with a destroyer on the ramp. El Zero Miedo gets Omega back in the ring and he nails him with a package pile driver for a near fall, Omega fights back and he escapes a pump handle move before eating an enziguri. Omega then nails a charging El Zero Miedo with a V Trigger, Omega goes for a One Winged Angel and El Zero Miedo escapes before snapping his arm. Omega escapes El Zero Miedo’s grasp and he nails El Zero Miedo with a few chops, El Zero Miedo then hits a charging Omega with a super kick. Omega recovers and he nails a leaping El Zero Miedo with a knee strike, Omega then hits El Zero Miedo with a One Winged Angel for a three count.

Winner: Kenny Omega

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