Alex Garcia Talks UFC 207 Knockout

Alex Garcia has earned a total of four victories thus far in the UFC, but none have been as brutal as the one punch knockout he delivered to Mike Pyle at UFC 207. Garcia, who hasn’t scored a knockout victory since 2013, says that when the punch landed, he felt Pyle’s entire face on his fist.

“I felt when I landed the right punch, it was pretty hard,” Garcia said as his post-fight scrum. “His whole face was in my right hand. When I looked, his eyes (were rolled back), so I thought he was out. But I just stepped over to make sure.”

Garcia did get an opportunity to talk to Pyle after the fighter recovered from the knockout, Garcia says it was an honor to fight the veteran.

“I said to him I look up to him because he’s been fighting for a long time,” Garcia said. “He’s 41 years old. Not many fighters can be 41 and keep fighting. When I started my career, he was already fighting. It was an honor to fight him.”

Garcia not only had one of the more brutal knockouts of the year, but he also earned $50,000 for “Performance Of The Night” for that knockout win.

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