Mark Hunt Files Appeal In Lawsuit Against Brock Lesnar, UFC

Mark Hunt’s legal battle against the UFC/Zuffa and Brock Lesnar may not be coming to a conclusion anytime soon.

That’s because the former UFC fighter, through his attorney in Brian W. Boschee, brought an appeal forward in the previously dismissed case between Hunt, Lesnar and Zuffa, according to MMA Fighting. The original lawsuit was filed in 2016 and amended in 2017, alleges that UFC President Dana White and Lesnar, who fought Hunt at UFC 200, conspired to allow Lesnar to fight Hunt at that event while knowingly using PEDs.

Hunt’s legal team is accusing Zuffa and Lesnar of racketeering, fraud, battery and civil conspiracy, in addition to other claims. Hunt and his legal team are seeking compensatory damages, declaratory relief, punitive damages, statutory treble damages and attorney’s fees.

A judge in Hunt’s original lawsuit dismissed the majority of the claims in February of 2019, while all remaining charges were dismissed in November of the same year. Jon Colby Williams will serve as the attorney for the UFC/Zuffa, while Lesnar’s attorney in David Olsen will serve as a co-counsel. Boschee accuses Lesnar of using PEDs on purpose and placing Hunt’s life in danger during their bout at UFC 200.

“One of the reasons that baseball tests so diligently for performance-enhancing drugs is because that situation creates a life-threatening possibility if you’ve got someone on performance-enhancing drugs that can kill someone,” Boschee said. “That’s what happened here. Mr. Lesnar took performance-enhancing drugs against the policies of the UFC and the Nevada Athletic Commission for the sole purpose of getting bigger, stronger, faster and hurting—essentially irreparably hurting my client. And that’s battery. And that UFC knew he was gonna do it, and they turned the other way, and that’s aiding and abetting battery.”

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