
Effy’s Big Gay Brunch Results: Cassandro, Sonny Kiss, Marko Stunt, Allie Kat & More Compete!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Effy’s Big Gay Brunch. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Second Gear Crew (Matthew Justice, 1 Called Manders, Levi Everett & Mance Warner) def. MV Young, Billy Dixon, Josh Wavra & O’Shay Edwards

Cassandro def. Sonny Kiss

Marko Stunt def. Effy

Still Life With Apricots And Pears def. Dark Sheik

The Twink Gauntlet
Devon Monroe wins, last eliminating Parrow

Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo) def. AC Mack & Ashton Starr

Jamie Senegal def. Allie Kat

AC Mack & Ashton Starr vs. Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)

The match begins with Exo scoring a takedown on Starr, Starr gets up and Exo wrenches away on his arm. Starr gets free again and Exo goes right back to working over his arm, Starr drops Exo with a fireman’s carry takedown. Exo gets up while Starr in working over her arm, Exo gets free and she nails Starr with a trio of big boots. Exo follows up by nailing Starr with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Vox tags in and she nails a downed Starr with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Mack tags in and Vox trips him up before landing a drop kick, Vox follows up by nailing Mack with a rope assisted huracanrana for a near fall. Exo tags in and she double teams Mack alongside Vox, Starr tags in and he cracks Exo with a few elbow strikes. Mack interferes and that allows Starr to kick Exo in the face for a near fall, Starr corners Vox while landing a few strikes and then a suplex for a near fall. Mack tags in and he nails a cornered Exo with a few strikes, Mack then hits Exo with a slam and elbow drop for another near fall. Exo tries fighting back and Mack kicks her in the face, Starr tags in and he chokes a downed Exo while on the arena floor.

Starr gets back in the ring and he nails Exo with a right before tagging Mack back in, Mack and Starr double team a cornered Exo for a near fall. Mack keeps Exo down while applying a chin lock to her, Exo gets free and Mack nails her with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Starr tags in and he gets a downed Exo in a chin lock, Mack tags back in and he gets Exo on the top rope before following her up there. Exo gets Mack off the ropes before nailing Starr with a missile drop kick, Vox tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team. Vox nails Mack with a springboard flat liner for a near fall, Exo tags in and she double teams Mack with Vox for another near fall. Starr hits the ring and he tosses Vox to the arena floor, Starr tags in and he exchanges strikes with Exo. Mack and Starr double team Exo for another near fall, Vox grabs Mack and they battle outside of the ring. Starr nails Exo with a back breaker and northern lights suplex for a near fall, Vox gets in the ring and she nails Starr with a tornado DDT. Mack returns and he nails Vox with a fireman’s carry flapjack, Exo gets rid of Mac after landing a fall away slam.

Exo avoids an axe kicks from Starr before double teaming him with Vox, Vox and Exo Starr with a tumbleweed swanton bomb for a three count.

Winners: Team Sea Stars (Ashley Vox & Delmi Exo)

Dark Sheik vs. Still Life With Apricots And Pears

The match begins with Pears getting Sheik in a standing straightjacket hold, Sheik gets free and she exchanges pin attempts with Pears. Pears gets up and Pears gets Sheik in a modified abdominal stretch, Sheik gets free and she nails Pears with a spinning heel kick to the head. Sheik keeps Pears down while holding Pears in a modified chin lock, Pears gets free and Sheik knocks Pears to the ring apron. Pears then hits Sheik with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, Pears keeps Sheik down while pulling back on both of her arms. Pears transitions to a leg assisted full nelson on Sheik, Sheik gets free and she gets Pears in a pendulum hold. Sheik releases the hold and she rolls up Pears for a near fall, Sheik keeps Pears down while applying a head scissors to Pears. Sheik releases the hold to corner Pears while landing a few strikes, Sheik then hits Pears with a double knee strike and yakuza kick. Sheik drops Pears before landing a slingshot leg drop and slingshot swanton bomb, Sheik follows up by nailing Pears with an enziguri for a near fall. Pears fights back and Pears trips up Sheik while wrenching away on her arm.

Sheik gets free and she catches Pears in a roll up for a near fall, Pears gets up and Sheik attacks Pears with a few strikes. Sheik misses a kick in the corner and Pears nails her with a bulldog for a near fall, Pears traps Sheik in a bridging leg lock. Sheik gets free and she nails Pears with a curb stomp, Sheik and Pears have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sheik ends the exchange and she drops Pears with a head scissors drop, Sheik stays on the top rope to hit Pears with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Sheik gets Pears up before hitting Pears with a super kick followed by a huracanrana, Sheik then hits Pears with a spinning head kick and leg drop for another near fall. Sheik grabs Pears and she gets Pears on the top rope, Pears knocks Sheik off the ropes and Sheik gets back up before landing a right. Sheik gets Pears off the ropes after landing an iconoclasm on Pears, Sheik goes back to the top rope and she misses a guillotine leg drop attempt. Pears immediately traps Sheik in the corner while attacking her leg, Pears hangs Sheik upside down in the corner before landing a senton on her knees. Pears gets Sheik in a modified figure four leg lock and Sheik taps out.

Winner: Still Life With Apricots And Pears

Second Gear Crew (Matthews Justice, 1 Called Manders, Levi Everett & Mance Warner) vs. MV Young, Billy Dixon, Josh Wavra & O’Shay Edwards

The match begins with an all out brawl between all the competitors in the match, the brawl between both teams quickly spills to the arena floor. Young grabs a steel chair and he attacks Justice with it, Young sits Justice on a chair while landing a super kick. Dixon cracks a seated Warner with some strikes, Justice fights back and he sends Young into the ring post. Edwards nails Manders with a spine buster as they battle in the ring, Warner hits the ring and he attacks Edwards. Dixon hits the ring and he eats some jabs from Warner, Dixon blocks an eye poke before nailing Warner with an elbow strike and an unprettier for a near fall. Dixon misses a charge into the corner and Warner tags Justice in, Young tags in and he drops Justice before landing a double stomp for a near fall. Justice and Young have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Justice drops Young with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Justice leaves the ring and he gets some chairs into the ring, Justice sets up the chairs and he sits on one opposite of Young before a striking exchange breaks out. Young ends the exchange by suplexing Justice onto a steel chair for a near fall, Wavra tags in and he accidentally hits Edwards.

Everett tags in and Wavra immediately stomps on his hands, Wavra then drops Everett with a shoulder tackle before wrenching away on both arms. Everett looks to fight back and Wavra nails him with a northern lights bomb, Wavra accidentally hits Edwards again before eating a headbutt from Everett. Wavra leaves the ring and he drags Everett out, Edwards gets angry for getting hit by his own team and he eventually attacks Everett. Young tags in and he nails Everett with a few strikes, Manders interferes and another brawl breaks out between both teams. Warner and Justice set up a door in the corner of the ring, Warner grabs a steel chair and he attacks Dixon with it. Justice takes out a bunch of people with a dive from the ring apron, Wavra then takes people out with a suicide dive. Warner goes after the opposing team by poking everybody in the eyes, Warner gets in the ring and Edwards spears him through a door. Everett then takes a bunch of people out with a suicide dive, Justice gets Dixon in the ring and he nails him with a DDT for a near fall. Young hits the ring to nail Justice with German suplexes and a knee strike for a near fall, Everett returns and he attacks Young with a flying headbutt.

Wavra comes in next and he nails Everett with a brain buster followed by a swanton bomb for a near fall, Warner hits the ring and he nails Wavra with a lariat. Dixon then hits Warner with a stunner and middle rope Thesz Press, Manders tags in and Edwards refuses to tag in before flipping off his team and heading backstage. Everybody from the opposing team attacks Dixon, Justice nails Dixon with a top rope splash for a three count.

Winners: Second Gear Crew (Matthew Justice, 1 Called Manders, Levi Everett & Mance Warner)

– Somebody is dancing in the ring when Tony Deppen comes out to insult the dancer, Deppen steals the money and the other person nails Deppon with a steel chair. Effy hits the ring and he drills Deppon with another steel chair shot before handing the money back to the dancer.

Allie Kat vs. Jamie Senegal

The match begins with Kat demanding a belly rub and Senegal steps on her instead, Senegal and Kat exchange some arm drags afterwards. Kat then drops Senegal with a head scissors takedown, Kat wants a belly rub again and Senegal slaps her in the face. Kat gets mad at Senegal and a cat fight breaks out between the two, Senegal knocks Kat out of the ring after landing a knee to the midsection. Senegal’s manager grabs Kat and sends her into the ring post, Kat is thrown back into the ring and Senegal gets a near fall on her. Senegal traps Kat in the corner while choking her, Senegal drops Kat in the corner before nailing her with a face wash. Senegal keeps Kat down while holding her in a chin lock, Kat gets free and she cracks Senegal with a few kicks to the face. Kat is knocked to the ring apron and she attacks Senegal before going to the top rope, Senegal’s manager shoves Kat off the top rope so Senegal can get a near fall on her. Senegal keeps Kat down while landing a leg drop on her for a near fall, Kat eats a few more strikes before dropping Senegal with a lariat. Kat and Senegal have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Kat ends the exchange by dropping Senegal with a seated senton.

Senegal’s manager interferes and Kat takes them both out with a cannonball and running hip attack, Kat goes for a pile driver and Senegal avoids it with a roll up. Senegal then hits Kat with a springboard German suplex for a near fall, Senegal goes for a pump handle move and Kat avoids it before landing a senton for a near fall. Senegal’s manager interferes again by spraying water into her eyes, Senegal nails Kat with a bulldog onto a chair for a three count.

Winner: Jamie Senegal

The Twink Gauntlet

The match begins with #1 Jimmy Lloyd and #2 Dylan McKay, Lloyd dropping McKay for a near fall after landing a leg sweep. McKay then nails Lloyd with a springboard tornado DDT, McKay also catches Lloyd in a roll up for a near fall. Lloyd fights back before eating a knee strike and standing moonsault for a near fall, McKay follows up with a dragon rana and destroyer on Lloyd. McKay then hits Lloyd with a shooting star press for a near fall, McKay follows up with another shooting star press on Lloyd for a near fall. Lloyd avoids a third shooting star press before hitting McKay with a tombstone pile driver for a near fall, Lloyd then hits McKay with a jay driller followed by a styles clash for a near fall. McKay recovers and he nails Lloyd with a destroyer, Lloyd recovers to hit McKay with a knee strike to the face. Lloyd then hits McKay with a sit out pile driver for a three count.

#3 is Jared Evans and he nails Lloyd with a springboard drop kick, Evans follows up with a top rope double knee strike on Lloyd for a near fall. Lloyd fights back and he nails Evans with a fireman’s carry knee strike, Evans hits Lloyd with a low blow and running stomp for a three count. #4 is Logan Stunt and he drops Evans before landing a few strikes, Evans leaves the ring and Stunt follows him out there while landing more strikes. Stunt gets Evans back in the ring and he rolls him up for a near fall, Evans recovers and he drops Stunt with a back elbow strike. Evans then trips up a leaping Stunt before landing a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Evans nails Stunt with a super kick and the stomp for a three count. #5 is Parrow and he grabs Stunt before Stunt can leave the ring, Parrow throws Stunt at Evans before landing a sit out power bomb for a three count. #6 are The Runway (Tyler Klein & Calvin Couture), they both attack Parrow while arguing with each other. Parrow drops both of them with a double shoulder block, Parrow nails both with a double choke slam for a three count.

#7 is Juicy Jimmy and he hits the ring before having a shoving contest with Parrow, Jimmy and Parrow also exchange shoulder tackles. Parrow misses a charge in the corner and Jimmy nails him with butt smashes, Jimmy mounts Parrow in the corner while landing some strikes. Parrow gets free after nailing Jimmy with a power bomb for a three count, #8 is Molly McCoy and she attacks Parrow with a bunch of strikes. Parrow recovers and he knocks a charging McCoy out of the ring, Parrow goes after McCoy and McCoy nails him with some chair shots. McCoy finds a hockey stick and she attacks Parrow with it, McCoy and Parrow take their battle into the bleachers. Parrow nails McCoy with a power bomb into a wall, Parrow gets McCoy back into the ring before landing a sit out pile driver for a three count. #9 is a bunch of unlimited twinks and Parrow destroys them all, #10 Devon Monroe and Parrow drops him with a boot to the face followed by a clothesline.

Parrow goes for a choke slam and Monroe escapes before landing a head kick, Parrow recovers and he tosses Monroe out of the ring and onto the twinks. Tony Deppon interferes and he nails Parrow with a super kick, Monroe returns to drop Parrow with a tornado DDT. Monroe follows up by nailing Parrow with a springboard jaw breaker for a near fall, Monroe shocks Parrow with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Devon Monroe, last eliminating Parrow

Effy vs. Marko Stunt

The match begins with Stunt dropping Effy before using a basement drop kick to knock him out of the ring, Stunt follows up by landing a suicide dive on Effy. Stunt goes for another dive and Effy nails him with a steel chair, Effy brings the chair into the ring and he attacks Stunt with it. Effy leaves the ring and he grabs a torch to bring back in, Effy threatens Stunt with it and Stunt bites him in the weiner. Stunt burns a downed Effy with some hot wax, Effy gets up and Stunt nails him with a spinning back kick to the midsection. Stunt fights back and he drops Effy before tying a ball gag to him, Stunt leaves thee ring and he brings a dildo back into it. Effy attacks Stunt before landing a suplex onto him, Stunt shoots something out of the dildo and it hits Effy in the face. Stunt has a living sex doll come out from backstage and Effy attacks the doll, a blinded Effy sets some chairs up in the ring. Stunt makes Effy set up a table in between the chairs, Effy thinks the doll is Stunt and he gets the doll onto the door. Stunt climbs the ropes behind Effy to put him through the door, Stunt then rolls up Effy for a three count.

Winner: Marko Stunt

Cassandro vs. Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Cassandro backing Kiss into the corner before letting Kiss go free, Cassandro and Kiss lock up again and they fall to the arena floor. They both get back into the ring afte rtrying to prevent each other from doing so, Kiss drops Cassandro with a leg sweep before dropping him with a springboard arm drag. Kiss follows up by drop kicking Cassandro out of the ring, Cassandro returns to the ring and he trips up Kiss before landing an arm drag. Cassandro nails Kiss with a few strikes before landing a top rope huracanrana, Kiss leaves the ring and Cassandro nails her with a suicide dive. Cassandro goes for another suicide dive and Kiss kicks him in the head to prevent it, Cassandro leaves the ring and Kiss nails him with a suicide dive. Cassandro fights back and he gets Kiss back into the ring, Kiss quickly nails Cassandro with a lariat before getting him in a seated abdominal stretch. Cassandro gets free and he drops Kiss with a lariat, Cassandro keeps Kiss down while holding her in a body scissors. Kiss gets free and she hangs Cassandro upside down in the corner, Kiss nails a trapped Cassandro with a handspring elbow for a near fall.

Kiss grabs Cassandro and she sends him out of the ring, Cassandro recovers and he sends Kiss into a steel chair. Cassandro gets Kiss and and he sends her into the ring post, Cassandro gets Kiss to her feet before sending her into some more chairs. Kiss fights back and she nails Cassandro with a steel chair, Cassandro and Kiss battle back into the ring. Cassandro follows up by nailing Kiss with a top rope high cross body, Kiss keeps Cassandro down while applying a straight jacket hold to him. Kiss releases the hold and Cassandro catches her in a roll up for a near fall, Kiss traps Cassandro in the corner before landing a rolling axe kick for a near fall. Kiss goes to the top rope and Cassandro avoids the split legged leg drop, Cassandro goes to the top rope and he nails Kiss with a missile drop kick. Cassandro gets Kiss on the top rope and he follows her up there, Cassandro nails Kiss with a super victory roll for a three count.

Winner: Cassandro

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