
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 7/7/20 Sami Callihan Victorious over Josh Alexander

The Draw goes head go head with one half of the tag team champions tonight at 9pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey there Fight Fans, welcome to tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch.TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s in which Moose retained his TNA World title against Crazzy Steve and Sami Callihan joined forces with Ken Shamrock to get revenge on The North, setting up tonight’s main event between Sami and Josh. 

Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary w/John E. Bravo vs Susie & Kylie Rae

Susie and Rosemary start things off with Rosemary mocking her and calling her an idiot before Susie has a tantrum and Rosemary misses a running splash in the corner. Susie hits Rosemary with forearms in the corner and hits a monkey flip into a crucifix for a series of two counts before Rosemary rocks her with a stiff forearm and she falls back into the corner. Kylie tags herself in and ducks several strikes by Rosemary before Kylie and Susie double up on Rosemary and Susie drops Rosemary who spins around and falls into a tag to Taya. Kylie ducks a clothesline before hitting a hurricanrana and dragging Taya to the corner where she and Susie hit a double bulldog for two. John distracts the referee before Rosemary knees Susie from the apron and Taya clotheslines her for two before Rosemary comes in and boots Susie into a German suplex by Taya for two.

Rosemary mocks Kylie and misses splash, hitting Taya in the corner before Rosemary puts Susie in the Upside Down before Taya hits a running meteora in the corner for two. Kylie comes in and hits Rosemary with forearms before hitting a head scissors into an uppercut and cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Taya comes in and hits a northern lights suplex for two before Kylie superkicks her for a near fall that Rosemary breaks up and Kylie superkicks Rosemary before Susie and Rosemary are sent out of the ring. Kylie then submits Taya with Smile to the Finish for the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae and Susie defeat Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary via submission.

– After the match we go to Josh and Madison who break down the rest of tonight’s show and the card for Slammiversary as we go to commercial.

TJP & Fallah Ball vs XXXL vs The Deaners vs Reno Scum

Everyone hits a move until the action spills out of the ring and Jake hits a tope onto everyone else at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to RS doubling up on Cody before Cousin Jake gets taken out by Larry and Bahh hits Adam with a belly to belly before Luster drops him and Acey hits a running cross body. Bahh and TJP then brawl with Reno Scum to the back before Jake hits Larry with a spinning uranage for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Deaners defeat XXXL, Fallah Bahh, TJP and Reno Scum via pinfall.

– After the match we go backstage where TJP and Bahh are brawling with Reno Scum, using garbage cans and chairs as we go commercial.

– We come back from the break to Johnny Swinger finding Suicide’s mask and trying to put it on before it eventually fits and he leaves.

– We get this week’s IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a match between Tara and Angelina Love versus Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne in which The Beautiful People retained their Knockouts Tag Team titles as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Ken Shamrock walking backstage before Sami Callihan appears and Ken says they should work together tonight, but Sami is having none of it. Sami then says that they should use the name The World’s Most Dangerous Tag Tea if they win the tag belts at Slammiversary. Ken then agrees before Sami takes out his phone and disappears.

Jordynne Grace vs Kimber Lee

Kimber goes for a test of strength which Jordynne wins and takes Kimber down before getting two by pinning Kimber’s shoulders to the mat before Kimber get to her feet. Jordynne goes for the Grace Driver, but Kimber scrambles to the ropes for the break before Jordynne whips Kimber into opposite corner and hits a spinebuster for two. Lee drops Jordynne with an enzuigiri before kicking her in the spine for two and Jordynne counters a suplex into one of her own before slamming Kimber onto the mat several times whenever Kimber hits her with forearms. Jordynne hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall before Kimber drops Jordynne with several kicks and a swanton bomb for a near fall. Kimber then goes to hit Jordynne with a foreign object before Grace hits the Grace Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Kimber Lee via pinfall.

– After the match Deonna Purrazzo’s music hits and she appears on the big screen where she says that she’s going to win the title at Slammiversary and make Jordynne tap out or she’ll snap her arm.

– We get a video package for all of the competitors in the IMPACT World Championship Fatal Four Match at Slammiversary as we go to commercial.

– We come back from commercial to Johnny Swinger dressed in full Suicide gear walking up to Willie Mack and talking to him before Willie leaves.

– We get this week’s edition of Locker Room Talk with Madison going solo and interviewing herself where she announces that she’s going to come out of retirement at Slammiversary in the Knockouts Championship Number One Contender Match. Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz then interrupt Madison before they’re joined by Havok and Navaeh before the four start brawling as we go to commercial.

– We come back to an arm wrestling match between Hernandez and Rhino which abruptly ends with the words “To Be Continued..” on the screen before we go back to the ring for our next match.

Willie Mack vs Suicide (Johnny Swinger)

Suicide is all over Willie before he tries to hang in the ropes and falls down and Willie dropkicks him for two before Suicide rakes the eyes of Willie and puts him in an abdominal stretch. Willie then hip tosses Suicide and hits a jawbreaker and beats Willie down before falling off of the top turnbuckle before Willie hits a stunner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willie Mack defeats Suicide (Johnny Swinger) via pinfall.

– Backstage Tommy Dreamer is interviewed before he’s almost immediately interrupted by Moose who says that Tommy’s apology wasn’t sincere. Tommy then informs Moose that the TNA Championship Committee has made him the new number one contender for the TNA World title as Slammiversary.

Sami Callihan vs Josh Alexander w/Ethan Page

Sami drops Josh with a shoulder block before they run the ropes and Sami takes Josh down before Josh shoves him off when Sami gets in mount and Sami clotheslines Josh over the top rope. Josh gets caught coming back in and Sami hits a diving knee with Josh trapped in the ropes before Josh falls onto the floor. Sami tears at the face and eyes of Josh before turning his attention to Ethan and Josh hits Sami from behind before hitting him with forearms and Sami sends Josh into the railing. Sami then drops Josh with a boot after sending him into the railing at ringside as the referee checks on him as we go to commercial.

We come back to Sami in control in the ring before Josh trips Sami and drags him out of the ring before mocking him and teasing a piledriver that Sami turns into a DVD onto the floor. Josh suplexes Sami onto the apron and rolls back into the ring before Sami gets back in at the count of nine and Josh immediately stomps on him on the mat. Josh picks Sami up and drops him with a single strike before stomping on his ankles and hands before hitting a jumping knee drop for two. Josh hits Sami with forearms that just anger him before Josh hits Sami with a scoop slam and Sami comes back with back elbows and a running clothesline in the corner. Josh claps the ears of Sami before Sami turns him inside out and teases a piledriver before countering a suplex into a brainbuster for two before punching Josh in the corner. Josh hits a release spinning slam for two and locks in an ankle lock before Sami gets to the bottom rope for the break and Ethan mocks Sami by dangling his tag title belt in his face.

Josh chokes Sami on the apron and Sami rocks his eyes before hitting a piledriver onto the edge of the apron and tossing Josh back into the ring for a near fall. Ethan accidentally takes out the referee before Ethan goes for a piledriver and Ken Shamrock runs out and locks in an ankle lock to Ethan on the floor. Sami then hits Josh with a piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Josh Alexander via pinfall.

– After the match Sami is visibly upset that Ken came to help him before Sami shrugs and leaves as we go off the air.


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