
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 8/4/20 Eddie Edwards Defends His World Championship, Rich Swann Announces His Retirement

The IMPACT World Championship is on the line tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

Hey there Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of the end of last week’s before we go to the ring in the IMPACT Zone for tonight’s first match between the TNA Heavyweight Champion Moose and his challenger Heath.

TNA Heavyweight Championship Match

Moose (c) vs Heath

Moose backs Heath into the corner before Heath comes back with punches and a clothesline that sends Moose over the top rope. Heath knocks Moose off of the apron and sends him face first into the steps before Moose sends him into the railing. They smash each other’s faces into the apron before Moose kicks Heath in the midsection and rolls him back inside before Heath hits a wrecking ball dropkick when Moose tries to get back inside. Heath sends Moose into the railing and the post before rolling Moose back into the ring and beating him down. Moose drops Heath throat first across the top rope and drives his boot into his throat before choking him in the ropes.

Moose beats on Heath before whipping him into the corner and bouncing him off of the turnbuckles before Heath catches a boot. Heath comes back with right hands and running forearms before booting Moose and dropkicking him for two. Heath rolls Moose up for a near fall before sending him into the post and accidentally sending him into the referee. Heath then hits Moose with a zig zag before covering him, but the referee is still incapacitated before Moose low blows and covers him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA Heavyweight Championship by defeating Heath via pinfall.

– We go to Josh and Madison after the match where they announce Emergence for two weeks from tonight, the event announced for two consecutive weeks. We then segment with the tag champions, Chris Bey will team up with Rohit Raju to take on TJP and Fallah Bahh and Eddie Edwards will defend his title against an unknown opponent.

– We get a backstage interview with Willie Mack who doesn’t reveal any information about what Rich Swann will have to say later tonight, but believes it will be to do with Eric Young as we go to commercial. 

– We come back to a video package for EC3 where he explains why he attacked Moose and how he’s coming for the TNA title.

– We go to the ring to Jimmy Jacobs in the ring who introduces his guests, the tag champs, The Motor City Machine Guns who talk about winning the titles from The North and their next step as champions before they’re interrupted by the former champions. Josh says that MCMG are getting preferential treatment and Ethan says that MCMG beat them at 40%, but would lose to them if they were 100% before Josh says that they’re invoking their rematch for Emergence.

– We go backstage to Kimber Lee who goes into Deonna Purrazzo’s dressing room and they get in each other’s faces when Kimber tells Deonna not to take Grace lightly at Emergence or she will lose her title. Kimber then proposes a deal with Purrazzo where if she can take out Grace she’ll get the next title shot which Deonna agrees to as we go to commercial.

– We come back to this week’s edition of Wrestle House as we go right back to commercial.

– We come back to the Fight House where Johnny Swinger has a two on one inter-gender handicap match against Susie and Alisha in which Susie and Alisha win with ease.

– The Good Brothers are then pulled over by police before Luke is arrested as we go to commercial.

IMPACT World Championship Match

Eddie Edwards (c) vs Sami Callihan

Eddie almost immediately defeats Sami with a Tiger driver before Sami sends Eddie into the post and they end up brawling at ringside before Sami counters a Tiger driver on the apron and Sami hits a piledriver on the apron. Back in the ring they clothesline each other before Eddie comes back with chops and hits a blue thunder bomb for two before Sami counters a Tiger driver and superkicks Eddie before powerbombing him and hitting a brainbuster for a near fall. They exchange strikes until Sami hits a GTS into a sliding forearm to the back of the neck of Eddie for a near fall before Eddie hits a Tiger driver for a near fall and Sami hits a piledriver for a near fall, Eddie getting his foot on the bottom rope. Eddie then hits the Boston Knee Party for the the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards retains his IMPACT World Championship by defeating Sami Callihan via pinfall.

– We go back to the Wrestle House where Rosemary and Kylie Rae have an impromptu match that Kylie wins.

– Ace Austin and Madman Fulton attack and take out Karl Anderson in the hallway once he makes his way to the arena as we go back to commercial.

Chris Bey & Rohit Raju vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

Chris and TJP start things off by running the ropes and exchanging flips and head scissors before Chris misses a dropkick and TJP and Bahh double up on Chris who rolls out of the ring before doing the same to Rohit and clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Bahh in control of Rohit before Chris and Rohit double up on TJP and isolate him until TJP hits Chris with a tornado DDT and gets the tag to Bahh who runs over both Chris and Rohit. Bahh hits a running splash in the corner before Rohit hits a running knee lift out of it and TJP misses a swanton bomb before Rohit knocks Bahh out of the ring and Chris goes for the rebound cutter, but TJP puts him in an armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: TJP and Fallah Bahh defeat Chris Bey and Rohit Raju via submission.

– It’s announced that Eddie will defend his title against next week.

– We go back to the ring for Rich Swann addressing Eric Young’s attack of him at Slammiversary. Rich then announces that he’s going to have to retire before all of his friends on the roster come out to cheer him before they help him out of the ring and Rich leaves up the ramp before he’s attacked by Eric Young who hits him with his own crutch and runs off before anyone can give chase as we go off the air.

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