
AEW Dark 10/13/20 Results: Dark Order, Nyla Rose, Eddie Kingston, Darby Allin & More In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Evil Uno vs. The Blade vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Jungle Boy

The match begins with a brawl between all four competitors in the match, Boy sends Uno out of the ring with a head scissors takedown. Kazarian knocks Blade out of the ring before battling Boy, Kazarian drops Boy with a leg sweep before exchanging roll ups with him. Blade returns and he drags Boy out of the ring before Uno rolls up Kazarian for a near fall, Kazarian nails Uno with a few strikes before dropping him with a clothesline. Blade gets in the ring and he drops Kazarian, Boy drops Uno on the ring apron before dropping Kazarian and Blade with drop kicks. Kazarian then then hits Boy with a Japanese ocean cyclone suplex for a near fall, Uno returns and he attacks a cornered Boy with strikes. Uno gets Boy out of the corner with a suplex for a near fall, Uno uses wrist tape to hit Boy with a neck breaker for a near fall. Blade returns and he drops a charging Uno for a near fall, Uno and Blade have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Kazarian and Boy return as a four way brawl breaks out in the ring, Kazarian drops Blade and Uno with a double clothesline. Boy then takes out Blade and Uno with suicide dives, Kazarian then hits Boy with a slingshot cutter.

Blade gets in the ring and Kazarian nails him with a fisherman suplex for a near fall, Uno drops Blade and Boy rolls him up for a near fall. Uno cracks Boy with a package neck breaker for another near fall, Uno corners Blade while attacking him with strikes. Kazarian returns to hit Blade with a slingshot DDT, Kazarian and Boy also take each other out with a double cross body block. Kazarian gets Boy on the top rope and he follows him up there, Blade gets Kazarian off the ropes and Kazarian does the same to him. Uno knocks Kazarian and Blade to the arena floor before getting Boy off the ropes, Boy shocks Uno with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Jungle Boy

After the match, Dark Order attacks Jungle Boy until everybody’s respective tag partners come out to have a massive brawl.

Lucha Bros (Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix) vs. Lee Johnson & Cezar Bononi

The match begins with Zero M attacking Bononi with some leg kicks, Bononi recovers and he drops Zero M. Fenix tags in and Bononi quickly drops him with a slam, Johnson tags in and Zero M interferes to kick him in the back. Zero M tags in and he double teams Johnson with Fenix, Fenix tags in and he nails Johnson with a few strikes. Zero M tags back in and Johnson nails him with a combination, Bononi tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Bononi nails Zero M and Fenix with a power slam/power bomb combo for a near fall, Fenix fights back and he nails Bononi with some kicks. Bononi gets double teamed by the Lucha Bros, the Lucha Bros then hit Bononi with the Punisher and double thrust kicks. The Lucha Bros look for their finisher and Johnson breaks it up, Johnson then hits Fenix with a suicide dive. Bononi nails Zero M with a power slam into the corner for a near fall, Johnson tags in and he misses a leap on Zero M. Zero M quickly drops Johnson with a sling blade, Fenix tags in and he attacks both of his opponents. Zero M tags in and the Lucha Bros hit Johnson with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Lucha Bros (Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix)

– Peter Avalon jumps Brandon Cutler during his entrance for their match, Avalon nails Cutler with a power bomb on the entrance ramp. Avalon then hits Cutler with The Martinis on the entrance ramp, Leva Bates goes to check on Cutler while Avalon demands to be named the winner of the match.

Brandon Cutler vs. Peter Avalon w/ Leva Bates

The match begins with Avalon attacking an injured Cutler with a ton of strikes to the back, Avalon then hits Cutler with The Martinis from the middle rope. Avalon uses a basement drop kick to knock Cutler to the arena floor, Cutler gets back in the ring and Avalon nails him with a series of back suplexes. Avalon keeps Cutler down while holding him in a single leg crab, Cutler eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Cutler starts fighting back and Avalon misses a charge in the corner, Cutler then hits Avalon with a few head kicks. Cutler traps Avalon in the ropes while landing a few strikes and a leg drop, Avalon rolls out of the ring and Cutler follows him out there. Avalon throws Bates into Cutler before dropping him, Avalon argues with Bates and Cutler nails him with a suicide dive. Cutler gets Avalon in the ring before landing a springboard elbow drop for a near fall, Avalon fights back and he nails a leaping Cutler with a uranage for a near fall. Avalon goes to the top rope and Cutler crotches him, Cutler gets Avalon off the ropes before landing an elevated reverse DDT for a near fall.

Cutler leaves the ring and he gets his dice from under the ring and Bates talks him out of using it, Avalon rakes the eyes of Cutler before landing a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Avalon grabs a book and Cutler avoids getting hit by it before landing the TPK as the ref gets taken out, Cutler destroys the book before he and Avalon hit each other with weapons as the referee calls for the bell.

Match Result: Double DQ

Sonny Kiss w/Joey Janela vs. Matt Sydal

The match begins with Kiss and Sydal exchanging some arm drags, Sydal catches Kiss in a front headlock and Kiss gets free before landing another arm drag. Kiss follows up by nailing Sydal with a drop kick, Sydal recovers to hit Kiss with a head scissors takedown followed by a leg lariat. Kiss fights back and Sydal drops him with a side slam, Sydal follows Kiss around while landing some strikes. Sydal keeps Kiss down while pulling on his arms and legs, Sydal transitions to a bow and arrow stretch on Kiss. Kiss gets free and Sydal landing a twisting moonsault for a near fall, Sydal follows up with a modified fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Kiss fights back to drop Sydal with a head scissors takedown and flat liner, Kiss then hits Sydal with a split leg drop for a near fall. Sydal and Kiss exchange a few head kicks, Kiss hangs Sydal up in the corner before landing a rolling drop kick for a near fall. Kiss goes to the middle rope and Sydal avoids the split leg drop, Sydal gets Kiss in a cobra clutch and the tap out follows.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Preston Vance) vs. Aaron Solow, M’Badu & Angel Fashion

The match begins with Silver scoring a takedown on Solow before getting him in a front headlock, Silver goes after the arm of Solow and he winds up landing strikes instead. Solow fights back and he nails a charging Silver with a drop kick, M’Badu tags in and he drops Silver with a shoulder block. Reynolds tags in and M’Badu nails him with a back body drop, Fashion tags in and Reynolds nails him with a series of strikes. Fashion fights back to nail Reynolds with a drop kick and knee strike, Vance makes a blind tag and he double teams Fashion with Reynolds. Vance then hits Fashion with a rip cord cutter for a near fall, Reynolds tags in and he nails a cornered Fashion with strikes. Reynolds follows up by nailing Fashion with a neck breaker for a near fall, Silver tags in and he nails a downed Fashion with some kicks. Reynolds tags in and he stomps on a downed Fashion before tagging Silver in, Fashion gets free and he tags M’Badu into the match. M’Badu quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Solow tags in and he attacks members of Dark Order. Vance interferes and he nails Solow with a spear from out of nowhere, Dark Order nail Solow with a T-Gimmick for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Preston Vance)

– Brandi Rhodes joins the announce team for the next match.

Red Velvet vs. Elayna Black

The match begins with Black working over the arm of Velvet, Velvet gets free and she gets Black in a headlock. Black gets free and Velvet nails her with a few arm drags followed by a drop kick, Black misses a charge in the corner and Velvet nails her with an elbow drop for a near fall. Velvet traps Black in the corner while landing some strikes and a choke, Black gets free and she attacks the knee of Velvet. Black backs up Velvet while landing some forearm strikes and a knee strike, Black drops Velvet before kicking her in the back for a near fall. Velvet avoids a drop kick from Black before landing a few clotheslines, Velvet follows up by nailing Black with a bulldog. Velvet then hits Black with knee strikes and Just Deserts for a three count.

Winner: Red Velvet

Ricky Starks vs. Fuego Del Sol

The match begins with Starks dropping Del Sol before landing a bunch of strikes in the corner, Starks sends Del Sol into multiple corners before dropping him with a hard Irish whip. Del Sol gets up and Starks attacks him with some more strikes before dropping him with a back elbow strike, Del Sol fights back and he nails Starks with a drop kick. Starks recovers and he back body drops Del Sol out of the ring and onto the stage, Starks drops Del Sol on the stage again before joining the commentary team for a short time. Starks gets Del Sol in the ring and Del Sol nails him with a thrust kick, Starks recovers to hit Del Sol with a spear and Rashambo for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

– Alex Marvez interviews Christopher Daniels and Scorpio Sky, they get interrupted by Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard. Blanchard says Spears can face Daniels next week on AEW Dark.

The Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn) w/ Colton Gunn vs. Maxx Stardom & Ryzin

The match begins with Ryzin attacking Austin with a few strikes, Ryzin corners Austin before landing more strikes and stomps. Stardom tags in and he nails Austin with a slingshot elbow drop, Austin fights back to drop Stardom and land a rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Billy tags in and he double teams Stardom with Austin for a near fall, Stardom leaves the ring and Billy follows him out there. Ryzin sends Billy into the ringside edge before getting him back in the ring, Billy recovers and he nails a charging Stardom with a slam. Austin tags in and he eats a kick from Stardom, Ryzin tags in and he immediately drops Austin with a clothesline. Stardom tags in and he double teams Austin with Ryzin for a near fall, Austin recovers and he drops Stardom with a double clothesline. Billy and Ryzin are tagged in by their respective partners, Billy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Austin and Stardom are tagged in and Austin hits Stardom with the Quick Draw for a three count.

Winners: The Gunn Club (Billy & Austin Gunn) w/ Colton Gunn

Darby Allin vs. Nick Comoroto

The match begins with Comoroto shoving Allin to the mat, Allin makes Comoroto chase him and Comoroto drops him with a back elbow strike. Comoroto traps Allin in the corner while landing some more strikes, Comoroto then drops Allin with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Allin fights back and Comoroto nails him with a power slam, Allin gets up and he attacks Comoroto with more strikes. Comoroto recovers and he drops Allin with another hard Irish whip before holding him in a modified chin lock, Allin gets free and Comoroto nails him with a back breaker for a near fall. Allin fights back again and he drops him arm first on the top rope, Allin follows up with a drop kick to the arm of Comoroto. Allin catches a cornered Comoroto in a rope assisted arm bar, Comoroto tries fighting back and Allin nails him with a chop block. Allin gets Comoroto in a Fujiwara arm bar and Comoroto gets to the ropes, Allin looks for a sleeper hold and Comoroto drives him into the corner. Allin nails Comoroto with a middle rope clothesline and a Coffin Drop for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

After the match, Darby Allin attacks Ricky Starks until security breaks them up.

– KiLynn King is backstage and she talks about how Vickie Guerreo interfered in her first match with Nyla Rose, King also talks about being attacked by Rose last week on AEW Dynamite.

Colt Cabana w/ Evil Uno vs. Griff Garrison

The match begins with Cabana tripping up Garrison before going for a pin, Cabana starts focusing his attack on the arm of Garrison. Garrison gets free and he gets Cabana in a headlock, Cabana gets free and Garrison kicks him in the face. Garrison misses a charge in the corner and Cabana knocks him out of the ring, Uno gets Garrison back in the ring as the ref checks on Cabana. Cabana backs Garrison into the corner while landing some strikes, Cabana goes for the Billy Goat’s Curse and Garrison gets to the ropes. Cabana nails Garrison with an elbow strike for a near fall, Garrison fights back and he drops Cabana with a discus elbow strike. Garrison and Cabana have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Garrison gets Cabana in the corner before landing an avalanche. Garrison leaps off the top rope and Cabana gets his feet up, Cabana hits Garrison with a Flying Apple and middle rope splash for a near fall. Cabana gets Garrison in the Billy Goat’s Curse and a tap out follows.

Winner: Colt Cabana w/ Evil Uno

Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. KiLynn King

The match begins with Rose shoving King to the mat below, Guerrero interferes and a striking exchange breaks out a short time later between the two opponents. Rose catches a leaping King and she lands a fall away slam, Rose traps King in the corner while landing some strikes. King reverses things and she attacks Rose with her own strikes, Rose misses a charge in the corner and King nails her with a headbutt. Rose avoids an enziguri before nailing King with a release German suplex, Rose then hits King with a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero

After the match, Vickie Guerrero claims that the AEW brass are just giving Nyla Rose lowly competitors to face instead of top talents. Guerrero says Rose will no longer compete until Hikaru Shida gives her a shot at the AEW Women’s Championship.

Joey Janela w/ Sonny Kiss vs. D3

The match begins with D3 working over the arm of Janela, Janela gets free and he works over the arm of D3. D3 gets free and he exchanges a few pin attempts with Janela, Janela gets D3 in a headlock before nailing him with a shoulder tackle. D3 recovers and he nails Janela with a head scissors takedown, D3 misses a moonsault attempt and Janela nails him with a big swing. Janela follows up by nailing D3 with a basement drop kick, Janela traps D3 in the corner while landing chops. Janela follows up by nailing D3 with a neck breaker for a near fall, D3 fights back and he nails Janela with a neck breaker followed by a top rope elbow drop. Janela leaves the ring and he drops D3 on the ring apron, Janela follows up by nailing D3 with a death valley driver on the arena floor. Janela gets D3 back in the ring before landing a lariat, Janela follows up by nailing D3 with a series of brain busters for a three count.

Winner: Joey Janela w/ Sonny Kiss

Wardlow vs. Elijah Dean

The match begins with Wardlow shoving Dean across the ring a few times, Dean fights back and he hits Wardlow with a few strikes. Wardlow quickly recovers and he nails a charging Dean with a spine buster, Wardlow follows up with a right followed by a clothesline on Dean. Wardlow sends Dean into the corner before landing shoulder thrusts, Wardlow nails Dean with a dropping knee strike and Dean goes out cold for a KO.

Winner: Wardlow

Eddie Kingston vs. Baron Black

The match begins with Kingston scoring a takedown on Black, Black gets free and he works over the arm of Kingston. Kingston gets free and he gets Black down with a headlock, Black gets free and he briefly gets Kingston in a head scissors. Kingston controls the arm of Black while landing some knee strikes, Kingston follows up by attacking Black with chops and stomps. Black fights back and Kingston rakes his eyes, Kingston traps Black in the corner while landing more strikes. Black recovers and he nails Kingston with a discus clothesline followed by a suplex for a near fall, Kingston fights back and he nails Black with a spinning back fist. Kingston gets Black in a standing guillotine choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

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