
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/23/20 Mansoor vs The Brian Kendrick

Mansoor takes on a former Cruiserweight champion tonight at 10pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

The Brian Kendrick vs Mansoor

Brian locks in a standing side headlock before grounding Mansoor with it and transitioning into a bulldog choke. Mansoor gets to his feet and takes Brian down before Brian gets up and backs Mansoor into the corner. They get into a shoving match before  Brian kicks Mansoor in the midsection and Mansoor hits an arm drag. Mansoor dropkicks Brian and hits a running clothesline in the corner into a diving bulldog for two. Brian kicks Mansoor in the spine when he goes for a slingshot cutter and hits a butterfly suplex for two.

Brian chokes Mansoor in the ropes and plays to the crowd before they exchange forearms and Brian takes Mansoor down. Brian locks in a hammer lock before Mansoor hits an arm drag and Brian drops him with a back elbow. Brian boots Mansoor down before Mansoor yells and drops Brian with a pump kick before hitting a flying clothesline. Mansoor hits an inverted atomic drop into a spine buster before hitting a series of suplexes into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Mansoor hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Brian smashes Mansoor’s face into his knee for a near fall of his own.

Mansoor counters the Captain’s Hook before Brian counters a powerbomb into a hear scissors into the corner. Brian sets Mansoor on the top turnbuckle before hitting a butterfly superplex for a near fall. Mansoor then flips over into a stacked pin for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats The Brian Kendrick via pinfall.

– The two then shake hands after the match before Brian raises the arm of Mansoor and leaves up the ramp visibly upset as we go to commercial.

– We get the same video package for the former Cruiserweight champion Jordan Devlin as we did this week on NXT UK ahead of his return.

– The Bollywood Boyz make their return to 205 Live before dancing in the ring and at ringside.

– We get a backstage promo by Curt Stallion ahead of his match against Tony Nese up next as we go to commercial.

Curt Stallion vs Tony Nese

Ariya Daivari comes out as soon as the match starts before Tony attacks Curt from behind off of the distraction. Tony drops Curt with a flurry of strikes as Ariya joins on commentary before Curt comes back with a back suplex. Curt rocks Tony with a discus forearm before hitting a reverse neckbreaker for two before Tony crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Tony hits a gut buster for two before playing to the crowd and grounding Curt with a side headlock. Curt comes back with a jawbreaker before Tony snaps his neck across the top rope rope before hitting a triangle moonsault for two.

Tony dropkicks Curt and locks in a body scissors before locking in a torture rack before Curt hits a German suplex. Curt hits a running boot into a running dropkick in the corner before following up with a DDT for a near fall. Curt goes up top and hits a moonsault off of the top and onto Tony who rolled to the outside before rolling him back into the ring. Curt then headbutt Ariya before he gets back into the ring and Tony hits the Running Knese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Curt Stallion via pinfall.

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