
WWE Raw 9/7/20 Results: A Mysterio Family Revenge, 2 Handicap Matches & The IIconics Collide

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Randy Orton makes his way to the ring to start the show, Orton talks about what he accomplished last week on Raw to earn another WWE Championship match. Orton says that he will punt Lee in the head if they continue to cross paths, Orton says that Drew McIntyre may not recover in time to compete at WWE Clash Of Champions ’20. Orton shows highlights of his attack on McIntyre from two weeks ago on WWE Raw, Orton says he should be handed the WWE Championship if McIntyre cannot compete at WWE Clash Of Champions ’20. An ambulance interrupts Orton and pulls into the arena, McIntyre gets out of it and he gets in the ring to hit Orton with a Claymore Kick. McIntyre attacks Orton a little more until WWE officials break it up.

– The Hurt Business are shown talking backstage earlier in the day when a janitor says hello to them, MVP accuses the janitor of saying something about Shelton Benjamin’s mom. The Hurt Business attacks the janitor.

– Drew McIntyre bumps into Adam Pearce backstage, McIntyre promises to be at WWE Clash Of Champions ’20. Pearce asks McIntyre to leave the building and McIntyre promises to leave the building.

Apollo Crews, Ricochet & Cedric Alexander vs. The Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley, MVP & Shelton Benjamin)

The match begins with The Hurt Business attacking Alexander during his entrance, Ricochet and Crews come to the rescue as The Hurt Business head to the ring. The bell rings and Crews knocks Lashley out of the ring, Crews follows Lashley out of the ring and he gets him back in the ring. Benjamin attacks Crews and he drops him a few times before tagging Lashley in, Lashley corners Crews before landing some strikes. Lashley keeps Crews cornered before landing a corner spear, Benjamin tags in and he nails Crews with a knee strike. MVP tags in and he nails Crews with a boot to the face for a near fall, MVP holds Crews down while working over his arm. MVP then nails Crews with a release German suplex, Lashley tags in and he nails Crews with a flat liner for a near fall. Lashley keeps Crews down while applying a chin lock to him, Benjamin tags back in and he corners Crews before landing more strikes. Benjamin attacks Alexander before Crews nails him with an enziguri, Alexander attacks Ricochet to prevent a tag from Crews. Alexander gets in the ring and he nails Crews with a Lumbar Check, Benjamin follows up with Pay Dirt on Crews for a three count.

Winners: The Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley, MVP & Shelton Benjamin)

The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. Angel Garza & Andrade w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Garza throwing his pants at Ford before getting him in a headlock, Ford gets free and he nails Garza with a clothesline. Garza tags Andrade in and Dawkins gets a tag a few moments later, Dawkins quickly nails Andrade with a drop kick and exploder suplex. Dawkins misses an avalanche in the corner as Garza argues with Vega on the arena floor, Andrade misses a double knee strike and Dawkins nails him with a sit out power bomb. Ford tags in and he nails Andrade with a top rope frog splash for a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)

After the match, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura make their way to the ring as we go to a commercial break.

– Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura are in the ring with The Street Profits after the commercial break, Cesaro talks about The Street Profits success on WWE Raw. Cesaro and Nakamura say The Street Profits are known for not defending their titles, Cesaro and Nakamura challenge The Street Profits to a champions versus champions match next week on Raw. Angelo Dawkins says Cesaro and Nakamura cannot hang with them because they are family, Montez Ford says Cesaro should get an STD test before accepting the challenge.

– WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is shown at a restaurant earlier in the day, a ninja pops out of his table and Akira Tozawa shows up with a referee and more ninjas. R-Truth attacks everybody before escaping with his title.

Peyton Royce vs. Billie Kay

The match begins with Royce taking Kay down with a headlock, Kay gets free and she briefly gets Royce down with her own headlock. Royce and Kay start trash talking before exchanging a few slaps, Kay and Royce go through a series of reversals until Royce lands a spinning head kick. Royce keeps Kay down while landing knee strikes and applying a chin lock to her, Kay gets free and she corners Royce before landing multiple shoulder thrusts. Kay then nails Royce with a modified suplex for a near fall, Kay also catches Royce in a roll up for a near fall. Royce recovers to hit Kay with a head kick and spinning brain buster for a three count.

Winner: Peyton Royce

After the match, Peyton Royce helps Billie Kay up before giving her a hug.

– A video package airs showing the recent history between Seth Rollins, Murphy and The Mysterio Family.

– The Mysterio Family is shown backstage.

– Charly Caruso conducts an in-ring interview with The Mysterio Family, Rey says he hasn’t gotten closure against Seth Rollins yet and there is no time frame for his return at this time. Rey talks about how proud he is of Dominik and Dominik knows what he has to do against Murphy tonight, Murphy appears on the big screen and he says Dominik should feel awful for getting Rollins angry with him. Murphy says that Rollins wants nothing to do with him, Rey says it isn’t their fault for what went down between him and Rollins. Murphy says he wants to end his career before it ends, Murphy challenges Dominik to a street fight tonight and Dominik accepts. Murphy says Dominik should bring his family to ringside to see his final wrestling match, Dominik issues a warning to Murphy.

Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are backstage and they are arguing with Adam Pearce when Drew McIntyre walks by, McIntyre tells Pearce to relax before walking away.

Asuka & Mickie James vs. Natalya & Lana

The match begins with Natalya taking James down with a headlock, James gets free and she briefly gets Natalya in a head scissors. James then drops Natalya with a shoulder tackle before landing a drop kick for a near fall, Asuka tags in and Lana tags in a few moments later. Lana goes for a kick and Asuka blocks it before missing a hip attack, James tags in and she nails Lana with a Thesz Press. Natalya makes a blind tag and she nails James with a drop kick for a near fall, Lana tags in and she double teams a cornered James with Natalya. Natalya tags in and Lana tags back in a short time later before double teaming James, Natalya follows up by hitting James with a suplex. Natalya mounts a downed James before landing a few strikes, James recovers and she rolls up Natalya for a near fall. Natalya corners James before tagging Lana in, Lana nails a trapped James with a double knee strike and x-factor for a near fall. Asuka hits the ring and Natalya attacks her, James then sends Natalya out of the ring before hitting Lana with a neck breaker.

James goes to the top rope and Lana tags into the match, Asuka gets Lana in the Asuka Lock and Lana taps out.

Winners: Asuka & Mickie James

– The Hurt Business are shown talking to Cedric Alexander backstage, Shelton Benjamin seems skeptical about Alexander’s motives.

– The Hurt Business makes their way to the ring with Cedric Alexander for another edition of The VIP Lounge, MVP says Alexander’s life will change going forward before announcing him as an official member of The Hurt Business. Alexander says he joined The Hurt Business because he wants to learn and earn, Alexander says he was becoming broke while teaming with Ricochet and Apollo Crews. The Viking Raiders interrupt with Apollo Crews and Ricochet by their side, they all hit the ring and a massive brawl breaks out with The Hurt Business. The Viking Raiders eventually clear the ring with Ricochet and Crews as we go to a commercial break.

The Hurt Business (MVP, Cedric Alexander, Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) vs. Apollo Crews, Ricochet & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

The match begins with Ricochet getting Benjamin in a headlock, Benjamin gets free and he attacks a distracted Ricochet from behind. Benjamin quickly nails Ricochet with a suplex for a near fall, Ricochet fights back and he tags Crews into the match. Ricochet and Crews immediately double team Benjamin for a near fall, Crews then nails Benjamin with an avalanche. Benjamin drops Crews during the second avalanche attempt, MVP tags in and Crews cracks him with a few strikes. Ivar tags in and he nails MVP with some more strikes, Erik tags in and he double teams MVP alongside Ivar. Erik downs MVP by the ropes while landing more knee strikes, Ivar tags in and he double teams MVP with Erik for a near fall. Crews tags in and he nails a downed MVP with some more strikes, MVP recovers and he nails Crews with a slam followed by a hard Irish whip into the corner. Lashley tags in and he nails a cornered Crews with some more strikes, Crews fights back and he tags Erik into the match. Erik quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Benjamin tags in and Erik nails him with an exploder suplex.

Lashley interferes and he nails Erik with a spear, Benjamin gets up and he nails Erik with multiple slams followed by a suplex for a near fall. Benjamin keeps Erik down while holding him in a chin lock, Benjamin releases the hold before nailing him with a knee strikes. Lashley tags in and he nails Erik with a corner spear, MVP tags in and he nails Erik with a boot to the face for a near fall. Alexander tags in and he stomps away on a downed Erik, Benjamin tags in and he works over a downed Erik. Erik fights back and he levels Benjamin with a knee strike, MVP and Ricochet are tagged in by their respective partners. Ricochet quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ricochet nails MVP with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Alexander distracts Ricochet and MVP attacks him from behind, Alexander tags in and he nails Ricochet with a Neuralizer for a near fall. Alexander looks for a Lumbar Check and Ricochet avoids it before a striking exchange breaks out, Ricochet ends the exchange and everybody from both teams hit the ring to take each other out.

Ivar takes out most of the competitors with a suicide dive, Ricochet misses a 630 splash and Alexander lands a Michinoku Driver for a three count.

Winners: The Hurt Business (MVP, Cedric Alexander, Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin)

After the match, the medical staff is looking over an injured Ivar.

– Drew McIntyre is approached backstage by Charly Caruso, McIntyre says he hasn’t left yet because he cannot find a proper exit.

– Highlights are shown of what went down last week on Raw between Aleister Black and Kevin Owens.

– Shane McMahon is backstage getting ready for Raw Underground when Kevin Owens shows up, McMahon says its water under the bridge between them and Owens calls McMahon a jackass.

Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee

The match begins with Orton leaving the ring to avoid Lee, Orton gets back in the ring and he leaves again a few moments later. Lee grabs Orton and he drags him up to the ring apron, Orton drops Lee neck first on the top rope before eating a chop a few moments later. Orton recovers to poke Lee in the eyes and land a few strikes, Orton goes for an RKO and Lee manages to block it. Lee then knocks Orton out of the ring after landing a back elbow strike, Lee goes after Orton and Orton sends him crashing into the barricade. Lee gets back in the ring and Orton nails him with a bunch of stomps for a near fall, Orton keeps Lee down while applying a chin lock to him. Lee gets up and Orton backs him into the corner, Orton goes for another RKO and Lee avoids it again. Lee then nails a cornered Orton with an avalanche followed by a forearm strike, Lee also hits Orton with a power slam for a near fall. Lee looks for a Spirit Bomb and Orton avoids it before landing an RKO, Drew McIntyre comes from out of nowhere to hit Orton with a Claymore Kick.

Winner: Randy Orton, by DQ

After the match, Adam Pearce comes out and he argues with Drew McIntyre.

– Raw Underground is up and Aleister Black defeats an unnamed competitor, Kevin Owens arrives and he attacks Black. Their battle spills out of the ring as we go to a commercial break.

– Adam Pearce speaks with Randy Orton backstage, Orton criticizes Pearce for not keeping Drew McIntyre out of the arena before saying his word means nothing to him.

Handicap Match
Shayna Baszler w/Nia Jax vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

The match begins with Baszler getting Riott into a headlock, Riott gets free and Baszler trips her up before missing a kick. Riott lands an arm drag before Baszler fights back by working over her arm, Baszler drops Riott with a suplex while still working over her arm. Baszler keeps Riott down while wrenching away on her arm, Riott gets free and she tags Morgan into the match. Riott traps Baszler while Morgan drop kicks her in the knee, Morgan gets in the ring and she attacks Baszler with a few leg kicks. Baszler recovers to hit Morgan with a double under hook suplex and knee strike, Baszler looks for a Samoan drop and Morgan counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winners: The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

– Raw Underground is back, with the battle between Kevin Owens and Aleister Black still going on, Black gets power bombed on the arena floor as we go back to the Thunderdome.

Handicap Match
Nia Jax w/Shayna Baszler vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

The match begins with Jax shoving Riott to the mat below, Riott gets up and she cracks Jax with a few strikes. Riott looks for a roll up and Jax avoids it, Jax misses an avalanche in the corner and Morgan tags in to hit Jax with a drop kick to the knee. Riott tags back in and she attacks Jax with strikes alongside Morgan, Morgan tags in and they attack Jax with more strikes. Riott tags back in and she nails a downed Jax with a cross body block for a near fall, Jax recovers and she nails Riott with a clothesline for a near fall. Jax holds Riott down while applying a cobra clutch to her, Riott gets free and Jax drops her with a shoulder tackle. Jax misses a stomp on Riott and Riott lands a few strikes, Morgan tags in and she kicks Jax in the face before Riott lands a Riott Kick. Morgan nails Jax with a double knee strike as the lights go off and the Retribution logo appears on the screens, Retribution appears and they blame the WWE for doing them wrong and they promise to destroy all the WWE stars.

Match Result: No Contest

– Sarah Schreiber interviews The Mysterio Family, Rey says The Mysterio Family will be in Dominick’s corner and they know how to handle themselves in case Murphy tries anything against them.

– Raw Underground is back, with the bout between Kevin Owens and Aleister Black continuing, both wrestlers fall onto a wrestler and that wrestler attacks both Owens and Black.

– Randy Orton is shown leaving the arena when he is approached by Charly Caruso, Drew McIntyre attacks Orton before landing one final Claymore Kick.

– Randy Orton is shown getting taken away in an ambulance.

– The Mysterio Family comes to the ring and most of them are holding kendo sticks.

Street Fight
Dominik Mysterio w/The Mysterio Family vs. Murphy

The match begins with Murphy nailing Dominik with a knee strike before sending him out of the ring, Murphy follows Dominik out there before throwing him into the barricade and announce table. Murphy heads towards The Mysterio Family and he gets attacked by Dominik, Dominik sends Murphy into the announce table. Dominik and Murphy battle into the crowd, Dominik climbs to the top of the screens and he leaps off onto Murphy as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Dominik throwing Murphy into the barricade, Dominik battles Murphy up the entrance ramp while landing some strikes. Murphy fights back and Dominik sends him into the LED screen, Dominik and Murphy battle back to the ringside area. Murphy then drops Dominik head first onto the entrance ramp, Murphy gets Dominik back up while attacking him with strikes. Murphy drags Dominik to the ring steps and Dominik backs him into the barricade, Murphy recovers and he drops Dominik on the top of the barricade.

Murphy gets Dominik back to the ringside area before nailing him with more strikes, Murphy gets Dominik back in the ring and he grabs a steel chair. Dominik falls out of the ring and Murphy follows him out there to attack him with the steel chair, Murphy gets Dominik back in the ring before applying a modified abdominal stretch to him. Dominik gets free and he propels Murphy out of the ring, Murphy recovers and he gets back in the ring before sending v shoulder first into the ring post three straight times. Murphy traps Dominik in the ropes before grabbing a kendo stick, Rey eventually steals the kendo stick from him. Dominik gets freed from the ropes by his mom and sister, Dominik uses a sunset bomb to put Murphy through a table on the arena floor. Dominik gets Murphy back in the ring before landing a frog splash for a near fall, Dominik traps Murphy in the ropes before Rey gets in the ring. Dominik and Rey attack Murphy with a ton of kendo stick shots, Dominik brings the rest of his family into the ring and they all attack Murphy with kendo stick shots until Murphy verbally taps out.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio w/The Mysterio Family

After the match, The Mysterio Family attack Murphy with a ton more kendo stick shots.

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