
Andrew Yang Would Make WWE’s Practices A Priority If He’s Part Of Potential Biden-Harris Staff

Andrew Yang is committed to seeing reform in WWE as it pertains to their labor practices.

Recently, Andrew Yang picked up a lot of traction in the wrestling media world when he called out WWE and Vince McMahon specifically for their “corrupt” labor practices.  In a new interview with WrestlingInc, Yang discussed why he feels Vince McMahon is able to get away with treating his talent the way that he does.

“A lot of it is that wrestlers are afraid to speak out,” said Yang. “I’ve had wrestlers past and present reach out to me and say that Vince has been getting away with the exploitation of wrestlers calling them independent contractors while controlling their activities for years and years. A lot of it is just that they are a quasi-monopoly, and wrestlers fear that if they do try and unionize or organize in any way that Vince doesn’t like, that it will never work again.”

Later in the interview, Andrew Yang would commit to seeing reform in WWE, saying that it will remain a priority for him until he sees actual change and he is hoping to be one of the people to present the long-overdue bill to Vince McMahon.

“We’re going to get it done,” said Andrew Yang. “I mean there have been performers that have reached out to me, again both past and present, who have very direct experience and knowledge with how closely the WWE controls and manages performer activities while claiming, on the other hand, that, ‘oh, no, you’re an independent contractor, you’re a free agent. You can do whatever you want,’ which really makes no sense on the face of it.”

He continued, “I mean, we all know that talent can’t do a whole host of things. So it’s going to remain a priority for me until this job gets done, and I’m confident that if Joe and Kamala take the White House later this year, that I’ll be in a position to help these performers get what’s been owed to them for years.”

If you would like to check out the full interview, click here.

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