
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 8/21/20 Intercontinental Championship Match

The Phenomenal One defends his Intercontinental championship against the Charismatic Enigma!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to tonight’s coverage for the go home edition of Smackdown on FOX before Summerslam this Sunday!

– We open tonight’s show in what’s being deemed the ThunderDome with Mr.McMahon who welcomes us to the show in the middle of the ring with a giant screen filled with fans watching via zoom in the background. The lights go out and The Fiend comes out to the ring before he gets into the ring with the chairman of the WWE and toys with him. Braun Strowman comes out to the ring and faces off with The Fiend, Mr.McMahon now gone. The lights then flicker before they’re surrounded by Retribution and The Fiend waves at Braun before the lights go out and he disappears. Retribution beat Braun down before the locker room empties and they’re beaten down by the immense numbers of Retribution.

Finally the near entire men and women’s locker rooms come out and even the odds before clearing the ring. An infuriated Braun then takes out Gulak and Uso out of frustration before leaving as we go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Big-E

The Superstars stay at ringside in case of another attack by Retribution before the match starts and E takes control early. E hits Sheamus with clubbing blows and hits a running splash onto the apron before Sheamus snaps his neck across the top rope. Sheamus then goes up top and hits a flying clothesline before hitting E with clubbing blows and the lights flicker as we go to commercial.

E comes back with a belly to belly suplex into a running splash before Sheamus counters the Big Ending and E counters a Brogue Kick. Sheamus drops E with a knee lift for two before E counters White Noise and hits a uranage for two. Sheamus rocks E when he goes for a spear through the ropes before Sheamus counters another Big Ending into White Noise. Corbin and Riddle then brawl at ringside before E rolls Sheamus up off of the distraction for the pin and the win.

Winner: Big-E defeats Sheamus via pinfall.

– We get a graphic for the Intercontinental Championship match between AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy before we go backstage to Jeff in the trainers room. Jeff then asks the trainer for a knee brace, saying that he can’t miss this opportunity.

– We get a graphic for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship match up next before we go backstage and Shinsuke and Cesaro attack Lucha House Party from behind before heading to the ring as we go to commercial.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match

The Artist Collective (c) vs Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado w/Kalisto)

Shin and Metalik get things started off before Cesaro comes in and Metalik hits a head scissors before Cesaro hits a sit-out powerbomb. Cesaro hits a jumping leg drop before he and Shin chain together offense and tags until Metalik hits a springboard frankensteiner. Metalik gets the tag to Lince who hits a diving splash onto Shin before knocking Cesaro off of the apron. Lince hits a trio of moonsaults for a two count that Cesaro breaks up before he’s sent out of the ring. Shin hits an exploder suplex to Lince before Lince counters a Kinshasa into a roll up for two.

Lince then hits the Golden Rewind before Cesaro pins him with a sunset flip when Cesaro counters a head scissors.

Winner: The Artist Collective retain their tag belts by defeating Lucha House Party via pinfall.

– LHP argue after the match before Metalik and the referee play peace keepers.

– We see Jeff being worked on by the trainer backstage before we get a recap of the attack by Retribution and see that AJ attacked Jeff from behind in the chaos.

– AJ is interviewed backstage where he mocks Jeff and walks away before he briefly has an exchange with Sasha and Bayley as we go to commercial.

Mandy Rose is interviewed backstage where she talks to the camera to Sonya Deville. Mandy tries to bury the hatchet with Sonya and says that she sees the good in her and just wants to get past everything that has happened between the two of them.

– Bayley and Sasha Banks come out to the ring for an interview with Corey about their defending their world titles against Asuka at Summerslam. Naomi then comes out to the ring and attacks the champs before clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

Beat the Clock Challenge

Naomi immediately gets a series of two counts before Sasha ends up out of the ring and Naomi brings her back inside. Sasha hits Naomi with knees to the midsection for two before Naomi comes back with forearms and a jaw breaker. Naomi drapes Sasha across the top rope and hits a springboard roundhouse kick for two before Sasha rolls her up for a near fall. Sasha then locks in the Banks Statement for the tap and the win at three minutes and thirty nine seconds. Bayley immediately rushes Naomi and beats her down in the corner before hitting a float over suplex for two. Bayley then hits a sliding clothesline for two before hitting a regular clothesline and Naomi hits the Rear View out of nowhere at 1:44 for the win.

Winner: Naomi defeats Bayley with 1:44 left on the clock to win the challenge and Sasha will defend her title at Summerslam after Bayley defends hers.

– Asuka comes out after the match and says that she’s going to win every title and that no one is ready for her before she takes out Sasha who rushes her on the ramp. Asuka then goes after Bayley in the ring before Bayley flees and leaves Sasha behind as Asuka dances in the ring.

– Backstage the trainer clears Jeff for his title match later tonight before we get a graphic for the return of the Firefly Fun House later tonight.

– Sonya Deville is briefly interviewed backstage before she says she has nothing to say to Kayla and that she’ll say what she has to the world. Mandy then shows up and shows Sonya sympathy for what happened to her at her home this week before Sonya says it’s nothing she can’t handle. Sonya then slaps Mandy and says she’s disrespectful before leaving as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break where Sonya cuts a promo on the ramp ahead of her hair versus hair match against Mandy Rose this Sunday at Summerslam. Sonya says that hair or no hair she is tired of looking at Mandy’s face before making their match a no disqualification match before leaving.

– We go to a video package for what has happened lately between Alexa Bliss, The Fiend and Braun Strowman. Next we go to Nikki Cross who says that Alexa has changed since her encounter with The Fiend and that something terrible is about to happen.

Intercontinental Championship Match

AJ Styles (c) vs Jeff Hardy

AJ goes for a single leg before Jeff beats on him to stop the take down and AJ drives Jeff into the corner. AJ chop blocks the leg of Jeff before ripping at Jeff’s pants and exposing his knee brace. AJ stays focused on the injured leg of Jeff until Jeff comes back with a jawbreaker and sends over the top rope. AJ then slides off of the apron before Jeff hits his knee on the apron as we go to commercial.

AJ is in control of Jeff, staying focused on his knee as we come back to the ring until Jeff kicks AJ away and mule kicks him. Jeff hits a leg drop into a basement dropkick for two before hitting a sit-out face buster for another two count. AJ drops Jeff with a Pele kick when he goes for a Twist of Fate before Jeff goes up top and he falls off of the top rope. Jeff turns AJ inside out with a right hand to the midsection when AJ goes for a Phenomenal Forearm. AJ locks in the Calf Crusher before Jeff gets to the bottom rope for the break.

Jeff then hits AJ with the knee brace when he kicks AJ before hitting a Twist of Fate into a Swanton Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats AJ Styles via pinfall to become the new Intercontinental champion.

– We get a graphic for the Firefly Fun House later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back to tonight’s edition of the Firefly Fun House before Braun Strowman shows up and attacks Bray in the house as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Braun beating on Bray backstage before Braun chokeslams Bray off of a loading dock. An ambulance then shows up immediately and they load Bray into the ambulance. The ambulance then starts to leave before it backs up and parks and The Fiend comes out of the back as we go off the air.

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