
WWE Raw 10/5/20 Results: Women’s Tag Title Bout, Murphy’s No Longer A Disciple, Ali’s In Retribution

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Randy Orton is somewhere backstage and he talks about his loss to Drew McIntyre at WWE Clash Of Champions ‘20, Orton talks about how the WWE Legends interfered in his match with McIntyre. Orton talks about seeing McIntyre celebrate with the WWE Legends the next night on WWE Raw, Orton also talks about his attack on the WWE Legends last week on WWE Raw. Orton talks about the things he did to each WWE Legend during last week’s attack, Orton says McIntyre’s bill won’t be paid until he wins the WWE Championship. Orton challenges McIntyre to a Hell In A Cell Match, McIntyre finds Orton and he attacks him backstage until WWWE officials break it up.

Zelina Vega, Natalya & Lana vs. Asuka, Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose

The match begins with Natalya taking Brooke down with a headlock, Brooke gets free and Natalya nails her with a shoulder tackle. Brooke escapes a pin attempt to get Natalya in a headlock, Brooke then drops Natalya with a head scissors takedown for a near fall. Rose tags in and she works with Brooke to hit Natalya with a double suplex, Rose trips up Natalya before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall. Vega interferes and she attacks Asuka, Rose attacks Vega and that allows Natalya to attack her from behind. Vega tags in and she attacks a cornered Rose with a bunch of strikes, Vega gets Rose to the ground before applying an octopus stretch to her. Rose gets free and Vega drops her before attacking Asuka, Natalya tags in and she immediately tags Lana into the match. Lana nails Rose with a sliding head kick for a near fall, Natalya tags in and she nails Rose with a slam before attacking Brooke. Natalya goes for a sharp shooter and Rose gets free, Asuka and Lana are tagged in by their respective partners.

Asuka quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Brooke goes after Natalya while Rose tags in. Rose nails Lana with a knee strike for a three count.

Winners: Asuka, Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose

After the match, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler come to the ringside area before attacking Natalya and Lana. Jax tries putting Natalya through an announce table and Lana saves her, Jax then puts Lana through the announce table.

– WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is backstage doing his mock WWE Draft, a custodian appears behind him and he accidentally hits a referee with a mop. R-Truth slips while running away and Drew Gulak, who was the custodian, pins him to win the title.

– Highlights are shown of what went down last week between The Hurt Business, Mustafa Ali, Apollo Crews and Ricochet.

– Apollo Crews, Mustafa Ali and Ricochet are approached by MVP backstage, MVP talks to them about the upcoming WWE Draft. MVP says he has an opening in The Hurt Business and its for one night only.

Seth Rollins and Murphy are in the ring and Murphy refuses to hand Rollins the microphone, Murphy talks about his relationship with Rollins as his disciple. Murphy says Rollins should apologize to Aalyah Mysterio for what he has done to The Mysterio Family, Rollins takes the microphone and he is angry with Murphy. Rollins says he could’ve shared all the DM’s between Aalyah and Murphy.

Seth Rollins & Murphy vs. Humberto Carrillo & Dominik Mysterio

The match begins with an all out brawl between both teams before the bell sounds, Mysterio nails Murphy with a side Russian leg sweep. Carrillo clears the ring with Mysterio before both land dives as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break and the match officials begins with Mysterio attacking Rollins with some forearm strikes. Rollins recovers and he drops Mysterio with a back elbow strike, Rollins gets up and he stomps away on a downed Mysterio. Rollins corners Mysterio while landing a bunch of shoulder thrusts, Murphy tags in and he stomps away on a downed Mysterio. Rollins tags in and Mysterio fights back against him, Rollins ends that by nailing Mysterio with a gut buster for a near fall. Rollins holds Mysterio down while applying a reverse bear hug to him, Rollins transitions to an abdominal stretch on Mysterio. Mysterio gets free and Rollins nails him with a sling blade as Murphy tags in, Rollins and Murphy argue while Carrillo tags in. Carrillo takes both opponents out with a dive, Carrillo knocks Rollins out of the ring before hitting Murphy with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Rollins distracts Carrillo and Murphy rolls him up before landing a DDT for a near fall, Mysterio hits the ring and Rollins drags him out. Murphy sends Mysterio over the barricade before Carrillo takes them both out with a suicide dive, Carrillo goes to the top rope and Murphy nails him with a knee strike as he leaps off for a three count.

Winners: Seth Rollins & Murphy

– Adam Pearce is talking on a phone backstage when Braun Strowman approaches him, Strowman says he isn’t leaving tonight until he is booked in a match tonight. Pearce says Strowman cannot have an official match, but he could have Strowman face somebody in an exhibition match tonight. Strowman leaves and Keith Lee approaches Pearce saying he’ll face Strowman tonight.

– Seth Rollins approaches Murphy backstage and he says he won’t apologize to Aalyah Mysterio, Rollins says Murphy needs to apologize to him by 10pm or there will be hell to pay.

Kevin Owens is in the ring for another edition of The KO Show and tonight’s guest is Bray Wyatt, Owens says tonight’s show has a different feel because he feels different after being attacked by The Fiend on WWE Smackdown. Owens talks about his first time experiencing the presence of The Fiend, Owens throws the chairs away because he won’t be having a friendly chat with Wyatt. Owens shows what happened last week on Smackdown with Alexa Bliss and The Fiend, Owens talks about being attacked by The Fiend. The Firefly Funhouse appears on the big screen, Wyatt says it is nice for Owens to have him on the show because they are friends now. The puppets wonder what will happen if they all get drafted to different brands next week, Wyatt and the puppets sing a song about friends. Owens interrupts the song and he says that they are not friends, Owens challenges Wyatt to come to the ring so they can fight. Wyatt says that Owens has no idea what he has gotten himself in to, Wyatt issues a final warning to Owens before the Firefly Funhouse ends. Owens says he will go find Wyatt and he heads backstage before getting attacked by Aleister Black.

– Charly Caruso interviews Drew McIntyre, who says he accepts Randy Orton’s challenge for WWE Hell In A Cell.

– A video package airs highlighting Braun Strowman.

Exhibition Match
Braun Strowman vs. Keith Lee

The match begins with Lee getting Strowman in a headlock, Strowman gets free and he exchanges shoulder tackles with Lee. Strowman uses a drop kick to knock Lee out of the ring, Strowman leaves the ring and Lee attacks him with strikes. Strowman sends Lee into the ring steps as the referee counts both competitors out.

Match Result: Double Count Out

After the match, Braun Strowman tackles Keith Lee through the barricade. Lee gets up and Strowman goes back at him and a brawl breaks out between the two, Lee throws Strowman into the LED boards. Lee tackles Strowman off the stage and they both go through an apparatus on the arena floor.

– A Bianca Belair video package airs, with this one showing why Belair is the smartest.

– WWE 24/7 Champion Drew Gulak is backstage when R-Truth and a referee appear behind him, Gulak trips over a garbage can that Akira Tozawa was in. R-Truth, Gulak and Tozawa battle in a giant garbage can and R-Truth regains the WWE 24/7 Championship.

– The Hurt Business gets the microphone before the next match, MVP says Apollo Crews, Ricochet and Mustafa Ali have never won the fight against them. MVP puts Retribution on notice for interfering in the match last week, MVP says The Hurt Business is what nightmares are made of. Ali, Crews and Ricochet interrupt and they say The Hurt Business are scared of them, Ricochet says they all pass on joining The Hurt Business.

The Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) w/MVP vs. Ricochet & Apollo Crews w/Mustafa Ali

The match begins with Benjamin attacking Ricochet with some strikes, Ricochet fights back and Benjamin gets him in an arm bar. Ricochet gets to the ropes and Benjamin corners him before tagging Lashley in, Lashley nails Ricochet with a slam for a near fall. Lashley corners Ricochet while landing a few strikes, Ricochet fights back and he nails Lashley with a springboard drop kick. Crews tags in and he works with Ricochet to knock Lashley out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Lashley working over a cornered Ricochet. Lashley nails Ricochet with a corner spear, Lashley follows up by nailing Ricochet with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Lashley then chokes Ricochet on the middle rope, Ricochet slaps MVP and Lashley nails him with a flat liner for a near fall. Benjamin tags in and Ricochet quickly drops him with a rebound kick, Crews tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Crews nails a charging Benjamin with a spine buster and standing moonsault for a near fall, Lashley interferes and he eats a few super kicks before landing a Dominator on Ricochet.

Crews gets Lashley out of the ring before eating a release German suplex from Benjamin, Lashley tags in and Crews avoids his spear before landing an enziguri. Lashley recovers to hit Crews with a spine buster, Lashley gets Crews in The Hurt Lock and a tap out follows.

Winners: The Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) w/MVP

– Murphy is backstage when he bumps into Aalyah Mysterio, Murphy apologizes to Aalyah for what Seth Rollins has been doing. Aalyah wants to know if Murphy will apologize to Rollins and Murphy walks away.

– The Hurt Business are shown walking backstage when they bump into Mustafa Ali, Ali says he’s gonna take out The Hurt Business tonight.

– Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring as the 10pm deadline is approaching, Rollins calls Murphy to the ring for him to make his apology. Murphy comes out and makes his way to the ring, Rollins demands an apology and Murphy is hesitant to do so. Rollins issues Murphy a warning while also talking about all that he has done for him, Rollins threatens Murphy and Murphy attacks him to start a brawl. Murphy knocks Rollins out of the ring before sending him over the announce table, Rollins fights back and he sends Murphy into the barricade. Murphy sends Rollins into the barricade and ringside edge, Murphy avoids a kendo stick shot before attacking Rollins with it. Rollins gets back in the ring and Murphy attacks him with more kendo stick shots, Rollins finally apologizes to Aalyah after eating more kendo stick shots. Rollins tricks Murphy into dropping the kendo stick before raking his eyes, Rollins grabs the kendo stick and he attacks Murphy with it. Rollins grabs a steel chair and he goes at attack Murphy with it as Aalyah hits the ring to check on Murphy, Dominik Mysterio and the rest of The Mysterio Family hit the ring to argue as Rollins leaves.

– Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler are shown talking backstage.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler (c) vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

The match begins with Morgan attacking Jax with a few strikes, Riott tags in and she double teams Jax with Morgan. Morgan tags in and she works with Riott to hit Jax with a double senton bomb for a near fall, Riott tags in and Jax hangs her upside down in the corner before landing an avalanche. Jax knocks Riott out of the ring before tagging Baszler in, Baszler goes after Riott and she throws her into the ringside edge before getting her back in the ring. Baszler keeps Riott down while stomping on her bent arm, Baszler keeps Riott down while wrenching away on her arm. Baszler releases the hold before snapping Riott’s arm in a backwards manner, Baszler again wrenches away on the injured arm of Riott. Baszler sends Riott out of the ring before tagging Jax back in, Jax sends Riott into the ringside edge a few times as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Baszler attacking Riott with some kicks, Riott avoids a kick from Baszler before rolling her up for a near fall. Morgan tags in and she attacks Baszler before Jax tags in, Morgan sends Jax into the corner before landing shots on both opponents.

Jax quickly recovers and she drops Morgan, Morgan fights back and Jax quickly drops her with a headbutt. Baszler tags in and she nails a trapped Morgan with some strikes, Baszler misses a charge into the corner and Morgan tags Riott back in. Riott attacks both opponents before nailing Baszler with a tornado DDT, Morgan tags in and she hits Baszler with a double stomp for a near fall. Riott tags in and Jax interferes to attack Morgan, Baszler nails Riott with a knee strike before locking in the rear naked choke to force a tap out.

Winners: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, still the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

– The Street Profits are backstage and they talk about competing in the main event tonight, The Street Profits talk about what they have learned from the WWE Legends attacked by Randy Orton. Drew McIntyre appears beside them and tells them that the smoke is all there’s.

MVP w/The Hurt Business vs. Mustafa Ali

The match begins with MVP dropping Ali with a knee to the midsection, MVP then hits Ali with a slam and knee drop for a near fall. MVP traps Ali in the corner while landing a few strikes, MVP follows up by nailing Ali with a clothesline for a near fall. Ali fights back and he knocks MVP out of the ring after landing a drop kick, The Hurt Business get into the ring and the lights start flickering. Retribution comes out and they surround the ring, Ali goes face to face with Retribution members before showing his allegiance to them. Retribution attacks The Hurt Business. Bobby Lashley is thrown into the ring post before getting hit with the ring steps, Ali and Retribution pose in the ring after the attack is over.

Match Result: No Contest

Randy Orton, Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre & The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

The match begins with Orton distracting McIntyre so Roode can attack him from behind, Ziggler tags in and he double teams McIntyre with Roode. McIntyre fights back and he lays out both foes before blocking an RKO from Orton, McIntyre clears the ring before Ford lands a suicide dive on Roode and Ziggler as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Dawkins landing some strikes on Ziggler, Ford tags in and he nails Ziggler with a few clotheslines. Roode interferes and Ford nails him with a drop kick, Ford follows up with a back suplex and standing moonsault on Ziggler for a near fall. Orton distracts Ford and Ziggler attacks him from behind, Roode tags in and he nails Ford with a spine buster for a near fall. Roode keeps Ford down while stomping away on him, Roode tosses Ford out of the ring as Orton tags in. Orton drops Ford back first on the announce table before getting him in the ring, Orton attacks Ford with a plethora of strikes. Ford fights back and Orton attacks him with a hair pull, Ford recovers and he nails Orton with a DDT. McIntyre and Ziggler are tagged in by their respective partners, McIntyre quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team.

McIntyre gets double teamed in the ring by Ziggler and Roode, Dawkins makes a blind tag as Ziggler nails McIntyre with a super kick. Ziggler kicks out of a roll up from Dawkins before landing a DDT on him, Orton tags in and he nails Dawkins with a draping DDT. Dawkins recovers and he nails Orton with The Anointment, Ford tags in and he nails Orton with a frog splash for a near fall. McIntyre makes a blind tag and he nails Ziggler with a Claymore Kick, McIntyre also nails Roode with a Claymore Kick. Orton then hits McIntyre with an RKO for a three count.

Winners: Randy Orton, Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler

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