
Hornswoggle: Vince McMahon Isn’t A D–k, He’s Like Any Other Boss

Hornswoggle says that his former on-screen father, Vince McMahon, is not as much of a dick as people have claimed over the years.
Hornswoggle was with WWE from 2007 until 2016. Early in his run, he was afforded an opportunity, through a series of unfortunate events, to be the “illegitimate son” of the evil Mr. McMahon character.
Speaking with Denise Salcedo, Hornswoggle opened up about his off-screen relationship with Vince McMahon and says he regrets not picking his brain more than he did.
Denise shared the following quote with Fightful.
“I was so intimidated and I think that’s one of my biggest regrets in my career is, I worked with him {Vince McMahon} every week, with him, next to him within these scenes and I should have just randomly picked his brain. Because he would have answered any question I had,” Swoggle admitted. “He’s that kind of person where he doesn’t care. You ask him something, he’ll answer it… I wish I would have taken the opportunity but I was 21 years old and he’s the boss…. I just talked about how intimidating he is and people walk on eggshells around him at times. And I get asked every time, ‘ Is he mean, is he a dick?’ No. He’s like any boss. If my boss at Target wants this job done this way and I do it this way, he’s not going to be happy. Like any boss. Now, this boss runs a weekly worldwide television show, multiple shows a week, on top of running the company, on top of running the merchandise, the advertising, everything. He runs the show, he has his hands in every cookie jar with that company. As long as you do what he asks and you fulfill that, you’re golden.”
You can view the full interview in the video at the top of the post. You can also subscribe to Instinct Culture on Spotify and Apple Podcasts 

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