
Filmmaker Who Shot Edge’s Most Recent Promo Talks Collaborating With The Perfectionist Hall Of Famer

Edge is always prepared.

Edge cut one final promo before going away to repair his torn triceps muscle. The promo aired on the Monday after Randy Orton punted Christian in the head. The promo was shot differently than the normal WWE promo and that was by design.

Speaking with Steel Chair magazine, Jason Garris, the man who filmed the promo, discussed why he made the decisions he did in order to protect Edge from exasperating his injury and his real-life friendship with the WWE Hall of Famer that led to the opportunity.

“After reading his script, I knew that things were going to be moving to a ‘darker’ place. I knew that after an injury, there’s lots of time to sit and “think” (or mainly stew over things that had happened). The visual of his ‘two persons’ really painted a picture that there was “someone else” showing up for this fight. Being alone with your thoughts can take you to some pretty dark and desperate places,” said Garris.

In regards to the authentic feel of the promo, Garris credited the setting and the dark ambiance that accompanied the promo.

“I think being able to use one simple light for the shoot, his injury, and a dark, empty wrestling ring made it real. Having him sit in the one place that he has known so well and so much good has come from, to have that all taken from him in an injury and to know that there is a long road back – he was able to go pretty dark, pretty quick.”

He continued, “Edge actually texted me photos of the triceps injury surgery a day or two before we shot the promo. I was shocked at how quickly ‘back to work’ he was. I think the way we shot the promo allowed him to get creative, fuel his character, and keep him from doing any damage to his newly repaired triceps.”

Currently, there is no official return date set for Edge. His most recent rival, Randy Orton, will face Keith Lee at Payback tonight on the WWE Network.

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