
Shimmer Volume 118 Results: 3 Title Matches, A Scramble Match, Navaeh, Kenzie Paige & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Shimmer Volume 118. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Shimmer Championship
Kimber Lee def. Nicole Savoy to retain the title

Shimmer Tag Team Championship
Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) def. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) to retain the titles

Heart Of Shimmer Championship
Hyan def. Thunderkitty to retain the title

Scramble Match
Alice Crowley def. Elayna Black, Queen Aminata, Jody Threat, Big Mama & Brittany Blake

Zooey Skye def. Holidead

Heather Monroe def. Leyla Hirsch

Navaeh def. Kenzie Paige

Lacey Ryan def. Davienne

The Bird & The Bee (Solo Darling & Willow Nightingale) def. Kayla Kassidy & Sierra

Navaeh vs. Kenzie Paige

The match begins with Navaeh and Paige taking turns working over each other’s arms, Navaeh gets Paige down with a headlock. Paige gets free and she does some damage to the arm of Navaeh, Navaeh drops Paige and she gets her in a chin lock. Paige gets free again and Navaeh rolls her up a few times for a few near falls, Navaeh drops Paige with a forearm strike before landing a bulldog for a near fall. Navaeh traps Paige in the corner while landing some strikes, Paige fights back and she nails Navaeh with a double knee strike for a near fall. Paige holds Navaeh down while holding her in a chin lock, Paige traps Navaeh in the corner while landing strikes of her own. Paige also chokes Navaeh along the middle rope, Navaeh fights back and Paige nails her with a clothesline for a near fall. Navaeh fights back and she drops Paige with a clothesline followed by a basement drop kick, Navaeh follows up with a release German suplex on Paige for a near fall. Paige recovers and she nails Navaeh with a neck breaker for a near fall, Navaeh and Paige exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring. Navaeh ends the exchange by nailing Paige with a spinning elbow strike, Navaeh then hits Paige with a Kill Shot for a three count.

Winner: Navaeh

Scramble Match
Elayna Black vs. Queen Aminata vs. Jody Threat vs. Alice Crowley vs. Big Mama vs. Brittany Blake

The match begins with everybody attacking Mama until Mama shoves them all away, Aminata stays in the ring and Mama nails her with a spine buster. Threat and Black jump Mama before knocking her out of the ring, Threat and Black battle each other as Black cracks Threat with a knee strike followed by a back kick, Crowley hits the ring and she nails Black with a few arm drags. Crowley gets Black out of the ring after landing a suplex, Blake nails Crowley with an enziguri and knee strikes. Aminata returns and she sends Blake out of the ring, Aminata then nails Crowley with a release German suplex. Mama returns and she shoves Aminata into Crowley and Black before landing avalanches on everybody, Threat returns and she power bombs Blake onto Mama. Threat then nails Crowley with a clothesline for a near fall, Crowley leaves the ring and Blake kicks Threat in the face. Blake takes out a few competitors with a suicide dive, Aminata goes to the top rope and she takes out a few people with a dive. Black gets Crowley in the ring and she nails her with a spear, everybody hits the ring and they all take turns taking each other out.

Crowley grabs Aminata and she nails her with a suplex for a near fall, Threat returns and she nails Crowley with a clothesline and F5. Threat then hits Black with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Threat then hits Blake with a double knee strike and release German suplex. Threat follows up with a blue thunder driver on Blake for a near fall, Mama attacks Threat and Threat knocks her out of the ring. Crowley shocks Threat with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Alice Crowley

Heather Monroe vs. Leyla Hirsch

The match begins with Hirsch scoring a takedown on Monroe, Hirsch trips up Monroe again and she gets her in a front headlock for a short time. Monroe taunts Hirsch and Hirsch cracks her with a few strikes, Hirsch and Monroe exchange some roll ups for a few near falls. Monroe ends that by getting Hirsch in a leg assisted full nelson, Hirsch gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Monroe and Hirsch have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Monroe ends the exchange by choking Hirsch on the middle rope. Hirsch fights back and she cracks Monroe with a few forearm strikes, Hirsch misses a double knee strike and Monroe chokes her again. Hirsch fights back and Monroe drops her before stomping away on her, Monroe follows up with a suplex on Hirsch for a near fall. Monroe then hits a downed Hirsch with a curb stomp for another near fall, Hirsch fights back again and she cracks Monroe with strikes followed by a release German suplex. Monroe recovers and she nails Hirsch with a release dragon suplex, Hirsch drops Monroe next before landing a knee strike. Hirsch follows up with an Angle Slam on Monroe for a near fall, Hirsch goes to the middle rope and Monroe nails her with kicks followed by a double stomp.

Monroe sets up for a Michinoku Driver and Hirsch counters with a roll up before landing a clothesline, Hirsch lands a top rope moonsault on Monroe and Monroe immediately rolls to the ropes. Monroe nails Hirsch with an eye rake behind the ref’s back before rolling her up for a three count.

Winner: Heather Monroe

Kayla Kassidy & Sierra vs. The Bird & The Bee (Solo Darling & Willow Nightingale)

The match begins with Darling tripping up Kassidy before wrenching away on her leg, Kassidy gets free and she gets Darling in a headlock. Darling gets free and she works over the arm of Kassidy, Darling gets free and she goes back to work on the leg of Kassidy. Kassidy gets free and Darling takes her down before working over her arm, Darling looks for the cloverleaf and Kassidy gets free to tag Sierra in. Nightingale tags in and she double teams Sierra alongside Darling, Nightingale then hits Sierra with a splash for a near fall. Sierra gets free and Nightingale drops her with a shoulder tackle, Nightingale catches Sierra in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Nightingale follows up by dropping Sierra for another near fall, Sierra finds a way to gain control of Nightingale before tagging Kassidy in. Kassidy and Sierra double team Nightingale for a near fall, Kassidy focuses her attack on the back of Nightingale. Sierra tags in and she attacks a cornered Nightingale with some strikes, Kassidy tags in and she works over a downed Nightingale. Sierra tags in and she traps her in the ropes before landing some strikes, Sierra nails Nightingale with a drop kick to the behind for a near fall.

Nightingale recovers and she nails Sierra with a pounce, Darling and Kassidy are tagged in by their respective partners. Darling quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Darling hits Kassidy with a bulldog for a near fall. Nightingale tags in as Sierra attacks her and Darling, Sierra nails Nightingale with a power bomb for a near fall. Darling tags in and a striking exchange breaks out between both teams, Nightingale nails Kassidy with a power bomb and Darling gets him in a Sharp Stinger to force a tap out.

Winners: The Bird & The Bee (Solo Darling & Willow Nightingale)

Davienne vs. Lacey Ryan

The match begins with Ryan backing Davienne into the corner before letting her go free, Ryan focuses her attack on the arm of Davienne. Davienne gets free and she damages the arm of Ryan, Ryan gets Davienne down a few times with a few arm drags. Ryan trips up Davienne before landing a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall, Davienne catches a leaping Ryan and she nails her with a Samoan drop. Davienne sends Ryan into the corner before landing a few strikes on her, Ryan goes down and Davienne stomps away on her before choking her on the middle rope. Ryan fights back and Davienne nails her with a back suplex for a near fall, Ryan fights back again and she exchanges strikes with Davienne. Ryan eventually drops Davienne with a few clotheslines and some kicks, Davienne avoids a penalty kick and Ryan nails her with a chop block. Ryan then hits Davienne with a knee strike for a near fall, Ryan goes to the top rope and she misses a 450 splash. Davienne then hits Ryan with a short arm clothesline for a near fall, Davienne goes for a choke slam and Ryan escapes to land multiple head kicks for a near fall.

Davienne catches a leaping Ryan and she nails her with a choke slam, Davienne goes for a baseball slide drop kick and Ryan avoids it. Ryan goes to the top rope and Davienne meets her up there, Ryan knocks Davienne off the ropes and she hits her with the Central Perk afterwards for a three count.

Winner: Lacey Ryan

Heart Of Shimmer Championship
Hyan (c) vs. Thunderkitty

The match begins with Hyan backing Thunderkitty into the corner before Thunderkitty takes her down with an arm drag, Thunderkitty works over the arm of Hyan and Hyan does the same to her. Thunderkitty gets Hyan down while working over her arm some more. Thunderkitty transitions to a headlock and Hyan gets free while getting Thunderkitty in a head scissors, Thunderkitty gets free and she takes Hyan down again before getting caught in another head scissors. Thunderkitty gets free and she nails Hyan with a back suplex for a near fall, Thunderkitty goes back to work on the arm of Hyan and Hyan backs her into the ropes before attacking her. Hyan traps Thunderkitty in the corner while stomping away on her, Hyan drops Thunderkitty before landing a leg drop for a near fall. Thunderkitty fights back and she nails Hyan with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Hyan trips up a charging Thunderkitty before landing a head kick for a near fall. Thunderkitty and Hyan exchange some strikes in the corner, Hyan ends the exchange by getting Thunderkitty in a full nelson. Hyan drags Thunderkitty to the ground while holding her in a seated abdominal stretch, Thunderkitty gets free and she applies the claw to Hyan.

Hyan starts choking Thunderkitty while in the claw and both fall to the mat below, Thunderkitty and Hyan drop each other again after stereo hair mares. Thunderkitty gets mad and she attacks Hyan with a ton of strikes, Thunderkitty then sends a charging Hyan in the corner. Thunderkitty then hits Hyan with a running knee lift to the face for a near fall, Hyan recovers and she sends Thunderkitty into the corner before landing a knee strike. Hyan then hits Thunderkitty with a spinning fisherman buster neck breaker, Thunderkitty recovers and she rolls up Hyan for a near fall. Hyan then hits Thunderkitty with the Beauty Sleep for a three count.

Winner: Hyan, still the Heart Of Shimmer Champion

Zooey Skye vs. Holidead

The match begins with Skye getting Holidead in a headlock and Holidead quickly gets free, Holidead cracks Skye with a kick to the midsection. Skye returns and she also lands a kick to the midsection of Holidead, Holidead catches a leaping Skye with a boot to the midsection. Skye gets Holidead down and then gets her in a headlock, Holidead gets free and she drops Skye while working over her arm. Skye gets free and she wrenches away on the arm of Holidead, Holidead fights back and she nails Skye with a forearm strike. Skye leaves the ring and she trips up Holidead, Holidead leaves the ring and she nails Skye with a few strikes. Holidead gets back in the ring and she nails Skye with a leg drop, Holidead leaves the ring and she nails Skye with more strikes. Holidead goes to the ring apron and she nails Skye with a leg drop for a near fall, Holidead also lands some seated sentons on the back of Skye. Skye recovers and she drops Holidead with a drop kick, Skye traps Holidead in the corner while landing some strikes. Skye drops Holidead before landing a back kick and basement drop kick for a near fall, Skye goes for a missile drop kick and Holidead avoids it.

Holidead then hits Skkye with a giant swing for a near fall, Holidead corners Skye while landing strikes to her back. Skye fights back and Holidead gets her on the top rope before following her up there, Skye gets Holidead off the ropes before landing a tornado DDT. Skye gets up and she attacks Holidead with more strikes before dropping her with a clothesline, Skye follows up with an enziguri and double knee strike on Holidead. Skye then hits Holidead with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Skye goes for another double knee strike and Holidead blocks it before landing a double knee strike. Holidead looks for her finisher and Skye manages to avoid it, Skye avoids a charging Holidead with a lung blower for a near fall. Skye goes to the top rope and Holidead blocks her leap off, Holidead and Skye exchange roll ups until Holidead boots her in the face. Holidead then hits Skye with a swinging flat liner for a near fall, Skye rolls to the ring apron and Holidead gets her back in.

Skye and Holidead get into another striking exchange, Holidead misses a charge into the corner and Skye nails her with a ring apron DDT afterwards. Skye goes to the top rope and she nails Holidead with a double stomp for a three count.

Winner: Zooey Skye

Shimmer Tag Team Championship
Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) (c) vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

The match begins with Kay attacking Exo before the bell sounds, Vox wrenches away on the arm of Belle before tripping her up. Vox follows up by nailing Belle with a drop kick, Kay tags in and Vox cracks her with a few strikes. Vox then drops Kay with a rope assisted huracanrana, Exo tags in and she drops Kay with a boot to the face. Exo traps the arm of Kay while attacking her with a few strikes, Exo nails Kay with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Vox tags in and Kay drops both opponents, Belle interferes and she cracks Vox with a knee strike while Kay dumps Exo out of the ring. Kay mounts a downed Vox while landing some strikes, Vox fights back and Kay quickly drops her. Kay traps Vox in the corner while attacking her with more strikes and a corner clothesline, Belle tags in and she nails Vox with multiple knee strikes. Belle keeps Vox trapped in the corner while landing more strikes, Kay interferes and attacks Vox behind the referee’s back. Belle then hits Vox with multiple suplexes and some strikes, Vox fights back and Belle kicks her in the head.

Vox fights back again and she drops Belle with a super kick, Exo tags in and she quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Exo goes to the middle rope and she nails Belle with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Exo and Kay have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Belle returns and she works with Kay to nail Exo with a double boot to the face, Kay tags in and she gets a near fall on a downed Exo. Kay catches Exo in a kravat and Exo quickly gets free, Kay works over Exo in the corner before Belle interferes behind the ref’s back. Kay then nails Exo with a suplex for a near fall, Kay then cracks a charging Exo with a clothesline for a near fall. Kay gets a downed Exo in a modified straight jacket hold, Exo gets free and she tags Vox into the match. Vox quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Vox clears the ring before taking the opposition out with a suicide dive. Vox gets Kay back in the ring before landing a springboard flat liner, Vox then hits Kay with a code red for a near fall. Belle hits the ring and she gets attacked by Exo and Vox, Kay returns to roll up the opposing team for a near fall.

Kay and Belle then hit Vox with a double choke slam for a near fall, Belle battles Exo until she is knocked out of the ring. Exo and Vox double team a downed Kay for another near fall, Bella then nails Exo with a code breaker. Vox gets up and she attacks a downed Kay with a few strikes, Kay avoids a roll up from Kay before Vox finally lands it for a near fall. Belle and Kay look for Hexicution and Exo breaks it up, Team Sea Stars hit Kay with a Flopping Fish for a three count.

Winners: Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo), still the Shimmer Tag Team Champions

Shimmer Championship
Kimber Lee (c) vs. Nicole Savoy

The match begins with a test of strength between Lee and Savoy, Savoy gets Lee down while working over her arm. Savoy keeps Lee down with a bridging wrist lock, Lee gets free and Savoy gets her in a head scissors. Lee gets free and she works over the leg of Savoy, Savoy quickly gets free and she looks for an arm bar as Lee gets to the ropes. Lee trips up Savoy and she wrenches away on the leg of Savoy, Savoy trips her up and she damages the leg of Lee. Savoy keeps Lee down while applying a trailer hitch to her, Lee gets free and she gets Savoy in a chin lock. Lee transitions to a camel clutch on Savoy and Savoy gets to the ropes, Lee goes for a kick and Savoy misses hers as well. Savoy then drops a charging Lee with a shoulder tackle, Lee sends a charging Savoy to the arena floor. Lee nails Savoy with a dive from the ring apron to the arena floor, Lee gets Savoy in the ring and Savoy quickly nails her with a suicide dive. Savoy gets Lee up and she attacks her with some strikes, Lee fights back and she nails Savoy with a suplex on the arena floor. Lee gets Savoy in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Savoy recovers and she goes for a triangle choke until Lee gets to the ropes.

Lee recovers and she nails a charging Savoy with a clothesline for a near fall, Lee keeps Savoy down while getting her in a leg assisted full nelson. Lee transitions to the body scissors as Savoy tries fighting back, Savoy fights back and Lee gets to the ropes. Lee gets up and she cracks Savoy with a few strikes, Lee keeps Savoy in a seated position before kicking her in the back for a near fall. Lee keeps Savoy down while pulling back on her legs, Savoy tries fighting back and Lee pokes her in the eyes. Savoy gets up and she nails Lee with a few strikes followed by a series of suplexes, Savoy follows up by dropping Lee with multiple huracanranas for a near fall. Lee recovers and she hits Savoy with a suplex for a near fall, Lee follows up by nailing Savoy with some release German suplexes. Savoy gets up and she nails Lee with a release German suplex followed by a clothesline, Savoy and Lee have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Savoy then hits Lee with a knee strike and back drop driver for a near fall, Savoy follows up with a TKO on Lee for another near fall.

Savoy looks for another suplex and Lee breaks free before landing a few kicks, Lee drops Savoy with an enziguri for a near fall. Lee goes to the middle rope and Savoy attacks her, Savoy then hits Lee with a super butterfly suplex for a near fall. Savoy goes for the Fujiwara arm bar and Lee gets free to land a sliding clothesline for a near fall, Lee sets up for a power bomb and Savoy defends before landing a head kick followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Savoy gets Lee on the top rope and she follows her up there, Savoy looks for a super German suplex and Lee defends. Lee knocks Savoy off the ropes and she gets Savoy in a triangle head scissors, Lee releases the hold and she hits Savoy with a swanton bomb for a three count.

Winner: Kimber Lee, still the Shimmer Champion

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