
AEW Dynamite 8/27/20 Results: A Tables Match, A Handicap Match, A Gauntlet Match & More!

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Gauntlet Match, Winners Get AEW World Tag Team Title Shot At AEW All Out ‘20
Match #1
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Nightmare Family (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Allie

The match begins with Nick immediately attempting a roll up on Marshall after a failed super kick attempt, Marshall and Nick exchange more roll ups for more near falls. Matt tags in and he also rolls up Marshall for another near fall, Rhodes tags in and he nails Matt with a shoulder tackle. Matt recovers and he exchanges arm drags with Rhodes, Rhodes misses a punch and Matt rolls him up before eating a power slam. Nick interferes and Rhodes nails him with a power slam, Marshall tags in and he works with Rhodes to land a double side Russian leg sweep on Matt for a near fall. Marshall follows up by landing a drop kick on Matt for a near fall, Rhodes tags in and he nails the arm of Matt with a middle rope elbow strike. Nick makes a blind tag and he nails Rhodes with an assisted drop kick, Matt returns and he works with Nick to knock Marshall to the arena floor. Matt tags in and he double teams Rhodes with Nick for a near fall, Nick tags in and Rhodes cracks him with an uppercut. Matt tags in and Rhodes nails him with a destroyer, Marshall and Nick are tagged in by their respective partners.

Marshall quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Matt tags in and The Bucks nail everybody with super kicks. Marshall avoids More Bang For Your Buck before rolling up Matt for a near fall, Marshall goes fir a cutter and Matt avoids it. Nick tags in and The Bucks hit Marshall with a BT Knee for a three count.

Eliminated: The Nightmare Family (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Allie

Match #2
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

The match begins with Taylor backing Nick into the corner before landing shoulder thrusts, Trent tags in and Nick is nailed with a double shoulder tackle for a near fall. Trent gets Nick back up while attacking him with strikes, Taylor tags back in and he cracks Nick with a few strikes. Taylor injures his knee and Nick quickly attacks Trent, Nick then hits an injured Taylor with a slingshot x-factor. Nick goes for a moonsault on Trent and Trent avoids it before landing a spear, Trent gets Nick back in the ring to double team him with Taylor for a near fall. Trent tags in and he cracks a cornered Nick with a few strikes, Trent follows up with a knee strike on Nick for a near fall. Taylor tags in and he nails Nick with a double underhook suplex for a near fall, Taylor then drops Nick with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Trent tags in and he nails Nick in the back with a top rope axe handle smash, Nick fights back and he attacks Taylor before eating strikes from Trent.

Trent gets Nick on the ring apron and Nick nails him with a super kick, Nick follows up by nailing Trent with a German suplex on the ring apron. Matt tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, The Bucks go for The Meltzer Driver and Trent avoids it. Matt then nails Trent with a twisting stunner for a near fall, Matt follows up with a few northern lights suplexes on Trent before Trent counters with a tornado DDT. Nick and Taylor are tagged in by their respective partners and they immediately have a striking exchange, Nick battles both Best Friends before eating a spine buster from Taylor. Trent tags in and Best Friends land a sole food/German suplex on Nick, Best Friends go for Strong Zero and Matt blocks it so Nick can roll up Trent for a near fall. Nick and Trent exchange a few head kicks until Trent falls out of the ring, Nick then lands a swanton bomb on an elevated Trent. Matt tags in and he helps Nick land a 450 splash on an elevated Trent for a near fall, The Bucks go for The Meltzer Driver and Hangman Page interferes. Trent rolls up a distracted Matt for a three count.

Eliminated: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Match #3
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. FTR (Dash Harwood & Cash Wheeler) w/Tully Blanchard

The match begins with FTR attacking the injured Taylor and getting him in the ring, Harwood drags Taylor to the corner and he smashes his knee on the ring post. Harwood gets in the ring and he continues attacking the injured knee of Taylor, Wheeler tags in and he hangs Taylor upside down in the corner. FTR then attack the injured knee of Taylor with a ton of strikes, Harwood tags in and he lands seated sentons on Taylor’s injured knee. Wheeler tags back in and he smashes Taylor’s knee on the rings edge, Wheeler holds Taylor down while wrenching away on the injured knee. Taylor fights back and Harwood tags in to work over Taylor’s injured knee, Harwood also lands a headbutt and leg drop on a downed Taylor. Taylor fights back again and he knocks Harwood into Wheeler before rolling him up for a near fall, Taylor drops Harwood and Wheeler suplexes Trent on the arena floor to prevent a tag. Harwood nails a distracted Taylor with a chop block to the injured knee, Wheeler tags in and he lands a middle rope stomp on the injured knee of Taylor.

Harwood tags back in and he gets Taylor in an inverted figure four leg lock and Taylor taps out.

Eliminated: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

Winners: FTR (Dash Harwood & Cash Wheeler) w/Tully Blanchard

– A Darby Allin video airs, it shows him wearing a Ricky Starks mask while leaping off of a bridge and into the river.

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. Sean Maluta

The match begins with Archer immediately dropping Maluta with a forearm strike, Archer follows up by knocking Maluta out of the ring with the pounce. Archer leaves the ring and he attacks Maluta with some strikes, Archer gets Maluta back in the ring before landing more strikes. Archer then propels Maluta across the ring with a suplex, Archer follows up by landing a trio of avalanches and a choke slam on Maluta. Archer decides to corner Maluta before landing the Blackout and EBD Claw for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

– Jake Roberts gets the microphone and he talks about the Casino Battle Royale at AEW All Out ’20, Roberts says Lance Archer better win the match to erase the lone blemish on their record. Archer promises Roberts that he’ll defeat the other 20 competitors in the match, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks interrupt alongside Taz. Taz says a member of Team Taz will win the battle royale, Darby Allin interrupts and he hits the ring to attack Starks. Allin and Starks take their battle up the entrance ramp and then to the backstage area.

– MJF is backstage with his team and he questions one team member for allegedly laughing at him.

– A video package airs highlight the AEW Women’s World Title Match at AEW All Out ’20 between Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa.

– MJF comes to the ring with Wardlow and his team for the contract signing with AEW World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley, Moxley comes out next with the contract. MJF’s lawyer says the contract say that Moxley cannot use the Paradigm Shift at AEW All Out ’20, MJF has signed the contract and he tells Moxley that he won’t attack him like he was attacked by Moxley two weeks ago. MJF and Moxley continue taking shots at each other, MJF talks about the praise Moxley has gotten from Mike Tyson and AEW fans. MJF promises to defeat Moxley at AEW All Out ’20 because Moxley isn’t a real wrestler, MJF talks about all the wrestlers that Moxley grew up watching and how they all weren’t real wrestlers. MJF says he won’t play Moxley’s games when they meet for the title, MJF says that he’ll beat Moxley for the title at AEW All Out ’20. MJF says that Moxley cannot beat him without the Paradigm Shift before bringing up Renee Young, Moxley talks about all the damage he can do with the Paradigm Shift and how MJF is forcing him to get creative for their upcoming match. Moxley signs the contract before telling MJF he is a dead man on September 5, Moxley reveals that MJF’s lawyer must face him next week on AEW Dynamite or MJF doesn’t get his title shot.

– Highlights are shown of what Santana & Ortiz have done to Best Friends over the last few weeks.

The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix), The Butcher & The Blade w/Eddie Kingston vs. Joey Janela, Sonny Kiss, Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison

The match begins with Blade immediately cornering Garrison while landing some strikes, Garrison fights back and he nails Blade with a few avalanches. Butcher hits the ring and a massive brawl breaks out between both teams, Fenix and Pentagon Jr take out everybody with dives after clearing the ring. Garrison is thrown back in the ring before getting double teamed by Butcher and Blade, Garrison fights back and he cracks Blade with a few strikes and a boot to the face. Kiss tags in and he cracks Blade with some strikes, Kiss takes down a swinging Blade with a hurricarana followed by a slap. Blade fights back and Kiss nails him with a discus forearm strike, Janela tags in and he double teams Blade alongside Kiss. Janela corners Blade before missing a dive into the corner, Butcher tags in and Janela gets quadruple teamed by the opposition. Fenix tags in and he cracks Janela with a drop kick followed by strikes, Pentagon Jr tags in and he attacks Janela with some leg kicks. Butcher tags in and he nails Janela with a suplex for a near fall, Butcher corners Janela while landing more strikes.

Fenix tags in and he cracks Janela with more strikes, Pentagon Jr tags back in and he nails Janela with a double stomp to the extremities. Fenix tags back in and Janela nails him with a forearm strike, Butcher interferes and Janela avoids him before tagging Kiss in. Kiss quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kiss goes for a middle rope split leg drop and Fenix gets out of the way. Fenix goes for a top rope move and Kiss trips him up before Janela nails him with a death valley driver on the ring apron, Pentagon Jr then hits Janela with a package pile driver on the ring apron. Pillman Jr hits the ring and he attacks Butcher and Blade, Butcher and Blade double team Pillman Jr before Pentagon Jr tags in. Pentagon Jr and Fenix land a double team move on Pillman Jr for a three count.

Winners: The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix), The Butcher & The Blade w/Eddie Kingston

After the match, Eddie Kingston gets the microphone to say himself, The Lucha Bros and The Butcher & The Blade are in the Casino Battle Royale.

– Highlights are shown of Dark Order destroying Cody last week after Brodie Lee won the AEW TNT Championship.

– Dark Order members come to the ringside area carrying a casket that is eventually placed on the stage, Evil Uno says Dark Order has been on cloud nine since Brodie Lee’s title win. Player Uno talks about everything everybody has purchased since the title win, the casket is opened and 10 is in it pretending to be the injured Cody. Uno says The Nightmare Family’s story is over because there is a new king in Lee, Lee makes his way on stage. Uno makes everybody from Dark Order congratulate Lee, Lee and everybody from Dark Order gets in the ring with Tony Schiavone. Lee talks about how the Dark Order members were laughed at in the beginning, Lee talks about how he kept his promise to defeat Cody for the AEW TNT Title. Lee says the open challenge is over and no more TV time for independent wrestlers, Lee then introduces Anna Jay as the newest member of Dark Order. John Silver interrupts to say how happy he is for Lee and Lee attacks him, Dustin Rhodes hits the ring and he attacks Dark Order alongside Dark Order.

Dark Order quickly overwhelms Rhodes and Marshall until Scorpio Sky comes out to help, Lee attacks Sky from behind and Dark Order quickly works over everybody. Matt Cardona comes out and he helps everybody out after Lee and Jay head backstage, Cardona and company eventually clear the ring.

– Dasha Gonzalez interviews Hangman Page, The Young Bucks immediately interrupt and they accuse Page of being insecure. Matt Jackson calls Page a drunk before throwing a drink into his face, The Bucks say that they are done with Page and he is out of The Elite.

– Dr. Britt Baker gets the microphone before the next match to say that Big Swole cane face her one on one with a victory tonight.

Handicap Match
Big Swole vs. Dr. Britt Baker, Penelope Ford & Rebel w/Kip Sabian

The match begins with Rebel and Ford attacking Swole, Swole fights back and Ford nails her with a Finlay Roll for a near fall. Swole fights back and she cracks Ford with a headbutt, Ford recovers and she chokes Swole on the middle rope while Baker pokes her with her crutch. Rebel goes to the top rope and Swole crotches her after attacking Ford, Swole climbs the ropes and she nails Rebel with a super rana. Sabian hops on the ring apron and Swole nails him with Dirty Dancing, Ford gets Swole back in the ring after landing a head kick. Rebel nails Swole with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Ford tags in and she nails Swole with a few strikes. Rebel gets a crutch and she accidentally hits Ford with it, Swole gets the three count on a downed Ford.

Winner: Big Swole

– Dark Order come out and they offer Taya Conti a contract to join them, Conti takes it and she hugs Anna Jay.

Tables Match
Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Hardy

The match begins with Hardy attacking Guevara with a series of strikes, Hardy briefly applies a standing guillotine choke to Guevara. Hardy misses a charge in the corner and Guevara kicks him in the head, Guevara looks for a DDT and Hardy knocks him out of the ring. Hardy throws Guevara over the barricade and into the crowd, Hardy gets Guevara on a chair before attacking him with more strikes. Guevara gets over the barricade before nailing Hardy with a knee strike, Guevara grabs a table and he leans it against the ring post. Hardy looks for a power bomb and Guevara counters to nail him with a GTS, Guevara gets Hardy on a table and he gets back in the ring. Guevara goes for a dive and he puts himself through a table after Hardy gets out of the way, Guevara then goes for a knee strike and he crashes onto another table. Hardy gets Guevara back in the ring before nailing him with a Side Effect, Guevara recovers and he nails Hardy with a spinning head kick. Hardy goes to the ring apron and he gets Guevara out there, Guevara goes to the top rope and he leaps off before eating another Side Effect from Hardy.

Hardy gets Guevara on a table and Hardy winds up putting himself through it after Guevara gets out of the way, Guevara finds a steel chair and he fails at attacking Hardy with it. Hardy gets the chair and he nails Guevara with a chair assisted Twist Of Fate, Hardy finds another table and it says “Deleted” on it. Hardy gets that table in the ring and he sets it up before getting Guevara on it, Hardy goes to the top rope and he slips off. Guevara gets to the top rope and he superplexes Hardy through the table to win the match.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

After the match, Orange Cassidy comes out and he attacks Chris Jericho, who was doing color commentary, to instigate a huge brawl.

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