
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 9/1/20 New IMPACT World Champion Crowned

The Boston Brawler defends his IMPACT World Championship against the World Class Maniac!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

RVD w/Katie Forbes vs Sami Callihan

Sami knocks RVD off of the apron when RVD is making his entrance before sending him into the railing and chopping him at ringside. Katie distracts Sami and RVD capitalizes before sending Sami back into the ring. Sami drops RVD with a boot when he’s busy talking to Katie before hitting a snap mare and kicking RVD in the chest. Sami rocks RVD with a flurry of strikes before Katie grabs Sam’s ankle when he runs the ropes. RVD attacks Sami from behind before missing a slingshot leg drop onto the edge of the apron and Katie knocks Sami off of the apron.

RVD sends Sami into the post and drapes him across the railing before hitting a spinning ax kick off of the apron. Back in the ring RVD hits Sami with forearms into an atomic drop and goes for Rolling Thunder, but Sami gets his knees up. Sami rocks RVD with strikes before kicking his leg out and hitting a basement cutter. Sami clotheslines RVD and teases a piledriver before Katie gets on the apron and goes to slap Sami who grabs her wrist and RVD kicks him from behind. RVD hits a split legged moonsault for two before Sami hits a hangman’s cutter for a near fall.

Katie then slides into the ring and back out when Sami goes for a piledriver before they exchange pins until Sami pins RVD for the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan defeats RVD via pinfall.

– Sami goes after Katie at ringside before RVD attacks him from behind and Katie hits a running hip attacks in the corner, including one with a chair. RVD then hits a running shotgun dropkick into the chair to finish things.

– Josh and Madison break down the rest of tonight’s show with a black tie affair, Fulton and Austin vs Wentz and Dez of The Rascalz and the main event for the IMPACT World Championship.

– Backstage Hernandez beats Fallah Bahh in an arm wrestling contest before Reno Scum try to get more money and Hernandez promises to give it to him if they take out Rhino for good as we go to commercial.

– We go back to Wrestle House where we see how Crazzy Steve dressed Johnny Swinger after he lost a match to Steve last week.

Reno Scum vs Rhino

Rhino attacks RS from behind when they’re coming out to the ring before he’s doubled up on almost immediately in the ring once the match starts as we go to commercial.

We come back to RS taking turns beating on Rhino until he comes back and separates the two. Rhino sends Luster out of the ring before Luster pulls Rhino out of the ring when he goes for a Gore to Adam. Rhino Gores Luster at ringside before we cut to a camera and the cameraman drops the camera. It’s then revealed that it’s Heath posing as a camera man who attacks Adam from behind before Rhino covers him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhino defeats Reno Scum via pinfall.

– Heath celebrates with Rhino after the match before Scott D’Amore and security come out to the ring and Heath flees over the railing.

– We get a recap of EC3’s promo on Moose last week before we cut to Moose trying to find EC3 backstage as we go to commercial.

– The Good Brothers are telling stories backstage before they offer Dez and Wentz advice, but they politely decline before leaving.

– Back at Wrestle House where XXL and The Deaners break their truce and brawl around the house before Susie shows up and takes everyone out. Next Tommy shows up and asks Susie where the match he’s supposed to be refereeing is before he looks inside and closes the door back. Tommy then raises Susie’s hand which is covered in blood before she leaves.

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs The Rascalz

Fulton and Dez start things off, Fulton’s strength and size overwhelming the speed of Dez before The Rascalz double up on Fulton. Fulton comes back and tags in Ace before they hit a springboard leg drop into a side slam for two. The Rascalz isolate Wentz for several minutes before he comes back with a knee that rocks Fulton. Ace and Dez come in and Dez hits running moves in opposite corners and a dropkick to the spine of Ace.  Fulton is sent over the ropes and down onto the floor before Wentz hits a double stomp into a suicide dive.

Wentz then drops Fulton with a cross body over the top into a moonsault to keep him down at ringside while Dez pins Ace with a moonsault in the ring for the win.

Winner: The Rascalz defeat Ace Austin and Madman Fulton via pinfall.

– The tag champs Motor City Machine Guns come out and issue a challenge to The Rascalz for next week for the gold. The Rascalz then get attacked by Austin and Fulton from behind before they can answer and MCMG make the save. The two teams then raise each other’s arms before Josh says that it’s official. 

– Backstage Deonna asks Kimber Lee to join her in her event later tonight before they’re interrupted by Moose looking for EC3 as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Rohit looking at himself in the reflection of his X-Division Championship before TJP shows up and lobbies for a title shot. Rohit then tells TJP that Chris has first dibs before telling TJP to take it up with him.

– Back at Wrestle House John E. Bravo officiates a match between Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie in which Taya wins. John then proposes to Rosemary before Taya gives her blessing and Rosemary accepts. Lastly we find out that Crazzy Steve took the beer and Rosemary teleports everyone back to the IMPACT Zone as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the IMPACT Zone with members of the roster around ringside before Kimber introduces the Knockouts champion Deonna Purrazzo. Deonna celebrates with Kimber with champagne before the party is crashed by the return of Tenille Dashwood. Jordynne Grace then goes up to Tenille and they get into a verbal altercation before the cast of Wrestle House appear. Susie and Kylie Rae then inadvertently clear the ring before everyone besides Deonna and Kimber party as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Brian Myers being interviewed backstage before Moose asks him if he’s seen EC3 and we get a graphic for next week’s matches.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Eddie Edwards (c) vs Eric Young

Eddie rushes Eric before Eric rocks him with a back elbow and Eddie hits an inverted atomic drop into an overhead belly to belly for two. Eric kicks Eddie in the midsection and smashes his face into the top turnbuckle before Eddie chops him across the chest. Eric then snaps the neck of Eddie over the top rope as we go to commercial.

We come back to Eddie laying into Eric with forearms before clotheslining him and sweeping his legs out on the apron. Eddie lies Eric on the apron before they exchange strikes on the apron and hits a neck breaker onto the apron. Back in the ring Eric gets two before hitting a jumping neck breaker for another two count. Eric focuses on the now injured neck of Eddie until the champion comes back with a blue thunder bomb. Eddie chops and punches Eric in the corner before hitting an enzuigiri into a backpack stunner for two.

Eddie sets Eric on the top turnbuckle before Eric knocks Eddie off and hits a diving elbow drop for a near fall. They exchange strikes until Eric goes over the top rope and Eddie boots him off and onto the floor. Eddie hits an awkward landing slingshot cross body before they get back into the ring and Eddie counters a piledriver and hits a Tiger driver for a near fall. Eric rolls out of the ring when Eddie teases a Boston Knee Party before Eddie hits a suicide dive and rolls Eric into the ring. Eric then grabs the title belt and distracts the referee before hitting Eddie with his hockey mask and finishing Eddie with a piledriver for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Eric Young defeats Eddie Edwards via pinfall to become the new IMPACT World champion.

– Eric attacks Eddie from behind after the match before he locks in a submission and he’s ripped off by officials and security before leaving up the ramp with his title as we go off the air.


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