
NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 9 Results: Ibushi, Okada, Ishii, Cobb & Takagi Pick Up Wins

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 9. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block Matches

Kota Ibushi def. Will Ospreay
Tomohiro Ishii def. Taichi
Kazuchika Okada def. Minoru Suzuki
Jeff Cobb def. Jay White
Shingo Takagi def. Yujiro Takahashi

Non-Tournament Match

Yuya Uemura def. Gabriel Kidd

Yuya Uemura vs. Gabriel Kidd

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Uemura and Kidd, Kidd wins a test of strength against Uemura. Uemura regains control by dropping Kidd with a monkey flip, Uemura keeps Kidd down while applying a headlock to him. Kidd gets free and he gets Uemura in a head scissors, Uemura gets up and he works over the arm of Kidd before getting him in a headlock. Kidd gets free and Uemura quickly gets him in another headlock, Uemura drops Kidd with a snap mare before wrenching away on his arm. Kidd gets free and a striking exchange breaks out with Uemura, Uemura ends the exchange by nailing Kidd with a shoulder tackle and running forearm strike. Uemura goes for a slam and Kidd escapes before landing a few forearm strikes, Kidd then hits Uemura with a drop kick for a near fall. Kidd looks for a butterfly suplex and Uemura defends before exchanging a few rolls ups, Uemura gets Kidd in a Boston crab and Kidd eventually gets to the ropes. Uemura then hits Kidd with a arm trap belly to belly suplex, Uemura reapplies the Boston crab and a tap out follows.

Winner: Yuya Uemura

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block
Shingo Takagi vs. Yujiro Takahashi

The match begins with Takahashi kicking Takagi before getting him in a headlock, Takahashi and Takagi take turns pulling each other’s hair before getting into a striking exchange. Takagi then drops Takahashi with a shoulder tackle, Takahashi leaves the ring and Takagi follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade. Takahashi recovers and he sends a charging Takagi into the barricade a few times, Takahashi goes to the ring apron and Takagi sweeps his legs. Takagi gets Takahashi on his shoulders Takahashi gets free before shoving him into the ring post, Takahashi then lands a reverse DDT on Takagi onto the ring apron. Takahashi waits for Takagi to get back into the ring before landing slams and some strikes, Takahashi then lands a headbutt and leg drop on Takagi for a near fall. Takahashi traps Takagi in the corner before landing more strikes, Takahashi drops Takagi before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall. Takahashi and Takagi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Takahashi ends the exchange by biting Takagi’s hand. Takagi recovers and he nails Takahashi with a shoulder tackle, Takagi bites Takahashi’s hand before landing a suplex for a near fall.

Takahashi fights back and he nails a ducking Takagi with a reverse DDT, Takahashi follows up by landing a fisherman buster suplex on Takagi for a near fall. Takagi fights back and another striking exchange breaks out, Takahashi ends the exchange by dropping Takagi on the top rope. Takagi fights back and he exchanges some clotheslines with Takahashi, Takahashi gets up and he nails Takagi with an Olympic Slam followed by a boot to the face. Takahashi then lands a fireman slam on Takagi for a near fall, Takagi recovers and he drops Takahashi with a clothesline. Takagi follows up with a sliding forearm strike on Takahashi for a near fall, Takahashi bites the hand of Takagi again before accidentally dropping the referee. Takahashi grabs his pimp cane and he tries to hit Takagi with it, Takagi avoids it and he hit Takagi with a Guerrero Special followed by a lariat. Takahashi follows up with a Last Of The Dragon on Takahashi for a three count.

Winner: Shingo Takagi

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block
Jeff Cobb vs. Jay White

The match begins with White immediately going to the ropes to avoid Cobb, White gets Cobb in a headlock and Cobb gets free before landing a shoulder block. White cracks Cobb with a few strikes and White leaves the ring after landing a slap, White gets back in the ring and he cracks Cobb with a few more strikes. Cobb recovers and he nails a charging White with a drop kick, Gedo gets dragged into the ring before Cobb knocks him and White out of the ring, Cobb gets White back in the ring and Gedo interferes again so White can knock Cobb back out of the ring. White then sends Cobb into the barricade a few times, Cobb gets back in the ring and White stomps away on him before landing shoulder thrusts in the corner. White then hits Cobb with a neck breaker for a near fall, White keeps Cobb down while landing knee drops to his back. Cobb recovers and he nails a charging White with a Samoan drop, Cobb follows up by hitting White with shoulder tackles and an overhead belly to belly suplex. Cobb then lands a running back suplex on White for a near fall, White fights back and he nails Cobb with a DDT.

White follows up by nailing Cobb with a suplex into the corner followed by a Blade Buster for a near fall, Cobb gets up and he exchanges a few strikes with White. White then nails a charging Cobb with a flat liner, White looks for a German suplex and Cobb defends before eating a uranage for another near fall. White keeps Cobb grounded while landing a dragon screw leg whip, White gets Cobb to a knee while landing stomps to the injured leg. Cobb recovers and he sends White into the corner, Cobb then hits White with a spinning back suplex for a near fall. Cobb follows up with a standing moonsault on White for another near fall, White escapes a Tour Of The Islands attempt before eating a release German suplex. White goes to the ropes and Gedo tries interfering, White then hits a distracted Cobb with a head and arm suplex. Cobb escapes the Switch Blade to hit White with a power slam, Gedo interferes again and Cobb throws him at White. Cobb then hits White with a Tour Of The Islands for a three count.

Winner: Jeff Cobb

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block
Kazuchika Okada vs. Minoru Suzuki

The match begins with Suzuki working over the arm of Okada, Okada scores a trip takedown on Suzuki and he wrenches away on his ankle. Suzuki drags Okada back to the mat and Okada attacks his leg, Suzuki gets free and he gets Okada in a cross face. Suzuki goes after the arm of Okada and Okada gets to the ropes, Suzuki gets up and he stomps on the injured arm of Okada. Okada and Suzuki have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Okada misses a charge in the corner and Suzuki gets him in a rope assisted arm bar. Suzuki drags Okada out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Suzuki traps the arm of Okada in the barricade before kicking the barricade. Suzuki attacks the injured arm of Okada with kicks and elbow strikes, Okada gets back in the ring and Suzuki goes after the injured arm before landing a kick. Suzuki gets Okada in a kimura while also trapping one of his legs, Okada eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Okada fights back and he nails Suzuki with a neck breaker, Suzuki and Okada have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki goes for the sleeper hold and Okada quickly gets free before landing a neck breaker, Suzuki and Okada get into another striking exchange.

Okada ends the exchange by nailing a charging Suzuki with a drop kick, Suzuki fights back and Okada nails him with a tombstone pile driver. Okada gets Suzuki in the cobra clutch and Suzuki gets free by getting Okada in an arm bar, Okada gets to the ropes to break the hold. Suzuki attacks the injured arm of Okada with some kicks to the shoulder, Okada fights back and he nails Suzuki with a Rainmaker. Suzuki recovers and he drops Okada before applying a rear naked choke to him, Okada gets free and Suzuki quickly reapplies the choke. Suzuki goes for the Gitch style pile driver and Okada counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Taichi

The match begins with Taichi and Ishii immediately having a striking exchange, Taichi ends the exchange by dropping Ishii after landing a multitude of leg kicks. Taichi dumps Ishii out of the ring and he follows him out there before sending him into the barricade, Taichi gets Ishii back in the ring before choking him. Ishii tries fighting back and Taichi quickly drops him, Taichi keeps Ishii down while kicking him right in the back. Ishii gets up and he attacks the knee of Taichi before landing a power slam, Ishii traps Taichi in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes. Taichi goes down and Ishii lands a few light stomps to his head, Ishii follows up by dropping Taichi with a shoulder tackle. Taichi fights back and he corners Ishii before landing an enziguri, Ishii tries fighting back and Taichi levels him with a head kick. Taichi sets up for the super kick and he winds up landing another enziguri on Ishii, Taichi goes for a power bomb and Ishii avoids it before getting dropped with a forearm strike. Taichi nails Ishii with a behind the back clothesline before landing a back drop driver, Taichi goes for Black Mephisto and Ishii escapes to land a buckle bomb and clothesline.

Taichi goes for a low blow and Ishii avoids it before dropping him with a forearm strike, Ishii follows up by nailing Taichi with a power bomb for a near fall. Ishii goes for a lariat and he lands it on Taichi for a near fall, Ishii goes for the brain buster and Taicho escapes before landing a low blow after a ref distraction. Taichi catches Ishii in a roll up after the low blow for a near fall, Taichi then hits Ishii with a power bomb for another near fall. Taichi goes for the super kick and Ishii avoids it before landing a release German suplex followed by a headbutt, Ishii follows up by crushing Taichi with a lariat for a one count. Taichi gets up to hit Ishii with a lariat and back drop driver for a near fall, Ishii blocks a super kick from Taichi before eating an enziguri. Taichi goes for Black Mephisto and Ishii counters with his own enizguri, Ishii then hits Taichi with a sliding lariat for another one count. Ishii follows up by nailing Taichi with a brain buster for a three count.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii

NJPW G1 Climax 30 A Block
Kota Ibushi vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with Ospreay scoring a takedown on Ibushi before a chain wrestling session breaks out, Ospreay gets up and he gets Ibushi in a headlock. Ibushi gets to the ropes and Ospreay taunts him before getting him in another headlock, Ibushi gets free and Ospreay drops him with a shoulder tackle. Ibushi recovers and he drops Ospreay with a mid kick, Ospreay recovers and he knocks Ibushi out of the ring with a huracanrana. Ibushi gets back in the ring and Ospreay nails him with a handspring enziguri, Ibushi leaves the ring and he avoids a dive from Ospreay. Ospreay recovers and he nails Ibushi with a leaping forearm strike from the ring apron, Ospreay gets Ibushi back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Ospreay traps Ibushi in the corner while attacking him with a bunch of strikes, Ospreay keeps Ibushi down while applying a modified cloverleaf to him. Ibushi eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold, Ospreay looks for a suplex and Ibushi blocks it before landing a few strikes. Ibushi follows up by landing a drop kick on Ospreay, Ibushi follows up by dropping Ospreay and landing a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Ospreay fights back and Ibushi manages to nail him with a double stomp, Ospreay escapes the grasp of Ibushi before landing a springboard forearm strike. Ibushi leaves the ring and Ospreay nails him with a suicide dive, Ospreay gets Ibushi back in the ring and he lands an elevated reverse DDT for a near fall. Ospreay goes to the top rope and Ibushi grabs his leg before meeting him up there, Ospreay clotheslines Ibushi and Ibushi falls to the ring apron. Ibushi fights back and he attempts a super huracanrana and Ospreay lands on his feet, Ospreay and Ibushi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Ibushi drops Ospreay before attacking him with a series of kicks, Ospreay fights back and he nails Ibushi with an enziguri. Ibushi recovers and he hits Ospreay with a German suplex for a near fall, Ibushi follows up by nailing Ospreay with a running knee strike for a near fall.Ospreay avoids another knee strike before hitting Ibushi with a hook kick, Ospreay the hits Ibushi with a sit out power bomb for another near fall. Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade and Ibushi avoids it before landing a head kick, Ibushi nails Ospreay with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Ibushi goes for another knee strikes and Ospreay counters with a super kick, Ospreay goes for Storm Breaker and Ibushi avoids it. Ospreay goes for the Os Cutter and Ibushi catches him with a knee strike in mid air, Ibushi follows up with another knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

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