
NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 4 Results: Naito, Evil, Robinson, Yano & Goto Pick Up Wins!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 30 Day 4. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block

Tetsuya Naito def. Zack Sabre Jr.
Evil def. Yoshi-Hashi
Juice Robinson def. Kenta
Toru Yano def. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Hirooki Goto def. Sanada

Non-Tournament Match

Yota Tsuji def. Yuya Uemura

Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Uemura and Tsuji, Uemura trips up Tsuji while wrenching away on his leg. Tsuji eventually gets to the ropes to get Uemura off of his leg, Tsuji then starts attacking Uemura with a few strikes before dropping him with a forearm strike. Tsuji continues attacking Uemura with a plethora of forearm strikes, Tsuji then lands a slam on Uemura before applying a kravat to him. Tsuji drags Uemura to the mat before applying a chin lock to him, Uemura eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Tsuji traps Uemura in the corner before landing an avalanche and shoulder tackle for a near fall, Tsuji gets Uemura up while attacking him with more forearm strikes, Uemura fights back and he drops Tsuji with a running forearm strike. Uemura follows up by nailing Tsuji with a drop kick, Uemura keeps Tsuji down while applying a leg lock to him and Tsuji immediately gets to the ropes. Tsuji gets up and Uemura nails him with more strikes, Tsuji fights back and he nails Uemura with a running drop kick. Tsuji looks for a suplex and Uemura avoids it before eating a spear, Tsuji then hits Uemura with a power slam for a near fall. Tsuji applies the Boston crab to Uemura and a tap out follows.

Winner: Yota Tsuji

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hirooki Goto vs. Sanada

The match begins with Goto wrenching away on the arm of Sanada, Goto then gets Sanada in a headlock and Sanada gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Goto follows up by nailing Sanada with an arm drag, Sanada recovers and he sends a charging Goto out of the ring. Sanada goes after Goto and he throws him into the barricade and ring post, Sanada traps Goto’s arm in the barricade while kicking at the barricade. Sanada gets Goto back in the ring while working over his injured arm, Sanada attacks Goto with some strikes to the injured arm. Goto stays down and Sanada lands a basement drop kick for a near fall, Sanada wrenches away on the injured arm of Goto. Goto gets free and he nails Sanada with a few strikes, Sanada misses a charging in the corner and Goto nails him with a back drop driver. Goto corners Sanada before landing a spin kick to the head followed by a bulldog, Sanada recovers and he knocks Goto out of the ring with a drop kick. Sanada follows up by taking Goto out with a dive, Sanada gets Goto back in the ring and Goto catches him during a springboard move attempt.

Sanada gets free and he gets Goto in the Skull End, Goto gets free and he nails a swinging Sanada with a discus clothesline. Goto looks for a GTR and Sanada escapes and he gets him in Skull End again, Goto gets free and he gets Sanada in a sleeper hold. Sanada gets free and Goto drags him to the ground before rolling him up for a near fall, Sanada gets his own set of roll ups on Goto for a few near falls. Sanada then hits Goto with a ushigoroshi, Goto fights back and Sanada nails him with a rope assisted spinning neck breaker. Sanada goes for a moonsault and Goto gets out of the way, Sanada recovers and he looks for Cold Skull before Goto nails him with a rope assisted GTR for a near fall. Goto follows up by nailing Sanada with a GTW and a mid kick, Goto then lands a GTR on Sanada for a three count.

Winner: Hirooki Goto

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Yano leaving the ring to avoid Tanahashi, Yano gets back in the ring and he does some chain wrestling with Tanahashi. Yano goes for a turnbuckle pad and Tanahashi attacks him from behind, Yano removes a turnbuckle pad and he tosses it at Tanahashi. Tanahashi throws it back at Yano and Yano takes some swings at him, Tanahashi nails Yano with a neck breaker and Yano leaves the ring. Tanahashi follows him and Yano sends him into the barricade, Yano drags Tanahashi up the aisle and he exchanges strikes with him. Yano rakes the eyes of Tanahashi and he races back into the ring, Tanahashi makes it back as well and Yano rolls him up for a near fall. Tanahashi fights back and he nails Yano with a flying forearm strike, Tanahashi slams Yano before landing a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall. Yano looks for a hair pull next and Tanahashi nails him with a dragon screw leg whip, Yano leaves the ring and he avoids a dive from Tanahashi. Yano then throws Tanahashi into the barricade before grabbing a roll of tape, Tanahashi attacks Yano and he gets the tape from him. Tanahashi tapes the eyes of Yano shut before returning to the ring, Yano makes it back in the ring and Tanahashi nails him with a spinning neck breaker. Yano still manages to land a low blow and Tanahashi after a ref distraction, Yano then rolls up Tanahashi for a three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Juice Robinson vs. Kenta

The match begins with Kenta leaving the ring to avoid Robinson, Robinson chases Kenta back in the ring and Kenta attacks him. Robinson fights back and he takes Kenta down with a headlock, Kenta gets free and Robinson nails him with a jab. Kenta leaves the ring again and he gets back in before trapping Robinson in the ropes and landing some kicks, Kenta then hits Robinson with a middle rope knee drop. Kenta then hits Robinson with a back elbow strike before holding him in a chin lock, Kenta releases the hold to kick Robinson in the back and land a neck breaker for a near fall. Kenta keeps Robinson down while applying another chin lock to him, Kenta releases the hold and he kicks Robinson in the back for a near fall. Kenta reapplies the chin lock to Robinson and Robinson gets free by nailing him with a back suplex, Robinson gets up and he nails Kenta with some jabs and a DDT for a near fall. Kenta recovers by raking the eyes of Robinson and landing a power slam afterwards, Kenta gets Robinson up and he nails him with some kicks followed by a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Robinson tries fighting back and Kenta nails him with a tornado DDT onto the top rope, Kenta follows up by landing a top rope clothesline on Robinson for a near fall.

Robinson fights back and he nails a charging Kenta with a flapjack followed by a boot to the face, Robinson and Kenta exchange some corner clotheslines until Kenta goes down. Robinson then nails a downed Kenta with a cannonball for a near fall, Robinson gets Kenta on the top rope and he follows him up there. Kenta knocks Robinson off the ropes and he lands a missile drop kick afterwards, Kenta drops Robinson with a running boot to the face followed by a delayed drop kick. Kenta then hits Robinson with a top rope double stomp for a near fall, Kenta follows up by nailing Robinson with a rope assisted DDT for a near fall. Kenta then hits Robinson with knee strikes to the back, Robinson avoids a charging Kenta before nailing him with a full nelson slam. Robinson and Kenta exchange strikes in the middle of the ring, Robinson ends the exchange by nailing Kenta with the Juice Box for a near fall. Kenta recovers and he catches Robinson in a roll up before landing a ton of strikes on him, Kenta looks for Go To Sleep and Robinson avoids it to land the Left Hand Of God a few times. Robinson then hits Kenta with his finisher for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Yoshi-Hashi vs. Evil

The match begins with Evil trying to attack Yoshi-Hashi with a chair before the bell, Yoshi-Hashi defends and he attacks Evil with his walking stick. The bell sounds and Yoshi-Hashi corners Evil before landing a plethora of strikes, Yoshi-Hashi gets Evil out of the corner before landing a shoulder tackle. Yoshi-Hashi keeps Evil down while stomping away on him, Evil gets to the ropes and Yoshi-Hashi lands more strikes on him. Dick Togo interferes and he drags Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Evil leaves the ring and he grabs some chairs. Evil suplexes Yoshi-Hashi onto the pile of chairs on the arena floor, Yoshi-Hashi gets back in the ring and Evil nails him with a slam for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi fights back and Evil sends him into an exposed corner, Evil attacks Yoshi-Hashi with strikes to the back followed by a back breaker. Evil looks for a suplex and Yoshi-Hashi defends before landing one of his own, Evil gets up and Yoshi-Hashi attacks him with strikes followed by a drop kick. Yoshi-Hashi follows up by nailing a swinging Evil with a Headhunter, Yoshi-Hashi then nails Togo with a baseball slide drop kick.

Yoshi-Hashi places Evil on the top rope before nailing him with a drop kick, Yoshi-Hashi follows up by landing a basement drop kick on Evil for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi goes to the top rope and Evil quickly crotches him, Evil climbs the ropes and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a superplex for a near fall. Evil looks for Darkness Falls and Yoshi-Hashi escapes before getting thrown into the exposed corner a few times, Evil then lands Darkness Falls on Yoshi-Hashi for a near fall. Evil goes for Everything Is Evil and Yoshi-Hashi defends against it, Yoshi-Hashi then sends Evil into the exposed corner a few times before dropping him with a super kick. Yoshi-Hashi and Evil exchange some strikes until Yoshi-Hashi drops him with a Western Lariat, Yoshi-Hashi follows up with a brain buster on Evil for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi gets Evil in the Butterfly Lock and Togo interferes to break it up, Yoshi-Hashi then throws Evil into Togo before landing a back stabber. Yoshi-Hashi gets Evil back in the Butterfly Lock and Evil gets to the ropes after a long struggle, Evil looks for a low blow and Yoshi-Hashi prevents it. Evil then crushes a charging Yoshi-Hashi with a clothesline, Evil goes for Everything Is Evil and Yoshi-Hashi counters with a dragon suplex followed by a double knee strike for a near fall.

Yoshi-Hashi goes to the top rope and he nails Evil with a swanton bomb for another near fall, Togo attacks Yoshi-Hashi with a steel chair after a ref distraction from Evil. Togo tries choking Yoshi-Hashi and Yoshi-Hashi defends before dropping him, Yoshi-Hashi nails Evil with a mule kick and a lariat for a near fall. Evil avoids Kharma to land a low blow on Yoshi-Hashi followed by Everything Is Evil for a three count.

Winner: Evil

NJPW G1 Climax 30 B Block
Tetsuya Naito vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with Naito scoring a takedown on Sabre Jr and Sabre Jr gets right back up, Sabre Jr gets Naito down while wrenching away on his arm. Naito gets free and he rolls Sabre Jr up for a near fall, Sabre Jr looks for a knee bar afterwards and Naito gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr gets Naito back down while working over his arm, Naito gets free and Sabre Jr looks for a takedown as Naito gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr gets Naito down again while wrenching away on his arm, Naito gets up and he immediately gets to the ropes. Naito then nails Sabre Jr with an arm drag before sending him out of the ring with a huracanrana, Naito taunts Sabre Jr and Sabre Jr rolls him up a few times for a few near falls. Naito drops Sabre Jr and he holds him in a chin lock before getting him in a head scissors, Sabre Jr gets to the ropes and Naito nails him with some strikes. Sabre Jr fights back and he drops Naito before snapping his neck a few times, Sabre Jr gets Naito out of the ring before sending him into the barricade. Sabre Jr gets Naito back in the ring before locking him up in multiple submissions, Naito eventually makes it to the ropes.

Naito fights back and Sabre Jr knocks him back out of the ring, Naito gets back in the ring and Sabre Jr cracks him with a few European uppercuts. Sabre Jr gets Naito to the ground while locking him in a kravat, Naito gets up and he nails Sabre Jr with a neck breaker. Naito follows up by dropping Sabre Jr again and landing a basement drop kick, Naito the corners Sabre Jr before landing a slingshot drop kick for a near fall. Naito keeps Sabre Jr down while applying the leg assisted full nelson to him, Sabre Jr eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Naito keeps Sabre Jr corners while choking him with his boot, Naito then applies a kravat of his own to Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr gets free and he nails Naito with a tornado DDT, Sabre Jr follows up by getting Naito in a triangle choke. Naito eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold up, Naito blocks a kick from Sabre Jr to drop him with a leg sweep. Naito leaves the ring and he nails Sabre Jr with an elevated neck breaker on the arena floor, Naito gets Sabre Jr back in the ring and he nails him with multiple elbow strikes. Naito gets Sabre Jr on the top rope before landing a super huracanrana on him, Sabre Jr fights back and Naito nails him with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Naito quickly gets Sabre Jr in an inverted triangle choke and Sabre Jr eventually gets to the ropes, Naito looks for Gloria next and Sabre Jr counters with an overhead kick to the arm. Naito then looks for a flying clothesline and Sabre Jr counters with an octopus stretch, Sabre Jr gets Naito down while transitioning to a modified triangle choke and Naito eventually gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr and Naito have a back and forth until Naito nails Sabre Jr with Destino, Naito goes for Destino again and Sabre Jr counters with a Zack Driver. Sabre Jr looks for another Zack Driver and Naito defends before getting rolled up for a near fall, Sabre Jr avoids a rolling kick from Naito before landing a penalty kick for a near fall. Sabre Jr goes for a Zack Driver and Naito counters with Destino for a near fall, Naito follows up by landing another Destino on Sabre Jr for a three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito

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