
IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary 2020 – TNA World Championship: Moose vs. Tommy Dreamer Result

TNA Heavyweight Championship Old School Rules Match

Moose (c) vs Tommy Dreamer

Moose drives Tommy into the corner and whips him across the ring before clotheslining him and rocking Tommy with a boot before dumping him out of the ring. Tommy hits Moose with a trash can lid when he goes for a suicide dive before hitting Moose with several backing sheets and choking him with a t-shirt. Tommy sends Moose into the railing before Moose crotches Tommy on the railing and hits him with a chair before suplexing Tommy onto the ramp. Moose sends Tommy back into the ring and grabs a kendo stick before hitting Tommy in the legs with it and mocking him before Tommy dodges him and hits a side Russian leg sweep with the stick. Moose dropkicks Tommy in the face in midair when he comes off of the second rope before bringing a trash can into the ring and putting it over Tommy’s head in the corner.

Moose hits a running dropkick into the trash can before going for a diving cross body, but Tommy catches him in mid-air with a cutter onto the trash can for two before Tommy sets a chair up in the corner and Moose hits a drop toe hold into the chair. Moose brings several more chairs into the ring before Tommy counters a powerbomb onto the pile of chairs and Moose hits a uranage onto the chairs before hitting a standing moonsault onto Tommy onto the chairs for two. Moose misses a moonsault before Tommy hits a DDT for two and follows up with pouring thumb tacks onto the mat and goes to piledrive Moose onto them, but he counters with a low blow. Moose then tries to press Tommy’s face into the tacks before Tommy gets up and Moose slams his face into the tacks and hits a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose retains his TNA Heavyweight Champion by defeating Tommy Dreamer via pinfall.

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