
GCW For The Culture Results: 2 Cold Scorpio, ACH, JTG, Marti Bella, Tasha Steelz & More Compete!

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Lee Moriarty def. ACH

AJ Gray def. Dezmond Xavier

JTG def. Trey Miguel

Pan-Afrikan World Diaspora Wrestling Championship
Trish Adora def. Suge D to retain the title

Calvin Tankman def. O’Shay Edwards 

AR Fox def. 2 Cold Scorpio

Willow Nightingale def. Faye Jackson, Devon Monroe & Marti Belle

40 Acres (PB Smooth & Tre LaMar) def. Culture SZN (Christian Casanova & Tasha Steelz) & Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)

Mike Outlaw def. AC Mack, Mo Atlas, Zayne Washington & Timmy Lou Retton

AC Mack vs. Mo Atlas vs. Mike Outlaw vs. Zayne Washington vs. Timmy Lou Retton

The match begins with with Mack knocking Retton out of the ring, Washington and Outlaw exchange some strikes in the ring. Outlaw knocks Washington out of the ring before eating a drop kick from Retton, Atlas drops Retton before battling Mack. Mack drops Atlas before landing a basement drop kick, Washington gets back in the ring before landing head kicks and drop kicks on Mack. Washington back body drops Outlaw out of the ring and onto Mack, Washington then takes a few people out with a dive. Atlas clears the ring before taking everybody out with a suicide dive, Atlas gets everybody but Mack back into the ring. A four way striking exchange breaks out between the competitors, Retton is the last one standing before landing a cutter on Outlaw. Mack returns and he attacks Atlas from behind before getting near falls on some of the competitors, Mack attacks both Outlaw and Retton with some strikes. Retton fights back and he cracks Mack with a pounce, everybody hits the ring and they all take each other out. Atlas gets Washington on the top rope and he follows him up there, Washington gets free and he nails Atlas with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Mack returns and he nails Washington with a Mack 10 for a near fall, Retton returns and he nails Mack with a spinning back breaker. Outlaw cracks Retton with a Yakuza Kick from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Mike Outlaw

JTG vs. Trey Miguel

The match begins with Miguel drop kicking JTG out of the ring, Miguel follows up by nailing JTG with a power slide DDT on the arena floor. JTG sits on a chair and Miguel attacks him with some kicks, JTG fights back and Miguel shoves him into the ring post. Miguel gets JTG back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, JTG fights back again and he nails Miguel with a few strikes. Miguel recovers to drop JTG and land a knee strike for a near fall, Miguel traps JTG in the corner while landing strikes. Miguel hangs JTG upside down in the corner while choking him, Miguel distracts the ref before punching JTG in the balls for a near fall. JTG fights back again and he nails Miguel with a sliding uppercut, Miguel recovers and he nails JTG with a drop kick for a near fall. Miguel keeps JTG down while applying a head scissors to him, Miguel transition to a chin lock on JTG. JTG fights back and he nails a leaping Miguel with a back suplex neck breaker, JTG follows up with a Regal neck breaker on Miguel followed by a sling blade. JTG catches a leaping Miguel to land a gut buster and spinning uranage for a near fall, JTG goes for the Brooklyn’s Edge and Miguel counters with a roll up for a near fall.

JTG recovers and he gets Miguel on the top rope and he follows him up there, Miguel gets free and he nails JTG with a super kick. JTG gets out of the corner and he crushes Miguel with a clothesline for a near fall, Miguel and JTG have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Miguel ends the exchange by nailing JTG with an enziguri, Miguel traps JTG in the corner before landing a super kick followed by a 619. Miguel goes to the top rope and JTG avoids his leap, JTG then hits Miguel the Broooklyn’s Edge for a three count.

Winner: JTG

40 Acres (PB Smooth & Tre Lamar) vs. Culture SZN (Christian Casanova & Tasha Steelz) vs. Top Flight (Air Wolf & Angel Dorado)

The match begins with Wolf and Casanova taking turns working over each others arms, Wolf gets Casanova in a kravat. Casanova gets free and he wrenches away on the leg of Wolf, Wolf gets free and he trips up Casanova before wrenching on his ankle. Casanova gets free and he exchanges strikes with Wolf, Dorado makes a blind tag and he double teams Casanova with Wolf. Lamar tags in and Dorado catches him in a roll up for a near fall, Lamar knocks Dorado into the corner with a drop kick. Smooth tags in and he double teams Dorado with Lamar, Smooth stands over Dorado while stomping away on him. Steelz tags in and she cracks Smooth with a few strikes, Smooth recovers and drops a charging Steelz with a big boot. Everybody hits the ring to attack Smooth and Steels gets him out of the ring with an assisted huracanrana, Lamar hits the ring and he knocks Steelz out of it. Top Flight double teams Lamar and gets him out of the ring, Casanova returns and he battles Top Flight. Top Flight clears the ring before Smooth blocks a Dorado suicide dive, Smooth gets in the ring and he nails Wolf with a leg drop for a near fall.

Smooth and Lamar the hit Dorado with a choke slam neck breaker, Wolf battles back against 40 Acres before Lamar meets him on the top rope. Wolf gets Lamar off the ropes before landing a missile drop kick, Casanova hits the ring and he takes Smooth out with a suicide dive. Wolf clears the ring before taking people out with a suicide dive, Steelz goes to the top rope before landing a dive onto everybody. Dorado follows up by landing a suicide dive onto everybody, Dorado gets Casanova back in the ring and he nails him with a dragon huracanrana. Casanova causes Wolf to accidentally hit Dorado with a destroyer, Casanova traps Wolf in the ropes before landing an enziguri followed by a springboard leg drop. Smooth removes and he knocks Steelz off the ring apron, Smooth then crushes Casanova with a lariat. Smooth then hits Casanova with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winners: 40 Acres (PB Smooth & Tre Lamar)

Pan-Afrikan World Diaspora Wrestling Championship
Trish Adora (c) vs. Suge D

The match begins with D dragging Adora to the ground while working over her arm, Adora gets free and she works on D’s arm. D gets free and he immediately gets Adora in a kravat, Adora gets free and she wrenches on the arm of D. Adora catches a spinning D in a roll up for a near fall, D scores a takedown on Adora before getting her in a front headlock. Adora gets free and she again works over the arm of D, D gets free and grabs Adora’s arm before getting sent out of the ring. D gets out of the ring and Adora works over his arm, D gets free and he nails Adora with a right to the midsection. D follows up on that by kicking Adora right in the face, D then hits Adora with a snap suplex before working over her arm. D traps both of Adora’s arms while pulling back on both of them, Adora gets free and D nails her with a kick to the midsection. D also lands a knee to the back of a kneeling Adora, D then cracks Adora with a back breaker before hanging her in the corner to land a double stomp.

Adora tries getting up and D steps on her foot before landing a headbutt, Adora gets up and she nails D with a few strikes. Adora traps D in the corner while attacking him with chops, Adora then lands a series of kicks to the arm of D. D fights back and he cracks Adora with a right, Adora fights back and she hits D with a spinning heel kick followed by a release German suplex. Adora goes for another release German suplex and D counters by getting her in an ankle lock, D transitions to a Fujiwara arm bar on Adora. Adora gets free and she nails D with Lariat Tugman for a near fall, Adora follows up by nailing D with another Lariat Tugman before applying a rings of saturn to D and a tap out follows.

Winner: Trish Adora, still the Pan-Afrikan World Diaspora Wrestling Champion

O’Shay Edwards vs. Calvin Tankman

The match begins with Tankman backing Edwards into the corner before letting him go free, a test of strength breaks out and it turns into a shoulder tackle exchange. Tankman sends Edwards into the corner before landing a corner clothesline, Tankman follows up by knocking Edwards out of the ring with a pounce. Tankman goes for a suicide dive and Edwards stops it by landing a right, Edwards gets back in the ring and Tankman knocks him to the ring apron. Edwards gets back in the ring and he nails a charging Tankman with a spear, Edwards follows up by nailing Tankman with some strikes. Tankman fires back and a striking exchange breaks out between the two, Tankman ends the exchange by knocking Edwards out of the ring with a drop kick. Tankman follows up by nailing Edwards with a suicide dive, Tankman gets Edwards back in the ring and he misses a standing shooting star press attempt. Edwards gets up and he nails Tankman with a release German suplex, Edwards also lands multiple forearm strikes. Edwards and Tankman go down after both attempt cross body blocks, Edwards and Tankman have another striking exchange.

Tankman ends the exchange by nailing Edwards with a back breaker into a clothesline for a near fall, Edwards recovers and he nails Tankman with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Edwards looks for a Kaiju Driver and Tankman escapes to land a spine buster. Tankman follows up by nailing Edwards with an elbow strike to the back of the head, Tankman then hits Edwards with a sit out pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Calvin Tankman

Faye Jackson vs. Devon Monroe vs. Marti Belle vs. Willow Nightingale

The match begins with Belle and Jackson exchanging a few strikes, everybody trades roll ups for a few near falls. Jackson drops a charging Belle with a hair pull, Jackson follows up by landing a shoulder block on Bella. Monroe returns and he drops Jackson with a series of arm drags, Nightingale nails Monroe with a super kick followed by a series of suplexes. Belle returns to drop Nightingale and nail her with a knee strike for a near fall, Nightingale recovers to hit Belle with a side Russian leg sweep. Nightingale and Monroe lock submissions on Belle and Jackson breaks it up, Jackson clears the ring before taking everybody out with a dive. Belle gets back in the ring and she nails everybody with a suicide dive, Monroe gets up and he takes everybody out with a dive. Nightingale gets in the ring and she attacks Monroe with strikes, Nightingale climbs the ropes and she nails Monroe with a superplex. Nightingale sets up for another suplex and Jackson nails her with a spear, Belle returns and she hits Jackson with a top rope high cross body.

A four way striking exchange breaks out between everybody in the match, the exchange ends when everybody goes down. Everybody gets up and they take turns taking each other out, Monroe hits Nightingale with a springboard x-factor for a near fall. Monroe takes both Jackson and Belle out for a near fall, Nightingale returns to hit Monroe with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

AJ Gray vs. Dezmond Xavier

The match begins with Gray shoving Xavier across the ring, Gray backs Xavier into the corner and Xavier nails him with an arm drag. Xavier follows up by getting Gray in a headlock, Gray gets free and he drops Xavier with a shoulder block. Xavier recovers to drop Gray with a few leg trips, Xavier then nails a charging Gray with a few strikes before knocking him out of the ring with a drop kick. Xavier goes for a dive and he winds up hitting Gray with a head kick as he got back in the ring, Xavier follows up with a middle rope moonsault on Gray for a near fall. Gray recovers and he nails a charging Xavier with a spinning head kick, Gray traps Xavier in the ropes while landing some strikes on him. Gray keeps Xavier trapped in the ropes before sending him face first into the mat below, Xavier fights back and he exchanges strikes with Gray until he goes down. Gray traps Xavier in the corner while landing a corner spear, Gray misses a charge into the corner and Xavier cracks him with a cutter afterwards. Xavier keeps Gray cornered while nailing him with some strikes and a cannonball for a near fall, Xavier corners Gray again while attacking him with more strikes.

Gray fights back and he nails Xavier with a spine buster followed by a power bomb for a near fall, Gray goes to the top rope and he goes for a diving headbutt. Xavier immediately catches Gray in a dragon sleeper and Gray gets free, Xavier lands an enziguri on Gray after Gray missed a charge in the corner. Xavier then hits Gray with a handspring head kick and the Final Flash for a near fall, Xavier and Gray have another striking exchange. Gray goes for a lariat and Xavier drops him with a kick to the gut, Gray recovers and he nails Xavier with a lariat for a near fall. Gray goes for another lariat and Xavier nails him with a super kick, Gray catches a leaping Xavier and he drops him on the top rope. Gray follows up with another lariat on Xavier for a three count.

Winner: AJ Gray

ACH vs. Lee Moriarty

The match begins with ACH scoring a takedown on Moriarty before a chain wrestling session breaks out, Moriarty goes after the arm of ACH. ACH gets free and he gets Moriarty in a headlock, Moriarty gets free and ACH drops him with a snap mare. Moriarty eats a chop before landing a top rope arm drag on ACH, ACH recovers to land an arm kick and chops on Moriarty. Moriarty fights back and he knocks ACH out of the ring, Moriarty goes to the ring apron before kicking ACH in the face. ACH goes for a chop and he winds up nailing the ring post, Moriarty lands a few strikes on ACH before getting him back in the ring. Moriarty droops ACH before landing a short arm breaker on him for a near fall, ACH recovers to trip Moriarty and land a double stomp for a near fall. ACH follows up by kicking a seated Moriarty in the back, ACH also nails Moriarty with a slam for a near fall. ACH stands Moriarty up before dropping him with a chop, Moriarty fights back and ACH nails him with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. ACH follows up by dropping Moriarty with a hard Irish whip into the corner, ACH traps Moriarty near the ropes while attacking him with strikes.

Moriarty fights back and he nails ACH with an enziguri followed by a knee strike, Moriarty then drops ACH before landing a double stomp for a near fall. Moriarty goes to the top rope and he lands a double stomp to the arm of ACH, Moriarty then hits ACH with a tornado DDT for a near fall. ACH recovers to nail Moriarty with a leg trip followed by a sick kick, ACH follows up with a slingshot cutter on Moriarty for a near fall. ACH then hits Moriarty with a back breaker followed by a German suplex for a near fall, ACH gets Moriarty to the top rope and he follows him up there. Moriarty knocks ACH off the ropes before landing a double stomp to the arm, Moriarty then hits ACH with a single arm DDT. Moriarty and ACH take their battle to the ring apron before a striking exchange breaks out, Moriarty ends the exchange by nailing ACH with an arm trap STO on the ring apron. Moriarty goes for a springboard move and ACH nails him with a drop kick, Moriarty and ACH have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Moriarty eventually nails ACH with a spinning head kick, ACH recovers and he hits Moriarty with a tiger driver for a near fall.

Moriarty avoids a top rope leap from Moriarty before getting him in a Fujiwara arm bar, ACH gets to the ropes to break the hold. Moriarty follows up by kicking ACH in his injured arm, ACH fights back and he nails Moriarty with a variety of kicks followed by a brain buster for a near fall. ACH goes for a 450 splash and Moriarty gets out of the way, Moriarty catches ACH in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Lee Moriarty

2 Cold Scorpio vs. AR Fox

The match begins with Scorpio backing Fox into the corner before backing away, Fox starts working over the arm of Scorpio. Scorpio gets free after nailing Fox with an arm drag, Scorpio also works on the arm of Fox and Fox gets free before landing a snap mare on Scorpio. Fox gets Scorpio in a headlock and Scorpio gets free before landing a drop kick, Fox gets up and Scorpio drops him before working over his arm. Scorpio backs Fox into the corner before landing a few shoulder thrusts, Scorpio then nails Fox with a corner clothesline. Fox recovers and he nails Scorpio with his own corner clothesline, Fox then hits Scorpio with a rope assisted drop kick. Scorpio leaves the ring and he drags Fox out before nailing him with a few strikes, Fox fights back and he nails Scorpio with a 619 from the ring apron. Fox sets up for a moonsault and Scorpio trips him up on the ring apron, Scorpio grabs a water bottle and he takes a drink. Fox fights back and he drops Scorpio with a yakuza kick, Fox fakes Scorpio out before landing a DDT on him for a near fall.

Fox goes to the top rope and he misses a swanton bomb attempt, Scorpio gets up and he nails Fox with knee strikes followed by an enziguri. Scorpio nails Fox with a spinning leg drop for a near fall, Scorpio corners Fox before landing some shoulder thrusts. Scorpio gets Fox on the top rope and Fox fights back to land a tornado DDT for a near fall, Fox goes to the top rope and Scorpio rolls away before getting knocked out of the ring with a coast to coast drop kick. Fox follows up by nailing Scorpio with a suicide dive, Fox gets Scorpio on the ring apron before landing a guillotine leg drop on him. Fox goes back to the top rope and he lands a swanton bomb on Scorpio for a near fall, Scorpio gets up and he drops Fox with a front flip heel kick. Scorpio goes to the top rope and he nails Fox with a flipping leg drop for a near fall, Scorpio then hits Fox with a back suplex. Scorpio goes to the top rope and he nails Fox with a moonsault leg drop for a near fall, Scorpio attacks Fox with a few kicks and Fox fights back to hit him with a cutter. Fox then hits Scorpio with a top rope 450 splash for a three count.

Winner: AR Fox

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