
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/10/20 Santos Escobar vs Oney Lorcan, Miles vs Mansoor

The leader of Legado Del Fantasma takes on the Boston Brawler tonight at 10pm EST!

Hey there Fight Fans we hope you enjoyed Smackdown on FOX and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Mansoor vs Tehuti Miles

Mansoor takes Miles down before Miles hits an arm drag and drops Mansoor with a shoulder block before Mansoor trips Miles and locks in a side headlock on the mat. Miles gets to his feet and they run the ropes before Miles trips Mansoor and Mansoor grabs the leg of Miles who backs into the ropes for the break and takes Mansoor down again. Mansoor gets back to his feet and hits several arm drags before Miles drives his knee into the midsection of Mansoor who sends Miles over the top rope and down onto the floor. Miles gets back inside and sweeps the leg of Mansoor before sending Mansoor throat first into the bottom rope and punches and stomps him down in the corner. Tehuti covers Mansoor for two and hits a neckbreaker for another two count before hitting a neckbreaker for the second time for yet another two count. Miles locks in a rear chin lock before Mansoor gets to his feet and sends Miles through the ropes and out of the ring. Miles sweeps Mansoor before Mansoor gets a near fall off a jack knife before Mansoor comes back with right hands and trips Miles before hitting an  inverted atomic drop into a spinebuster. Mansoor hits a slingshot neckbreaker from the apron and back into the ring for two before dragging Miles near the corner and climbing to the top before landing on his feet when he goes for a moonsault and Miles hits a flapjack. Miles then goes for a gut wrench powerbomb before Mansoor hits an enzuigiri into an electric chair driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor defeats Tehuti Miles via pinfall.

– We get a recap of the six man tag match from this week’s NXT between Legado Del Fantasma and Breezango and Drake Maverick in which Escobar pinned Drake with a Phantom Driver.

Santos Escobar vs Oney Lorcan

Santos takes Oney down to the mat before Oney covers Santos for a quick one count and Santos takes Oney down for a one count of his own. Santos backs Oney into the corner and focuses on his wrist before locking in a single leg Boston crab. Oney gets to the ropes for the break before Santos suplexes Oney and snaps his arm across the top rope before sending it into the post. Santos picks the leg of Oney and drags him out onto the apron before kicking his arm and splashing onto it and locking in a hammer lock with his leg. Santos then locks in a modified tequila sunrise before Oney comes back with a running uppercut with his good arm into a one armed running blockbuster and Santos hits the Phantom Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Santos Escobar defeats Oney Lorcan

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