
WWE Extreme Rules: Kevin Owens vs. Murphy Result

Kevin Owens vs. Murphy

The match begins with Owens avoiding a knee strike before Murphy avoids a stunner, Owens then attacks Murphy with a bunch of strikes. Murphy lands a combinations of his own before dropping Owens with a knee strike, Murphy keeps Owens down while attacking him with more strikes. Owens gets up and Murphy nails him with forearm strikes to the back, Owens fights back and Murphy gets him in a sleeper hold. Owens gets free and he catches a leaping Murphy with a DDT, Owens then hits Murphy with an atomic drop and clothesline. Owens goes for a senton and Murphy gets his knees up, Murphy misses a charge in the corner and Owens drops him in the corner before landing a cannonball for a near fall. Owens keeps Murphy in the corner while landing some strikes, Owens gets Murphy on the top rope and he follows him up there. Murphy fights back and he knocks Owens off the ropes, Murphy then hits Owens with a top rope meteora for a near fall. Owens gets up and he nails Murphy with a few strikes, Murphy fights back and he cracks Owens with multiple knee strikes. Murphy then hits Owens with a brain buster for a near fall, Owens gets to the corner and Murphy nails him with strikes. Murphy gets Owens on the top rope and he follows him up there, Owens fights back and he knocks Murphy off the ropes.

Murphy recovers and he nails Owens with an enziguri, Murphy returns to the ropes and Owens knocks him back off before landing a double jump moonsault for a near fall. Murphy returns to the top rope and Owens avoids his leap before landing a super kick, Owens then hits Murphy with a stunner for a three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

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