
AEW All Out 2020 – Young Bucks vs. Jurassic Express Result

Jurassic Express vs The Young Bucks

Matt and JB start things off before Lucha comes in and gets doubled up on by the Bucks. The Bucks hit a bulldog dropkick combo for one before Lucha powerbombs Nick into Matt. JB comes in and sends Nick out of the ring before hitting a head scissors and Matt hits a series of northern lights suplexes. Matt suplexes JB over the barricade and onto the floor before he gets back in right before being counted out. JB rocks Nick before Matt hits a running knee for two and the Bucks hit a diving stomp back stabber. JB comes back only for Lucha to be kicked off of the apron and preventing the tag. JB comes back with a clothesline before getting the tag to Lucha who drops the Bucks repeatedly. Lucha rocks Matt and Nick with kicks before slamming Matt and slamming Nick on top of Matt. Lucha hits a standing moonsault for a near fall that Matt breaks up before JB springboards off of the back of Lucha to the outside. Lucha hits a tope of his own before Nick powerbombs JB onto the edge of the apron and hits Lucha with a destroyer. The Bucks double up on JB after taking out Lucha for a near fall before JE counter a Meltzer Driver. Nick breaks up a near fall off of the Extinction Level Event before Lucha hits a dive off of the top and takes out performers in the crowd. The Bucks then hit a double superkick to JB before pinning him with the BTE Trigger for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks defeat Jurassic Express via pinfall.

Keep up with our live coverage of AEW All Out 2020 at this link. Also, be sure to check out our post-show podcast when the show is over for immediate reactions to all of tonight’s events.

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