
Match Ratings For 9/25/20 WWE Smackdown From Sean Ross Sapp

Sami Zayn defeated Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles

  • All three guys are calling each other frauds.
  • They’ll have to grab both title belts.
  • “The guy who likes to take vacations whenever he wants” AJ Styles’ nickname for Zayn.
  • Zayn kicks the ladders into both guys after they hang up the belts.
  • Adam Pearce makes a triple threat match two days before they all have a title match.
  • It’s hard for me to really get invested in a match like this when I know it doesn’t have stakes, when I’m about to watch one in two days that does.
  • It’s a lot of back and forth, revolving spots. Hardy did a Twist of Fate before the first.
  • Zayn ends up taking a pin on Jeff Hardy after Styles does the work with a Phenomenal Forearm.
  • Gotta pin your real champion two days before the PAPE!
  • Styles hits Zayn with a ladder.
  • I’ve loved the build up for this match, until tonight. Styles is the one without a real claim to the title, I probably would have had him win. Instead he does the climbing up the ladder and showing that he knows how to unsnap the title belts gimmick. Well. There ya go.

Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ Cesaro) defeated Gran Metalik (w/ Lince Dorado)

  • Man, this is a good one. Nakamura looked motivated. It’s hard not to be against Gran Metalik.
  • I loved the clear aspect of this win. Kinshasa, sleeper suplex, Kinshasa.
  • After the match, Lucha House Party are upset that Kalisto isn’t there to help them, and shoves him down.

Other happenings

  • Bayley comes out in a chair and cuts a promo that is a lot more about Sasha Banks than the match she has Sunday, but that’s where the money is.

King Corbin defeated Matt Riddle

  • They did. Corbin cuts a terrible promo.
  • Riddle is really aggressive here, and the action is good. He fires up great, which is important for a WWE babyface.
  • The triangle to Corbin powerbomb spot is the highlight.
  • There’s a back and forth that led to a great Deep Six.
  • Knees up on a Floating Bro, and Corbin gets the win with an End of Days.
  • This match ruled. They work really well together.
  • Riddle cuts a promo after about turning Smackdown into the Bro Show. Okay.

Lacey Evans defeated Alexa Bliss via DQ

  • Lacey controls the majority of this match.
  • Alexa starts her comeback with some nice offense, but the Fiend laugh comes over the speakers before a commercial.
  • Lacey does an outside-in dropkick. She’s been doing well here.
  • There’s been some really, really good wrestling on this Smackdown. Not a lot of progression, but some good wrestling.
  • The Fiend music hits again. Bliss snaps and destroys Lacey Evans and the match is thrown out.
  • Match thrown out for beating your opponent up TOO BAD!
  • Sister Abigail outside the ring.
  • This would have been rated a lot higher if not for the dumb finish.
  • Alexa Bliss stares at the camera and the Fiend appears on the screen.
  • Bliss stares at Roman Reigns as he comes out.

Samoan Dynasty

  • Rikishi, Afa and Jimmy Uso are in a video package about Reigns and Uso.
  • Jey Uso was seen knocking on Reigns’ door. He comes out and to interview Reigns himself.
  • Uso brings up how Roman Reigns looked at him last week.
  • Heyman says it’ll happen when Reigns wants it to happen.
  • Reigns and Heyman are out, followed by Uso.
  • Roman Reigns says the family is proud of Jey Uso, but they depend on Reigns and it’ll always be him.
  • Jey Uso asks why not him? He cuts a great promo about him being able to provide. THIS IS GREAT.
  • Reigns superman punches him and says the whole family depends on him.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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