
The Undertaker: I’m One Of The Original Paul Heyman Guys

The concept of a “Paul Heyman Guy” was born in 2011 when CM Punk noted that he was a “Paul Heyman Guy” because Heyman saw something in him and believed him.

Even before 2011, plenty of guys were “Paul Heyman Guys” due to their relationship with him in ECW and prior. Even The Undertaker, who has only been paired against Heyman on WWE television, is a “Paul Heyman Guy.”

“For someone that’s been in the business as long as I have, I’m still last to the party for a lot of things,” said Undertaker in an interview with Sports Illustrated. “Being a ‘Paul Heyman Guy,’ I’d heard that for years but never thought much about it. One day I realized, ‘Well shoot, I’m a Paul Heyman Guy.’ First I was with Danny Spivey in WCW and we were the Skyscrapers, and Teddy Long was our manager. Danny left, and it was just me. That’s when they brought Paul into the company and put him with me. We traveled together and made all the towns together, and Paul really came to be a beneficial part of my career. Paul was friends with Bruce Prichard, and those two opened up a line of conversation about coming to the WWE.”

Undertaker continued, “Paul played a pivotal part in keeping the lines of communication open with WWE. Paul was talking to Bruce Prichard, and Bruce was talking to Vince. Paul pushed Bruce, and I finally got that meeting with Vince. So hindsight being 20/20, I am one of the original ‘Paul Heyman Guys.’”

Upon reading that The Undertaker is a “Paul Heyman Guy,” Heyman took to social media to react.

Heyman managed CM Punk and Brock Lesnar during their respective matches against The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Heyman was in Lesnar’s corner at WrestleMania 30 when Taker’s famed WrestleMania streak was broken.

On the series finale of The Last Ride, Undertaker announced that he has no desire to return to the ring, but never used the word “retirement.” You can find his full comments by clicking here.

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