
WWE Raw 8/3/20 Results: Two Title Matches, Raw Underground Debuts & A Riott Squad Reunion

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– The lights and power go out multiple times during the open of the show.

– MVP gets the microphone before the first match begins to say he is the real WWE United States Champion, MVP says he made history while Crews made excuses.

WWE United States Championship
Apollo Crews (c) vs. MVP w/Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with MVP scoring a takedown on Crews during their lock up, MVP gets Crews down again while looking for a sleeper hold. Crews gets free and he rolls up MVP for a near fall, MVP gets angry and he attacks Crews with some strikes. Crews fights back and he drops MVP a few times before landing a suplex for a few near falls, Crews keeps MVP down while wrenching away on his arm. MVP gets free and he cracks Crews with a forearm strikes, MVP then kicks a downed Crews right in the face. Crews fights back and he nails MVP with some forearm strikes, Lashley and Benjamin get MVP out of the ring. Crews takes everybody out with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break.

Winner: Apollo Crews, still the WWE United States Champion

– The storm took my electricity out and MVP accuses Apollo Crews of stealing his WWE United States Championship and he wants a rematch at WWE Summerslam.

Bayley and Sasha Banks are shown backstage.

– A security guard is shown guarding a door backstage.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Bayley and Sasha Banks, Bayley and Banks mock Schreiber for her interview skills. Bayley and Banks show a video highlighting what they have accomplished, Asuka interrupts the video and she says revenge will be sweet. Shayna Baszler interrupts and she attacks Banks.

Kevin Owens bumps into The IIconics backstage, they want to be guests on the KO Show and Owens tells them he already has guests.

– Kevin Owens is in the ring for another edition of the KO Show, Owens talks about the return on Shane McMahon. Owens brings out Ruby Riott as his guest for the show, Riott says he has had bad luck since coming back and how The IIconics have done their best to hurt her. Riott talks about defeating Peyton Royce last week on Raw, Riott brings up Liv Morgan and Owens brings Morgan out next. Morgan says that she wants to hear what Riott has to say, Owens says the reason he brought them together tonight is due to him watching the Riott Squad together since they started in the WWE. Riott says she was wrong to think everything would be the same when she returned from injury, Riott says that she believed that Morgan wouldn’t need her anymore. Riott admits that she was wrong about how the way she handled things, Riott asks for another chance to make the Riott Squad strong again. The IIconics interrupt and they talk about how sick everybody is of Riott and Morgan’s problem, The IIconics talks about all they have accomplished and how they are better than Morgan and Riott. Morgan says she and Riott aren’t friends like The IIconics are, but nobody starts a riot like the Riott Squad did. The IIconics challenge The Riott Squad to a match before slapping Owens for interrupting them, The Riott Squad attacks The IIconics as we go to a commercial break.

The IIconics (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce) vs. The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

The match begins with Kay backing Riott into the corner, Riott gets free and Kay nails her with a few strikes before landing a neck breaker. Royce tags in and The IIconics double team Riott, Royce lands multiple knee strikes to the back of Riott before applying a chin lock to her. Riott fights back and Royce drops her with a hair pull, Kay tags in and she attacks Riott with some strikes. Riott fights back and she nails Kay with a super kick, Morgan and Royce are tagged in by their respective partners. Morgan quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Morgan nails Royce with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Kay tags in and Morgan shocks her with a roll up for a three count.

Winners: The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

After the match, The IIconics attack Liv Morgan until Ruby Riott makes the save.

– Charly Caruso is backstage and she talks about an accident that took place backstage as some heavy boxes fell over, MVP approaches her and says he lost the WWE United States Championship due to power outages. Caruso notifies that Apollo Crews has accepted his challenge for a rematch at WWE Summerslam, Shelton Benjamin approaches and he says somebody has stolen his WWE 24/7 Championship belt.

– WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring, McIntyre talks about how Randy Orton has prayed upon people throughout his career. McIntyre says that Orton will not hit him with another RKO, McIntyre talks about how Vince McMahon names them both as the future of the wrestling industry. McIntyre talks about how Orton has an easy path to success due to his father, McIntyre talks about how he got fired for the mistakes he made and Orton should’ve been fired as well. Orton interrupts and he makes his way to the stage with Ric Flair, Orton asks McIntyre if his respect isn’t enough for him. Orton says he enjoys being in the WWE to land RKO’s and punt people in the head, Orton agrees that he should’ve been fired multiple times and wasn’t because he is more valuable that McIntyre. Orton dares McIntyre to come up with an original opinion on him, McIntyre wonders how much Orton has done to help the future of the WWE. McIntyre talks about how Orton didn’t even help him during his first run with the WWE, McIntyre promises to get revenge on Orton for all the people Orton screwed over.

– Pat Buck and Nia Jax are shown talking backstage.

– Ric Flair approaches Kevin Owens and The Riott Squad backstage, Flair talks about how everybody likes Owens. Owens says he appreciates all the advice that Flair has given him, Owens talks about all the bad things he has done in the past and how he is now trying to be a locker room leader. Flair says that Owens needs to take his advice and Owens says he’ll face Orton next week on WWE Raw.

– Nia Jax is in the ring with Pat Buck, Jax says she came out tonight to own up for what happened last week on WWE Raw. Jax starts insulting Buck instead of apologizing, Jax challenges Buck to a match and Buck is trying to avoid it. Buck gets the microphone and he tells Jax that she is indefinitely suspended without pay, Jax attacks Buck again.

– R-Truth is being chased to ringside by the ninjas and Shelton Benjamin as we go to a commercial break.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Shelton Benjamin (c) w/MVP & Bobby Lashley vs. Akira Tozawa w/Ninjas vs. R-Truth

The match begins with Benjamin and R–Truth exchanging strikes while Tozawa exits the ring, Benjamin nails R-Truth with a knee strike followed by some stomps. Tozawa returns and he shocks Benjamin with a roll up for a near fall, Benjamin gets angry and he nails Tozawa with a power bomb. R–Truth returns and he nails Benjamin with some strikes, R-Truth misses the scissors kick and Benjamin nails him with Pay Dirt. A ninja hits the ring and Benjamin destroys him, MVP and Lashley attack the other ninjas on the arena floor. Tozawa nails R–Truth with a senton bomb for a three count.

Winner: Akira Tozawa, your new WWE 24/7 Champion

– Shane McMcMahon is backstage and he says Raw Underground debuts tonight.

– Highlights are shown of Dominik Mysterio’s altercation last week with Seth Rollins.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Dominik Mysterio, who says its easy to know why he is doing what he is doing and his mind may not be in the right place. Mysterio says people will really think he is crazy for challenge Seth Rollins to a match at WWE Summerslam ‘20.

Sasha Banks w/Bayley vs. Shayna Baszler

The match begins with Banks slapping Baszler in the face, Baszler scores a few takedowns on Banks a few moments later. Baszler drops Banks a third time before slapping her in the face, Banks tries fighting back and Baszler continues dropping her before rolling her up for a near fall. Baszler quickly gets Banks in an arm bar and Banks gets to the ropes, Bayley gets on the ring apron and Banks attacks a distracted Baszler. Banks then sends Baszler into the ring post before rolling her up for a near fall, Banks nails Baszler with a knee strike to the arm. Banks traps the arm of Baszler in the ropes before wrenching away on it, Banks holds Baszler down while wrenching away on her arm. Baszler gets free and she corners Banks while landing shoulder thrusts, Banks recovers and she sends Baszler into the bottom turnbuckle. Banks leaps off the middle rope and Baszler rolls through to land a back breaker, Baszler goes for a rear naked choke and Banks rolls through before eating a kick. Banks trips Baszler up and she looks for the Bank Statement, Baszler gets free and Banks nails her with a knee strike. Baszler fires back and she cracks Banks with a knee strike of her own, Asuka comes from out of nowhere to attacks Bayley and the ref calls for the bell.

Match Result: No Contest

– Charly Caruso is in the ring with Asuka, who says Kairi Sane is not here while Sasha Banks and Bayley are here. Asuka says she wants a rematch with Sasha Banks for the Raw Women’s Championship at WWE Summerslam ‘20, Shayna Baszler interrupts to say she wants Asuka to win the title back from Banks so she can face Asuka for the title in the future. Sasha Banks and Bayley interrupt and come out on stage, Banks says Asuka can have her rematch is Asuka can beat Bayley next week on Raw.

– Angel Garza is getting a ladies phone number backstage when Andrade arrives with Zelina Vega, Vega is angry and she wants to talk with Garza.

– More fake MMA is shown while Shane McMahon hypes Raw Underground.

– Shane McMahon is back with Raw Underground, which features somebody named Dabba Kato destroying an unknown person is a quasi-MMA fight. Kato faces another challenger and that person gets destroyed as well.

– The Street Profits get the microphone before the next match to talk about getting attacked last week by Angel Garza and Andrade. The Street Profits say they are no longer going to be playing nice.

Angelo Dawkins w/Montez Ford vs. Angel Garza w/Andrade & Zelina Vega

The match begins with Dawkins cornering Garza before he sends him into the ring post, Garza falls out of the ring and Dawkins tackles him into the barricade as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Dawkins working over the arm of Garza, Garza gets free and Dawkins nails him with a flapjack. Garza tries fighting back and Dawkins nails him with a drop kick, Dawkins looks for a power bomb and Garza lands some strikes to get free. Garza then nails Dawkins with a missile drop kick after losing his pants, Garza looks for a Wing Clipper and Dawkins fights back before landing a bulldog. Ford falls over while celebrating and Garza nails a distracted Dawkins with a super kick, Garza then hits Dawkins with a drop kick for a three count.

Winner: Angel Garza w/Andrade & Zelina Vega

Montez Ford w/Angelo Dawkins vs. Andrade w/Angel Garza & Zelina Vega

The match is joined in progress and we see some chain wrestling between Ford and Andrade, Andrade starts working over the arm of Ford. Ford fights back and he gets Andrade in a headlock, Andrade recovers and he nails Ford with a back suplex. Andrade follows Ford around the ring while landing some strikes and choking him on the middle ropes, Andrade attacks the midsection of Ford before working him over in the ropes. Andrade then dumps Ford out of the ring and he follows him out there, Ford fights back and he sends Andrade into the barricade. Ford gets back in the ring and he stomps away on Andrade as Andrade gets back in the ring, Andrade clocks Ford with a forearm strike after using a ref distraction to his advantage. Andrade then hits Ford with a suplex for a near fall, Andrade keeps Ford down while holding him in a chin lock. Ford gets free and he nails Andrade with some clotheslines, Andrade goes to the middle rope and Ford knocks him to the arena floor after landing a drop kick. Ford follows up by nailing Andrade with a suicide dive, Ford faints in the ring again and the referee calls for the bell.

Match Result: No Contest

After the match, medical personnel check on a downed Montez Ford.

– Murphy is shown watching we he did last week to Aleister Black on a cell phone as Seth Rollins stands by him, Rollins says Murphy made the right decision and should be proud on himself. Rollins says that they should be focused on the future, Murphy brings up the challenge from Dominik Mysterio and Rollins walks away smiling.

– Shane McMahon is back with Raw Underground, Erik of The Viking Raiders destroys an unknown foe in a quasi-MMA fight.

– Charly Caruso is outside of the trainers room when Angel Garza appears, Garza offers Caruso a rose when Andrade and Zelian Vega appear. Vega says they are all concerned about Montez Ford and she wonders what that means for the Raw Tag Team Title Match at WWE Summerslam ‘20, Angelo Dawkins and Bianca Belair appears and it appears that Ford was poisoned. Belair accuses Vega and her troop of poisoning Ford, Belair attacks Vega and it is quickly broken up.

– Security cam footage from earlier in the day shows hooded people lighting some WWE equipment on fire.

– The Hurt Business are approached by Charly Caruso backstage, MVP talks about what went down in the security footage shown earlier today. MVP and Bobby Lashley talk about Raw Underground as well, MVP and Shelton Benjamin claim to have been sabotaged before heading to Raw Underground.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Seth Rollins and The Mysterio Family.

– Seth Rollins and Murphy make their way to the ring, Rollins calls out Tom Phillips and he wonders how much of a professional that Phillips is. Rollins leaves the ring to confront Phillips at the announce table while questioning him, Rollins wonders why Phillips was cheering Dominik Mysterio last week on Raw. Rollins says Phillips is a part of the greater good and it is his job to call things down the middle instead of creating bias, Rollins says that Phillips is becoming a liability. Rollins instructs Murphy to take Phillips away and Samoa Joe comes to his defense, Joe takes off his headset as Rollins and Murphy retreat to the ring as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins and Murphy holding chairs to keep Joe at bay, Dominik Mysterio comes from out nowhere to attack Rollins and Murphy with kendo stick shots. Joe goes back to the commentary team as Dominik takes everybody out, Dominik clears the ring before nailing Rollins and Murphy with a top rope dive. Rollins gets a microphone and he accepts Dominik’s challenge for WWE Summerslam ‘20.

– Raw Underground returns and Dolph Ziggler is beating up some unknown person, The Hurt Business shows up and MVP gets the microphone to say that Raw Underground is under new management. MVP says Bobby Lashley came to fight and Lashley destroys some unknown dude, MVP goes next and he beats up and unwilling opponent. Shelton Benjamin goes next and he destroys an unnamed opponent, The Hurt Business leave the ring and they attack the people in the crowd.

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