
New WWE Universal Champion Crowned At Payback

Roman Reigns has definitely turned a corner in his career.

After having Kayla Braxton question all night whether or not Roman Reigns even signed the contract for his WWE Universal Championship match at WWE Payback, Roman Reigns waited until Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman beat the hell out of each other and broke the ring before entering the scene with Paul Heyman, signing the paperwork for the match and quickly making light work out of both men, regaining the title after a Spear to Strowman.

WWE Universal Championship

No Holds Barred Match

‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

The match begins with Strowman attacking Wyatt during his entrance and the referee sounds the bell, Strowman then hits Wyatt with an avalanche and power slam for a near fall. Wyatt gets up and Strowman attacks him with more strikes, Wyatt recovers to hit Strowman with a cross body block and Sister Abigail for a near fall. Strowman leaves the ring and Wyatt follows him out there, Wyatt and Strowman exchange some strikes before Wyatt puts Strowman through the announce table with a uranage. Alexa Bliss is shown watching the match backstage, Wyatt grabs an oversized mallet and Strowman throws an office chair at him. Strowman knocks Wyatt onto the ring steps after landing a strike, Strowman grabs the mallet and Wyatt fights back to knock it out of his hands. Wyatt grabs Strowman and he throws him into the barricade, Wyatt gets the mallet and he hits Strowman with it. Wyatt follows up on that by sending Strowman into the ring steps and snapping his neck, Wyatt grabs a portion of the ring steps and he attacks Strowman with them.

Wyatt grabs Strowman again and he sends him into the barricade again, Wyatt drags Strowman up the entrance ramp before landing another neck snap. Strowman recovers and he sends Wyatt into the LED screen, Wyatt fights back and he exchanges some strikes with Strowman. Strowman charges at Wyatt and they both fall off the stage and go through some tables, Strowman gets up and he gets Wyatt back into the ring. Strowman goes to the top rope and Wyatt recovers to crotch him, Wyatt climbs up the ropes and he breaks the ring after landing a superplex. Reigns makes his way to the ring with Paul Heyman and a steel chair, Reigns signs the contract before getting in the ring. Reigns tries pinning Wyatt and he gets a near fall when a new referee comes out, Reigns also gets a near fall on Strowman. Reigns leaves the ring and he returns with a steel chair, Reigns attacks Strowman with a ton of chair shots for another near fall. Reigns gets the chair again and Wyatt attacks him with a mandible claw, Reigns gets free after kicking Wyatt in the balls. Reigns then hits Strowman with a spear for a three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns, your new WWE Universal Champion

Check the full results of Payback here.

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