
NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Day 2 Results: Okada, Nagata, Kanemaru & Ishimori Advance

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Day 2. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh) def. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Shingo Takagi)

NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Opening Round Matches

Kazuchika Okada def. Gedo
Yuji Nagata def. Minoru Suzuki
Yoshinobu Kanemaru def. Yuya Uemura
Taiji Ishimori def. Gabriel Kidd

NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Opening Round Match
Taiji Ishimori vs. Gabriel Kidd

The match begins with Kidd working over the arm of Ishimori, Kidd gets Ishimori down while still attacking his arm. Ishimori gets free and he gets Kidd in a headlock, Kidd gets free and he drops Ishimori with a shoulder tackle. Ishimori gets to the ropes and he sends Kidd out of the ring a short time later, Ishimori follows Kidd out of the ring to attack him with strikes. Ishimori follows up on that by throwing Kidd into the barricade, Ishimori gets Kidd back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Kidd gets up and Ishimori gets him in a kravat while landing multiple knee strikes. Ishimori traps Kidd while raking his exposed back, Kidd tries fighting back and Ishimori levels him with a few chops for a near fall. Ishimori sends Kidd into the corner before attacking him with more strikes, Ishimori then hits Kidd with a running double knee strike. Ishimori leaps off the top rope and Kidd nails him with a drop kick, Kidd then hits Ishimori with a running back elbow strike and a scoop slam. Kidd follows up by nailing Ishimori with a suplex for a near fall, Ishimori recovers and he cracks a charging Kidd with a pump kick.

Ishimori goes for a springboard hurricarana and Kidd counters by getting him in a Boston crab, Ishimori gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Ishimori recovers and he nails Kidd with a handspring enziguri for a near fall, Ishimori catches Kidd in a cross face and a tap out follows.

Winner: Taiji Ishimori

NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Opening Round Match
Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Yuya Uemura

The match begins with Uemura attacking Kanemaru as he enters the ring, both competitors take the brawl to the arena floor. Uemura gains control and he gets Kanemaru back in the ring before landing a slam for a near fall, Uemura keeps Kanemaru down while holding him in a headlock. Kanemaru gets free and Uemura drops him with a shoulder tackle, Kanemaru leaves the ring and Uemura follows him out there. Kanemaru gains control and he throws Uemura into the barricade a few times, Kanemaru follows up on that by knocking Uemura over the barricade. Kanemaru gets into the ring and he attacks the neck of Uemura when he returns to the ring, Kanemaru keeps Uemura down while holding him in a head scissors. Kanemaru releases the hold after spiking Uemura head first into the mat, Kanemaru then hangs Uemura upside down in the corner. Kanemaru chokes Uemura a few times before the referee frees him from the corner, Kanemaru keeps Uemura down while stomping away on him. Kanemaru then droops Uemura again with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Kanemaru goes for a suplex and Uemura winds up landing one of his own. Uemura follows up by nailing a charging Kanemaru with a drop kick, Uemura connects with a springboard cross body block next for a near fall.

Uemura follows up by landing a double arm trap suplex for another near fall, Kanemaru recovers by using a ref distraction to hit Uemura with multiple kicks. Kanemaru grabs his whiskey bottle and the ref takes it from him, Uemuura shocks Kanemaru with a few roll ups for a few near falls. Kanemaru fights back and he nails a charging Uemura with a drop kick, Kanemaru then hits Uemura with a back suplex and reverse DDT for a near fall. Kanemaru lands Deep Impact on Uemura for a three count.

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh) vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Shingo Takagi)

The match begins with Bushi and Yoh taking turns working over each others arms, Bushi rakes the eyes of Yoh before landing a few strikes. Yoh recovers to hit Bushi with arm drags and a drop kick, Goto tags in and he works over the arm of Bushi. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he attacks the arms of Bushi alongside Goto, Goto then hip tosses Yoshi-Hashi onto Bushi for a near fall. Evil interferes and that starts a brawl between both teams that spills all over the arena, Bushi works over Yoshi-Hashi as everybody else brawls outside the ring. Evil tags in and he attacks the arm of Yoshi-Hashi, Yoshi-Hashi tries fighting back and Evil drops him before landing a senton for a near fall. Sanada tags in and he gets Yoshi-Hashi into an abdominal stretch, Sanada releases the hold to get a near fall on Yoshi-Hashi. Takagi tags in and he corners Yoshi-Hashi before landing multiple shoulder thrusts, Goto interferes and Takagi drops him alongside Yoshi-Hashi. Yoshi-Hashi fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Takagi, Yoshi-Hashi ends the exchange by nailing Takagi with a Headhunter. Sho tags in and he immediately starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Sho drills Takagi with a spear followed by a suplex for a near fall.

Sho attacks Takagi with multiple lariats and knee strikes, Takagi recovers and he nails Sho with a release German suplex. Sho gets right back up and he drops Takagi with a clothesline, Yoh and Bushi are tagged in and they immediately exchange strikes. Yoh drops Bushi before nailing him with a basement drop kick, Yoh then hits Bushi with a bridging suplex for a near fall. Bushi fights back and he drops Yoh with a DDT, Bushi follows up on that by nailing Yoh with a rebound kick. Yoh recovers and he drops Bushi before tagging Goto into the match, the rest of LIJ hits the ring and they quadruple team Goto for a near fall. Bushi then hits Goto with a spinning fisherman suplex for a near fall, Bushi goes for MX and Goto avoids it. Everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out, Goto nails Bushi with a ushigoroshi and GTR for a three count.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Sho & Yoh)

NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Opening Round Match
Yuji Nagata vs. Minoru Suzuki

The match begins with Suzuki and Nagata exchanging a ton of strikes right as the bell sounds, the exchange continues for a long time until Suzuki trips up Nagata and applies a knee bar to him. Nagata eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Nagata leaves the ring and Suzuki follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade. Suzuki grabs a chair and the referee takes it from him, Suzuki finds a bucket and he attacks Nagata with it. Suzuki also finds a water bottle and he attacks Nagata with that as well, Suzuki goes for the chair again and the ref prevents him from using it. Suzuki shoves the ref away before attacking Nagata with a steel chair, Nagata tries fighting Suzuki and Suzuki traps his arm in the barricade before wrenching away on it. Nagata gets back in the ring and Suzuki attacks him with more strikes, Suzuki leaves the ring and he drags Nagata to the ring post before wrenching away on his legs. Suzuki gets back in the ring and he stomps away on a downed Nagata, Nagata gets up and Suzuki attacks him with more strikes. Suzuki keeps Nagata cornered before landing a running boot to the face, Suzuki goes for a penalty kick and Nagata blocks it before dropping Suzuki. Nagata then lands a penalty kick of his own on the downed Suzuki, Suzuki stays down as Nagata attacks him with more kicks.

Nagata looks for an exploder suplex and Suzuki counters with a front choke, Nagata gets free and he attacks the arm of Suzuki. Nagata follows Suzuki around the ring while kicking his injured arm, Suzuki recovers and he catches Nagata in a sleeper hold. Suzuki releases the hold to get a near fall on a downed Nagata, Suzuki reapplies the sleeper hold and he releases it to go for a Gotch Style Pile Driver. Nagata defends against the hold and Suzuki levels him with a knee strike, Suzuki looks for the pile driver again and Nagata counters with a back body drop. Another striking exchange quickly breaks out between Suzuki and Nagata, Suzuki ends the exchange with headbutts that send both falling to the mat below. Suzuki and Nagata get up to start attacking striking exchange, Nagata ends the exchange by nailing Suzuki with a bridging suplex from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Yuji Nagata

– Gedo comes to the ring wearing a brace around his arm and he says a few things in Japanese before Kazuchika Okada interrupts and comes to the ring.

NJPW New Japan Cup ‘20 Opening Round Match
Kazuchika Okada vs. Gedo

The match begins with Gedo pulling out a spray can from his arm brace and Okada prevents him from using it, Gedo then volunteers to lose to Okada and Okada stomps away on him. Okada checks Gedo’s jacket and he finds a pair of brass knuckles in it, Gedo takes a wrench out of his jacket and he attacks Okada with it. Okada falls out of thee ring and Gedo continues attacking him with the wrench, Gedo then sends Okada into the barricade a few times. Gedo finds a table and he attacks Okada with it, Gedo gets back in the ring and he attacks Okada when he returns to the ring. Gedo knocks Okada back out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade again, Gedo finds a steel chair and he attacks Okada with it. Gedo gets Okada back in the ring before stomping away on his injured midsection, Okada fights back and he drops Gedo with a boot to the face. Gedo gets up and Okada nails him with some forearm strikes, Okada then hits Gedo with an avalanche and DDT for a near fall. Okada goes to the top rope and Gedo leaves the ring to avoid him, Gedo grabs the ring bell hammer and he attacks Okada with it. Okada gets back in the ring and Gedo stomps away on him, Okada tries fighting back and he misses a drop kick attempt on Gedo.

Gedo keeps Okada down while holding him in a modified bow and arrow stretch, Okada eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Okada fights back and he drops Gedo with a modified neck breaker, Okada follows up on that by nailing Gedo with a series of strikes. Gedo recovers and he knocks Okada into the ref before landing a low blow, Gedo grabs a pair of brass knuckles and he nails Okada with them. Gedo then catches Okada in a roll up for a near fall, Gedo sets up for a Switchblade and Okada avoids it. Jado comes to the ring to distract the ref and Gedo gets the brass knuckles again, Okada nails Gedo with a series of drop kicks and Gedo drops the knuckles. Okada follows up by nailing Gedo with a tombstone pile driver, Okada applies a cobra clutch to a downed Gedo and a tap out follows.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

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