
Glory Pro: Are Ya Wrestling, Son? Results: 4 Title Matches, A Bullrope Match & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Glory Pro: Are Ya Wrestling, Son?. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Crown Of Glory Championship
AJ Gray def. ACH to retain the title

GPW Midwest Territory Championship
Hakim Zane def. Kylie Rae to retain the title

IWTV Independent Wrestling Championship
Warhorse def. Zachary Wentz to retain the title

Bull Rope Match
Jake Something def. 1 Called Manders

Sisters of Destruction (Blair Onyx & Elayna Black) def. Hyan & Laynie Luck

Devon Monroe def. Kody Lane, Jody Threat & Stephen Wolf

Mike Outlaw def. Lee Moriarty

Vacant United Glory Tag Team Championship

Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado) def. Allie Kat & Dan The Dad and Gaytanic Panic (Danhausen & EFFY) to win the titles

The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) def. Alex Zayne & Blake Christian

Crown Of Glory Championship
AJ Gray def. ACH to retain the title

Mike Outlaw vs. Lee Moriarty

The match begins with Outlaw working over the arm off Moriarty, Moriarty gets free and he does some damage to the arm of Outlaw. Outlaw drops Moriarty with a snap mare, Outlaw looks for a chin lock and Moriarty avoids it before working on his arm again. Outlaw gets free and he nails Moriarty with a shoulder tackle, Outlaw follows up by nailing Moriarty with a few arm drags. Moriarty rolls for an arm bar and Outlaw defends while looking for a roll up, Moriarty hurts his back during a series of reversals and Outlaw nails him with a back suplex. Outlaw traps Moriarty in the corner while landing a few strikes, Outlaw follows up by dropping Moriarty with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Outlaw then hits Moriarty with a back breaker for another near fall, Outlaw traps Moriarty in the corner while landing multiple knee drops to his back. Outlaw also cracks Moriarty with a middle rope knee drop for another near fall, Outlaw keeps Moriarty down while applying a chin lock to him. Moriarty gets free and he attacks the arm of Outlaw, Moriarty knocks Outlaw to the arena floor before landing a suicide dive on him. Moriarty gets Outlaw back in the ring before landing a top rope double stomp to his arm, Moriarty quickly lands a hammerlock DDT on Outlaw for a near fall.

Moriarty rolls for a Fujiwara arm bar and Outlaw escapes to land an enziguri, Outlaw follows up by nailing Moriarty with a springboard European uppercut. Outlaw goes to the top rope and Moriarty cracks him with a right, Moriarty goes up the ropes and Outlaw knocks him down after biting him. Outlaw then hits Moriarty with a super spinning neck breaker followed by a throw suplex for a near fall, Moriarty fights back and he nails Outlaw with a knee strike. Moriarty gets Outlaw in the Fujiwara arm bar and Outlaw gets free with a roll up attempt, Outlaw shocks Moriarty with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Mike Outlaw

Alex Zayne & Blake Christian vs. The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

The match begins with Page immediately working on the arm of Zayne, Zayne gets free and he drops Page. Page lands a kick on Zayne before tagging Alexander in, Zayne takes both opponents during with a double huracanrana. Christian hits the ring and he double teams The North with Zayne, Christian stays in the ring and he nails Alexander with shoulder thrusts. Christian then sends Alexander out of the ring before Page prevents his suicide dive, Alexander attacks a distracted Christian from behind. Page tags in and he stomps away on a downed Christian, Alexander tags in and he stomps away on a downed Zayne. Christian fights back and Alexander nails him with a spear, Alexander then hits Christian with an assisted DDT for a near fall. Page tags in and he drops Christian with a shoulder tackle, Alexander tags in and Christian catches him in a roll up before eating a clothesline. Alexander traps Christian in the corner while landing some strikes, Christian fights back and he nails Alexander with some strikes. Alexander recovers and he nails Christian with a back suplex for a near fall, Page tags in and he lands knee drops on Christian for a near fall.

Alexander tags in and he gets Christian in a seated abdominal stretch, Christian gets free and he nails Alexander with a head kick followed by a splash. Zayne and Page are tagged in by their respective partners, Zayne quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Zayne sends Page into Alexander before landing a top rope huracanrana on Alexander, Zayne goes to the top rope and he nails Page with a shooting star double knee strike for a near fall. Christian tags in and Alexander prevents a double team from the opposition, Christian rolls up Page before nailing him with a head kick. Alexander prevents a Christian dive from the top rope before tagging in, Alexander and Page nail Christian with a T gimmick for a near fall. The North go for their finisher and Christian escapes to drop them both, Christian hits The North with a double 619. Christian hits Alexander with a springboard 450 splash before missing a standing shooting star press, Zayne and Christian nail Alexander with an elevated cutter for a near fall. All four competitors have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, The North hit Christian with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

– Hakim Zane and his bodyguard do some trash talking before the next match begins.

GPW Midwest Territory Championship
Hakim Zane (c) w/ Karam vs. Kylie Rae

The match begins with Zane backing Rae into the corner, Zane starts working over the arm of Rae before dragging her to the ground. Rae gets free and she works over Zane’s arm while dragging him to the ground, Zane gets free and he disrespects Rae afterwards. Rae catches Zane in a front face lock and Zane gets free before working over her arm, Rae gets free and she gets Zane in a headlock. Zane gets free and Rae nails him with a springboard arm drag, Rae drops Zane with another arm drag while working over his arm. Zane gets free and Rae drops him with a head scissors takedown, Zane recovers and he drops Rae with a hair pull. Zane then nails a downed Rae with an elbow drop for a near fall, Zane follows up with a suplex on Rae for another near fall. Zane holds Rae down while applying a chin lock to her, Rae gets free and Zane nails her with a side Russian leg sweep. Zane stands over a downed Rae while choking her, Karam interferes and he attacks Rae behind the ref’s back. Rae avoids a kick from Zane before eating a jumping flat liner, Zane keeps Rae down while twisting her head.

Rae fights her way free and she nails a cornered Zane with a few strikes, Rae then hits Zane with a TKO for a near fall. Rae catches Zane in a roll up before applying a cross face to him, Zane gets free and he nails Rae with a flapjack. Zane then hits Rae with a spinning neck breaker and front suplex for a near fall, Zane follows up by nailing Rae with a corner clothesline. Zane misses a cannonball and Rae also misses a cannonball, Zane misses a top rope double stomp and Rae gets him in the cross face again Zane eventually gets to the ropes. Karam tried interfering and Rae attacks him, Zane hits Rae with a knee strike and unprettier for a three count.

Winner: Hakim Zane w/Karam, still the GPW Midwest Territory Champion

IWTV Independent Wrestling Championship
Warhorse (c) vs. Zachary Wentz

The match begins with Wentz nailing Warhorse with a shotgun drop kick, Warhorse avoids a top rope leap from Wentz before landing a few chops. Wentz responds by attacking Warhorse with a combo of his own, Warhorse traps the arms of Wentz while landing headbutts on him. Warhorse then lands an arm trap suplex on Wentz, Wentz leaves the ring and he nails Warhorse with a super kick as he leaves. Wentz gets Warhorse back in the ring before landing a series of kicks on him, Wentz then hits Warhorse with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Warhorse fights back and he rolls up Wentz for a one count, Warhorse looks for a Boston crab and Wentz gets to the ropes. Wentz gets up and he nails Warhorse with a knee strike, Wentz corners Warhorse before landing a knee strike and penalty kick for a near fall. Wentz keeps Warhorse down while attacking him with elbow strike, Warhorse fights back and Wentz locks him in a bridging submission. Warhorse eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Wentz stands over Warhorse while landing a few shots on him. Warhorse recovers and he nails a leaping Wentz with a release German suplex, Warhorse and Wentz have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Warhorse ends the exchange by nailing Wentz with a clothesline followed by a forearm strike, Warhorse nails Wentz with multiple suplexes and a modified neck breaker. Warhorse goes to the top rope and he nails Wentz with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Wentz recovers and he knocks Warhorse out of the ring after landing a knee strike. Wentz follows up and he nails Warhorse with a suicide dive, Wentz gets back in the ring and Warhorse catches him with a DDT for a near fall. Wentz recovers to hit Warhorse with a super kick and handspring knee strike, Warhorse recovers and he nails Wentz with a lariat. Warhorse and Wentz have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Wentz ends the exchange by landing a rope assisted cutter on Warhorse for a near fall. Wentz goes for a springboard code breaker and Warhorse counters with a sharp shooter to force a tap out.

Winner: Warhorse, still the IWTV Independent Wrestling Champion

Bull Rope Match
Jake Something vs. 1 Called Manders

The match begins with Something attacking Manders before the bull rope to him, Something chokes Manders with the middle rope and the bull rope. Something follows up by leveling Manders with a clothesline, Something ties Manders to the ropes while attacking him with strikes. Something crushes Manders with a few corner spears, Manders gets freed from the corner and Something drops him with a right. Something leaves a ring and he returns with a steel chair. Something smashes the chair over the head of Manders, Something puts the bull rope on and he nails Manders with another chair shot. Manders fights back and he drops Something a few times before landing some chops, Something recovers and he gets free from the ropes before running Manders over. Manders fights back to hit Something with a clothesline and doctor bomb for a near fall, Manders ties Something to the bull rope while landing some chops. Mander then nails Something with another lariat for another near fall, Something fights back and he drops Manders with a clothesline from behind. Something follows up with a sliding lariat to the back of the head for a near fall, Something leaves the ring and he drags Mander out while landing more strikes.

Something gets Manders back in the ring after getting some chairs in as well, Something hits Manders with a sit out power bomb onto the chairs for a near fall. Manders gets up and he hog ties Something with the bull rope, Manders then hits Something with an Oklahoma Stampede for a near fall. Something recovers and he nails Manders with a low blow, Something wraps the bull rope around Manders’ neck before applying a top rope rear naked choke. Manders gets free and Something drags him up the ropes, Manders gets free and he nails Something with a super power slam through some chairs for a near fall. Something and Manders have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Manders grabs the cow bell and Something nails him with a steel chair. Something hits Manders with the cowbell and then a boss man slam for a three count.

Winner: Jake Something

Hyan & Laynie Luck vs. Sisters of Destruction (Blair Onyx & Elayna Black)

The match begins with Luck working over the arm of Onyx before landing an arm drag, Luck follows up with a drop toe hold and elbow drop on Onyx. Onyx tries fights back and Luck nails her with a springboard arm drag, Onyx gets free from Luck before frightening her. Hyan and Black are tagged in by their respective partners, Hyan nails Black with an elbow strike followed by knee strikes. Hyan traps Black in the corner while landing some chops, Black recovers and she drops Hyan with a pump kick. Black traps Hyan in the corner while choking her, Black misses a drop kick and Hyan pins her for a near fall. Black recovers before giving her a paper cut with a tarot card, Onyx tags in and she attacks a cornered Hyan with strikes. Onyx drops Hyan before landing a sliding lariat for a near fall, Onyx keeps Hyan down while applying a Muta Lock to her. Luck interferes to break up the submission attempt, Black interferes and attacks Hyan behind the ref’s back. Hyan fights back and she nails Onyx with a back suplex, Hyan follows up by sling shotting Onyx into Black.

Hyan and Onyx drop each other with a double clothesline, Luck and Black are tagged in by their respective partners. Luck quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luck nails Black with a death valley driver for a near fall. Hyan tags in and Onyx knocks her off the ropes while Black attacks Luck, Hyan goes for a spinning torture rack and Onyx breaks it up. Onyx then accidentally hits Black with a clothesline, Hyan grabs Onyx and she nails her with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Black then hits Hyan with a double underhook DDT, Luck returns and she nails Black with a release German suplex. Black nails a cornered Hyan with a knee strike, Onyx nails Hyna with a flat liner for a three count.

Winners: Sisters of Destruction (Blair Onyx & Elayna Black)

Devon Monroe vs. Kody Lane vs. Jody Threat vs. Stephen Wolf

The match begins with Lane attacking Monroe, Wolf drops Lane before landing a basement drop kick on him. Woolf drops Lane in the corner before landing a handstand drop kick, Threat battles Monroe on the arena floor. Monroe gets in the ring and he gets a few pin attempts on Wolf, Monroe gets Wolf out of the ring with a top rope arm drag. Threat returns to drop Monroe before landing a double knee strike and release German suplex, Threat follows up with a delayed vertical suplex on Monroe for a near fall. Monroe fights back as Lane sends a charging Threat out of the ring, Lane gets Monroe out of the ring after landing a huracanrana on him. Wolf returns to drop Lane and nail Monroe with a moonsault on the arena floor, Threat knocks Lane out of the ring before taking everybody out with a dive from the top rope. Monroe returns and he takes everybody out with a dive of his own, Monroe gets Lane back in the ring and Lane drops him. Wolf returns and he nails Lane with a power slam, Woolf then suplexes Monroe onto Lane before landing a standing shooting star press for a near fall.

Threat then hits a charging Wolf with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Threat also hits Monroe with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Lane returns to hit Threat with a Finlay roll followed by a senton, Wolf returns and he gets Lane on the top rope. Wolf looks for a superplex and Lane fights back before landing a super dragon rana for a near fall, Wolf fights back and he knocks Lane out of the ring. Monroe returns to hit Wolf with a springboard flat liner for a three count.

Winner: Devon Monroe

Vacant United Glory Tag Team Championship
Allie Kat & Dan The Dad vs. Gaytanic Panic (Danhausen & Effy) vs. Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)

The match begins with Dad getting Danhausen in a headlock, Dad gives Danhausen a noogie and Danhausen gets angry. Dad then focuses his attack on the arm of Danhausen, Danhausen gets free and he works over the arm of Dad. Dad gets free ad he flicks the nose of Danhausen, Dad follows up by nailing Danhausen with a suplex for a near fall. Dorado tags in and he knocks Dad out of the ring, Wolf tags in and he rolls up Danhausen for a near fall. Danhausen fights back to hit Wolf with a knee strike and huracanrana, Danhausen follows up by getting Wolf in the Octopus stretch. Dorado tags in and he breaks up the submission before Effy tags in, Dorado drops Effy with a shoulder tackle before landing a basement drop kick. Dorado follows up by nailing Effy with a head scissors takedown, Wolf tags in and he nails Effy with a kick to the face. Dad gets in the ring and he gets double teamed by Top Flight, Dad sends Dorado into Wolf before yelling at them for fighting with each other. Dad catches Wolf in a roll up for a near fall, Kat tags in and she sends Wolf into Dorado before landing a cannonball for a near fall.

Kat sends Top Flight out of the ring before Effy slaps her in the face, Kat fights back and Effy nails her with a few pump kicks to the face. Effy drops Kat and Dad prevents a three count from taking place, Wolf returns and he quickly clears the ring. Danhausen returns and he nails Wolf with a release German suplex, Danhausen and Effy nail Wolf with an assisted Rough Rider for a near fall. Danhausen pours teeth on the mat before eating a head kick from Dorado, Top Flight follows up by double teaming Effy. Kat returns and she double teams Wolf alongside Dad for a near fall, Danhausen interferes and Kat takes out him and Effy. Top Flight hit Dad with a top rope double stomp for a three count.

Winners: Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado), your new United Glory Tag Team Champions

After the match, the Sisters Of Destruction attack Top Flight with steel chairs before stealing the titles.

Crown Of Glory Championship
AJ Gray (c) vs. ACH

The match begins with Gray scoring a taking on ACH, a chain wrestling session breaks out between Gray and ACH. ACH gets control by working over the arm of Gray, Gray gets free and he drags ACH to the mat while working over his arm. ACH gets up and he drops Gray with a shoulder tackle, Gray fights back and he nails ACH with a chop block. Gray traps ACH by the ropes while attacking him with chops, ACH fires back and a chopping exchange breaks out. ACH ends the exchange by nailing Gray with a drop kick, Gray leaves the ring and ACH nails him with a dive. ACH gets Gray up and another striking exchange breaks out, ACH gets Gray in the ring and he rolls him up for a near fall. ACH gets up first and he attacks Gray with more chops, Gray recovers and he nails ACH with a power slam for a near fall. ACH gets up and Gray quickly drops him with a forearm strike, Gray keeps ACH down while holding him in a single leg crab. ACH gets free and he attacks Gray with more chops, Gray recovers and he nails ACH with a spine buster. ACH gets up and he gets levels by a forearm strike from Gray, Gray goes to the top rope and he misses the moonsault attempt.

Gray and ACH have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, ACH ends the exchange by knocking Gray out of the ring with a basement drop kick. ACH goes to the ring apron and he nails Gray with a penalty kick, ACH gets Gray back in the ring and he nails Gray with a slingshot cutter for a near fall. ACH goes for a double underhook and Gray falls to his knees before nailing ACH with a back body drop, Gray follows up by nailing ACH with a death valley driver. Gray goes to the top rope and he nails ACH with a diving headbutt for a near fall, Gray and ACH have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. ACH ends the exchange by nailing Gray with a variety of kicks and a sit out power bomb for a near fall, ACH goes to the top rope and Gray nails him with an enziguri. Gray climbs the ropes and ACH knocks him off before eating a rolling head kick, Gray returns to the top rope and he nails ACH with a superplex for a near fall. Gray looks for a power bomb and ACH defends before landing a double stomp, ACH goes to the top rope and Gray causes him to leap off before landing a spine buster followed by a power bomb for a near fall.

Gray grabs ACH and he gets him to the top rope before following him up there, ACH gets free and he nails Gray with a power bomb for a near fall. ACH gets Gray up and he looks for a brain buster, ACCH winds up landing an enziguri on Gray that is followed by multiple super kicks. Gray recovers and he nails ACH with multiple lariats for a near fall, Gray then hits ACH with a spinning brain buster for a three count.

Winner: AJ Gray, still your Crown Of Glory Champion

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