
NJPW Dominion ‘20 Results: Evil Shocks The World, Plus Two More Title Matches

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IWGP World Heavyweight Championship
IWGP Intercontinental Championship

Evil def. Tetsuya Naito (c) to win the titles

IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kota Ibushi (c) to win the titles

NEVER Openweight Championship
Shingo Takagi (c) def. Sho to retain the title

Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Hirooki Goto)

Suzuki-Gun (Douki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado) def. Master Wato, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuya Uemura

Los Ingobernables (Sanada, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) def. Yota Tsuji & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Ryusuke Taguchi def. Gabriel Kidd & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna)

Gabriel Kidd & Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) vs. Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Ryusuke Taguchi

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Taguchi and Kidd, Kidd starts working over the arm of Taguchi and Taguchi does the same to him. Kidd gets Taguchi down while wrenching away on his arm, Taguchi gets Kidd in a headlock and Kidd gets free to exchange some pin attempts. Kojima and Homna are tagged in by their respective partners, Kojima rakes the eyes of Homna before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Homna recovers and he nails Kojima with a shoulder tackle before missing a kokeshi, Nagata tags in and he cracks Homna with some strikes and a kick to the face. Nagata keeps Homna down while holding him in a chin lock, Nagata releases the hold before tagging Kojima into the match. Kojima and Nagata nail Homna with a double shoulder tackle, Kojima corners Homna before landing machinegun chops. Homna fights back and he attacks Kojima with chops of his own, Kojima recovers and he nails Homna with another set of chops. Kojima goes to the top rope and he nails Homna with an elbow drop for a near fall, Taguchi tags back in and Homna quickly drops him with a DDT. Homna goes for a kokeshi and Taguchi gets out of the way, Taguchi goes for his own kokeshi and he misses as well.

Homna finally hits Taguchi with a kokeshi before tagging Makabe in, Makabe quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Makabe nails Kojima and Taguchi with some corner clotheslines, Makabe then hits Taguchi with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Taguchi fights back and he nails Makabe with a hip attack, Nagata tags in and he attacks Makabe with a few kicks. Makabe fights back and Nagata nails him with an exploder suplex, Makabe gets up and he nails Nagata with a clothesline. Kidd tags in and he drops Nagata with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Nagata quickly catches Kidd in the Nagata Lock and Homna breaks it up. Nagata then gets triple teamed by the opposing team, Nagata goes down and Kidd gets him in a Boston crab. Kojima and Taguchi hit the ring to break the submission attempt up, Kidd attacks Nagata with a few strikes. Nagata fights back to drop Kidd with a kick for a near fall, Nagata then hits Kidd with an exploder suplex before applying the cross face to force a tap out.

Winners: Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Ryusuke Taguchi

Yota Tsuji & Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano) vs. Los Ingobernables (Sanada, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

The match begins with Yano trying to remove a turnbuckle pad before getting attacked by Sanada, Yano removes a turnbuckle pad and he knocks it out of the ring. Sanada catches Yano in a roll up for a near fall, Sanada looks for a Paradise Lock and Yano gets to the ropes. Yano fights back and he drops Sanada with a hair pull, Tsuji tags in and he drops Sanada with a shoulder tackle. Tsuji follows up by nailing Sanada with a slam, Tsuji looks for a Boston crab and Sanada gets to the ropes. Sanada gets up and he nails a charging Tsuji with a drop kick to the knee, a brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place. Sanada gets Yano and Tsuji in Paradise Locks before landing a basement drop kick, Takahashi tags in and he attacks Tsuji with some chops. Takahashi follows up on that by throwing Tsuji into the exposed corner, Bushi tags in and he attacks Tsuji with more strikes and a neck breaker for a near fall. Tsuji fights back and he nails Bushi and an interfering Takahashi with slams, Ishii tags in and he immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Ishii eats a drop kick before dropping Bushi with a shoulder tackle, Yano hits the ring and he propels Sanada into the exposed corner. Bushi then hits a charging Ishii with a drop kick to the knee, Ishii looks for a brain buster and Bushi counters with a neck breaker.

Takahashi tags in and he nails Ishii with a running drop kick, Takahashi then hits Ishii with a running clothesline before Yano intervenes. Takahashi runs into Sanada before sending Ishii into Yano, Ishii recovers and he nails Takahashi with a back suplex. Tsuji tags in and he cracks Takahashi with a drop kick, Tsuji follows up by nailing Takahashi with a shoulder tackle and suplex for a near fall. Tsuji then gets Takahashi in a Boston crab and Takahashi gets to the ropes, Tsuji misses a charge in the corner before getting triple teamed by LIJ. Takahashi looks for a Time Bomb and Tsuji counters with a roll up for a near fall, Takahashi recovers and he drops Tsuji with a super kick for a near fall. Takahashi gets Tsuji in a Boston crab and a tap out follows.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Sanada, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

Master Wato, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuya Uemura vs. Suzuki-Gun (Douki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun getting jumped by the opposition before the bell sounds and the brawl spills all over the place, Kanemaru works over Wato on the arena floor. Tenzan battle Douki in the ring by attacking him with strikes, Tenzan nails Douki with a clothesline before tagging Wato in. Wato and Tenzan hit Douki with a double shoulder tackle, Kanemaru interferes and that allows Doouki to gain control. Wato fights back and he nails Douki with a drop kick, Tenzan tags in and he attacks Douki with multiple Mongolian chops. Desperado gets Tenzan out of the ring and he throws him into the barricade, another brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place. Kanemaru nails Wato with a DDT on the arena floor, Kanemaru tags in and he chokes Tenzan as he gets back in the ring. Desperado tags in and he triple teams Tenzan with Desperado and Douki, Douki tags back in and he nails Tenzan with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Kanemaru tags back in and he nails Tenzan with a few strikes, Tenzan fights back and he nails Kanemaru with a suplex. Douki tags in and Tenzan nails him with a spin kick to the head, Wato tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Wato clears the ring before taking out multiple opponents with a suicide dive, Wato gets Kanemaru back in the ring before landing a springboard European uppercut for a near fall.

Kanemaru recovers and he nails Wato with an enziguri followed by a reverse DDT for a near fall, Wato fights back and Kanemaru nails him with a drop kick. Desperado tags in and he immediately eats a drop kick from Wato, Uemura tags in and he attacks Desperado with strikes. Uemura quickly droops Desperado with a drop kick, Desperado then gets triple teamed by the opposing team. Wato nails a downed Desperado with a standing moonsault so Uemura can get a near fall on him, members of both teams do battle on the arena floor. Uemura then catches Desperado in a roll up for a near fall, Desperado uses a ref distraction to hit Uemura with a right followed by the Angel’s Wings for a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Douki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado)

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Hirooki Goto) vs. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori)

The match begins with Takahashi jumping Okada from behind, Ishimori joins in and he attacks Okada alongside Takahashi. Okada fights back and he nails Takahashi with a DDT, Okada throws Takahashi into the barricade after clearing the ring. Goto works over Ishimori on the other side of the ringside area, Takahashi fights back and he nails Okada with a fisherman buster suplex on the arena floor. Ishimori waits for Okada to get thrown back in the ring to get a few near falls on a few pin attempts, Ishimori keeps Okada down while applying a nerve hold to him. Takahashi tags in and he drops Okada before attacking him with strikes, Takahashi then hits a downed Okada with a basement drop kick. Takahashi follows up by trapping Okada in the ropes and kicking him in the head, Ishimori tags in and he applies a kravat to Okada. Ishimori gets Okada down before reapplying the kravat to him, Ishimori reapplies the nerve hold to a downed Okada. Okada fights back and he nails a charging Ishimori with a flapjack, Goto tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Ishimori tries fighting back and Goto levels him with a clothesline, Goto then nails Ishimori with a spin kick and back drop driver for a near fall. Ishimori fights back to drop Goto before landing a thrust kick, Takahashi tags in and he nails a cornered Goto with a boot to the face.

Takahashi then drops Goto before nailing him with a basement drop kick, Takahashi follows up by hitting Goto with a reverse DDT for a near fall. Goto tries fighting back and Ishimori attacks him from behind, Okada hits the ring and he nails Takahashi with a drop kick. Okada follows up by taking Ishimori out of the ring, Gedo interferes and he attacks Okada with a series of wrench shots. Goto then hits Takahashi with a ushigoroshi, Goto looks for a GTR and Ishimori attacks him from behind. Takahashi then hits Goto with Pimp Juice for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori)

NEVER Openweight Championship
Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Sho

The match begins with Takagi getting Sho in a headlock, Sho gets free and he exchanges shoulder tackles with Takagi until Takagi goes down. Sho then nails Takagi with a suplex before attempting to go for an arm bar, Takagi leaves the ring and Sho nails him with a penalty kick from the ring apron. Sho gets Takagi on the ring apron while attempting a German suplex, Takagi defends and Sho drop kicks him back to the arena floor. Takagi returns to the ring and he nails Sho with a shoulder tackle, Takagi knocks Sho out of the ring before sending him into the barricade a few times. Takagi gets Sho back in the ring before landing a suplex for a near fall, Takagi keeps Sho down while wrenching away on his arm and landing multiple elbow strikes to the head. Sho fights back and he drops Takagi before kicking him in the back, Takagi and Sho have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sho looks for a spear and Takagi blocks it before landing a DDT, Takagi misses a sliding forearm strike attempt and Sho then hits him with a spear. Sho knocks Takagi into the corner before landing a series of clotheslines, Sho then hits Takagi with a few German suplexes for a near fall. Sho gets Takagi up while wrenching away on his arm, Takagi fights back and he drops Sho after landing a series of strikes.

Takagi follows up by nailing Sho with a DDT for a near fall, Takagi looks for Made In Japan and Sho escapes to instead eat a back drop driver. Sho gets up and he nails Takagi with a release German suplex, Takagi fights back and both exchange strikes until they both go down. Takagi and Sho have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Sho nails Takagi with a knee strike and Takagi fires back with a lariat. Takagi then hits Sho with a sliding lariat and Made In Japan for a near fall, Sho fights back and he nails Takagi with a back stabber and pop up power bomb. Sho then hits Takagi with a power bomb back stabber, Sho follows up by crushing Takagi with a lariat. Sho then hits Takagi with a dead lift German suplex for a near fall, Takagi fights back and he manages to drop Sho. Takagi and Sho have another striking exchange near the ropes, Sho shoves the ref down before attacking Takagi with more strikes. Takagi recovers to hit Sho with knee strikes and a gut buster, Takagi then hits Sho with a Last Of The Dragon for a near fall. Takagi follows up by leveling Sho with a lariat for a one count, Sho escapes the grasp of Takagi to apply a sleeper hold before transitioning into an arm bar. Sho then spikes Takagi with a cross armed pile driver for a near fall, Takagi tries fighting back and Sho kicks his injured arm.

Sho follows up by going for the arm bar on Takagi, Sho transitions to a triangle choke and Takagi gets free to land a death valley driver. Sho fights back and Takagi nails him with a rope assisted GTR, Takagi then hits Sho with a Last Of The Dragon for a three count.

Winner: Shingo Takagi, still the NEVER Openweight Champion

After the match, El Desperado attacks Shingo Takagi. 

IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kota Ibushi (c) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi)

The match begins with Tanahashi and Ibushi jumping their foes and a brawl quickly breaks out between both teams, Tanahashi and Ibushi take turns double teaming their opponents. Tanahashi and Ibushi clear the ring before landing stereo dives on their opponents, Tanahashi gets ZSJ back in the ring to double team him alongside Ibushi. Ibushi tags in and Taichi attacks him, ZSJ knocks Tanahashi out of the ring before attacking Ibushi with some strikes. Taichi hits the ring and Ibushi nails him with a hurricarana, ZSJ recovers and he holds Ibushi in a leg lock. Taichi tags in and he tries crushing the head of a downed Ibushi, Taichi drops Ibushi again before kicking him in the back. Ibushi fights back and he nails a charging Taichi with a drop kick, Tanahashi tags in and he nails Taichi with a ton of strikes. Tanahashi then hits Taichi and ZSJ with dragon screw leg whips, Tanahashi slams Taichi next before landing a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall. Taichi recovers and he gets Tanahashi in a bulldog choke while ZSJ attacks Ibushi, Taichi drags Tanahashi out of the ring and he chokes him with a cable wire. Taichi gets Tanahashi back in the ring and he corners him before tagging ZSJ in, ZSJ grounds Tanahashi while applying a scarf hold to him.

ZSJ transitions to a kravat on Tanahashi after some interference from Taichi, ZSJ twists the next of Tanahashi before tagging Taichi in. Taichi keeps Tanahashi down while wrenching away on his head, ZSJ tags in and he drops Tanahashi before twisting his head again for a near fall. ZSJ keeps Tanahashi down while applying a head scissors to him, Tanahashi gets free and ZSJ gets him in an abdominal stretch. Tanahashi gets free and he nails ZSJ with a dragon screw leg whip, Ibushi tags in and he starts cleaning house against the opposing team. ZSJ recovers and he attacks the leg of Ibushi before tagging Taichi in, Taichi attacks Ibushi with some kicks and Ibushi responds with some of his own. Taichi gains control by cornering Ibushi and nailing him with a head kick, Taichi follows up by getting Ibushi in a dragon sleeper. Tanahashi hits the ring and ZSJ gets him in a guillotine choke, ZSJ transitions to a triangle choke against Tanahashi and Tanahashi gets free to get him in a cloverleaf. Tanahashi releases ZSJ so he can attack Taichi with a dragon sleeper of his own, Tanahashi and Ibushi then hits Taichi and ZSJ with double side effects. Ibushi then hits Taichi with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Ibushi follows up on that by nailing Taichi with a knee strike. ZSJ returns and he gets an unsuspecting Ibushi in a rear naked choke, ZSJ releases the hold so Taichi can nail Ibushi with a head kick and power bomb for a near fall.

Taichi goes for a super kick and Ibushi blocks it before landing a head kick, Tanahashi tags in and he nails Taichi with a sling blade. Taichi fights back and he levels Tanahashi with a head kick, ZSJ tags in and Tanahashi blocks his penalty kick attempt. Tanahashi quickly nails ZSJ with a Twist N’ Shout followed by a sling blade for a near fall, Tanahashi follows up by hitting ZSJ with a High Fly Flow. Taichi interferes and he nails Tanahashi with a head kick, Ibushi returns and he hits Taichi with a knee strike. ZSJ gets up and he blocks a knee strike to hit Ibushi with a Zack Driver, Tanahashi recovers and he nails ZSJ with another sling blade. Tanahashi goes for a High Fly Flow and ZSJ gets his knees up for a near fall, Taichi grabs his iron claw and he attacks Ibushi with it. Tanahashi battles Taichi and Taichi nails him with a back drop driver. ZSJ nails a trapped Tanahashi with a plethora of dragon screw leg whips, ZSJ and Taichi nail Tanahashi with a few more strikes. ZSJ then hits Tanahashi with a Zack Driver after a Taichi super kick to get a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi), your new IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship
IWGP Intercontinental Championship
Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Evil

The match begins with Evil leaving the ring and Naito nailing him with a baseball slide drop kick, Naito leaves the ring as well to the Evil into the barricade a few times. Naito drags Evil to the commentary area to smash his face into a table multiple times, Naito gets Evil back in the ring to attack him with some strikes. Naito traps Evil in the ropes while pulling backwards on his head, Naito drops Evil before stomping away on him. Evil fights back and he clotheslines Naito out of the ring, Evil follows him out there and he throws Naito into the barricade a few times. Evil traps the leg of Naito into the barricade before kicking away at it, Evil sets up a table near the ring before attacking Naito’s injured knee. Evil goes after Milano Collection AT and he throws him into the barricade, Evil again kicks away at the injured knee of Naito. Evil waits for Naito to get back in the ring before dropping him with a hard Irish whip into the exposed corner, Evil keeps Naito down while wrenching away on his injured leg. Naito fights back and he gets into a striking exchange with Evil, Naito tries fighting back and he eventually drops Evil with a drop kick. Naito follows up by dropping Evil and landing a basement drop kick, Naito also corners Evil before landing a slingshot drop kick.

Naito then drops Evil with a neck breaker for a near fall, Naito grounds Evil again before applying the leg assisted full nelson to him. Evil eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Evil fights back and he quickly drops Naito. Naito fights back again and he nails Evil with an atomic drop followed by some elbow strikes, Evil recovers and he attacks the injured knee of Naito. Evil drags Naito to the ring apron and Naito nails him with a neck breaker, Naito looks to put Evil through the table and Evil fights back to put Naito knee first through the table. Evil follows up on that by attempting to smash Naito’s injured knee with a steel chair, Naito beats the count back into the ring and Evil stomps away on his injured knee. Evil follows up on that by applying a sharp shooter to Naito, Naito eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt up. Evil then nails Naito with Darkness Falls for a near fall, Naito fights back and he nails Evil with a modified Destino. Naito and Evil get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Naito ends the exchange by nailing Evil with a tornado DDT. Naito then hits Evil with Gloria for a near fall, Naito then gets Evil on the top rope before landing a hurricarana.

Naito then connects with a running Destino on Evil for another near fall, Naito goes for another Destino and Evil sends him into the referee. Jado makes his way to the ring with a kendo stick in hand, Taiji Ishimori comes out and he nails Naito with a springboard seated senton. Hiromu Takahashi hits the ring and he takes care of Ishimori and Jado, Evil grabs a steel chair and he attacks Naito with it. Naito fights back and he cracks Evil with an enziguri, Naito then goes to the top rope and he nails Evil with a reverse tornado DDT for a near fall. Naito looks for Destino and Evil uses a ref distraction to land a low blow, a masked man comes to the ring and he attacks Naito before choking him with a cord. The ref gets distracted again and Evil nails Naito with another low blow, Evil then hits Naito with Everything Is Evil for a three count.

Winner: Evil, your new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion & IWGP Intercontinental Champion

After the match, the masked man reveals himself to be Dick Togo, Evil and Togo attack Tetsuya Naito until Hiromu Takahashi makes the save. 

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