
AEW Dark 10/27/20 Results: Hikaru Shida, Dark Order, SCU, Team Taz, Darby Allin & More In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Top Flight (Darius & Dante Martin)

The match begins with Grayson dropping Darius with some shoulder tackles, Uno tags in and he works over a cornered Darius. Darius gets Uno in a headlock and Uno gets free before landing a shoulder tackle, Darius nails Uno with a drop kick before tagging Dante in. Dante nails a cornered Uno with a corner clothesline, Uno gets free and he drops Dante with a chop. Grayson tags in and he nails Dante with some strikes before Darius tags in, Darius drops Grayson before landing a springboard drop kick of the bout. Uno makes a blind tag and he nails Darius with a release German suplex, Uno picks Darius up before dropping him with some chops. Grayson tags in and he nails Darius with a slingshot swanton bomb, Uno tags in and he double teams Darius alongside Grayson. Darius fights back and Grayson tags in to nail him with a uranage for a near fall, Grayson mounts a downed Darius while throwing some strikes. Uno tags back in and he cracks Darius with a right, Darius fights back and he nails Uno with an overhead kick. Grayson and Dante are tagged in by their respective partners, Dante immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team.

Darius makes the blind tag and he traps Grayson on the top rope so Dante can land a huracanrana, Darius nails Grayson with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Dante tags back in and Uno returns to tag in, Dark Order nails Dante with an assisted sit out power bomb before Grayson nails Darius with a knee strike. Dark Order clears the ring before Grayson takes Top Flight Out with a suicide dive, Dark Order hits Dante with Fatality for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

Ricky Starks vs. VSK

The match begins with Starks backing VSK into the corner before landing a few strikes, VSK fights back and he drops Starks with a huracanrana. VSK goes for a springboard move and Starks nails him with a knee strike, Starks traps VSK in the corner while stomping away on him. Starks follows up by dropping VSK with a back elbow strike, Starks keeps VSK down while landing more strikes. Starks then hits VSK with a slam before missing an elbow drop, VSK gets up and he nails Starks with some strikes. VSK follows up with a knee strike and uranage back breaker on Starks, Starks gets free and he levels VSK with a spear. Starks follows up with a Roshambo on VSK for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

– Eddie Kingston and The Bunny are backstage, Kingston wants to know why Bunny turned on QT Marshall and she says it was easy for her to infiltrate The Nightmare Family. Bunny tells Kingston how she played Marshall to get what she wanted, Bunny says she left Marshall and The Nightmare Family because she was bored with him. Kingston talks about how Marshall and Dustin Rhodes are ranked ahead of his family, but Kingston promises that will change soon.

Matt Sydal vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with Sydal working over the arm of Johnson, Sydal drags Johnson to the mat while working over his arm. Johnson gets free and Sydal gets him in a chin lock a short time later, Johnson gets up and Sydal takes him down with a headlock. Johnson gets free and he drops Sydal with a few arm drags, Johnson holds Sydal down while working over his arm. Sydal gets free and Johnson cracks him with a drop kick, Sydal recovers and he nails Johnson with a side slam. Sydal traps Johnson in the corner while landing a series of strikes, Johnson fights back and Sydal nails him with a spin kick to the head for a near fall. Sydal gets Johnson in a seated position while kicking him in the back, Sydal drops Johnson before landing a standing twisting splash for a near fall. Sydal catches Johnson in a roll up before applying an inverted cross face to him, Sydal transitions to a key lock on Johnson until Johnson gets to the ropes. Sydal follows up with a northern lights bomb on Johnson for a near fall, Johnson fights back again and Sydal nails him with a head kick. Johnson then hits Sydal with a jaw breaker followed by some other strikes, Sydal recovers and he nails Johnson with chops.

Johnson recovers again and he knocks a charging Johnson out of the ring, Johnson follows up by nailing Sydal with a series of suicide dives. Sydal crawls under the ring and he returns before attacking Johnson from behind, Sydal gets Johnson on the ring apron and Johnson kicks him in the face. Johnson then hits Sydal with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Sydal fights back and he nails Johnson with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Johnson responds by nailing Sydal with an enziguri, Sydal escapes a blue thunder bomb attempt to hit Johnson with a head kick and pain thriller. Sydal gets Johnson in the cobra clutch and a tap out follows.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Hikaru Shida vs. Leyla Hirsch

The match begins with Shida backing Hirsch into the corner before letting her go free, Hirsch scores a takedown on Shida and Shida gets free. Hirsch catches Shida in a front headlock, Shida gets free and she kicks the hand of Shida away during a handshake offering. Shida catches a charging Hirsch before nailing her with a back breaker, Shida gets Hirsch on the ring apron before landing a knee strike. Shida then hits Hirsch with a second back breaker for a near fall, Shida focuses her attack on the back of Hirsch by applying a camel clutch to her. Hirsch eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Shida then hits Hirsch with a suplex into the corner. Hirsch tries fighting back and she exchanges strikes with Shida, Hirsch sends a charging Shida to the arena floor. Hirsch follows up by nailing Shida with a suicide dive, Hirsch gets Shida back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Hirsch drops Shida in the corner before landing a double knee strike, Hirsch then hits Shida with a pop up Olympic Slam for a near fall. Hirsch goes for a moonsault and Shida gets out of the way, Shida goes for a falcon arrow and Hirsch counters with an arm bar. Shida gets free and she gets caught in a leg assisted full nelson, Shida gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt.

Shida blocks a knee strike and she hits Hirsch with one of her own, Shida hits Hirsch with another knee strike and a falcon arrow for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– QT Marshall is backstage and he says everybody told him what kind of person The Bunny is, Marshall says The Bunny took a lot away from him. Marshall says The Bunny cannot take the spot on the rankings he and Dustin Rhodes have, Rhodes says there is nothing that Eddie Kingston’s family can do to them that they haven’t seen before.

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt) vs. Danny Limelight & Jersey Muscle (Tony Vincita & Steve Gibki)

The match begins with Boy getting Limelight in a headlock, Limelight gets free and Boy nails him with a shoulder tackle. Limelight and Boy exchange leg sweeps and drop kicks, Limelight gets Boy in a headlock before eating an arm drag. Stunt tags in and he nails Limelight with a top rope head scissors takedown, Stunt and Boy double team Limelight for a near fall. Limelight recovers and he drops Stunt with a forearm strike, Limelight gets Stunt in a seated position before kicking him in the back. Gibki tags in and Stunt nails him with a huracanrana, Vincita tags in and Stunt drops him with a head scissors takedown. Limelight tags in and Stunt rolls him up for a near fall, Jersey Muscle gets Stunt out of the ring before sending him into the barricade. Limelight gets a near fall as Stunt is tossed back in the ring, Limelight then hits Stunt with a suplex for a near fall. Stunt fights back and he nails Limelight with a release German suplex, Gibki tags in and Stunt tags Luchasaurus in. Luchasaurus immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus levels every member of the opposing team with head kicks. Luchasaurus then hits Gibki with a choke slam, Stunt tags in and he nails Vincita with a top rope elbow drop.

Everybody from each team hits the ring and they all take each other out, Jersey Muscle hits Stunt with a power slam neck breaker for a near fall. Limelight tags in and Stunt escapes a suplex to tag Boy in, Boy takes out Jersey Muscle with some super kicks. Jurassic Express nail Limelight with a triple super kick and an assisted destroyer for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs. The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans & Angelico)

The match begins with Angelico working over the arm of Kazarian, Kazarian gets free and he works over the arm of Angelico. Angelico gets free and he exchanges pin attempts with Kazarian, Kazarian then drops Angelico with a head scissors takedown followed by an arm drag. Angelico gets Kazarian in the corner before landing a strike to his back after an Evans distraction, Evans tags in and he nails Kazarian with a leaping mid kick for a near fall. Kazarian fights back and he nails Evans with a few chops, Daniels tags on and he double teams Evans alongside Kazarian. Daniels stands Evans up before dropping him with a headbutt, Daniels follows up with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker on Evans. Kazarian tags in and he double teams Evans with Daniels for a near fall, Daniels tags in and he nails an elevated Evans with a clothesline for a near fall. Daniels then hits Evans with a suplex for a near fall, Angelico interferes and he helps Evans hit Daniels with a spinning head kick. Angelico tags in and he stomps away on a downed Daniels, Evans tags in and he also stomps away on a downed Daniels. Evans keeps Daniels down while applying a Muta Lock to him, Angelico tags in and he gets Daniels in a modified figure four.

Evans tags in and he nails a trapped Daniels with a spinning sky twister for a near fall, Evans then hits Daniels with a springboard elbow strike. Angelico tags in and Daniels drops him a short time later with an STO, Evans tags in and Kazarian gets a tag a short time later. Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kazarian then hits Angelico with a slingshot cutter. Kazarian follows up by hitting Evans with a Japanese ocean cyclone suplex for a near fall, Daniels tags in and he double teams Evans with Kazarian for a near fall. Daniels goes for Angel’s Wings and Evans counters with a huracanrana, Kazarian tags in and he nails Evans with a DDT for a near fall. Angelico interferes and he prevents SCU from landing The Best Meltzer Ever, Daniels returns and he drags Angelico out of the ring. Kazarian catches Evans in a small package for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels)

After the match, The Hybrid 2 attacks SCU.

Anna Jay vs. Katalina Perez

The match begins with Jay and Perez backing each other into the corner, Jay quickly drops Perez with a hook kick to the head. Jay traps Perez in the corner before landing a spinning head kick, Perez fights back and Jay nails her with a clothesline. Jay sends Perez into the corner before landing a few strikes, Jay sends Perez into another corner while landing some strikes. Jay drops Perez before landing a rolling head kick, Perez and Jay have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Perez ends the exchange by nailing Jay with a few clotheslines, Perez drops Jay before missing a second rope elbow drop. Perez also misses a charge in the corner before Jay drops her with a hook kick to the head, Jay also nails Perez with a clothesline to the back of the head. Jay gets Perez in the rear naked choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Anna Jay

– Leva Bates stands on the stage as the competitors are introduced.

No Count Outs, No DQ Match
Brandon Cutler vs. Peter Avalon

The match begins with Cutler attacking Avalon before the bell sounds, Avalon fights back and he nails Cutler with an eye rake followed by strikes of his own. Cutler fights back and he nails Avalon with a short arm clothesline, Avalon tackles Cutler and they both fall out of the ring. Avalon throws Cutler off the stage and to the arena floor, Avalon leaps off the stage and he lands on a standing Cutler. Avalon finds a table and he sets it up on the arena floor, Avalon nails Cutler with some strikes before getting him on the table. Avalon climbs the ropes and Cutler gets to the ring apron, Cutler gets Avalon off the ropes and he clotheslines him back into the ring. Cutler nails Avalon with a slingshot spinning head kick, Cutler gets Avalon out of the ring before placing a garbage can on top of him. Cutler drops Avalon before landing an elbow drop from the ring apron, Cutler finds his own table and he leans it against the ring. Cutler looks for a power bomb and Avalon counters by back body dropping him through a table, Avalon gets Cutler back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Avalon grabs a crate full of books and he brings them in the ring, Avalon attacks Cutler with the crate full of books. Avalon misses the Martinis and Cutler nails him with an elevated reverse DDT for a near fall, Cutler grabs his die and a black bag full of smaller dice and he spills them all over the ring.

Avalon and Cutler exchange suplex attempts, Cutler goes for a springboard forearm strike and Avalon counters with a uranage on a pile of books for a near fall. Avalon takes a book from Bates before arguing with her, Bates slaps Avalon and Cutler rolls him up before eating a book shot to the head. Avalon reveals the book had brass knuckles in it and he puts them on, Cutler slams a charging Avalon on the dice for a near fall. Avalon hits Cutler with the brass knuckles and they both fall through the table on the arena floor, The Young Bucks come out as Avalon gets Cutler back in the ring. Avalon climbs to the top rope and Cutler attacks him, Avalon goes for a super huracanrana and Cutler rolls through for a three count.

Winner: Brandon Cutler

Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) w/Orange Cassidy vs. Anthony Bowens & Max Caster

The match begins with Caster backing Trent into the corner before slapping him in the face, Trent gets angry and he nails Caster with a few strikes. Trent then drops a charging Caster with a knee lift to the midsection, Taylor tags in and he double teams Caster alongside Trent. Bowens tags in and Taylor nails him with a uranage, Taylor goes for a middle rope moonsault and Bowens gets out of the way. Bowens then hits Taylor with a knee strike for a near fall, Caster tags in and he nails Taylor with a neck breaker. Bowens hits the ring after a tag in and he double teams Taylor with Caster for a near fall, Taylor fights back to hit Bowens with a knee strike before tagging Trent in. Trent quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Caster blocks a tornado DDT from Trent before nailing him with a suplex for a near fall. Bowens tags in and he attacks both of the Best Friends, Trent recovers and he nails Bowens with a back drop driver. Bowens recovers and he nails Trent with a discus forearm strike, Caster tags in and he nails Trent with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Taylor hits the ring and he gets Bowens out of it, Trent then levels Caster with a running knee strike to the head. Best Friends then hit Caster with Strong Zero for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) w/Orange Cassidy

– Alex Marvez interviews Scorpio Sky, Sky walks into his locker room for the interview and he finds it destroyed with the word “thief” written on the mirror.

Brian Cage vs. Fuego Del Sol

The match begins with Cage blocking a head scissors takedown from Del Sol, Cage then hits Del Sol with a choke slam throw. Cage traps Del Sol in the corner while landing some strikes, Cage then hits Del Sol with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Del Sol fights back and Cage drops him on the top rope, Cage goes for a fall away slam and Del Sol escapes to land a few strikes of his own. Cage blocks a spinning DDT and he hits Del Sol with a double under hook neck breaker, Del Sol blocks a Drill Claw from Cage before rolling him up for a near fall. Cage catches a leaping Del Sol before landing a few power bomb, Cage then hits Del Sol with Weapon X for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage

10 w/ 5 vs. Sean Maluta

The match begins with 10 backing Maluta into the corner before letting him go free, 10 then gets Maluta in a headlock. Maluta gets free and 10 nails him with a shoulder tackle, Maluta goes to work on the arm of 10 and 10 nails him with an elbow strike. 10 misses a charge in the corner and Maluta boots him in the face, 10 recovers and he levels Maluta with a power bomb. 10 throws Maluta out of the ring so 5 can work him over behind the ref’s back, Maluta is thrown back in the ring and 10 nails him with a pump kick. 10 follows up by nailing Maluta with a delayed vertical suplex, Maluta fights back and 10 nails him with a knee to the midsection. Maluta fights back again and he nails 10 with some strikes followed by a roll up for a near fall, 10 recovers to hit Maluta with a spine buster and a rip chord clothesline for a three count.

Winner: 10 w/ 5

Ivelisse & Diamante vs. Savannah Evans & KiLynn King

The match begins with an all out brawl between both teams, Ivelisse gets King out of the ring while Diamante nails Evans with a chop block. Ivelisse then hits Evans with a DDT before landing a bunch of strikes, Ivelisse nails Evans with more strikes while cornering her. Diamante tags in and she double teams Evans with Ivelisse for a near fall, Diamante then hits Evans with a side Russian leg sweep. Diamante keeps Evans down while applying a single leg crab to her, Evans gets free and she exchanges strikes with Diamante. Diamante ends the exchange by driving Evans’ knee to the mat below, Ivelisse tags in and she nails Evans with more strikes. Evans fights back and she nails Ivelisse with a uranage, Diamante and King are tagged in by their respective partners. King quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, King crushes Diamante with a clothesline for a near fall. Ivelisse then knocks Evans off the ring apron before nailing King with a super kick, Diamante then hits King with a code red for a three count.

Winners: Ivelisse & Diamante

Sonny Kiss vs. Aaron Solow

The match begins with Kiss dropping Solow with an arm drag and huracanrana, Kiss misses a chot into the corner before nailing Solow with a head kick. Kiss goes for a springboard move and Solow trips him up, Solow then stomps away on the downed Kiss. Kiss fights back and Solow nails him with a back suplex for a near fall, Solow gets Kiss up while getting him in a chin lock. Kiss gets free and Solow drops him before landing a double stomp for a near fall, Solow follows up by choking Kiss on the middle rope. Solow then hits Kiss with a corner clothesline followed by a hair whip, Kiss gets angry and he nails Solow with a bunch of strikes. Kiss does a split before rolling up Solow for a near fall, Solow recovers to hit Kiss with an exploder suplex for a near fall. Kiss recovers to nail Solow with a drop kick and an overhead release suplex, Kiss traps Solow in the ropes before landing an axe kick. Kiss then hits Solow with a splitting leg drop for a three count.

Winner: Sonny Kiss

After the match, Lance Archer attacks both competitors while Jake Roberts recites the Humpty Dumpty fairytale, Archer then says he’ll face the winner of the AEW World Championship bout at AEW Fall Out ’20.

Will Hobbs vs. Nick Comoroto

The match begins with Comoroto attacking Hobbs just as the bell sounds, Hobbs recovers and he knocks Comoroto out of the ring with a shoulder tackle. Hobbs follows Comoroto out there before landing a clothesline, Hobbs gets Comoroto back in the ring and he nails him with a corner clothesline. Comoroto recovers and he nails Hobbs with a chop block, Comoroto attacks Hobbs before dropping him with a clothesline. Hobbs catches a leaping Comoroto and he nails him with a spine buster, Hobbs goes to the top rope and he lands frog splash on Comoroto for a three count.

Winner: Will Hobbs

Darby Allin vs. Alex Chamberlain

The match begins with Allin dropping Chamberlain and going for the Fujiwara arm bar, Chamberlain gets free and Allin nails him with a springboard arm drag. Chamberlain says he injured his knee upon getting in the ring, Chamberlain fakes the injury and he nails a leaping Allin with a back breaker. Chamberlain traps Allin in the corner while stomping away on him, Chamberlain then hits Allin with a slam before applying a bow & arrow stretch to him. Allin gets free and Chamberlain sends him into the corner, Allin sends Chamberlain out of the ring and Chamberlain drags him out. Allin then sends Chamberlain into the ringside edge and ring post, Allin gets back in the ring and he nails Chamberlain with a shotgun drop kick. Allin follows up with an avalanche on Chamberlain, Chamberlain recovers and he nails Allin with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Allin fights back and he nails Chamberlain with a drop kick to the knee, Allin then gets Chamberlain in a rope assisted guillotine choke. Allin then hits Chamberlain with a Coffin Drop and stunner, Allin follows up with a second Coffin Drop on Chamberlain for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

After the match, Team Taz attacks Darby Allin until Will Hobbs makes the save.

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