
A.I.W. Thunder In Indianapolis Results: 3 Title Matches, Barbed Wire Match, Alex Shelley & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for A.I.W. Thunder In Indianapolis. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AIW Absolute Title Match
AIW Intense Title Match
No Ropes Barbed Wire Match

Joshua Bishop w/Wes Barkley def. Matthew Justice w/Fonzie to win the titles

AIW Tag Team Title Match
2 Out Of 3 Falls Match

The Phily Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins) def. To Infinity & Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech) to win the titles

Danhausen def. Mordecai

Tre Lamar def. Lee Moriarty & Alex Shelley

Mance Warner def. Mr. Brickster

Bitcoin Boyz (Eric Taylor & Mikey Montgomery) def. Allie Kat & Levi Everett

Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham def. Zach Thomas, Derek Dillinger & Pretty Boy Smooth

Erick Stevens def. Dominic Garrini

Tom Lawlor def. The Karate Man

Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham vs. Zach Thomas vs. Derek Dillinger w/ Ziggy Haim vs. Pretty Boy Smooth w/Joseline

The match begins with Rockingham knocking Smooth to the arena floor, Thomas then hits Smooth with a suicide dive. Dillinger follows up with a dive of his own from the ring apron onto Smooth, Thomas returns and he nails Rockingham with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Rockingham does a suicide dive and he takes out multiple people, Dillinger nails Thomas with a sunset flip bomb into the corner. Haim interferes and Dillinger slams her onto a cornered Thomas, Rockgingham returns and he shoves Dillinger into Smooth before clearing the ring. Thomas returns and Rockingham drops him with a huracanrana followed by a swinging neck breaker, Smooth hits the ring and he attacks Rockingham. Thomas hits the ring and Smooth levels him with a clothesline, Smooth then hits Dillinger with a split leg drop. Rockingham attacks Smooth and Smooth gets him in a cross face, Dillinger breaks the submission up and Smooth attacks him. Thomas drops Smooth with a drop kick followed by an inverted senton, Thomas also nails Rockingham with a top rope frog splash for a near fall.

Haim interferes and she takes Thomas off the ring apron with a huracanrana, Dillinger picks up Haim and he chokes slams her onto a few opponents. Smooth returns and he nails Dillinger with a choke slam on the ring apron, Joseline interferes and Smooth propels her out of the ring and onto all the competitors. Joseline gets Rockingham in the ring and Rockingham fails at a sole food attempt, Joseline returns and she attacks Rockingham. Smooth hits Rockhingham with a slam before Joseline lands a slingshot leg drop on him, Dillinger attacks Joseline and he drops her onto a downed Thomas. Dillinger lands a middle rope moonsault on Thomas for a near fall, Rockingham returns and he nails Dillinger with a back breaker followed by a neck breaker throw. Smooth then hits Rockingham with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Thomas returns to hit Smooth with a sit out power bomb. Rockingham then hits an attacking Dillinger with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham

Danhausen vs. Mordecai

The match begins with Mordecai stalking Danhausen while holding his staff, Danhausen takes the staff and it burns his hands. Danhausen corners Mordecai and he fails to hurt him while landing chops, Danhausen’s jar of teeth breaks and Mordecai gives the teeth to Danhausen. Danhausen pokes Mordecai in the eyes and Mordecai chases him until he gets sent into the ring post, music plays and both wrestlers dance while drinking. Danhausen eventually kicks the dancing Mordecai in the throat, Mordecai gets back in the ring and he gives Danhausen some vampire teeth. Mordecai leaves the ring and he grabs a realtors sign before hitting Danhausen with it, Mordecai keeps Danhausen down while landing some strikes. Danhausen fights back and he nails Mordecai with some strikes, Mordecai recovers and he kicks away at a cornered Danhausen. Danhausen fights back again after Mordecai argues with the ref. Danhausen then drops Mordecai with a neck breaker, Danhausen and Mordecai exchange some strikes in the corner. Danhausen goes to the ring apron and he gets back in to hit Mordecai with a release German suplex, Danhausen grabs some teeth and he feeds them to Mordecai.

Danhausen follows up by nailing Mordecai with a pump kick to the face, Danhausen goes for the roll up and Mordecai gets to the ropes. Mordecai goes for a crucifix power bomb and Danhausen counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Danhausen

Dominic Garrini vs. Erick Stevens

The match begins with Garrini looking for the takedown and Stevens gets him down instead, Garrini gets back control and Stevens escapes to get top control. Garrini gets up and he exchanges a few strikes with Stevens, Garrini and Stevens have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Garrini ends the exchange by dropping Stevens with a clothesline, Stevens recovers and he nails Garrini with a release German suplex followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Stevens goes for an arm bar and Garrini defends while nailing Stevens with a power bomb, Garrini then nails Stevens with a mid kick and pile driver for a near fall. Garrini goes for a sleeper hold and Stevens finds a way to get free a short time later, Garrini and Stevens have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Garrini drops Stevens with a knee strike before landing a sleeper suplex, Stevens fights back and he nails Garrini with strikes followed by a northern lights bomb. Stevens nails Garrini with a flying forearm strike to the back of the head for a three count.

Winner: Erick Stevens

Bitcoin Boyz (Eric Taylor & Mikey Montgomery) w/ The Duke vs. Allie Kat & Levi Everett

The match begins with Everett attacking Montgomery before the bell sounds, Kat tags in and she misses a charge into the corner. Kat recovers to get Montgomery down while applying a Fujiwara arm bar to him, Everett drops Taylor while pulling back on his arm. The Duke pulls the ref out of the ring and Everett nails him with a suicide dive, The Bitcoin Boys double team Kat to gain control. Taylor corners Kat while stomping away on him, Montgomery tags in and he also stomps away on a downed Kat. Taylor tags in and he nails Kat with a corner clothesline, Montgomery tags in and he nails Kat with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Montgomery lands knee strikes to the back of Kat before applying a chin lock to her, Kat gets free and she eventually nails Montgomery with a DDT. Everett and Taylor are tagged in by their respective partners, Everett cleans house against the opposing team. Kat tags in and she lands a double headbutt on Taylor alongside Everett for a near fall, The Bitcoin Boyz double team Kat before Everett is taken out with a suicide dive. Taylor gets a near fall on Kat before Everett breaks up the pin, Everett tags in and Taylor nails him with The Duke’s boot. The Bitcoin Boyz hit Everett with a double death valley driver for a three count.

Winners: Bitcoin Boyz (Eric Taylor & Mikey Montgomery) w/ The Duke

Lee Moriarty vs. Alex Shelley vs. Tre Lamar

The match begins with Shelley attacking both opponents with strikes before sending Moriarty out of the ring, Lamar then cracks Shelley with a few strikes. Shelley recovers and he nails Lamar with a drop kick, Moriarty returns and Shelley nails him with a back suplex. Shelley focuses his attack on the arm of Moriarty, Lamar tries getting back in the ring and Shelley knocks him back to the arena floor. Moriarty knocks Shelley out of the ring and Lamar rolls him up afterwards for a near fall, Moriarty responds with roll ups of his own for a few near falls. Lamar keeps Shelley from getting back in the ring, Lamar then cracks Moriarty with a drop kick before getting dropped by Shelley. Lamar trips Shelley into the ropes before landing a basement drop kick, Moriarty returns and he nails Lamar with a top rope arm drag followed by a drop kick. Shelley goes to the top rope and he takes both opponents down with a high cross body, Shelley looks for another move before getting double teamed by Moriarty and Lamar. Shelley fights back and he sends Moriarty into the testicles of Lamar, Shelley drops Moriarty before super kicking both opponents.

Shelley then hits Moriarty with a slam before slamming Lamar on top of him, Shelley follows up by nailing Moriarty and Lamar with suplexes. Moriarty fights back and Shelley drops him with a dragon screw leg whip, Shelley recovers and he gets Moriarty in a single leg crab. Lamar attacks Shelley and Shelley gets him in a cross face, Moriarty fights back again against Shelley and he gets him in a sleeper hold. Lamar returns and he gets Moriarty in a sleeper until Shelley lands a double jaw breaker, Moriarty knocks Shelley out of the ring after landing a pump kick. Lamar then takes out Shelley with a suicide dive, Lamar gets Moriarty out of the ring before taking everybody out with a suicide dive. Lamar gets Moriarty back in the ring before landing a springboard clothesline, Lamar then hits Moriarty with a brain buster for a near fall. Lamar goes to the top rope and Moriarty prevents him from leaping off, Moriarty goes to the top rope and he nails Lamar with a super arm drag for a near fall. Lamar gets to his knees and Moriarty attacks him with kicks, Moriarty then sends a charging Shelley into a downed Lee.

Moriarty then hits Shelley with an enziguri followed by a top rope double stomp, Shelley recovers to land a DDT/flat liner combo on both opponents. Shelley then crotches Lamar on the top rope before hanging him upside down in the corner, Shelley then hits Lamar with a basement drop kick before propelling Moriarty into him. Shelley goes for a double sliced bread and he lands it for a near fall on Moriarty, Shelley goes for Shell Shock and Moriarty counters with a knee strike. Moriarty catches Shelley with a suplex before eating a top rope stomp from Lamar, Lamar nails Moriarty with a top rope elbow drop for a three count.

Winner: Tre Lamar

Mr. Brickster vs. Mance Warner

The match begins with Brickster quickly dropping Warner before stomping away on him, Warner leaves the ring and Brickster follows him out there. Brickster sits Warner on a chair while setting a bunch of chairs up around him, Brickster uses a shoulder block to send a chair into Warner. Brickster grabs a few doors and he gets them in the ring, Brickster grabs a steel chair and he attacks Warner with it. Brickster grabs a bunch of chairs and he gets them all in the ring, Warner gets up and he attacks Brickster with some chops. Brickster recovers and he sends Warner into a ring filled with chairs and doors, Brickster grabs a bottle of bleach and he water boards Warner with it. Warner finds a steel chair and he nails Brickster with it, Warner gets Brickster back in the ring and he follows him in there. Warner gets Brickster to his knees while landing more chops on him, Brickster and Warner have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Brickster and Warner exchange headbutts in the middle of the ring, Warner grabs a chair and he nails Brickster in the head with it for a near fall. Brickster gets up and he drops Warner after landing a few strikes, Brickster sets up a door between a few chairs.

Brickster then sets up more chairs and doors on top of the first ones, Brickster and Warner battle as they climb the ropes. Brickster nails Warner with a superplex through the tables for a near fall, Brickster grabs chairs and he sets them up in the middle of the ring. Brickster drags Warner onto the chairs and he looks for a pile driver, Warner fights back and he pile drives Brickster onto the chairs for a three count.

Winner: Mance Warner

After the match, Mance Warner attacks Mr. Brickster and the referee.

The Karate Man vs. Tom Lawlor

The match begins with Lawlor going for a leg sweep on Man, Lawlor and Man swing at each other and nothing lands. Lawlor drops Man first and he corners him while landing some strikes, Lawlor mounts Man in the corner while landing more strikes. Lawlor gets off the ropes and he drops Man with a right, Lawlor takes Man’s black belt and Man nails him with bicycle kicks in the corner. Lawlor gets free and he chokes Man with the black belt, Lawlor then throws powder into the eyes of Man. Lawlor takes off his pants before attacking Man with some leg kicks, Man blocks a kick before landing more bicycle kicks. Man then nails Lawlor with a leaping kick from the middle rope, Lawlor blocks a spinning roundhouse kick and Man lands two straight after that for a near fall. Man gets Lawlor up before missing a head kick, Man lands a few elbow strikes before eating a series of atomic drops from Lawlor. Lawlor then drops Man with a boot to the face, Lawlor follows up by nailing Man with a discus punch for a near fall. Lawlor gets Man in a torture rack and Man gets free before a leg kick exchange breaks out, Man uses the power of the karate chop to get a near fall on Lawlor.

Lawlor and Man take their karate chop battle to the arena floor, Man and Lawlor nail the ring post while going for chops. Lawlor and Man get back in the ring as some ninjas get in the ring, Lawlor and Man work together to eliminate the ninjas. Lawlor goes for the five points of death and he lands it on Man, Man falls out of the ring and apparently dies to end the match.

Winner: Tom Lawlor

After the match, the ring announcer revives The Karate Man.

AIW Tag Team Title Match
2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
To Infinity & Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech) (c) vs. The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins)

Fall #1

The fall begins with Delaney attacking Tenaglia with a few strikes, Collins tags in and he double teams Delaney with Tenaglia. Cheech hits the ring and he gets double teamed as well, Cheech tags in and he cracks Collins with a kick to the midsection. Delaney tags in and Cheech accidentally runs into him, Tenaglia hits the ring and he double teams the opposition with Collins. Tenaglia nails Cheech with a super kick on the arena floor, Tenaglia tags in and he nails an elevated Delaney with a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Tenaglia traps Delaney in the corner while landing some strikes, Delanye shoves Tenaglia into Collins. Cheech interferes and Collins prevents the team from hitting Tenaglia with their finisher, Delaney catches Tenaglia in a roll up while grabbing the ropes for a three count.

Fall #1 Winners: To Infinity & Beyond

Fall #2

The falls begins with Delaney nailing Tenaglia with a low blow behind the referee’s back for a near fall, Cheech tags in and he nails a cornered Tenaglia with some shoulder thrusts. Delaney tags back in and he lands a knee drop on a downed Tenaglia, Tenaglia fights back and he gets hit with strikes by Delaney. Cheech tags in and he nails Tenaglia with a corner spear as Delaney nails Collins with a suicde dive, Cheech then hits Tenaglia with a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Delaney tags in and he rakes the eyes of Tenaglia. Delaney and Cheech look for a double team move until Tenaglia shoves Delaney into Cheech, Delaney goes for a slam and Tenaglia fights back. Tenaglia and Collins nail Delaney with a Sunset Dream for a near fall, Cheech tags in and Tenaglia catches him in a roll up for a three count.

Fall #2 Winners: The Philly Marino Experience

Fall #3

The fall begins with Cheech and Delaney double teaming their opponents, Tenaglia is knocked out of the ring before Collins gets double teamed. Collins nails Cheech with a power slam after a Tenaglia interference for a near fall, Cheech gets double teamed and hit with a double stomp DDT for a near fall. Cheech escapes the Sunset Dreams and Delaney makes the blind tag, Collins gets him with a DDT from Delaney. Cheech and Delaney nail Collins with a Go To Cheech for a near fall, Cheech goes for a super power bomb and Tenaglia fights back before Delaney is nailed with a double stomp DDT. Tenaglia and Collins nail both opponents with Sunset Dreams, Delaney is hit with a second Sunset Dreams for a three count.

Fall #3 Winners: The Philly Marino Experience

Match Winners: The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins), your new AIW Tag Team Champions

AIW Absolute Title Match
AIW Insane Title Match
No Ropes Barbed Wire Match
Matthew Justice (c) w/Fonzie vs. Joshua Bishop w/Wes Barkley

The match begins with Justice and Bishop exchanging strikes in the middle of the ring, Justice knocks Bishop into the barbed wire while landing more strikes. Justice then rakes Bishop’s forehead into the barbed wire, Bishop recovers and he whips Justice into the barbed wire. Bishop picks Justice up and he send shim into the barbed wire again, Bishop grabs a barbed wire 2×4 and Justice nails him with a chair shot. Justice then hits Bishop with a DDT onto the barbed wire 2×4, Justice grabs the 2×4 and he hits Bishop with it. Barkley grabs a ladder and he sets it up on the arena floor, Barkley climbs the ladder and he leaps off and hits Bishop by accident. Justice attacks Barkley before hitting him with a steel chair, Justice follows up by throwing Barkley into the barbed wire. Justice sits Barkley on a chair and he hits him with the barbed wire 2×4, Justice grinds the barbed wire 2×4 into the head of Barkley. Bishop returns and he drops Justice on the top of the barbed wire, Bishop grabs some rope and he ties Justice’s arms behind his back.

Barkley gets a steel chair and he nails Justice in the head with it, Bishop grabs the steel chair and he attacks Justice with it. Fonzie gets in the ring and he attacks Barkley with a steel chair, Bishop returns and he attacks Fonzie. Barkley grabs a steel chair and he nails Fonzie in the face with it, Bishop leaves the ring and he nails Justice with more chair shots. Bishop and Barkley find some tables and they set them up on the arena floor, Bishop grabs Fonzie and he puts him on a table. Barkley climbs the ladder and he leaps off to put Fonzie through the table, Bishop gets back in the ring and Justice spears him off the ring and through the other table on the arena floor. Justice finds another table and he sets it up on the arena floor, Justice gets Bishop on the table before climbing up the bleachers. Justice leaps off the balcony and he puts Bishop through the table, Justice gets Bishop back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Justice grabs some barbed wire boards and he gets them in the ring. Justice then hits Bishop with a death valley driver on the barbed wire board before placing another board on top of him.

Justice grabs a ladder and he sets it up in the ring before climbing it, Justice leaps off the ladder and he splashes Bishop for a near fall after Barkley pulls the ref out of the ring, Justice goes after Barkley and he nails him with a chair before getting him in the ring, Justice finds a table and he sets it up on the arena floor. Bishop grabs a steel chair and he attacks Justice with it, Bishop power bombs Justice out of the ring and through the table on the arena floor. Bishop gets Justice back in the ring before getting a near fall on him, Bishop grabs a steel chair and he nails Justice with a leaping chair shot for a three count.

Winner: Joshua Bishop w/Wes Barkley, your new AIW Absolute Champion & AIW Intense Champion

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