
WWE NXT Results for 10/7/20 NXT Takeover 31 Fallout Tommaso Ciampa vs KUSHIDA

Witness the fallout from NXT Takeover 31 tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of Takeover 31 this past Sunday before we open in the CWC with our opening match between Tommaso Ciampa and KUSHIDA.

Tommaso Ciampa vs KUSHIDA

KUSHIDA takes Ciampa down with a single leg before controlling him on the ground and Ciampa counters a hand spring elbow when he kicks KUSHIDA when he’s upside down. Ciampa stomps KUSHIDA and locks in a bulldog choke on the mat before Ciampa gets to his feet and Ciampa hits a back breaker and a leg drop for two. Ciampa beats on KUSHIDA and grounds him before hitting another neck breaker and locking in a rear headlock before KUSHIDA counters another neck breaker and goes for an arm bar. Ciampa then counters the arm bar and kicks KUSHIDA into the announce table before knocking Ciampa off of the apron with a hand spring kick as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ciampa chopping KUSHIDA in the corner before setting him on the top and knocking him off and onto the apron before KUSHIDA snaps the arm of Ciampa across the top of the post. Back in the ring KUSHIDA hits a PK to the arm of Ciampa before countering a Fairytale Ending and sending him face first into the middle turnbuckle. KUSHIDA locks in an arm bar before Ciampa gets to the ropes for the break before hitting a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall and KUSHIDA counters another Fairytale Ending. KUSHIDA then goes to stomp Ciampa who beats him to it before KUSHIDA drops Ciampa and stomps his back before locking in the Hoverboard Lock. KUSHIDA is then distracted by Velveteen Dream who ends up hitting Ciampa instead of him for the disqualification.

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa defeats KUSHIDA via disqualification.

– KUSHIDA sends Dream out of the ring and hits a tope before sending him over the barricade before we get a graphic for Ember Moon up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Ember Moon in the ring where she talks about coming back to NXT and how she’s going to be setting her sights on the NXT title before she’s interrupted by the NXT Women’s Champion, Io Shirai. The two face off before Io grabs a mic and they’re both interrupted by the entrance of Rhea Ripley who is attacked from behind on the apron by Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai. Ember goes after Kai and Raquel as Io looks on before William Regal comes out and makes a tag match between Rhea, Ember, Dakota and Raquel for tonight’s main event.

– We cut to earlier today where we see Drake Maverick who says that he’s been strategizing with Killian Dain before Dain comes up from behind and tells him that they’re not partners or friends before Drake tells him that they have a tag match against Ever-Rise. Dain then leaves in anger before Drake follows as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Io Shirai being interviewed where she says that she didn’t help Rhea or Ember because it’s not her problem and only the NXT Women’s title is her problem.

– We get stills of the end of the NXT title match at Takeover 31 where Ridge Holland had dropped an unconscious Adam Cole over the barricade and down at ringside before we go to Undisputed Era backstage. Kyle blames himself, but Adam says that there was nothing he could have done before Adam says that Ridge broke his ribs and he’s a dead man.

Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs Ever-Rise

Dain and Chase start the match before Dain slaps the chest of Drake and Drake dropkicks Matt before Matt drops him from behind when he tries to reach and tag in Dain. Dain comes in and helps Drake before shoving Matt backwards and dragging Drake to the corner so he can come in legally before Dain drops both members of ER and hits Matt with a running cross body before slamming Chase. Drake tags himself in when Dain starts to go for a Vader Bomb before they argue and Chase rolls Drake up before Dain breaks it up with a boot. Dain then powerbombs Drake onto Chase for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drake Maverick and Killian Dain defeat Ever-Rise via pinfall.

– Dain lays Drake out after the match with a right hand before dragging him out of the ring and carrying him to the back.

– We get a video package for the return of Toni Storm in Mexico leading up to her return at Takeover 31 as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the Garganos walking their dog earlier today where Candice and Johnny agree that she deserves a rematch before we see that Indi Hartwell gifted them a new television to replace their broken one.

Austin Theory vs Leon Ruff

Austin shoves Ruff who hits a head scissors for an early near fall before Austin runs him over and Ruff uses his speed to be one step ahead of Austin before clotheslining him for two. Austin then hits the ATL for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Theory defeats Leon Ruff via pinfall.

– After the match Austin gets on the mic and says that he didn’t get to warm up against Adam Cole, blaming it for why he lost to him last week before saying that he is the future of NXT. Dexter Lumis then comes out and gets into the ring for an impromptu match.

Dexter Lumis vs Austin Theory

Dexter drops Austin with an thrust to the throat before stomping him and smashing his face into the top turnbuckle before hitting him with clubbing blows and a Thesz Press when they run the ropes. They then end up at ringside before Dexter sends Austin back into the ring and hits a bulldog for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dexter in control until Austin comes back and clotheslines him before hitting a standing moonsault for two and taking his time to follow up while mocking Dexter. Dexter comes back with uppercuts before Austin hits a snap mare and stomps him before Dexter counters a suplex into a spine buster before Austin dropkicks him and hits a side slam into The Silence. Dexter then chokes Austin unconscious for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: Dexter Lumis defeats Austin Theory via referee stoppage.

– After the match Cameron Grimes comes out of nowhere and hits Dexter with the Cave In.

– Backstage Kai and Gonzalez say that Rhea got in their business and that they’re going to take care of her once and for all before we get a graphic for a Prime Target looking at the fall out after the NXT title match at Takeover 31 as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a backstage interview with Cameron Grimes before we get a Prime Target recapping the NXT title match at Takeover 31 and the subsequent fall out from the match as well as an update on the injury of NXT champion Finn Balor. Finn’s doctor informs us that Finn will be out for a little while and should be able to talk himself once the swelling in his face goes down.

– We get a brief interview with Ridge Holland who credits Adam Cole for the expensive car he’s driving before entering the arena as we’re told he’s in action up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package for North American champion Damian Priest before we get a backstage interview with him where he says that he’s taking on all challengers and that they will receive a reckoning.

Ridge Holland vs Danny Burch

Ridge takes Danny down to one knee before rocking him with an uppercut and hitting a snap mare before Danny takes Ridge down to the mat with a wrist lock before sending Ridge into the corner and stomping him. Burch hits a missile dropkick before Ridge counters a German suplex, but Danny hits it the second time before clotheslining him for two. Ridge then comes back and hits Northern Grit out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland defeats Danny Burch via pinfall.

– Ridge attacks Danny after the match and headbutts him repeatedly before Oney Lorcan comes to Danny’s aide and sends him out of the ring before Ridge rushes back in and beats Oney down. Officials then make Ridge get out of the ring before Oney hits a tope and they exchange in the ring until Ridge turns Oney inside out with a clothesline before Oney hits a slingshot cross body.

– We go to Johnny and Candice who are watching the NXT Women’s Championship Battle Royal on their new television as they see that Indi Hartwell saved Candice during the match as we go to commercial.

– We come back to this week’s edition of Timothy Thatcher’s wrestling school in which he demonstrates a cross face.

– We see officials and medical personnel loading Ridge Holland onto a stretcher and taking him out of the arena.

Shotzi Blackheart vs Xia Li

Shotzi immediately dropkicks Xia and hits a running splash in the corner into a bulldog out of the corner and a knee lift before Xia comes back with strikes of her own. Xia knees Shotzi in the midsection and hits a spin kick before driving her shoulder into Shotzi in the corner and setting her on the top turnbuckle. Shotzi then counters a superplex and hits a high angle diving senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart defeats Xia Li via pinfall.

– After the match Boa comes out and gives Xia a letter before they leave together before we get a graphic for our main event up next as we go to commercial.

Rhea Ripley & Ember Moon vs Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez

Kai and Moon kick things off with Ember wringing the arm of Kai and hitting a running senton for two before suplexing her and wrenching her arm before Kai slams Moon down to the mat by her hair. Raquel comes in and counters a hurricanrana before hitting a running splash in the corner and tagging Kai back in who sweeps Moon before Moon sends Kai out of the ring and hits a suicide dive. Rhea then hits a cannonball off of the apron that takes out Raquel at ringside before coming in legally and Raquel gets the blind tag before booting Rhea off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Raquel in control of Rhea, having her in a submission before Rhea elbows her way out and Raquel tosses her across the ring before yelling at Ember before Kai comes in and blocks Rhea from tagging in Ember. Rhea flap jacks Dakota and crawls to the corner to tag in Ember who dropkicks Dakota and lays into Raquel with forearms. Ember sends Dakota into Raquel and hits Raquel with a flat liner before hitting Dakota with a diving Code Breaker for a near fall before Raquel saves Dakota and the two hit a pump kick into a powerslam for a near fall. Ember rocks Raquel with a roundhouse kick before Dakota tags herself in and Rhea hits her with an electric chair for a near fall before Kai hits the Kai-Ropractor for a near fall. Rhea knocks Raquel off of the apron and drags Kai to the corner before Ember gets a near fall off of a discus clothesline that Raquel breaks up before Rhea and Raquel are sent out of the ring.

Ember then drops Kai before Raquel hits Ember on the top turnbuckle and Rhea and Raquel get sent over the announce table before Ember hits The Eclipse to Kai for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon and Rhea Ripley defeat Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez via pinfall.

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