
AEW Dark 10/6/20 Results: Dark Order, Lucha Bros, Brandi Rhodes, Big Swole & More In Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Brandi Rhodes w/ Dustin Rhodes vs. Kenzie Paige

The match begins with Rhodes backing Paige into the corner before getting pie faced, Rhodes gets Paige in a headlock. Paige gets free and Rhodes nails her with a shoulder tackle followed by a series of hip tosses, Rhodes holds Paige down while working over her arm. Rhodes corners Paige before landing a running back elbow strike and thrust kick for a near fall, Paige fights back and she nails Rhodes with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Paige mounts a downed Rhodes while landing a few strikes, Paige corners Rhodes before landing a plethora of kicks. Paige keeps Rhodes down while applying a chin lock to her, Rhodes fights her way free and she nails Paige with a few clotheslines. Rhodes then hits Paige with a modified bulldog and regular bulldog for a near fall, Rhodes follows up by nailing Paige with a stunner. Rhodes lands a Shot Of Brandi on Paige for a three count.

Winner: Brandi Rhodes w/ Dustin Rhodes

After the match, Anna Jay attacks Brandi Rhodes until Red Velvet makes the save.

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/ Marko Stunt vs. Ray Rosas & Eric Watts

The match begins with Rosas sweeping Boy before missing an elbow drop, Boy drops Rosas with a shoulder tackle. Boy takes Rosas down with an arm drag, Luchasaurus tags in and he drops a trapped Rosas with a chop. Luchasaurus corners Rosas while landing a bunch of strikes, Boy tags in and he nails Rosas with a swanton bomb for a near fall. Rosas recovers and he nails a charging Boy with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Watts tags in and he tosses Boy into the corner before landing an avalanche. Watts follows up by nailing Boy with a few fall away slams, Rosas tags in and he cracks Boy with a few strikes. Boy fights back and he tags Luchasaurus into the match, Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Luchasaurus nails Rosas with a choke slam followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall, Watts hits the ring and he has a striking exchange with Luchasaurus until both go down. Rosas nails Luchasaurus with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall, Boy returns and he gets Watts out of the ring. Luchasaurus nails a charging Rosas with a big boot for a near fall, Boy tags in as Wats gets Luchasaurus out of the ring. Rosas sends a charging Boy into the middle rope before rolling him up for a near fall, Watts hits the ring and he double teams Boy with Rosas.

Watts hits Boy with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Rosas tags back in as Watts knocks Luchasaurus to the arena floor. Luchasaurus makes a blind tag and he immediately drops Rosas and Watts, Boy takes out Watts with a suicide dive. Luchasaurus and Boy land their finisher on Rosas for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) w/ Marko Stunt

– A video package airs highlighting the history between Chris Jericho and Luther.

Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico) vs. Anthony Bowens & Lee Johnson

The match begins with Johnson getting Serpentico in a headlock, Johnson gets free and he drops Serpentico with a shoulder tackle. Luther interferes and he attacks both opponents, Johnson recovers and he nails Serpentico with a drop kick. Johnson corners Serpentico before tagging Bowens in, Bowens drops Serpentico before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall. Johnson tags in and he works with Bowens to hit Serpentico with a double suplex, Serpentico gets free and he nails Johnson with a thrust kick. Luther tags in and he cracks Johnson with strikes and stomps, Luther nails Johnson with a slam before tagging Serpentico in. Luther drops Serpentico onto a downed Johnson, Luther tags in and he attacks a cornered Johnson with more strikes. Serpentico interferes and he nails Johnson with a slingshot double stomp, Johnson fights back and he rolls up Luther before eating a clothesline. Luther traps Johnson near the ropes while landing more chops, Serpentico tags in before landing a suplex on Johnson. Luther suplexes Serpentico onto a downed Johnson for a near fall, Johnson fights back and he tags Bowens into the match.

Bowens quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Bowens nails Serpentico with an inverted Olympic Slam for a near fall. Bowens gets double teamed and Johnson hits the ring to make a save, Luther and Serpentico quickly take care of Johnson. Serpentico nails an elevated Bowens witha top rope meteora for a three count.

Winners: Chaos Project (Luther & Serpentico)

Will Hobbs vs. Ryzin

The match begins with Hobbs dropping Ryzin with a clothesline, Hobbs follows up by sending Ryzin into the corners. Ryzin fights back and Hobbs nails him with a suplex, Hobbs follows it up by nailing Ryzin with a front suplex. Ryzin fights back again and Hobbs nails him with a leaping shoulder tackle, Hobbs then hits Ryzin with an avalanche. Hobbs then catches a leaping Ryzin before landing a spinning power slam, Hobbs follows up by nailing Ryzin with a spine buster for a three count.

Winner: Will Hobbs

– Eddie Kingston is backstage talking about how he is tired of Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela’s antics, Kingston says Janela & Kiss won’t take his family members as jokes.

John Silver w/ Dark Order vs. QT Marshall w/ Dustin Rhodes

The match begins with Marshall scoring a takedown on Silver, Silver gets free and he works over the arm of Marshall. Marshall gets free and he gets Silver in a head scissors before applying a headlock to him, Silver gets up and he corners Marshall before landing a few strikes. Marshall recovers and he nails Silver with a back elbow strike followed by a right, Marshall catches a leaping Silver before landing a suplex for a near fall. Marshall gets Silver up while attacking him with more strikes, Evil Uno interferes and that allows Silver to knock Marshall out of the ring. Silver leaves the ring and he sends Marshall into the barricade, Silver also attacks Marshall with more strikes before getting him back in the ring. Marshall fights back and Silver nails him with a corner clothesline for a near fall, Marshall gets to his knees and Silver attacks him with some kicks. Marshall tries fighting back and Silver gets him in a cross face until Marshall gets to the ropes, Marshall fights back and he exchanges strikes with Silver. Marshall drags Silver to the top rope and they exchange more strikes until Marshall lands a superplex, Marshall cracks Silver with a ton of strikes.

Marshall follows up with a clothesline and slam on Silver, Marshall climbs to the top rope before nailing Silver with a flying elbow strike. Uno distracts Marshall again and Marshall still manages to slam Silver for a near fall, Marshall misses a charge in the corner before eating multiple kicks and a sideways back stabber for a near fall. Uno interferes again and Rhodes attacks him, other Dark Order members attack and Marshall takes care of them. Silver hits Marshall with a airplane spin slam for a three count.

Winner: John Silver w/ Dark Order

Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison vs. David Ali & Cezar Bononi

The match begins with Ali getting Pillman Jr in a headlock, Pillman Jr gets free and he nails Ali with a drop kick. Garrison tags in and he nails the arm of Ali with a middle rope elbow strike, Pillman Jr tags in and he nails the arm of Ali with a top rope axe handle smash. Garrison tags back in and he double teams Ali with Pillamn Jr for a near fall, Ali fights back and he attacks Garrison before tagging Bononi in. Bononi quickly drops Garrison with a shoulder block, Pillman Jr tags in and he nails Bononi with a few kicks before getting shoved across the ring. Pillman Jr looks for a sunset flip and Bononi blocks it before eating a series of strikes, Bononi recovers and he nails Pillman Jr with a spine buster. Bononi drops Pillman Jr with a back elbow strike before tagging Ali, Ali nails a downed Pillman Jr with a few kicks. Pillman Jr fights back and Ali chokes him on the middle rope, Bononi tags in and he power slams Pillman Jr into the corner for a near fall. Pillman Jr fights back and he shoves Bononi into the corner, Garrison and Ali are tagged in by their respective partners. Garrison quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Garrison plants Ali face first before tagging Pillamn Jr in. Garrison and Pillman Jr hit Ali with a power bomb/top rope clothesline for a three count.

Winners: Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison

Big Swole vs. Skyler Moore

The match begins with Swole getting backed into the corner by Moore, Swole gets mad and she shoves Moore to the mat. Swole follows up by nailing Moore with a series of strikes, Moore fights back to nail Swole with strikes and a hair pull. Moore stands on a downed Swole while smashing her head into the mat, Moore follows up with a power slam on Swole for a near fall. Swole blocks a suplex attempt from Moore before landing one of her own, Swole follows up by dropping Moore a few more times. Swole then nails Moore with a headbutt and running European uppercut, Swole followed up with a springboard cutter and Dirty Dancing on Moore for a three count.

Winner: Big Swole

– Matt Sydal is backstage and he talks about slipping off the top rope at AEW All Out due to Michael Nakazawa putting oil all over the ropes.

Matt Sydal vs. Michael Nakazawa

The match begins with Sydal sending a charging Nakazawa into the top turnbuckle, Sydal drops Nakazawa with a head kick. Sydal looks to climb the ropes and he realizes the Nakazawa oiled them up, Sydal cleans the ropes off and Nakazawa sprays more oil at Sydal to cause him to fall off the ropes. Nakazawa nails Sydal with an Olympic Slam for a near fall, Nakazawa goes for a Thong Claw and he finally gets it on Sydal. Sydal drops Nakazawa before applying a cross face to him to force a tap out.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Eddie Kingston vs. M’Badu

The match begins with Kingston immediately attacking M’Badu with strikes, Kingston corners M’Badu before landing a running boot to the face. M’Badu recovers and he corners Kingston before landing an avalanche, M’Badu recovers and he gouges the eyes of M’Badu. M’Badu fights back and he nails a charging Kingston with a power slam, M’Badu gets up and he nails M’Badu with a knee strike followed by a spinning back fist. Kingston gets M’Badu in the kimura and M’Badu taps out.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

After the match, Eddie Kingston gets the microphone and he talks about using the kimura on M’Badu before promising to apply it to Jon Moxley. Kingston says Moxley has to pay for leaving everybody behind, Kingston promises to mess Moxley up when they meet again.

– Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss are backstage, Janela says he and Kiss show no fear when they compete and they are here to kick ass.

Angelico w/Jack Evans vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Angelico working over the arm of Dean, Dean gets free and he damages the arm of Angelico. Angelico gets free and he nails Dean with an arm drag, Dean goes for a front headlock and Angelico gets free before eating a drop kick. Angelico recovers and he drops Dean with a leg kick, Angelico keeps Dean down while twisting both of his legs. Angelico then hits Dean with a snap mare and head kick for a near fall, Angelico gets Dean in a straight arm bar while poking the throat of Dean. Dean fights back and he quickly drops Angelico with a forearm strike, Dean follows up by nailing Angelico with clotheslines and a release German suplex. Dean then nails a cornered Angelico with a drop kick, Angelico recovers and he drops Dean again with a leg kick. Angelico gets Dean in a figure four ankle lock to force a tap out.

Winner: Angelico w/Jack Evans

Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix) w/Eddie Kingston vs. Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela

The match begins with Kiss and Janela attacking El Zero M and Fenix with suicide dives, Fenix fights back and he nails everybody with his own suicide dive. El Zero M gets Janela in the ring before landing a leaping head kick, Fenix tags in and he nails Janela with a missile drop kick. El Zero M interferes and he nails Janela with a top rope double stomp to the behind, Janela fights back and he tags Kiss into the match. Kiss nails Fenix with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Janela tags in and he double teams Fenix with Kiss for a near fall. Fenix fights back and he cracks Janela with a drop kick, El Zero M tags in and he nails Janela with a top rope cross body block. Fenix interferes and he double teams Janela with El Zero M for a near fall, El Zero M gets up and he attacks Janela with leg kicks. El Zero M keeps Janela down while pulling back on his arm, El Zero M drops Janela again before landing another kick. Janela fights back and El Zero M drops him with a leg kick, Janela fights back and he manages to tag Kiss in. Kiss quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kiss hits El Zero M with a running drop kick and 450 splash for a near fall.

Fenix hits the ring before nailing Janela with a hook kick, Kiss eats a super kick before nailing El Zero M with a clothesline. Janela tags in and Fenix nails him with a rolling cutter, El Zero M nails both opponents with super kicks. El Zero M and Fenix nail Janela with a double stomp package pile driver for a three count.

Winners: Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix) w/Eddie Kingston

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