
Freelance Wrestling: I Don’t Think We’re In Chicago Anymore Results: 4 Title Matches

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Freelance Wrestling: I Don’t Think We’re In Chicago Anymore. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Freelance World Championship
Kylie Rae def. Josh Alexander to retain the title

Freelance Legacy Championship
Robert Anthony w/Frank The Clown def. Effy to win the title

Freelance Underground Independent Championship
Laynie Luck def. Faye Jackson to retain the title

Freelance Underground Tag Team Championship
Warhausen (Danhausen & Warhorse) def. Brothers of Funstruction (Ruffo & Yabo the Clown) (c) by DQ

Shane Mercer def. Ethan Page & Colby Corino

Isaias Velasquez def. Lee Moriarty

Scramble Match
Blake Christian def. Storm Grayson, Elayna Black, Alex Zayne, August Matthews & Davey Bang

Isaias Velasquez vs. Lee Moriarty

The match begins with Velasquez and Moriarty taking turns working over each others arm, Velasquez trips up Moriarty before wrenching away on his legs. Moriarty gets free and he gets Velasquez in a modified full nelson, Velasquez gets free and he rolls up Moriarty a few times for a few near falls. Velasquez gets Moriarty in a headlock before dragging him to the mat below, Moriarty gets free and he nails Velasquez with a head scissors takedown. Moriarty then hits Velasquez with a double jump huracanrana and a drop kick, Velasquez recovers and he nails Moriarty with a back breaker. Velasquez keeps Moriarty down while locking him in an STF, Velasquez releases the hold to nail Moriarty with some strikes to the back. Velasquez gets Moriarty in a body scissors before rolling him up for a near fall, Moriarty fights back and he nails Velasquez with a few enziguris. Moriarty drops Velasquez before landing a double stomp on him, Moriarty then hits Velasquez with a flat liner for a near fall. Velasquez and Moriarty have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Velasquez ends the exchange by nailing Moriarty with a running sliced bread for a near fall.

Velasquez goes to the top rope and he misses the double stomp, Moriarty hits Velasquez with a knee strike and spinning falcon arrow for a near fall. Velasquez and Moriarty exchange more roll ups for a few near falls, Velasquez hits Moriarty with a thrust kick and the Hammer Of Dawn for a three count.

Winner: Isaias Velasquez 

Freelance Underground Tag Team Championship
Brothers of Funstruction (Ruffo & Yabo the Clown) (c) vs. Warhausen (Danhausen & Warhorse)

The match begins with clowns trying to recruit Danhausen, Ruffo and Yabo attack their opponents from behind. Yabo juggles some balls before throwing them at Warhorse, Yabbo accidentally hits Ruffo with one of the balls. Danhausen sends a charging Ruffo out of the ring, Danhausen tags in and he boops Yabbo on the face. Yabbo fights back and he plants him face first on the mat below, Ruffo tags in and he stomps away on a downed Danhausen. Ruffo keeps Danhausen down while choking him with a handkerchief, Ruffo argues with the ref and Danhausen rolls him up before eating a boot to the face for a near fall. Yabbo tags in and Danhausen nails him with a release German suplex, Ruffo and Warhorse are tagged in. Warhorse quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Warhorse gets Ruffo back in the ring so Danhausen can land a release German suplex on him. Warhorse follows up with a lariat on Ruffo for a near fall, Yabbo attacks Danhausen and he sends him into the ring post. Yabbo gets in the ring with a crutch and Warhorse takes it from him, the ref takes the crutch from the ref. Ruffo hits Warhorse with a bell and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Warhausen (Danhausen & Warhorse), by DQ

Freelance Legacy Championship
Effy (c) vs. Robert Anthony w/ Frank The Clown

The match begins with Anthony going to work on the arm of Effy, Effy gets free and he knocks Anthony out of the ring. Anthony gets back in the ring and knocks him back out of the ring with a top rope arm drag, Anthony returns and he gets Effy in a headlock. Effy gets free and Anthony drops him with a shoulder tackle, Effy wants some of Anthony’s man parts and Anthony turns him away before getting dropped a few times. Anthony climbs the ropes and Effy gets him down with a slam, Effy traps himself between the legs of Anthony after Anthony doesn’t pull his pants up. Anthony recovers and he gets Effy out of the ring, Effy returns and Anthony nails him with a release German suplex and northern lights suplex. Anthony then lands a suplex and strikes on a downed Effy, Anthony follows up by tossing Effy out of the ring. Anthony leaves the ring and he exchange strikes with Effy, Anthony ends the exchange by sending Effy into the ring post. Anthony gets Effy back in the ring getting him in a chin lock, Effy gets free and he bites Anthony’s nipple before landing a northern lights suplex. Effy then hits Anthony with a knee strike and seated senton for a near fall, Frank interferes and he hits Effy with his shoe so Anthony can get a near fall on him.

Frank gets in the ring and Effy sends Anthony into him, Effy then hits Frank with a gut buster before shoving hair clippers up his ass. Anthony attacks Effy and Effy nails him with a lariat for a near fall, Frank interferes again and that allows Anthony to hit Effy with a death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Robert Anthony w/ Frank The Clown, your new Freelance Legacy Champion

Scramble Match
Blake Christian vs. Storm Grayson vs. Elayna Black vs. Alex Zayne vs. August Matthews vs. Davey Bang

The match begins with Black going after the arm of Christian, Christian gets free and he gets Black in a headlock. Christian gets Black down with an arm drag, Black gets free and she drops Christian a few times before getting a few pin attempts on him. Black then hits Christian with a drop kick and knee strike for a near fall, Grayson hits the ring and he nails Black with a back drop driver followed by a knee strike. Matthews enters the ring and he nails Grayson with an up kick followed by a DDT, Zayne hits the ring and he sends Matthews face first into the mat. Bang hits the ring and Zayne drops him with a chop, Bang recovers and he nails Zayne with a springboard clothesline. Christian returns and he nails Bang with a death valley driver followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Black gets in the ring and Christian drops her before stomping on her arm. Zayne knocks Christian out of the ring before taking a few people out with a dive, Bang follows suit and he takes some people out with a dive. Matthews follows the lead by landing a dive of his own, Black climbs the ropes and she gets caught during her dive. Christian then takes everybody down with a suicide dive, Grayson takes out Matthews and Bang with a stunner/pile driver combo.

Everybody hits the ring and they take turns taking each other out, Bang spits water into the eyes of Matthews before nailing him with a Michinoku driver and top rope frog splash for a near fall. Christian nails Bang with an elbow strike to the back of the head, Grayson returns and he kicks Christian in the head. Grayson then hits Christian with a super sit out power bomb for a near fall, Black returns and she hits Grayson with a destroyer. Black misses a charge at Zayne and Zayne misses a double stomp on her, Zayne attacks Black again and he nails her with a shooting star knee strike for a near fall. Christian then hits Zayne with a springboard 450 splash for a near fall, Black hits Matthews with a mini coffin. Christian catches Black in an arm bar and Black taps out.

Winner: Blake Christian

Freelance Underground Independent Championship
Laynie Luck (c) vs. Faye Jackson

The match begins with Jackson getting Luck in a headlock and Luck gets free, Luck gets a go behind on Jackson and Jackson gets free. Jackson goes after Luck and Luck escapes her grasp, Jackson takes Luck down after getting her in a headlock. Luck gets free and she gets Jackson in a head scissors, Jackson gets free and she keeps Luck down while pulling back on her arms. Luck gets free and she drops Jackson with a top rope arm drag, Jackson and Luck have a twerking contest until Jackson drops Luck. Luck fights back and she knocks Jackson out of the ring with a drop kick, Luck follows up by nailing Jackson with a suicide dive. Jackson recovers and she attacks Luck with a bunch of strikes, Jackson gets Luck back in the ring before rolling her up for a near fall. Luck fights back and Jackson nails her with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Jackson keeps the pressure on Luck by dropping her with a boot to the midsection. Jackson misses a charge in the corner and Luck puts her unicorn mask on before ramming Jackson’s behind with it, Jackson recovers and she quickly drops Luck. Jackson slaps Luck and Luck gets angry, a striking exchange breaks out in the middle of the ring before Jackson misses a cannonball.

Luck goes for a running double knee strike and Jackson gets out of the way, Luck gets up and she nails Jackson with a drop kick followed by running forearm strikes. Luck drops Jackson in the corner before landing a running double knee strike, Luck then sends Jackson face first into the mat below for a near fall. Jackson recovers and she nails a charging Luck with a seated senton, Jackson goes to the middle rope and she misses a Vader Bomb attempt. Luck then hits Jackson with a frog splash for a near fall, Luck gets the unicorn head on and Jackson nails her with a DDT. Luck gets up and she hits Jackson with a release German suplex, Luck then hits Jackson with a Unicutter for a three count.

Winner: Laynie Luck, still the Freelance Underground Independent Champion

Shane Mercer vs. Ethan Page vs. Colby Corino

The match begins with Page hiding under the ring apron for a short time, Page then hits Corino with a shoulder tackle before getting dropped by Mercer. Corino trips up Mercer before rolling him up a few times, Mercer recovers and he tosses him onto the knee of Page. Mercer follows up with a clothesline on Corino and a press slam on Page, Mercer follows Corino around the ring while landing chops. Corino fights back and he gets Mercer out of the ring with a head scissors takedown, Page then hits a charging Corino with an inverted flapjack. Mercer returns and Page nails him with a super kick, Page follows up by suplexing Corino onto Mercer for a near fall. Page goes for the Big Boy Bomb and Corino escapes before nailing Mercer with a suicide dive, Corino trips on a springboard move and Page pins him for a near fall. Page gets Corino on the top rope before getting knocked down, Corino then lands a sliced bread on Page for a near fall. Mercer returns and he nails Corino with a pop up power slam for a near fall, Page returns and Mercer attacks him with strikes. Page ends their brief battle by nailing Mercer with a pump kick, Page goes to the top rope and Mercer nails him with an overhead kick.

Mercer climbs the ropes and Corino joins him up there, Mercer gets Corino away from him before Page nails him with a super slam. Corino knocks Page to the arena floor with a knee strike, Corino climbs the ropes and Mercer attacks him before landing a moonsault power slam for a three count.

Winner: Shane Mercer

Freelance World Championship
Kylie Rae (c) vs. Josh Alexander

The match begins with Rae offering Alexander donuts and Alexander knocks them away, Alexander then starts working over the arm of Rae. Rae gets free and Alexander nails her with a slam, Alexander gets Rae back down before tossing her out of the ring. Rae gets up and she has some amateur wrestling headgear on, Rae attacks Alexander with a few pushes before Alexander tosses her across the ring. Alexander misses a charge in the corner and Rae nails him with a release German suplex, Alexander recovers and he drops Rae before destroying her headgear. Rae recovers and she drops Alexander with a head scissors takedown, Alexander leaves the ring and he drops Rae face first on the ring apron. Rae fights back and she nails Alexander with a thrust kick to the head, Rae follows Alexander around the arena floor while attacking him with strikes. Rae chases Alexander into the ring before going to the top rope, Alexander catches Rae as she leaps off the ropes before landing a back breaker. Alexander follows up by nailing her with another back breaker for a near fall, Alexander keeps Rae down while stomping on her arm.

Alexander follows up by nailing Rae with a slam, Alexander goes for another slam and Rae escapes before getting locked in the Gory Special. Alexander releases the hold before landing a knee drop on Rae for a near fall, Alexander then hits Rae with a Finlay Roll. Rae quickly recovers and she catches Alexander in the cross face, Alexander gets free and he nails Rae with another back breaker. Alexander keeps Rae down while holding her in a chin lock, Rae gets free and Alexander misses a few charges into the corners. Rae then drops Alexander with a head scissors takedown, Rae drops Alexander in the corner before landing a cannonball for a near fall. Alexander blocks a kick and Rae manager to nail him with an elbow strike, Alexander recovers and he nails Rae with a release German suplex. Alexander keeps Rae down while holding Rae in an ankle lock, Rae gets free and Alexander nails her with an airplane spin. Alexander reapplies the ankle lock to Rae and Rae fights her way free, Alexander recovers and he drops Rae with a boot to the face. Alexander goes to the top rope and Rae rakes his eyes, Rae climbs the ropes and she nails Alexander with some strikes.

Rae gets Alexander off the ropes after landing a superplex, Rae follows up by nailing Alexander with a thrust kick for a near fall. Rae gets Alexander back in the cross face and Alexander gets free before eating a few thrust kicks, Rae then hits Alexander with a code red for a near fall. Alexander gets angry and he drops Rae with a right for a near fall, Alexander also nails Rae with a double under hook pile driver for a near fall. Alexander gets Rae in a knee bar and Rae makes it to the ropes, Rae fights back and she attacks Alexander with a few strikes. Rae’s injured leg gives out on her and Alexander goes on the attack, Rae manages to get Alexander in a cross face and Alexander taps out.

Winner: Kylie Rae, still the Freelance Wrestling World Champion

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