
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/7/20 Tony Nese vs Danny Burch, Ever-Rise in Action

The British Brawler takes on The Premiere Athlete and Ever-Rise look for a win tonight at 10pm EST!

Hey there Fight Fans we hope you enjoyed Smackdown and are ready for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Ever-Rise vs Local Talent

Matt is in control of Spandex before he comes back with a dropkick and nearly gets the tag to Carter before Chase gets the tag and ER double up Spandex before Carter is knocked off of the apron and ER hit their finisher, a wheel barrow code breaker to Spandex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ever-Rise defeat a local team via pinfall.

– We come back from the break to a recap of Legado Del Fantasma attacking and abducting Fandango before dragging him into the ring and taking out Tyler Breeze when he tries to save Fandango.

Danny Burch w/Oney Lorcan vs Tony Nese

They lock up for a clean break before Danny takes Tony down and he quickly gets to the ropes for the break before Tony takes Danny down with an ankle pick and they grapple on the mat. Danny takes Tony’s back before Tony turns it around and holds onto Danny with a waist lock before Danny turns it into a headlock and Tony ends up in Danny’s mount. Danny locks in a triangle briefly before Tony gets to the ropes and Tony rocks Danny with a back elbow before kicking and sweeping him for two. Tony keeps Danny grounded with a side headlock before Danny gets to his feet and puts Tony in a standing side headlock before Tony hits a back suplex to get free for two. Tony snaps the neck of Danny across the top rope before hitting a triangle moonsault for two and whipping him in the corner for another two count. Tony locks in a body scissors before Danny turns it around and comes back with a clothesline before following up with a running clothesline into an enzuigiri and a suplex for two. Tony comes back with a spin kick before missing a 450 and Ariya Daivari comes out and attacks Oney at ringside before he’s sent to the back by officials. Danny is then distracted by the attack on Oney briefly before Danny hits a draping DDT for the pin and the win once they’re back in the ring.

Winner: Danny Burch defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

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