
AEW Dynamite 10/7/20 Results: 30 Years Of Chris Jericho & 3 Title Matches

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with a video package with various AEW wrestlers talking about Chris Jericho.

FTW Championship
Brian Cage (c) vs. Will Hobbs

The match begins with Hobbs nails Cage with a shoulder tackle, Cage and Hobbs exchange strikes and more shoulder tackles. Cage drops a charging Hobbs with a back elbow strike, Hobbs gets up and he nails Cage with a clothesline. Hobbs follows up with a running cross body block on Cage for a near fall, Hobbs corners Cage while landing some strikes. Cage gets free and he nails a trapped Hobbs with a super kick, Cage then hits Hobbs with an overhead face plant for a near fall. Cage corners Hobbs while attacking him with a few strikes, Hobbs fights back and he attacks Cage with more strikes. Cage drops Hobbs before nailing him with a basement drop kick, Cage follows up with a fall away slam and standing moonsault on Hobbs for a near fall. Cage keeps Hobbs down while applying a chin lock to him, Hobbs fights back and he nails Cage with a back suplex. Hobbs follows up by nailing Cage with multiple clotheslines and a jumping shoulder tackle, Hobbs then hits a charging Cage with a power slam for a near fall. Cage fights back and Hobbs nails him with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Cage recovers and he nails Hobbs with a pump handle face buster.

Cage follows up by nailing Hobbs with an F-5 for a near fall, Cage gets Hobbs up again and Hobbs escapes before eating a release German suplex. Hobbs gets up and he nails Cage with one of his own, Cage and Hobbs take each other down with a double clothesline. Cage and Hobbs have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Hobbs nails Cage with a spine buster afterwards for a near fall. Hobbs goes to the top rope and he misses the frog splash attempt, Cage then hits Hobbs with a Drill Claw for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage, still the FTW Champion

After the match, Ricky Starks hits the ring while Taz gets the microphone, Taz talks about how impressive Will Hobbs is. Taz offers Hobbs a chance to join Team Taz or Starks and Brian Cage will beat him up, Darby Allin interrupts and he gets Team Taz out of the ring.

– Slash, Dennis Miller, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ted Irvine and Bully Ray congratulate Chris Jericho on his 30 years in pro wrestling.

– Lance Archer appears and he narrates a video package showing his history with Jon Moxley, Archer says he is pissed or and angry and he wants to kick somebody’s ass. Archer says the past opponents Moxley has faced are nothing like him, Archer promises to win the AEW World Heavyweight championship next week.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Brush With Greatness
FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (c) w/ Tully Blanchard vs. The Hybrid 2 (Angelico & Jack Evans)

The match begins with Evans attacking both members of FTR before rolling up Harwood a few times for a few near falls, Evans then nails Harwood with a springboard spinning head kick. Angelico tags in and he nails Harwood with a springboard cross body block for a near fall, Wheeler drags Harwood out of the ring a short time later. FTR try leaving before they are taken out with multiple dives by The Hybrid 2, Evans gets injured during the dive and still manages to get a near fall on Harwood. Evans goes to the top rope and Wheeler crotches him after Blanchard distracts the ref, Harwood nails Evans with a dragon screw leg whip. Evans leaves the ring and Harwood drops him knee first onto the barricade, Harwood gets Evans in the ring before smashing his leg into the ring post. Wheeler interferes and he gets a trapped Evans in a hanging figure four leg lock, Wheeler tags in and hangs Evans upside down in the corner. Harwood tags in and he double teams Evans alongside Wheeler, Harwood traps Evans’ leg in the ropes while wrenching away on it. Evans tries fighting back and Harwood attacks his injured knee, Wheeler tags in and he attacks Evans’ injured leg.

Angelico tries interfering and the ref catches him while Evans gets worked over by FTR, Wheeler keeps Evans down while wrenching away on his leg. Wheeler then lands an atomic drop to the injured leg of Evans, Evans fights back and he sends Wheeler into the corner. Harwood tags in and Evans nails him with an enziguri, Harwood recovers and he gets Evans in a single leg crab. Evans eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Wheeler tags in and Evans trips him up before tagging Angelico in. Angelico immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Angelico drops Harwood and Wheeler before applying a double modified STF to them. Evans makes a blind tag and he lands a top rope double stomp on an elevated Wheeler for a near fall, Angelico tags in and he helps Evans land an assisted 450 splash on Wheeler for a near fall. Evans tags in and Wheeler immediately drops him, Harwood tags in and he nails Evans with a chaos theory suplex. Wheeler also nails Evans with a dragon suplex for a near fall, Evans fights back against both opponents. Harwood drops Evans before getting him on the top rope, Harwood climbs the ropes before attacking Angelico.

Evans knocks Harwood off the ropes before landing a moonsault for a near fall, Angelico uses a head kick to knock Wheeler to the arena floor. Wheeler avoids a diving Angelico before sending him into the ring apron, Evans drops Wheeler before rolling up Harwood for a near fall. Evans then nails Harwood with a front flip axe kick, Harwood recovers to hit Evans with a clothesline and sit out power bomb for a near fall. Evans is placed on the top rope as Wheeler tags in, FTR nails Evans with a superplex and top rope splash for a three count.

Winners: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) w/ Tully Blanchard, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

– The Young Bucks are shown reacting to the match backstage before nailing the cameraman with a super kick.

– Best Friends come out next and they confront FTR after a video shows FTR dressed as weenies appear on the big screen, Trent says that FTR are weenies. Chuck Taylor says they are the #1 contenders to the tag team titles, Best Friends announce they get a tag team title match next week. FTR try attacking Best Friends and Best Friends quickly clear the ring, Best Friends pose with the title belts.

– MJF appears and he talks about Chris Jericho’s 30 years in pro wrestling, MJF talks about his first meeting with Jericho and how Jericho gave him advice at that time.

– Shaquille O’Neal, Gene Simmons, Don Callis, Lars Ulrich and DDP congratulate Chris Jericho on 30 years in pro wrestling.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Mr. Brodie Lee and Cody.

AEW TNT Championship
Dog Collar Match
Mr. Brodie Lee (c) w/ John Silver & Anna Jay vs. Cody w/ Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson

The match begins with Cody knocking Silver off of the ring apron, Lee then drops Cody before landing an elbow drop. Lee follows up by nailing Cody with a slam before landing another elbow drop, Lee misses an elbow drop and Cody nails him with a few clotheslines followed by an uppercut. Cody goes to the top rope and Lee uses the chain to knock him off, Lee leaves the ring and he chokes Cody with the chain. Cody falls out of the ring and Lee drops him face first on the ring apron, Lee gets a chair and he makes Silver sit on it. Lee then sends Cody into Silver before getting him into the ring, Lee also nails Cody with a clothesline while using the chain. Lee nails Cody with a DDT onto the chain, Lee has Jay escort the injured Silver to the backstage area. Cody is bleeding and Lee rakes his face with the chain, Lee leaves the ring and he attacks Cody with elbow strikes. Lee gets back in the ring and he attacks Cody with more strikes, Cody fights back and he low blows Lee with the chain before landing a chain assisted side Russian leg sweep. Lee leaves the ring and Cody nails him with a suicide dive, Lee recovers and he sends Cody over the barricade before sending him into the barricade a few times.

Lee drags Cody back over the barricade before setting a table up on the arena floor, Lee also sends some steel chairs into the ring. Lee and Cody take their battle to the ring apron, Cody hits Lee in the head a few times with the chain. Cody goes to the arena floor and he sends Lee off the ring apron before landing a cutter, Cody gets in the ring and he uses the chain to drag Lee back to the ring apron. Cody lands a few strikes on Lee before going to the ring apron, Cody hits Lee with a package pile driver from the ring apron and through the table. Cody gets Lee back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Lee is also busted open during the battle with Cody. Lee gets up and Cody nails him with multiple chain shots and a front suplex onto the chain, Cody grabs the chain and he whips Lee with it. Cody wraps the chain around his fist while attacking Lee with more strikes, Cody mounts a cornered Lee before choking him with the chain as its wrapped around the ring post. Cody then sends Lee face first into the chain, Lee fights back and he sends Cody out of the ring before hanging him with the chain.

Lee gets Cody back in the ring before landing a bossman slam for a near fall, Lee wraps the chain around his fist while hitting Cody with more strikes. Lee grabs a steel chair and he throws it at Anderson, Anderson gets in the ring and he nails an interfering Alex Reynolds with a spine buster. Lee then attacks Anderson before eating strikes from Cody, Cody wraps the chain around his fist while landing strikes on a cornered Lee. Cody drops Lee before choking him with the chain, Cody climbs the ropes and he nails Lee with a moonsault for a near fall. Lee fights back and he nails Cody with a few kicks, Cody avoids a kick before nailing Lee with a Cross Rhodes for a one count. Cody goes for the Cody Driver and Lee avoids it before landing a series super kicks on him, Lee then hits Cody with a power bomb for a near fall. Cody leaves the ring and Lee does as well, Cody and Lee take turns sending each other into the ring post. Cody and Lee get back in the ring as Cody climbs to the middle rope, Lee lands a few strikes as he climbs the ropes. Lee gets Cody off the ropes after nailing him with a superplex, Cody gets up and he cracks Lee with more strikes.

Lee ends that before nailing Cody with a release dragon suplex, Lee goes for a discus lariat and Cody avoids it before landing the Final Cut. Cody wraps the chain around the head of Lee while landing a few elbow strikes, Cody nails Lee with the Cross Rhodes for a three count.

Winner: Cody w/ Arn Anderson & Brandi Rhodes, your new AEW TNT Champion

After the match, The Nightmare Family comes out to celebrate with Cody, while Dark Order come out to get their fallen leader. Tony Schiavone comes to the ring to interview Cody, Cody thanks everybody for their support and he talks about the love he feels for the fans. Cody says it is his life’s work to be a pro wrestler, Cody says he’ll defend the title next week on AEW Dynamite. Orange Cassidy comes out and he gives Cody a thumbs up and Cody gives one back to him.

– Alex Marvez interviews Kenny Omega, who says it feels good to be a full time singles competitor again. Omega talks about his history winning tournaments all over the world, Omega calls the #1 contender tournament the premier tournament to watch and he says that he’ll win the title.

Big Swole vs. Serena Deeb

The match begins with Deeb working over the arm of Swole, Swole gets free and she does damage to the arm of Deeb. Deeb gets Swole down while wrenching away on the arm, Swole gets up and Deeb briefly gets her in a headlock. Swole gets Deeb down and Deeb catches her in a roll up for a one count, Swole gets up and she nails Deeb with some strikes to the back followed by a back breaker. Deeb recovers and she nails a charging Swole with a clothesline, Deeb follows up by nailing Swole with a rope assisted dragon screw leg whip. Deeb follows up by nailing Swole with a rope assisted neck breaker, Deeb keeps Swole down while landing elbow drops on her leg. Deeb looks for a pinning combination on Swole and Swole kicks out at two, Deeb goes back to attacking the injured arm of Swole. Swole tries fighting back and Deeb gets her in an octopus stretch as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Swole nailing a charging Deeb with a back elbow strike. Swole gets up and she drops Deeb with a few clotheslines, Swole follows up by nailing Deeb with a headbutt for a near fall.

Deeb gets Swole to the ring apron and Swole nails her with a head kick, Swole goes for a springboard move and Deeb counters with a back stabber for a near fall. Deeb looks for her finisher and Swole exchanges roll ups with her for a few near falls, Deeb looks for a pile driver and Swole counters with some elbow strikes. Swole cracks Deeb with a headbutt and Dirty Dancing for a three count.

Winner: Big Swole

– AEW World Champion Jon Moxley appears and he says he won’t be celebrating Dynamite’s one year anniversary due to all the opponents he has faced and will face, Moxley talks about facing lance Archer next week. Moxley says he’ll leave everything in the ring next week when he faces Archer.

– Lance Storm, Ultimo Dragon, Paul Stanley, Kevin Smith, Eli Roth, Gabriel Iglesias, Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Steel Panther congratulate Chris Jericho on 30 years in pro wrestling.

The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Jake Hager) w/ Santana, Ortiz & Sammy Guevara vs. Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico)

The match begins with Jericho working over the arm of Serpentico, Serpentico gets free and Jericho attacks him with a few strikes. Serpentico fights back and he nails Jericho with a head scissors takedown, Serpentico follows up with a huracanrana on Jericho. Jericho gets up and he nails Serpentico with a clothesline, Luther tags in and he gets into a striking exchange with Jericho. Luther eventually drops Jericho with a boot to the face followed by a clothesline, Luther then hits Jericho with a butterfly suplex. Serpentico tags in and he nails Jericho with a slingshot double stomp, Luther tags in and he drops Serpentico on a downed Jericho for a near fall. Luther traps Jericho near the ropes while tearing away at his face, Jericho avoids a drop kick from Luther before landing a Lionsault. Hager tags in and he immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Hager then hits Luther with a belly to belly suplex. Luther avoids a Hager Bomb after Serpentico interference, Serpentico tags in and Luther slams him on Hager a few times. Serpentico cracks Hager with an enziguri before going to the top rope, Hager catches a leaping Serpentico before slamming him.

Jericho tags in and he nails Serpentico with a delayed vertical suplex, Jericho traps Serpentico in the corner while landing some strikes. Serpentico recovers and he drills Jericho with a DDT, Luther tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Luther clears the ring and Serpentico takes a bunch of people out with a dive, Luther also takes everybody out with a dive. Luther gets Jericho back in the ring before landing a top rope knee drop for a near fall, Luther gets sent to the ring apron and Luther nails him with a clothesline. Luther climbs the ropes again and he nails Jericho with a bulldog for a near fall, Jericho fights back and Luther nails him with a German suplex. Serpentico interferes and he nails Jericho with a top rope meteora for a near fall, Hager returns and he knocks Serpentico out of the ring. Luther catches the baseball bat and he hits Jericho with it while the ref was distracted, Luther nails Jericho with the big boot for a near fall. Guevara distracts Luther and Jericho nails him with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Jake Hager) w/ Santana, Ortiz & Sammy Guevara

After the match, Chris Jericho gets the microphone and thanks everybody for being with him during his 30 years in pro wrestling. MJF interrupts with Wardlow and a person who is under a blanket, Wardlow removes the blanket and a clown is underneath it. The clown is holding a wrapped present and Jericho opens it, which is a framed picture of MJF and Jericho hits the clown with it. Jericho says he hates clowns and he tells MJF to never interrupt him again, they both reveal it was a farce before sharing a laugh. The AEW roster makes their way to the ring while the credits roll with Jericho being credited for doing everything.

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