
AEW Fyter Fest ’20 Night 2 Results: Tag Team Title Match, Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Fyter Fest ’20 Night 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AEW World Tag Team Title Match
Hangman Page & Kenny Omega (c) def. Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy) to retain the title

Chris Jericho def. Orange Cassidy

The Butcher, The Blade & The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) def. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Nyla Rose def. Kenzie Page & KiLynn King

Lance Archer def. Joey Janela

Colt Cabana & Dark Order (Brodie Lee & Stu Grayson) def. SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

AEW World Tag Team Title Match
Hangman Page & Kenny Omega (c) vs. Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy) w/Matt Hardy

The match begins with Omega working over the arm of Quen, Quen gets free and he drops Omega with a head scissors takedown. Quen gets Omega in a headlock and Omega gets free before eating a drop toe hold, Quen goes for a standing shooting star press and Omega gets his knees up. Page tags in and he double teams Quen alongside Omega, Page then hits Quen with a pump handle fall away slam for a near fall. Omega tags back in and he again double teams Quen with Page, Quen avoids the Kitaro Crusher to hit both opponents with drop kicks. Kassidy tags in and Private Party nails Omega with a Silly String, Page attacks Quen and he power bombs him into the crowd. Kassidy then does a suicide dive that takes Page and a lot of the crowd down, Kassidy gets back to the top rope and Omega gets his knees up on a swanton bomb attempt. Omega then nails Kassidy with a snap dragon suplex, Quen hits the ring to nail Omega with an enziguri before eating a boot to the face from Page. Omega and Page double team Quen, Private Party knocks Page out of the ring before nailing Omega with a standing Spanish Fly for a near fall. Kassidy and Omega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Kassidy ends the exchange by nailing Omega with a sling blade neck breaker for a near fall.

Quen tags in and he knocks Page off the ring apron, Omega attacks both opponents with strikes before eating an enziguri from Kassidy. Page tags in as Omega nails Private Party with a You Cannot Escape, Page then power bombs Quen onto Kassidy for a near fall. Page knocks Kassidy out of the ring before attacking Quen with chops, Kassidy returns to nail Page with head kicks alongside Quen. Kassidy then nails Omega with a dive that sends both crashing to the arena floor, Quen goes to the top rope and Page avoids his leap. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat and Kassidy blocks it, Kassidy then hits Page with a flat liner on the entrance stage. Quen goes back to the top rope and he nails Page with a shooting star press for a near fall, Omega hits the ring and Kassidy knocks him out of it. Kassidy tags in and Omega nails him with a V Trigger to block Gin & Juice, Page then hits Quen with a super power bomb. Page and Omega nail Kassidy with the Last Call for a three count.

Winners: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. Joey Janela

The match begins with Archer tossing a knocked out Sonny Kiss onto Janela, Janela leaves the ring and Archer follows him out there to throw him into the barricade. Archer also attacks Janela with a plethora of strikes, Archer gets Janela back in the ring and Janela keeps him on the outside by landing a drop kick. Janela then takes out Archer with a dive from the top rope, Janela sets up a table on the arena floor while attacking Archer with strikes. Janela gets a chair before climbing to the top rope, the referee takes the chair from him and Archer knocks a distracted Janela off the ropes and into the ring. Archer quickly nails a dazed Janela with the pounce before choking him on the top rope, Archer keeps Janela down while stomping away on him. Archer then drops Janela with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Janela gets up and Archer drops him with a right. Archer attacks Janela with more strikes as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Janela attacking Archer with a bunch of strikes. Archer ends that by nailing Janela with a suplex throw, Kiss jumps on the ring apron and the distraction allows Janela to land more strikes on Archer. Janela attacks Archer with a bunch of clotheslines and Archer responds by knocking him to the ring apron, Archer goes for Blackout and Janela counters for a near fall.

Janela then nails a cornered Archer with a running forearm strike, Archer tries fighting back before Janela nails him with a super kick and knee strike. Roberts hops on the ring apron to distract the ref and that allows Janela and Kiss to double team Archer for a near fall, Janela goes back to the top rope and Archer meets him up there. Archer goes to the ring apron and he nails Janela with a Blackout through the table, Archer gets Janela back in the ring to get a pin and the three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

– A Darby Allin video airs, Allin says he hasn’t forgotten about Brian Cage before doing a Coffin Drop off the top of a cherry picker.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Taz and Brian Cage, Taz talks about the AEW World Heavyweight Title Match that was supposed to happen tonight. Taz says Cage will win the AEW World Heavyweight Title next week, Taz then unveils the FTW World Championship belt. Taz talks about how the wrestling fans recognize and respect whomever the FTW World Champion is, Taz then presents the FTW World Championship to Cage.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Butcher, The Blade & The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

The match begins with Pentagon Jr throwing his glove at Hardwood and Harwood tags in, Harwood attacks the arm of Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr gets free and he slaps Harwood across the face, Harwood responds by getting into a striking exchange with Pentagon Jr. Harwood ends the exchange by nailing Pentagon Jr with a back elbow strike, Wheeler tags in and he nails the arm of Pentagon Jr with a middle rope knee strike. Harwood tags back in and he stomps on the arm of a downed Pentagon Jr, Pentagon Jr fights back and he nails Harwood with a few strikes. Fenix tags in and he double teams Harwood with Pentagon Jr, Fenix nails Harwood with a springboard head kick for a near fall. Harwood fights back and he nails a charging Fenix with a clothesline, Wheeler tags in and he double teams Fenix with Harwood for a near fall. Matt tags himself in and he attacks Fenix with some strikes, Fenix escapes and he tags Blade into the match. Matt drops Blade before tagging Nick into the match, The Bucks double tea Blade before nailing multiple opponents with missile drop kicks. Butcher and Blade recover and they double team Nick, Blade nails Nick with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Pentagon Jr tags back in and he nails Nick with a springboard cross body block, Butcher hits the ring and he nails Nick with an assisted uranage.

Fenix tags in and he gets Nick to the top rope before eating a super hurricarana, Wheeler tags in and he double teams Fenix with Matt. A brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the arena, Butcher tags in and he gets Wheeler back into the ring before attacking him with strikes. Blade tags in and he works with Butcher to double team Wheeler, Wheeler starts fighting back and Blade corners him before Fenix tags in. Fenix corners Wheeler before landing an uppercut to the face, Blade tags in and he attacks the back of Wheeler. Blade throws Wheeler out of the ring and Fenix works him over with strikes, Harwood goes for the save and Butcher nails him with a clothesline. Wheeler is thrown back in the ring and Blade gets him in a modified chin lock, Wheeler fights back and he nails Blade with a back body drop. Matt and Fenix are tagged in by their respective partners, Matt quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Matt nails Pentagon Jr with a sliced bread before dropping Fenix and diving onto Butcher and Blade, matt returns to the top rope and he nails Fenix with an elbow drop for a near fall. Fenix fights back and he nails Matt with a spinning head kick, Blade tags in and Harwood tags in a short time later. Harwood nails Blade with a DDT before getting attacked by Butcher, Harwood and Matt take out Butcher with a double super kick.

Fenix hits the ring before getting nailed by a Goodnight Express from Nick and Wheeler, Wheeler then hits Butcher with a DDT on the ring apron. Harwood and Matt nail Blade with a spike pile driver for a near fall, members of both teams start battling on the arena floor. Nick winds up getting tagged in and Blade gets quadruple teamed for a near fall, Pentagon Jr tags in and Matt gets a tag a few moments later. Pentagon Jr and Matt have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, The Bucks set up for a Meltzer Driver and Fenix prevents it. Fenix nails Matt with a destroyer onto a bunch of wrestlers on the arena floor, Lucha Bros go for their finisher and Harwood breaks it up. Matt then accidentally nails Harwood with a super kicks, Pentagon Jr and Fenix nail Matt with a double package pile driver for a three count.

Winners: The Butcher, The Blade & The Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

– Big Swole is shown arriving to the arena and she is informed that she isn’t allowed in the arena tonight, Swole is also served with papers notifying her that she is suspended and she says it’s a trick from Dr. Britt Baker.

Handicap Match
Nyla Rose vs. Kenzie Page & KiLynn King

The match begins with King immediately tagging Page into the match, Rose then drops a charging Page with a clothesline. Rose follows up with a headbutt and slam on Page, Rose then nails Page with a leg drop before cornering her and landing shoulder thrusts. Rose then tosses Page across the ring, King tags in and she attacks Rose with a few strikes to her back region. King jumps on the back of Rose while applying a sleeper hold, Rose gets free and she attacks both opponents. Rose swings Page into King before throwing Page into her, Rose power bombs Page onto King for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose

After the match, Nyla Rose gets the microphone and she says that actions speak louder than words. Rose talks about how a bunch of great wrestlers in AEW have managers, Rose says she hired a manager and she won’t reveal who that person is right now. Rose talks about how a lot of wrestlers have been led to championship glory with managers.

– A trainer is shown working over an injured Colt Cabana earlier in the day, Mr. Brodie Lee arrives and he promises Cabana won’t get injured while the Dark Order has his back. Lee says he expects Cabana to compete tonight before helping him off the trainers table.

SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Colt Cabana & Dark Order (Brodie Lee & Stu Grayson)

The match begins with Lee immediately tagging Grayson into the match, Grayson gets Daniels in a headlock and Daniels gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Daniels gets Grayson down before working over his arm, Grayson gets free and he nails Daniels with a forearm strike. Grayson follows up by nailing Daniels with a drop kick for a near fall, Daniels recovers and he nails Grayson with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Kazarian tags in and he double teams Grayson with Daniels, Kazarian then sends a charging Grayson into the ropes before landing a release German suplex for a near fall. Sky tags in and he double teams Grayson alongside Kazarian, Sky rakes the eyes of Grayson before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Grayson recovers and he drops Sky with an overhead kick, Cabana tags in and Sky attacks his injured rib cage. Cabana fights back and Sky cracks him with a knee strike, Grayson interferes and he attacks Sky to cause a brawl between both teams. Lee nails Sky with a dragon suplex as the brawl settles down, Cabana corners Sky and he tags Lee into the match. Lee keeps Sky cornered and he attacks him with strikes, Lee follows up by slingshotting Sky into the middle rope.

Cabana tags back in and he stomps away on a downed Sky, Grayson tags in and he attacks a downed Sky with a ton of strikes. Sky tries fighting back and Grayson knocks him to the ring apron before landing a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Lee tags in and he attacks Sky with some strikes. Lee downs Sky before landing multiple strikes to his back, Cabana tags back in and he nails a trapped Sky with more strikes. Grayson tags in and he triple teams Sky with his partners for a near fall, Cabana tags back in and Sky fights back against the opposition. Sky knocks Grayson out of the ring before nailing Cabana with a neck breaker, Lee tags in and Kazarian gets a tag a short time later. Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kazarian goes after Grayson and that allows Lee to gain control. Daniels hits the ring and he knocks Kazarian onto Lee for a near fall, Daniels tags in and Lee nails him and Kazarian with super kicks. Grayson tags in as Sky drop kicks Lee out of the ring, Kazarian nails Grayson with a slingshot cutter before eating a sidewalk slam from Lee. Daniels knocks Lee out of the ring before nailing him with a suicide dive, Daniels then hits Grayson with a uranage and moonsault for a near fall. Cabana hits the ring and the distraction allows Lee to nail Daniels with a discus lariat, Cabana tags in and he gets a three count on a downed Daniels.

Winners: Colt Cabana & Dark Order (Brodie Lee & Stu Grayson)

– Big Swole comes through the crowd to confront Dr. Britt Baker, Swole throws a piece of paper at Rebel and she accidentally hits Baker when reacting to it.

Chris Jericho w/Santana & Ortiz vs. Orange Cassidy

The match begins with Cassidy nailing Jericho with a headbutt followed by a drop kick, Jericho leaves the ring and Cassidy nails him with a suicide dive. Cassidy follows up on that by attacking Jericho with a ton of strikes before throwing him into the barricade, Cassidy gets Jericho back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body. Jericho fights back and he blocks a tornado DDT before getting Cassidy in the Lion Tamer, Jericho releases the hold and Ortiz attacks Cassidy with the loaded sock while Jericho distracted the ref. Jericho then nails Cassidy with a back suplex, Jericho keeps Cassidy down while attacking his injured back with strikes. Jericho gets Cassidy up before dropping him with a back breaker, Jericho then drops Cassidy with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Cassidy fights back and he catches Jericho in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Jericho tries fighting back and he misses a charge in the corner. Cassidy winds up crashing to the arena floor after missing a superman punch, Jericho follows up by nailing Cassidy with a baseball slide drop kick. Jericho also leaves the ring and he drops Cassidy on top of the barricade, Jericho waits for Cassidy to get to the ring apron before suplexing him back into the ring for a near fall.

Jericho keeps Cassidy down while briefly applying a chin lock to him, Cassidy starts fighting back and Jericho levels him with a clothesline for a near fall. Jericho then nails Cassidy with a back suplex followed by a back breaker, Jericho then stretches Cassidy on his back. Cassidy gets free and Jericho gets him in an abdominal stretch, Cassidy gets free and he drops Jericho with a hip toss. Cassidy and Jericho have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Jericho ends that by getting Cassidy on the ring apron before landing a shoulder tackle to knock Cassidy into the barricade. Jericho leaves the ring and he throws Cassidy into the barricade before getting him back in the ring, Cassidy fights back and he attacks Jericho with a ton of strikes. Cassidy follows up by nailing Jericho with a middle rope hurricarana, Cassidy fakes a few strikes before leveling Jericho with a super kick for a near fall. Cassidy goes to the top rope and Jericho meets him up there, Jericho looks for a superplex and Cassidy defends against it before knocking Jericho to the match below. Cassidy then hits Jericho with a top rope splash for a near fall, Jericho recovers and he knocks Cassidy to the ring apron. Jericho misses a dive and he crashes to the arena floor, Cassidy then takes out everybody with a suicide dive.

Cassidy gets Jericho back in the ring before landing a top rope diving DDT for a near fall, Cassidy goes for a superman punch and Jericho counters to get him in the Lion Tamer. Cassidy rolls through and he catches Jericho in a roll up for a near fall, Cassidy gets up and he drops Jericho with a right. Santana interferes and he throws orange juice into Cassidy’s eyes, Best Friends hit the ring to battle Santana and Ortiz. Jericho nails Cassidy with a baseball bat and Code Breaker for a near fall, Jericho drops Cassidy before missing a Lionsault. Cassidy nails Jericho with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Cassidy and Jericho have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Jericho goes for a suplex and Cassidy counters with a stunner followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cassidy goes for the superman punch and Jericho counters with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winner: Chris Jericho w/Santana & Ortiz

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