
WWE 205 Live Live Coverage 12/27 NEVILLE Challenges Rich Swann, A Gentleman’s Duel & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight we have a new challenger looking to take the gold away from the champion as after making a statement on RAW last week then winning the tag match last week on 205 Live, NEVILLE is looking to crown himself as champion of the Cruiserweights and dethrone Rich Swann. We also have what is being called a Gentleman's Duel between Ariya Daivari and Jack Gallagher, hopefully this won't involve dueling pistols like it did in the old days. Be sure to come back here at 10PM EST to see who walks away as Cruiserweight champion!

-We open with a video package for NEVILLE.

Cedric Alexander vs Tony Nese

They shake hands before the match starts then exchange wrist locks before Cedric rolls him up then hits a huricanrrana for a quick 2 count. Nese sends Cedric to the outside then hits a shotgun dropkick off the top rope for a quick 2 count once he's back inside. Nese hits Cedric with a series of right hands on the ground then Cedric starts fighting back, but Nese drops him with a series of kicks for a quick 2 count. Cedric drops Nese repeatedly then hits a hand spring roundhouse kick then hits a springboard clothesline for a close 2 count. Nese rolls up Cedric for a close 2 count of his own then the referee ejects Alicia Fox from ringside allowing Nese to hit a shotei for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese via pinfall

-After the match Noam Dar tries to get Alicia to kiss him and she slaps him twice then we have an interview with NEVILLE who talks about joining the cruiserweight division. NEVILLE talks about his career in Japan and says that Rich Swann isn't on his level. 

Mustafa Ali vs John Yurnet

John is in control early, dropping Ali repeatedly then Ali rolls him up for a series of quick 2 count then they exchange pin attempts. Ali hits a cutter then hits an imploding 450 splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali via pinfall

-Next we get a video package for Ariya Daivari. 

Ariya Daivari vs Jack Gallagher Gentleman's Duel Match

There is an assortment of weapons on a table as Jack allows Daivari to pick from a frying pan, a rope, an umbrella, a lead pipe, a candle stick and a tea pot. Ariya picks a lead pipe and Jack picks an umbrella then when Jack turns around Ariya swings at him and misses before Jack drops him with the umbrella. Daivari sends Jack into the table face first then pounds on him in the corner. Jack drops Ariya with a series of headbutts then hits a dropkick in the corner, sending Ariya to the outside as we go to commercial.

Winner: Jack Gallagher via forfeit

-Next we get a video package for TAJIRI who is set to return next week. 

Rich Swann vs NEVILLE

They start off very aggressively, Swann dropping NEVILLE then hits him with a series of right hands in the corner before NEVILLE goes outside to recover, only for Swann to follow him. They get back in the ring then do some flips before Swann hits a dropkick that sends NEVILLE back outside. NEVILLE gets back in and stops Swann when he runs the ropes to dive out after him then sends Swann to the outside. NEVILLE sends Swann into the barricade then goes back into the ring before the count gets to 7, deciding to dive out onto Swann to break it up. They get back in the ring and NEVILLE puts a headlock on Swann who quickly powers out of it then NEVILLE drops him again, putting on a rear chin lock, Swann powering out of that as well then NEVILLE hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker then a standing shooting star press for a quick 2 count. NEVILLE goes up top and hits a shotgun dropkick for a close 2 count then Rich tries to mount some offense and does, hitting a huricanrrana off the top rope, sending NEVILLE to the outside then Swann hits a phoenix splash off the apron onto NEVILLE before sending him back into the ring. Swann drops NEVILLE with a thrust kick then hits a Tiger Bomb for a close 2 count, following up with a superkick then hits the Fantastic Voyage for a very close 2 count. NEVILLE drops Swann then misses a corkscrew moonsault, Swann hitting a superkick for another very close 2 count. Swann goes to the top rope, but NEVILLE meets him then Swann fights him off when he tries to hit a superplex off of the top rope, Swann starts to come off the top rope, but NEVILLE stops him then gets back on the top rope and completes the superplex off the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: NEVILLE via pinfall

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