
IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary 2020 – IMPACT Tag Team Title Match: The North vs. Callihan & Shamrock

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match

The North (c) vs Sami Callihan & Ken Shamrock

Ken and Josh kick things off for their respective teams by grappling on the mat, Josh immediately taking Ken down before Ken goes for an ankle lock with a grapevine and Josh is quick to the ropes for the break. Sami comes in and beats on Josh before hitting a snap mare into a PK and Josh comes back with one strike before The North try to double up on Sami who makes Josh DDT Ethan. Sami chops Ethan and backs him into the corner where Ken comes in and stomps Ethan before sending him face first into the top turnbuckle and rocking him with a left hand. Sami headbutts Ethan and mocks him before headbutting him on all fours for two and locking in a rear chin lock before Ken suplexes him.

The World’s Most Dangerous Tag Team try to double up on Ethan, but the champs stop them and Sami is sent out of the ring before The North beat on Ken at ringside and the referee makes Sami go back to his corner. Josh chops Ken in the corner before Ken drops him with a slap and Josh drives Ken back into the corner and hits him with several shoulder thrusts to the midsection before The North get dropped with a double clothesline by Shamrock. Ken tags in Sami who hits Josh with a running splash and sends him out of the ring before hitting Ethan with a brainbuster for two and Ethan dropkicks him before dragging Sami to their corner. The North isolate and double team Sami while mocking Ken until Sami comes back with boot when he and Ethan drop each other before Ken and Josh come in and Ken dropkicks both of The North. Ken hits Josh with a powerslam for two before Sami comes back in and gets hit with a double powerbombs for a near fall before Sami counters The North’s finisher and gets the tag to Ken who suplexes Josh out of the ring. Ken locks in an ankle lock on Ethan while Josh locks in one on Sami and they slap each other until both holds are broken before Sami hits Ethan with a cutter and Ken locks in an ankle lock on Josh who nearly taps before Ethan sends Sami into them to break the hold.

Ken and Sami argue before Josh sends Ken into Sami and Ken and Sami hit their finisher for a near fall that Ethan breaks up before Sami tosses him out of the ring and into the railing. Ken accidentally kicks Sami before Josh snaps his neck across the top rope and Ken hits an avalanche belly to back suplex that sends Josh out of the ring. Ethan then saves Josh from a corkscrew cross body by Ken before they roll him back into the ring and hit their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner; The North retain their IMPACT World Tag Team Championships by defeating Ken Shamrock and Sami Callihan via pinfall.

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