
King Corbin: We Make Fun Of Randy Orton Because He Doesn’t Want Anyone To Hurt Him

King Corbin catches plenty of heat online for his character and in-ring work, but keeping opponents safe is something he takes pride in.

Appearing on Busted Open Radio, Corbin discussed the art of the worked punch with Mark Henry and the two swooned over Big Bossman and his ability to throw a well-worked punch.

Speaking about his own worked punch ability, Corbin said, “In NXT it was a thing, ‘would you work with Randy Orton that way?’ We always make fun of Randy because he doesn’t want anyone to hurt him. In NXT, if you did something, it was ‘would you do that to Randy Orton? Would you do that to John Cena?’ I want those guys beating on Vince’s door and going, ‘I want to work with this kid because he looks like he’s murdering people and he’s not, he’s taking care of people.’ The best are the best at that. Look at Undertaker and the things that he’s done. His punches look like he’s killing people, and guys aren’t picking their teeth up off the mat. That’s important. I definitely want my work to be at the top. I’ll get tweets all the time, ‘Corbin is unsafe, he killed that dude, did you see how hard he hit him?’ Got you. I take pride in that. My punches are one of those things that I take a lot of pride in. I don’t throw a jab, because if I throw a jab, it’s going to dent somebody’s nose. I threw 10,000 jabs when I was doing Golden Gloves, they are made to hurt people and are harder to control, so I don’t throw them.”

Corbin said he was jealous of Bossman’s jab and how good it looked while being safe and hopes his jab will get to that level at some point in his career.

The Undertaker, the best pure striker in sports entertainment history, recently recalled a story where Kurt Angle was afraid to take his punch because he thought it would knock him out. You can find Undertaker’s full comments by clicking here.

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