
WWE Extreme Rules ‘20 Results: 4 Title Matches, A Swamp Fight, An Eye For An Eye & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Extreme Rules ‘20. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Championship
Drew McIntyre (c) def. Dolph Ziggler to win the title

Raw Women’s Championship
Sasha Banks def. Asuka (c) to win the title

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) def. Nikki Cross to retain the title

Wyatt Swamp Fight
Braun Strowman fought Bray Wyatt to a no contest

Eye For An Eye
Seth Rollins def. Rey Mysterio

SmackDown Tag Team Championships – Tables Match
Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura def. The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) (c) to win the titles

Kevin Owens def. Murphy

– The hosts for tonight’s kickoff show is Scott Stanford and Peter Rosenberg.

– The hosts go over the card for tonight’s event.

– The hosts preview tonight’s Wyatt Swamp Fight, followed by a video package highlighting the feud between Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt. Renee Young, Booker T and JBL appear to talk about the Wyatt Swamp Fight.

– Kayla Braxton interviews The New Day, Kofi Kingston says they are no strangers to the Tables Match and Big E joins him to say they have to get into the mind of a table. The New Day bring out D-Von Dudley as their mentor who has been helping them prepare for the Tables Match, D-Von tells The New Day to put their opponents through a table tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting Bayley and Sasha Banks.

– The hosts preview the WWE Smackdown Women’s Title Match.

– Charly Caruso interviews MVP and Bobby Lashley, MVP says he won’t reveal how much he spent on the new WWE United States Title belt. Lashley says a real champion comes to work and Apollo Crews hasn’t been around much lately, MVP says Crews has to deal with him and he has the wisdom to defeat Crews tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Rey Mysterio and Seth Rollins.

– Renee Young, Booker T and JBL return to talk about tonight’s Eye For An Eye Match.

Kevin Owens vs. Murphy

The match begins with Owens avoiding a knee strike before Murphy avoids a stunner, Owens then attacks Murphy with a bunch of strikes. Murphy lands a combinations of his own before dropping Owens with a knee strike, Murphy keeps Owens down while attacking him with more strikes. Owens gets up and Murphy nails him with forearm strikes to the back, Owens fights back and Murphy gets him in a sleeper hold. Owens gets free and he catches a leaping Murphy with a DDT, Owens then hits Murphy with an atomic drop and clothesline. Owens goes for a senton and Murphy gets his knees up, Murphy misses a charge in the corner and Owens drops him in the corner before landing a cannonball for a near fall. Owens keeps Murphy in the corner while landing some strikes, Owens gets Murphy on the top rope and he follows him up there. Murphy fights back and he knocks Owens off the ropes, Murphy then hits Owens with a top rope meteora for a near fall. Owens gets up and he nails Murphy with a few strikes, Murphy fights back and he cracks Owens with multiple knee strikes. Murphy then hits Owens with a brain buster for a near fall, Owens gets to the corner and Murphy nails him with strikes. Murphy gets Owens on the top rope and he follows him up there, Owens fights back and he knocks Murphy off the ropes.

Murphy recovers and he nails Owens with an enziguri, Murphy returns to the ropes and Owens knocks him back off before landing a double jump moonsault for a near fall. Murphy returns to the top rope and Owens avoids his leap before landing a super kick, Owens then hits Murphy with a stunner for a three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

– The hosts preview the upcoming match between Asuka and Sasha Banks.

– Renee Young, Booker T and JBL return to talk about tonight’s Raw Women’s Title Match.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler, followed by analysis from the hosts.

SmackDown Tag Team Championships
Tables Match
The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura

The match begins with an all out brawl between both teams, Nakamura nails a cornered Kingston with a knee strike before getting dumped out of the ring by E. Kingston then hits Cesaro with a double stomp before E lands an avalanche, E then hits Cesaro with a belly to belly suplex. The New Day grab a tablle and they get it in the ring, Cesaro and Nakamura attack The New Day on the arena floor. E throws Nakamura into the barricade before Kingston lands a drop kick on him, Kingston then drop kicks Cesaro into the ring steps. Kingston then sends Cesaro into the barricade while E sets up a table on the arena floor, The New Day look to put Cesaro through a table and Nakamura breaks it all up. Nakamura then sets up a table in the ring while Cesaro hits E with the ring steps, Cesaro and Nakamura double team Kingston in the ring. Kingston is placed in the top rope as Nakamura and Cesaro follow him up there, E returns to knock Cesaro out of the ring. E battles Nakamura while Cesaro goes after Kingston, E then hits Cesaro with a spear that sends both crashing to the arena floor. The New Day then get Cesaro onto a table before returning to the ring, Kingston goes for a dive and the opposition hits him with a table.

Nakamura and Cesaro look for a double suplex before E drags Kingston back into the ring, E then gets double teamed by Cesaro and Nakamura. E fights back and he gets nailed by a double knee strike from Nakamura and Cesaro, E fights back and he suplexes Cesaro into the ring. Nakamura gets in the ring and he nails E with a knee strike, Nakamura leaves the ring and he sets up another table on the arena floor. Kingston returns and he takes out Nakamura with a dive from the top rope, E then hits Cesaro with a belly to belly suplex followed by stomps. The New Day leave the ring and they set up another table on the arena floor, E goes after Cesaro and he looks for a superplex through the tables. Nakamura returns and he battles Kingston in the ring, Nakamura then knocks a charging Kingston out of the ring. Cesaro again battles E and Cesaro catches him in the big swing before Nakamura looks a sliding kick, Kingston returns to clear the ring. Kingston then takes out Nakamura with another dive, Kingston follows up by leaping off the ring steps and onto Cesaro. Kingston gets Cesaro back in the ring and he places him on the top rope, Kingston follows him up there and Cesaro blocks a hurricarana attempt. Cesaro and nakamura super power bomb Kingston through a table to win the match.

Winners: Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura, your new Smackdown Tag Team Champions

Alexa Bliss is giving a pep talk backstage to Asuka, Nikki Cross and Kairi Sane.

SmackDown Women’s Championship
Bayley (c) w/Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Cross w/Alexa Bliss

The match begins with Bayley backing Cross into the corner before landing a slap, Bayley then hits Cross with a hip toss. Cross then backs Bayley into the corner before dropping her with a slap, Cross then hits Bayley with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall. Bayley leaves the ring and Cross attacks her before landing a tornado DDT on the arena floor, Cross gets Bayley back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall. Cross follows up by landing another top rope high cross body for a near fall, Bayley leaves the ring again and Cross nails her with a dive. Bayley recovers and she sends Cross into the ringside edge and the barricade, Bayley gets Cross back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Bayley traps Cross in the ropes before choking her on the middle rope, Bayley then chokes Cross in front of Bliss. Bayley traps Cross in the corner before landing multiple shoulder thrusts, Bayley then drops Cross before applying a chin lock to her. Cross gets free and Bayley attacks her with more strikes, Bayley drags Cross out of the ring before trapping her in the ring skirt and landing some strikes. Cross recovers and she traps Bayley in the ring skirt before landing some strikes, Cross gets Bayley back in the ring before landing a rope assisted stunner.

Cross then hits a cornered Bayley with a leaping back elbow strike, Cross looks for the Bank Statement and Bayley escapes. Bayley then hits Cross with a Bayley To Belly for a near fall, Bayley mounts a downed Cross before landing a few strikes. Bayley gets Cross on the top rope and she follows her up there, Bayley then hits Cross with a superplex for a near fall. Bayley argues with the referee and Cross rolls her up for a near fall, Bayley recovers and she kicks a downed Cross. Bayley knocks Cross out of the ring and she follows her out there, Bayley goes for a drop kick and Cross sends her into the ring post. Bayley gets back in the ring and Cross nails her with a reverse DDT, Cross then nails Bayley with multiple clotheslines and a drop kick. Cross gets Bayley out of the corner by landing a bulldog, Cross goes to the top rope and Bayley avoids her leap. Cross manages to hit Bayley with a neck breaker for a near fall, Cross follows up by nailing Bayley with multiple back suplexes for another near fall. Cross goes back to the top rope and Bayley crotches her, Bayley then knocks Cross off the ropes with a knee strike for a near fall. Bayley misses a charge in the corner and she crashes face first into the middle turnbuckle, Cross leaves the ring and she nails Bayley with a spinning neck breaker on the arena floor.

They both get back in the ring and they exchange clotheslines before Cross gets a near fall, Banks hands Bayley a weapon before distracting the referee. Bayley nails Cross with the weapon before landing a DDT for a three count.

Winner: Bayley w/Sasha Banks, still the Smackdown Women’s Champion

– A Firefly Fun House video plays and it features Bray Wyatt dressed as Dracula, Wyatt hypes up the Wyatt Swamp Fight with Braun Strowman.

– The Raw announce team reveals that tonight’s WWE United States Title Match won’’t happen tonight because Apollo Crews couldn’t pass a pre-match physical. MVP and Bobby Lashley make their way to the ring, MVP says he and Lashley injuring Crews should be a lesson to everybody. MVP and Lashley laugh about injuring Crews, MVP then announces himself as the new WWE United States Champion due to forfeit on Crews’ behalf.

Eye For An Eye
Seth Rollins vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with Rollins pulling a pair of pliers from his jacket, Mysterio appears behind Rollins and he nails him with a drop kick. Rollins leaves the ring and he drags Mysterio out of it, Mysterio gets back in the ring and Rollins nails him with a slingblade. Rollins immediately goes after the eye of Mysterio before landing a few strikes, Mysterio fights back and he nails Rollins with his own strikes. Mysterio uses a head scissors takedown to then send Rollins into the ring post, Mysterio grabs the pliers and Rollins gets away from him. Mysterio grabs a table before finding a piece of rebar from a toolbox, Rollins finds a kendo stick and he attacks Mysterio with it. Rollins gets back in the ring and Mysterio drops him with a drop kick, Rollins catches a leaping Mysterio and Mysterio fights back to send him into the middle rope. Rollins avoids a 619 and Mysterio nails him with more strikes, Mysterio looks for another head scissors takedown and Rollins counters with a falcon arrow on the ring apron. Mysterio falls to the arena floor and Rollins follows him out there while going after his eye, Rollins grabs the rebar and he attacks Mysterio with it. Mysterio tries getting back in the ring and Rollins tries crushing his eye with the ring steps, Rollins then tosses Mysterio into the barricade.

Rollins gets Mysterio back in the ring and he tries attacking his eye with a kendo stick, Rollins throws Mysterio back out of the ring and Mysterio falls onto a table. Rollins grabs a steel chair and he tries attacking Mysterio’s eye with it, Rollins also attacks Mysterio’s eye with his thumb. Mysterio fights back and he attacks Rollins with a steel chair, Rollisn recovers and he tries stabbing Mysterio with a pen and a tool from the toolbox. Mysterio uses a drop toe hold to send Rollins into the corner of the announce table, Mysterio grabs a steel chair and he tries gouging Rollins’ eye with it. Mysterio goes to the tool box and Rollins attacks him with a steel chair, Rollins finds some rope and he ties Mysterio to the bottom rope. Rollins goes after Mysterio’s eye and Mysterio fights back against him, Mysterio then sends Rollins into the ring post. Rollins gets back in the ring and Mysterio follows him in there, Rollins grabs a kendo stick and he attacks Mysterio with it. Rollins then wedges the kendo stick into the steel post, Mysterio avoids getting throws into the kendo stick before nailing Rollins with a top rope seated senton. Mysterio then nails a dazed Rollins with a hurricarana, Mysterio goes to the top rope and he nails Rollins with a frog splash.

Mysterio goes after the eye of Rollins and Rollins fights back before landing an inverted power bomb, Rollins goes for The Stomp and Mysterio avoids it before landing a tornado DDT. Rollins leaves the ring and he attacks Mysterio as Mysterio leaves the ring, Mysterio fights back to hit Rollins with a kendo stick and then propelling him into the barricade a few times. Mysterio breaks the kendo stick before trying to gouge Rollins’ eye with the broken pieces, Mysterio follows up by nailing Rollins with a 619. Rollins falls out of the ring and both fighters try gouging each other on the ring steps, Mysterio then hits Rollins with The Stomp on the arena floor. Mysterio tries gouging Rollins eye on the ring steps until Rollins lands a low blow, Rollins then thrust kicks Mysterio in the face. Rollins follows up by nailing Mysterio with The Stomp on the arena floor, Rollins looks to gouge Mysterio’s eye out and he stops doing so as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match, Seth Rollins throws up on the arena floor as the medics check on Rey Mysterio.

– Kayla Braxton interviews Bayley, who says she was a huge fan of Rey Mysterio growing up and she mocks him while celebrating her championship win earlier tonight. Bayley then brings out Sasha Banks, Banks tells Braxton to get the champagne ready for when she wins the Raw Women’s Title tonight.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt.

Raw Women’s Championship
Asuka (c) w/Kairi Sane vs. Sasha Banks w/Bayley

The match begins with Asuka backing Banks into the corner and Banks does the same to her, Banks then gets Asuka in a headlock. Banks then nails Asuka with multiple knee strikes, Asuka fights back and Banks drops her with a hair pull. Asuka then nails a trash talking Banks with a head kick followed by a multitude of strikes, Banks trips up Asuka and she goes for the Bank Statement. Asuka gets up and Banks quickly drops her with a pump kick followed by a meteora, Banks goes for a few pin attempts and Asuka catches her in an arm bar. Banks eventually makes it to the ropes to break the arm bar, Banks goes to the ring apron and she gets back in the ring while nailing Asuka with an arm drag. Banks follows up by attacking Asuka with a plethora of chops, Banks goes for another top rope arm drag and Asuka counters with a knee strike. Banks goes to the ring apron and Asuka knocks her to the arena floor with a hip attack, Asuka also leaves the ring and Banks nails her with a sliding head kick. Banks then goes for a sunset bomb and Asuka escapes before landing a sliding knee from the ring apron, Asuka gets Banks back in the ring while looking for an Asuka Lock. Banks defends by sending Asuka into the corner and landing a double knee strike, Banks holds Asuka down while pulling back on her arms.

Asuka tries fighting back and Banks gets her in a version of the arm bar, Banks then pulls back on both of Asuka’s arms. Banks releases the hold before getting a near fall on a downed Asuka, Banks traps Asuka in the corner while landing a bunch of strikes. Banks then nails a trapped Asuka with a series of double knee strikes for a near fall, Banks nails Asuka with more strikes before again pulling back on both arms. Banks traps the arms of Asuka before stomping away on her, Asuka fights back and she nails Banks with a bunch of kicks. Asuka then nails a swinging Banks with a spinning back fist, Banks fights back and she sends Asuka into the middle turnbuckle. Asuka recovers to trap Banks in the corner and land a double knee strike, Asuka looks for a hip attack and Banks avoids it before landing a kick to her back. Banks looks for a German suplex off the ring apron and Asuka defends before looking for her own German suplex, Banks gets free and she power bombs Asuka into the barricade. Banks gets Asuka back in the ring before landing a top rope frog splash for a near fall, Banks immediately gets Asuka in the Bank Statement and Asuka gets to the ropes. Banks meets Asuka on the ring apron and Asuka nails her with a knee strike.

Asuka gets back in the ring and she German suplexes Banks back in the ring for a near fall, Asuka then nails Banks with a release German suplex. Asuka gets up and she attacks banks with a series of kicks for another near fall, Banks avoids a head kick and Asuka nails her with another release German suplex. Asuka then nails Banks with another hip attack for a near fall, Asuka goes to the top rope and she misses a missile drop kick attempt. Banks then nails Asuka with a knee strike for a near fall, Banks goes to the top rope and Asuka attacks her before meeting her up there. Banks knocks Asuka off the ropes after landing multiple elbow strikes, Asuka gets up and she goes back up the ropes to attempt a release German suplex. Banks lands on her feet and she hits Asuka with a double knee strike, Banks goes to the middle rope and she falls of while injuring her knee. Banks and Asuka have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Bayley tries interfering and Sane battles her on the arena floor. Banks and Asuka battle and exchange a ton of roll ups, Asuka catches Banks in the Asuka Lock and Bayley hits the ring to eat a head kick. Banks grabs a title belt and the referee takes it from her, Asuka accidentally mists the referee before getting Banks in the Asuka Lock. Bayley then hits Asuka with a title belt, Bayley takes the shirt of the referee and she puts it on before counting a three for Banks. Bayley celebrates with Banks and she grabs all the belts.

Winner: Sasha Banks, your new Raw Women’s Champion

– Charly Caruso is backstage and she says Rey Mysterio is being transported to the local hospital and Mysterio’s eye can be saved.

– Dolph Ziggler gets the microphone before the next match begins to reveal that tonight’s match is an Extreme Rules Match for himself only.

WWE Championship
Extreme Rules Match (For Dolph Ziggler Only)
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match begins with Ziggler immediately leaving the ring to get some weapons and McIntyre attacks him, McIntyre sends Ziggler face first into the ring post. McIntyre gets Ziggler back in the ring before cornering him and landing strikes, McIntyre then propels Ziggler across the ring. Ziggler leaves the ring again and McIntyre follows him out there, Ziggler fights back and he gets McIntyre back in the ring. Ziggler brings a chair in the ring and McIntyre avoids getting hit by it before tossing Ziggler back out of the ring, McIntyre gets Ziggler back in the ring before clotheslining him back out of it. McIntyre goes after Ziggler and Ziggler shoves him into the ring post and barricade, Ziggler sets up a table on the arena floor while McIntyre gets back in the ring. McIntyre goes back to the arena floor and he suplexes Ziggler on the arena floor, McIntyre gets Ziggler back in the ring before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall. McIntyre picks Ziggler up and Ziggler kicks him right in the balls, Ziggler leaves the ring and he throws a bunch of steel chairs back into it. Ziggler then attacks McIntyre with multiple steel chair shots, Ziggler uses one chair to smash another chair into the throat of McIntyre. Ziggler then hits McIntyre with more chairs shots before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, McIntyre leaves the ring and he catches a leaping Ziggler before propelling him onto the announce table.

McIntyre gets Ziggler on top of the announce table and Ziggler fights back to knock him off the table, Ziggler then hits McIntyre with a fame asser on the arena floor. Ziggler waits for McIntyre to get back in the ring and McIntyre goes to the top rope, Ziggler avoids a leaping McIntyre before applying a sleeper hold to him. McIntyre gets free and Ziggler sends him into the ring post a few times, McIntyre recovers and he nails Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler leaves the ring and McIntyre follows him out there before propelling him into the barricade, McIntyre gets Ziggler back in the ring before landing a running back elbow strike and inverted Alabama slam. McIntyre sets up for a Claymore Kick and Ziggler attacks him with a steel chair, Ziggler then hits McIntyre with a Zig Zag for a near fall. McIntyre recovers and he sends Ziggler out of the ring, McIntyre follows him out there and Ziggler super kicks him onto a table. Ziggler goes to the top rope and he puts McIntyre through the table with an elbow drop, McIntyre beats the count back into the ring and Ziggler gets back in there as well. McIntyre then nails Ziggler with a Glasgow Kiss, McIntyre goes for a Future Shock DDT and Ziggler counters with a fame asser followed by a Zig Zag. Ziggler then nails McIntyre with a uranage on a steel chair for a near fall, Ziggler clears the steel chairs out of the ring. Ziggler sets up for a super kick and McIntyre counters with a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre, still the WWE Champion

Wyatt Swamp Fight
Braun Strowman vs. Bray Wyatt

The match begins with Wyatt waiting for Strowman while sitting on a rocking chair, Strowman pulls up in a truck. Strowman comes face to face with Wyatt before things get dark and Wyatt disappears, Strowman gets angry and he destroys the rocking chair. A few unknown men attack Strowman while Wyatt cheers from the Firefly Fun House, Strowman fights back and eliminates the unknown assailants. Strowman gets dropped and another version of himself is standing over him with a shovel, new Strowman attacks original Strowman with the shovel. Strowman wakes up in a shed while being chained to a chair, Wyatt appears and he approaches the trapped Strowman. Wyatt says that he has missed having Strowman around, Wyatt asks who’ll stand beside Strowman when his fifteen minutes of fame are up. Wyatt tells Strowman that he isn’t Strowman’s enemy, Wyatt wants Strowman to join him so they can rule the world. Wyatt says he will destroy Strowman and Strowman still refuses to join him, Sister Abigail brings a snake towards Strowman and the snake bites him. Strowman wakes up near a campfire and more people attack him, Strowman fights back and he beats them both up. Strowman beats up one guy until he gets lit on fire by the campfire, a woman’s voice lures Strowman to the dock and that’s where Alexa Bliss is.

Strowman heads towards the dock and Wyatt attacks him, Strowman fights back and he choke slams Wyatt onto a boat. The boat drifts down the swamp with Wyatt still in it, the boat comes back on its own and Strowman goes into the water to find that Wyatt is no longer in the boat. Wyatt comes out of the water and he tries drowning Strowman after attacking him with an oar, Strowman doesn’t drown and Wyatt disappears again. Strowman gets back on the dock and Wyatt stands over him before attacking him with an oar, Strowman fights back and Wyatt nails him with another oar. Strowman gets up and he knocks Wyatt into the swamp, Strowman belies the battle is over until Wyatt reappears and drags him back into the swamp. Wyatt and Strowman both go underwater and Wyatt briefly appears before the swamp turns red, The Fiend comes out of the water and the screen fades to black.

Match Result: No Contest

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