
WWE 205 Live Results for 10/9/20 Ashante Thee Adonis vs The Brian Kendrick

205 Live is back tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for this week’s edition of 205 Live!

Ariya Daivari vs Jake Atlas

Ariya jabs Jake when he goes to lock up before sending Jake out of the ring before Jake sends him into the barricade. Jake tosses Ariya back into the ring and chops Jake in the throat before hitting a neck breaker in the ropes. Ariya kicks Jake when he does a hand stand in the corner before slamming his head into the mat. Ariya hits a basement dropkick through the legs of Jake before hitting a reverse DDT and grinding his knee against the face of Jake in the ropes. Ariya drops Jake with chops before punching him in the corner and planting him with a DDT.

Jake drops Ariya with a forearm before hitting a back body drop and a dropkick into a German suplex. Jake hits a pump kick in the corner for two before hitting a knee in the ropes for a near fall. Ariya comes back with a neck breaker before going up top and hitting a diving splash for a near fall. Ariya superkicks Jake before Jake sends him out of the ring with a pump kick and hits a suicide dive. Jake then tosses Ariya back into the ring before he’s attacked out of nowhere by Tony Nese for the disqualification. 

Winner: Jake Atlas defeats Ariya Daivari via disqualification.

– Ariya Daivari hits the hammer lock lariat to Jake after the match before leaving.

– We get a graphic for the Bollywood Boyz who are set to make their return soon.

– We get a video package recapping the Cruiserweight Championship match between the champion Santos Escobar and the challenger Isaiah Scott at Takeover 31 in which Santos retained.

Ashante Thee Adonis vs The Brian Kendrick

They lock up before Brian backs Ashante into the corner for a clean break before they lock up a second time and Ashante backs Brian into the corner. Ashante blocks a right hand by Brian and hits him with a forearm in the corner before locking in a standing side headlock. Ashante dropkicks Brian and hits a back body drop before clotheslining him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Ashante kicks Brian who tries to drag him out of the ring before getting caught on the skirt of the apron. Brian hits a Russian leg sweep into the barricade before rolling back inside and Ashante gets back in at nine.

Ashante clotheslines Brian after catching a kick for two before Ashante counters the Captain’s Hook and Brian hits a leg lariat. Brian gets two before suplexing Ashante for two and locking in a straight arm bar before Ashante comes back with strikes. Ashante hits a diving cross body before following up with a DDT for two and Kendrick counters a suplex. Ashante hits a spine buster for two before lifting Brian and Brian counters a Razor’s Edge before rocking Ashante with kicks. Ashante counters the Captain’s Hook before Brian drops him and Brian locks in the Captain’s Hook before Ashante turns it into a pin for a near fall.

Ashante then superkicks Brian and hits the Long Kiss Goodnight for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ashante Thee Adonis defeats The Brian Kendrick via pinfall.

– After the match the two get to their feet and Brian shakes the hand of Ashante before leaving him to celebrate the biggest win of his career as we go off the air.

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