
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/28/20 Lorcan & Burch vs Ever-Rise, Tony Nese in Action

Ever-Rise go head to head against the British Brawl Connection tonight at 10pm after Smackdown!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed tonight’s edition of Smackdown on FOX and are ready for 205 Live!

Tehuti Miles vs The Brian Kendrick

Brian kicks Miles’ fanny pack out of the ring and tells him that he focuses on the wrong things. Brian takes Tehuti with a straight armbar before Tehuti gets to his feet and takes Brian down with an arm drag. They run the ropes before Tehuti sweeps Brian and plays to the camera before they exchange strikes. Brian drops Tehuti with a boot for two before locking in a straight armbar with a chin bar. Brian chops Tehuti in the corner before Tehuti comes back with uppercuts and rolls Brian up for two.

Tehuti then whips Brian into the corner and dropkicks him for two before Tehuti yells at Brian who pins him out of nowhere with an inside cradle.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats Tehuti Miles via pinfall.

– Brian tries to shake Tehuti’s hand after the match and tells him that he has potential before leaving as we go to commercial.

Tony Nese vs Liam Gray

Tony runs Liam over and mocks him before dropping him with a series of kicks and a sweep. Tony then flexes and chops Liam in the throat before hitting a German suplex in the corner into the Running Nese for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Liam Gray via pinfall.

– We get a graphic for the announcement of Breezango and Isaiah Scott taking on Legado Del Fantasma in a street fight next Tuesday on NXT.

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Ever-Rise

Oney and Matt start things off before Danny comes in and gets dragged to the corner by Matt. Danny takes Chase down to the mat with a side headlock take over before Matt gets the blind tag and knocks Danny down from behind.  Matt grounds Danny with a straight armbar before Ever-Rise double up on Danny for two. Oney gets the tag and runs over both members of Ever-Rise and chops Matt against the ropes. Oney hits a running uppercut before hitting a cannonball off of the top and a running blockbuster onto Matt for a near fall that Chase breaks up.

Oney gets hit with a diving neck breaker Samoan drop combo by Ever-Rise for a near fall before Ever-Rise nearly cheat to win, but the referee sees it. Danny then gets the tag when Ever-Rise are arguing with the referee before Danny sends Matt out of the ring and submits Chase for the win.

Winner: Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan defeat Ever-Rise via submission.

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